August 09
Genome for Nasonia wasp
now complete
Científicos del ARS secuencian
el genoma de una avispa parásita útil
forecasts plentiful soybean crop
July 09
Chocolate pod, caused by a strain
of the clover yellow vein virus, is not so sweet for bean
La enfermedad
“vaina de chocolate” no es tan dulce para los cultivadores de
U.S. census of
agriculture data available by ZIP code
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 15 new plant varieties
USDA/ARS scientists identify North American genotypes of rush
skeletonweed, Chondrilla juncea
identifican los genotipos norteamericanos del yuyo esqueleto
California firm pays
$1,225 to settle seed case
U.S. national and
state carrot statistics
CSIRO and USDA awarded
A$1.6 million grant to increase the understanding of genes
responsible for growth and yield in grasses for use as
bio-energy and food crops
USDA/NASS releases new
geospatial data products - Satellite images show ag land cover
for 2008 crop year
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary Vilsack and Energy Secretary Chu announce $6.3 million
for biofuels research
USDA/ARS scientists
identify weevil as biocontrol for garlic mustard
Científicos identifican un gorgojo como un agente de
biocontrol contra la hierba del ajo
- Canada, organics
- Egypt, agricultural
West Africa cotton
price and policy update
Czech scientists recommend better EU biotech policy
- German court
confirms cultivation ban of MON 810
- Mexico creates
technical committee for GMOs
- Tomatoes and
products annual, Mexico
USDA/ARS scientists formulate
biologically based herbicide to take on kudzu
identificado para controlar el kudzu
USDA/ARS research promotes sustainable potato production
Investigaciones del ARS promueven la producción sostenible de
las papas
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 16 new plant varieties
U.S. Federal Register:
User fees - Export
certification for plants and plant products
USDA/ARS releases new
leaf lettuce breeding lines with corky root resistance
Nuevas líneas de la lechuga de hoja que resisten el
acorchamiento de la raíz
June 09
USDA/ERS report:
Adoption of genetically engineered crops in the U.S.
- Tomatoes and
products annual, Brazil
- Are trade policies
implicated in plant-disease spread?
- Mexico cancels
outdated biotech regulation
- Tomatoes and
products annual, Turkey
U.S. crop acreage is
down slightly in 2009, but corn and soybean acres are up
Shedding light on fescue toxicosis
información sobre la toxicosis por festuca
USDA/ARS sunflower
research boosted by new state-of-the-art equipment
Investigaciones por ARS sobre el girasol se benefician del
equipo más avanzado
U.S. Department of
Agriculture announces $176 million in recovery act funding to
improve research capacity at laboratories in 29 states
- The unexplored
potential of organic-biotech production
- Serbia: new law
prohibits trade or commercial growing of GMO
Destruction of biotech
fields continues in Germany
Scientists examine
genetic clues to help biocontrol agents survive longer
Pirate bug tag-team spells double trouble for thrips
chinches piratas amenazan los trips
U.S. Department of
Agriculture announces US-Canada agreement for organic trade
A new book, Modification of
Seed Composition to Promote Health and Nutrition, offers the
most up-to-date information on biotechnological improvements of
Un nuevo libro, titulado
"Modificación de la Composición de Semillas para Promover Salud
y Nutrición", ofrece la información más actualizada sobre la
utilización de biotecnología para mejorar los componentes
importantes de semillas
Researchers testing
“one-two punch” against disease-spreading thrips
Investigadores están probando una nueva estrategia contra los
Italy, tomato annual
public comment on biotechnology quality management system
Golden success for Yukon Gem
yellow-fleshed potato
Una nueva
papa desarrollada por los científicos del ARS es sabrosa y
USDA/APHIS reopens
public comment period on deregulation of genetically engineered
Inside look at cellulose provides insight into cotton crystals
Estudio de la celulosa provee una mejor comprensión sobre los
cristales del algodón
Emerging issues in the
U.S. organic industry
USDA/ARS scientists sequence the
genome of Nosema ceranae, an invasive parasite that can
kill honey bees
del ARS secuencian el genoma de un parásito de las abejas de
Karnal bunt regulations in California
Clues on corn yields, weather
conditions and climate patterns
sobre rendimientos de maíz, condiciones del tiempo y
patrones de clima
U.S. Department of
Agriculture allows importation into the continental United
States of commercial consignments of fresh eggplant from
U.S. Department of
Agriculture seeks comments on field release of genetically
engineered eucalyptus hybrid
"Junk" DNA proves
to be highly valuable
El ADN basura demuestra ser altamente valioso
U.S. National Arboretum opens
new "Living Gardens Catalog" exhibit
Arboreto abre una nueva exposición llamada "Catálogo vivo de
May 09
Annual tomatoes and
products report, China
Watermelons tapped for
Utilizando la sandía para la producción de etanol
Highlights of Canada's
March 2009 seeding intentions for principal grain and feed crops
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary announces economic recovery projects for invasive
USDA/ARS preserves
plants and animals for future needs
USDA/ARS preserva plantas y animales para el futuro
Study finds sugar beet
varieties react equally to nitrogen applications
Estudio muestra que diferentes variedades de la remolacha
azucarera reaccionan del mismo modo a las aplicaciones de
Online peanut warehouse ventilation calculator available
Calculador de ventilación en almacenes de cacahuetes ahora
disponible en línea
New GMO law still to be
enforced in Bosnia and Herzegovina while import ban remains
Reduction or
removal of rice and corn planting seed subsidy in The
U.S. agriculture
census data now available by congressional district -
Profiles provide snapshot of local agriculture
A better
understanding of a major threat to wheat
Una mejor comprensión de una amenaza importante al trigo
April 09
invasive plants take over
Las razones del éxito de las
plantas invasoras
final rule regarding potato cyst nematode quarantine in Idaho
Sugar beets and sugar
situation in the Ukraine during the economic crisis
biocontrol for a wide-ranging thrips
Armas naturales
contra el trips amarillo
US Department of
Agriculture to conduct first wide-scale survey of organic
USDA/ARS develops
new russet potato germplasm line resistant to Columbia root-knot
Nueva papa
resistente a un nematodo
Georgia firm pays
$11,375 to settle seed case
German biotech
industry and researchers kick back
USDA/ARS releases Iceberg
lettuce breeding lines resistant to bacterial leaf spot
líneas de lechuga tienen resistencia a la mancha foliar
removes 37 fields from the potato cyst nematode quarantine
area in Idaho
The 2008/2009
World Economic Crisis: What It Means for U.S. Agriculture
U.S. Public
Agricultural Research: Changes in Funding Sources and Shifts
in Emphasis, 1980-2005
Oregon firm pays
$7,475 to settle seed case
March 09
EU-27 planting seeds
U.S. Department of
Agriculture expects total 2009 corn, soybean acres to be on a
par with last year
Bacteria tapped to
battle crop-damaging roundworms
Científicos identifican bacterias que pueden combatir los
gusanos que dañan cultivos
USDA agencies sign
National Clean Plant Network memorandum of understanding
Scientists identify rust resistance genes in soybeans
identifican los genes de soya que proveen resistencia contra la
USDA/CSREES announces
agriculture and food research initiative funding opportunities
New U.S. law modifies
Specialty Crop Research Initiative competitive grants program
approach could improve safety assessments of biocontrol
Mejorando las
evaluaciones de seguridad de patógenos como agentes de
new USDA/ARS ornamental peppers released in the U.S.
pimientos ornamentales listos para el mercado
Collectively facing
Ug99, a new stem
rust to which most of the wheat and barley grown in the world
has no resistance
Problems with the
draft cultivation law and Poland votes against new GMOs
USDA/APHIS holds scoping meeting on proposed rule for
biotechnology regulations, extends comment period on proposed
Idaho firm pays
$8,450 to settle seed case
Two top-notch USDA/ARS barleys
for bovines
Dos nuevas cebadas superiores
para los bovinos
February 09
USDA's Role in the
Export of Genetically Engineered Agricultural Commodities
Discovery may
solve devastating rust fungus issue for dry and snap bean
Descubrimiento podría resolver un problema grave para los
cultivadores de judías
Sorting seeds, saving water
semillas de malezas mientras ahorrando agua
German Ag Minister
considers cultivation ban for MON 810
carotenoids affected by UV light in greenhouse
Carotenoides de lechuga afectados por la luz UV en el
USDA/ARS researchers and
cooperators discover wheat gene with resistance to stripe rust
Científicos del ARS
y sus colaboradores han descubierto un gen que protege el trigo
USDA/ARS ships more seeds to
genebank facility in Norway's Svalbard Global Seed Vault
envía más semillas al banco de genes en Noruega
French biotech
policy measures bogged down
Determining rice
gene function: unlocking the secrets of the world's most
important crop
Impact of the
global financial turmoil on Australian agriculture
requirements between biotech corn fields and recognized
“environmentally sensitive areas” in Germany
identify gene to improve wheat frost tolerance
North Carolina
firm pays $2,100 to settle seed case
awards US$4.4 million in weedy and invasive species grants
Technology improves peanut
grading, moisture detection
Tecnología mejora la clasificación de cacahuetes
January 09
Canopy cover
provides practical clue to plants' thirst
Cubierta de dosel provee un indicio práctico sobre la sed
de plantas
Social and
economic impacts of biotechnology
Oregon firm
pays $1,800 to settle seed case
Parliament approves new EU pesticides legislation
launches biotechnology quality management system pilot
U.S. seed
industry outlines goals for research, education and policy
Ohio firm pays
$1,050 to settle seed case
Missouri firm
pays $1,050 to settle seed case
USDA reports
send crop prices lower
awards more than $3.4 million to train graduate students in
food and agricultural sciences
firm pays $4,225 to settle seed case
Scientists aim to spike
biochemical punch bowl of soybean cyst nematode
Científicos usan el sabotaje bioquímico contra el nematodo
del quiste de la soya
December 08
Audit report:
United States Department of Agriculture controls over
importation of transgenic plants and animals
New winter wheat
ready for prime time in the U.S. Northern Plains region
Nuevo trigo de invierno listo para producción
Across the
Americas, squash and gourd bees are superb pollinators
Por todas las Américas, las abejas de la calabaza son
polinizadores estupendas
agricultural research and productivity
India: Annual
planting seed report
US Department
of Agriculture proposes revisions to three grade standards
of carrots
Experimental soybeans
sabotage soybean cyst nematode with its own gene
Semillas de soya experimentales sabotean un nematodo con su
propio gen
grants protection to 18 new plant varieties
Extreme weather boosts
antioxidant levels in soybean seeds
extremo aumenta los niveles de antioxidantes en las semillas
de soya
Parliament votes overwhelmingly to embrace agricultural
grants exclusive license to produce and market an insect sex
pheromone that can help control the pink hibiscus mealybug
USDA/ARS concede una licencia para una feromona de la
cochinilla rosada del hibisco
Nanotechnology may be used for
food safety
nanotecnología podría ser usada para aumentar la seguridad
seeks public comment on deregulation of Pioneer Hi-Bred's
corn line 98140, genetically engineered for tolerance to
glyphosate herbicides and acetolactate synthase-inhibiting
- Italy
approves GM field trials
- Czech
Republic moving ahead with biotechnology, slowly but surely
soybean variety sets sights on Japanese soyfoods market
Nueva variedad de soya para el mercado japonés de
alimentos a base de soya
USDA Plant
Variety Protection Office is seeking nominations for the
Plant Variety Protection Board
ALMANAC model may help predict crops' role in bioenergy
Modelo podría ayudar a predecir el papel de cultivos en
la producción de bioenergía
New barley
resists Russian wheat aphids
Una nueva cebada tiene resistencia contra el pulgón ruso
de trigo
grasslands may hold global promise
Praderas asiáticas podrían rendir información útil para
todo el mundo
framework position on GMO's - They say no, again
U.S. FDA, EPA and USDA conclude that accidental release of
genetically engineered cotton poses no safety risk to humans
or animals
annual EU 27
USDA/ARS plant geneticists
develop world's first leafminer-resistant green leaf lettuce
lechuga de hoja tiene resistencia a las moscas minadoras de
las hojas
November 08
report on GM crops: agencies propose changes to improve
oversight, but could take additional steps to enhance
coordination and monitoring
Philippines BPI authorizes import of Bt cotton seeds from
Boll weevil
feeding habits now better understood
Costumbres alimentarias del gorgojo del algodón ahora
mejor entendidas
tomatoes: biotech gets colorful
seeks public comment on deregulation of corn genetically
engineered to produce a microbial enzyme that facilitates
ethanol production
Studying the impact of Bt crops:
Non-target insects probably
affected more by insecticides than by Bt crops
El impacto de los cultivos Bt: Los insectos no objetivo
afectados más por los insecticidas que por los cultivos Bt
European Union
27, annual biotechnology report
USDA/ARS scientists identify
key gene that protects sorghum
in acidic soils
Secretos de la supervivencia del sorgo en los suelos
bioinformatic tools accelerate genome assembly
Increasing calcium in carrots
and other vegetables
Aumentando el calcio en las zanahorias y otras verduras
Agricultural Research Service licenses hairy vetch varieties
ARS concede licencias para comercialización de nuevas
variedades de veza vellosa
New genetic
resources for cereal crops
Nuevos recursos genéticos para los cultivos cereales
proposes to allow importation of eggplant from Israel
USDA/ARS to release advanced
drought-hardy soybean breeding lines with stamina
Líneas de
soya con resistencia a la sequía
Gene-silencing technique to be
deployed against soybean fungus
Técnica del
silenciamiento de genes será usada contra un hongo de soya
Corngrass: youthful plant may
quicken biofuels research
El pasto de maíz podría
acelerar las investigaciones sobre los biocombustibles
October 08
implements new electronic system to enhance compliance with
biotechnooogy regulations
grants protection to 40 new plant varieties
explains why the tomato grew big
Republic of
Korea - Planting seeds annual
Agreement with
USDA simplifies seed trade with Australia
India -
Planting seeds annual
Farm Foundation announce the 2008 Program of Research on the
Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM) Workshop
China's new
oilseed industrial policy
soybean export growth limited by expanding domestic use
Global import
demand shifts from coarse grains to wheat
technology for red, white wheat kernels
Tecnología de clasificación para los granos de trigo rojo
y blanco
Climate change
and Indian agriculture
Producing new
U.S. energy crops by the barrel
Nuevos cultivos estadounidenses para la producción de
Models help
assess biofuels' sustainability
Modelos de computadora ayudan a evaluar la sostenibilidad
de los biocombustibles
US Department
of Agriculture awards more than $28 million in specialty
crop research
USDA - Items of
Interest in Seed
seeks public comment on proposed rule for biotechnology
September 08
Repeal of the
introduction of a GM feed ban; update on GM cultivation law
Bt cotton acreage
rises 20% in India
Database will
disclose promising wheats’ genetic identity
Base de datos revelará la identidad genética de trigos
fluorescent markers for corn tissues
Marcadores fluorescentes en los tejidos de maíz
awards US$1 million renewal grant to map wheat chromosome
Number of farmers
markets continues to rise in the U.S.
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 26 new plant varieties
Georgia firm pays
$14,675 to settle seed case
CSREES awards
more than US$9 million in grants to study fruit, vegetables and
sunflower genomes
little grass called Brachypodium will be a big help in
biofuels research
Una hierba
pequeña podría ayudar a investigar los biocombustibles
Markers for rice
blast resistance discovered
Marcadores genéticos descubiertos para resistencia al añublo
del arroz
Ukraine, planting
seed imports
Idaho firm pays
$3,250 to settle seed case
Kentucky firm
pays $2,025 to settle seed case
New crop
model should speed resistance to wheat diseases
Nuevo modelo podría acelerar el desarrollo de resistencia
a enfermedades del trigo
Argentina -
Annual biotechnology report
Tracking and
taming a tomato virus
Siguiendo y domando un virus del tomate
August 08
USDA’s Federal Crop
Insurance Corporation Board extends biotechnology pilot coverage areas
and qualifying hybrids
New fungal
finding could mean better bio-insecticide
Descubrimiento sobre un hongo podría
llevar a un mejor bioinsecticida
- Thailand to require
phytosanitary certificates for waiver commodities
Canada - Annual agricultural
biotechnology report
Poland publishes new draft
law on cultivation of agricultural biotechnology crops
New technology improves
native grass seed harvest
Mexico: Planting
seeds annual 2008
USDA announces
open teleconference meeting of the Plant Variety Protection
Scientists tie
chickpea disease to fungal culprit
Científicos descubren una conexión entre una enfermedad
de garbanzos y un hongo
Sweet potato out-yields corn
in ethanol production study
revela que batatas superan maíz en rendimientos de
carbohidratos para el etanol
USDA germplasm center
celebrates 50th anniversary
Centro para la preservación de
germoplasma celebra su 50º aniversario
USDA conference
spotlights sorghum's biofuel potential
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 16 new plant varieties
- Tomatoes and
products, China, annual report
- Developments
in the Russian organics market
New commercial pea cultivars
from USDA/ARS withstand the fungus Fusarium solani
Nuevas líneas de los guisantes de primavera
USDA/ARS produces online
databases for maize, blueberries
Científicos producen bases de datos disponibles en línea
sobre el maíz y los arándanos
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 21 new plant varieties
genotyping: an invaluable service
Determinando más rápidamente el genotipo del trigo: Un
servicio inestimable
- Argentina -
Planting seeds annual
biotechnology annual report
Plant genetic
transformation mechanisms emerge
July 08
U.S. Department of
Energy and USDA announce more than $10 million in bioenergy
plant feedstock research
- Thailand - Annual
biotechnology report 2008
- Dominican Republic -
Annual biotechnology report 2008
- El Salvador - Annual
biotechnology report 2008
- Venezuela - Annual
biotechnology report 2008
Scientists unlock the
key to rice nutrition
USDA/ARS develops
new method that rapidly detects the "genetic fingerprints" of
fungi responsible for millions of dollars in losses
La genética
molecular ayuda a identificar los culpables de las enfermedades
Vietnam biotechnology
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 25 new plant varieties
Oregon firm pays
$3,700 to settle seed case
Food safety developments are in the air
Utilizando el
poder del plasma frío para proteger alimentos
Garden microbe foils
E. coli O157:H7 in laboratory tests
Microbio del jardín frustra E. coli O157:H7 en pruebas de
USDA/CSREES provides
long-term, high-quality investment with coordinated agricultural
USDA awards $4.1
million to study colony collapse disorder
Antimicrobials target
produce pathogens
Los bacteriófagos combaten los patógenos en las verduras
recién cortadas
USDA announces $28.4 million in funding for
specialty crop research
USDA/ARS and Summit Seed, Inc.
examine commercial potential of ethanol coproduct
y una compañía de semilla examinan el potencial comercial de
los granos secos de destilería
Assessments begin
under the Sorghum Checkoff Program
Countering insect
resistance with designer Bt toxins
Scientists test
method for sanitizing leafy produce
Científicos buscan un nuevo método de limpiar las
verduras frondosas
Adoption of
genetically engineered crops in the U.S.
Pathogen genes targeted in
studies to protect salad vegetables
Científicos estudian los genes de patógenos para proteger
las verduras
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 74 new plant varieties
June 08
U.S. Department of
Agriculture assesses 2008 corn and soybean acreage
Protecting Romaine
lettuce from pathogens
Protegiendo la lechuga romana contra los patógenos
public comment on deregulation of genetically cotton
Fighting a worldwide wheat threat
Combatiendo una amenaza a la reserva mundial del trigo
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 21 new plant varieties
New silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia
tabaci) gas U.S. growers concerned
Nuevo tipo de
la mosca blanca es una preocupación para los cultivadores
"Clearwater": an
eco-friendly feed barley
Una cebada amigable con el medio ambiente
May 08
Government of Pakistan
and Monsanto sign letter of intent for the development of GM
Beneficial bacteria help control produce pathogen
beneficiosas ayudan a controlar los patógenos en las frutas y
Oregon firm pays $1,200
to settle seed case
European Union Council
stalls pesticide review
KeyGene and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture sign long-term collaboration on pepper
U.S. National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) agricultural chemical
usage publications
Chile - Planting seeds
annual report
Pakistan on UG99 wheat
stem rust high alert
South Dakota firm pays
$3,225 to settle seed case
Researchers identify genetic "fix" for problem in some sweet
corn hybrids
Un remedio
genético para un problema en algunos híbridos del maíz dulce
GrainGenes website
speeds gene discovery
Nuevo sitio Web acelera el descubrimiento de genes de granos
Corn rootworm population studies: faster, cheaper—and just as
Una nueva
técnica más rápida y más barata para estudiar las poblaciones de
Organic agriculture in
Taiwan implements
registration for stacked traits
New peanut variety
resistant to nematodes, virus
Una nueva variedad de cacahuete tiene resistencia a nematodos
y virus
Australian germplasm could give
U.S. sunflowers improved resistance to fungal diseases
estadounidenses podrían recibir ayuda de Australia contra
Discussion paper of
German ag-industry about EU biotech policy implications
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 15 new plant varieties
Oklahoma firm pays
$2,275 to settle seed case
Iowa firm pays $1,725
to settle seed case
Drought makes U.S. farmers mind their peas and corn
La sequía
afecta las decisiones de los granjeros sobre sus cultivos
U.S. Department of
Agriculture establishes a sorghum promotion, research and
information order
Global agricultural
supply and demand: factors contributing to the recent
increase in food commodity prices
April 08
Farmers will soon
be able to receive text messages on their cell phones from
their plants saying whether they are thirsty or not
Comenzando en esta época de cultivación, los granjeros
podrán recibir mensajes de texto en sus teléfonos celulares
enviados por las plantas para indicar si tienen sed o no
Boosting basil production in
Aumentando la producción de la
albahaca en Misisipí
Egypt approves a
Bt -corn variety for domestic planting, the first such
approval in Egypt
U.S. Department
of Agriculture announces open teleconferencing meeting of
the Plant Variety Protection Board
South Dakota firm
pays $1,400 to settle seed case
Early-flowering, winter-hardy
hairy vetch released for Northern United States
variedad de veza vellosa lanzada para la región norteña de
Gene clusters
offer potential protection against plant diseases
Grupos de genes ofrece una protección posible contra
enfermedades de plantas
Preserving a unique collection
of Carolina collards
Preservando una colección única de la col forrajera de
Scientists pit bacteria
against fungi to protect wheat
Científicos usan bacterias para proteger el trigo contra un
hongo perjudicial
Kenya planting
seed report 2008
USDA/AMS - Items
of Interest in Seed - April 2008
New bahiagrass may
provide faster forage option for growers
Una nueva opción de forraje para los cultivadores
March 08
Hairy vetch mulch
activates genes for phytonutrients in tomatoes
Un cultivo de cobertura del vezo piloso estimula genes en
USDA expects U.S.
corn acres to drop in 2008 as soybeans and wheat gain ground
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 12 new plant varieties
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 13 new plant varieties
New safflower lines
survive winters
Nuevas líneas de alazor sobreviven los inviernos
Scientists sequence genome of the
red flour beetle, a key agricultural pest
secuencian el genoma de una plaga agrícola
Soy scientists to
fill "library" with genetic bookmarks
Científicos crearán una "biblioteca genética" con nuevos
marcadores de la soya
German Bundesrat
finally approves amendment of the German genetech law
USDA/ERS releases
updated data set on the U.S. watermelon industry
Initiative on biotech
labeling rejected by Romanian Senate
Scientists determine farm costs of
producing switchgrass for ethanol
determinan los costos de la granja de producir un césped para el
South Carolina firm
pays $2,350 to settle seed case
Government of Sri
Lanka notifies Plant Protection Regulations to WTO
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 14 new plant varieties
USDA awards more than
$4 million in weedy and invasive species grants
Perennial peanut for
quality pastures and hay
Cacahuete perenne es útil para tanto pasto como heno de alta
February 08
When it comes to red cabbage, more is better
Cuando se
habla de la col lombarda, más es mejor
Revision of Plant
Variety Protection Regulations in China
statement on Dow AgroSciences' genetically engineered corn event
pima cottons fight Fusarium fungus
Nuevo algodón
combate el hongo Fusarium
Newly renovated USDA/ARS Grain Research Center dedicated
Ceremonia de dedicación hoy para
un centro de investigación nuevamente renovado
Thai Cabinet to
allow biotech field trials with restrictive measures
Planting seeds
heat-tolerant cotton
Desarrollando líneas de algodón que pueden tolerar el calor
USDA Agricultural
Projections to 2017 provide glimpse forward
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 55 new plant varieties
Kentucky firm pays
$3,150 to settle seed case
Bioversity International partner with the Global Crop Diversity
Trust to develop a global plant
genebank information system
Fresh carrots in
Diamond planting design for peanut
Diseño en
forma de diamante para sembrar plantas de cacahuetes
United States
standards for grades of cantaloups
China establishes
four new national standards that set quality requirements for
legume, cereal, fiber crop, and oilseed seeds
USDA National Agricultural Library publishes new editions of its
Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary of Agricultural Terms in
both Spanish and English
La Biblioteca
Agrícola Nacional publica nuevas ediciones de Tesauro Agrícola y
Glosario de Términos Agrícolas
Breeding cotton to
beat the heat
Algodón que tolera el calor
January 08
USDA/ARS scientists settle the
debate on the origine of the potato
del ARS resuelven el debate sobre los orígenes de la papa
USDA's Agricultural
Research Service contributes seeds to Global Storage Vault in
USDA/ARS contribuye semillas a la Bóveda Global de Semillas
en Noruega
Grasses' guardian gene found
descubren un "gen de la guarda" en las hierbas
Vietnam: draft
regulations for field trials of genetically modified crops
2007 U.S. corn
crop is a record breaker, reports USDA - Cotton, rice yields hit
all-time highs
Researchers team up
to improve popcorn
New Zealand
approves genetically modified high-lysine corn for animals
USDA researchers
unmask how soybean cyst nematodes operate
public comment on genetically engineered alfalfa
Massachusetts firm
pays $1,550 to settle seed case
key management changes
Florida firm pays
$700 to settle seed case
December 07
U.S. Department of
Agriculture announces seed grader program recognition by the
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Oklahoma firm pays
$1,750 to settle seed case
- Portuguese
authorities establish first agriculture biotechnology-free zone
- Russian federal
law sets biotech labeling threshold at 0.9 percent
- Registration
procedure for GMO feeds in the Russian Federation
Taiwan grants
approval to Agrisure MIR604 Corn and renewal approvals to
RRS40-3-2 soybean and Mon810 corn
The Philippines
approve Syngenta's MIR604 corn
USDA/ARS licenses
purple bacteria to battle crop pests
ARS ha concedido una nueva tecnología para controlar las
conferences in Prague, Czech Republic
Edamame soybean varieties for organic farmers about to get even
Dos nuevas
variedades de la soya llamada edamame podrían ser aún más dulces
China - Planting
seeds, annual
scientists set to release new diseaser-resistant wheat
Científicos están listos para lanzar un nuevo trigo
resistente a una enfermedad
November 07
GM moratoria to be
lifted in two Australian states
Turkey - Planting
seed annual
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 29 new plant varieties
A new specialty crop:
orange-fleshed, organic honeydews
Científicos evalúan melones dulces orgánicos con pulpa
de color naranja
Eating beans helps
lower cholesterol
China changes
agriculture investment restrictions
New members named
to the U.S. National Watermelon Promotion Board
U.S. Department of
Agriculture concludes GM creeping bentgrass investigation
Village wheats may
fend off stem rust
Las variedades tradicionales de trigo podrían rechazar la
nueva roya del tallo
Combined U.S. fall
potatoes and Canadian potatoes up 1 percent
Tropical traits
for temperate beans
Rasgos tropicales para los frijoles estadounidenses
USDA seeks
comments regarding the establishment of grain sorghum and
sorghum silage order
Potato species reexamined:
revamping relationships among cultivated potatoes
la relación entre las papas cultivadas
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 29 new plant varieties
German farmers
plant less rapeseed for 2008 due to price relation to wheat
Scientists link
key gene to response to sunlight exposure in corn
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 32 new plant varieties
China’s cotton
supply and demand: issues and impact on the world market
U.S. tomato
Heading off world wheat threat: a
"southern strategy" to protect the entire United States from
Evitando una amenaza
mundial para el trigo: una "estrategia sureña" para proteger
todas partes de EE.UU. contra Ug99
Researchers identify cause of
watermelon vine decline
Investigadores identifican la causa de una enfermedad severa de
la sandía
U.S. Department of
Agriculture begins issuing import permits for fruits and
vegetables from Africa
U.S. Department of
Agriculture announces open meeting of the Plant Variety
Protection Board
USDA grants $234
million to promote U.S. food and agricultural products overseas
sequence Fusarium graminearum, a cereal killer
re-examine soy diversity
Científicos reexaminan la diversidad genética de la soya
October 07
USDA/AMS: Items of
Interest in Seed - October 2007
Measuring peanuts' moisture -
while still in the shell
Midiendo la humedad
de los cacahuetes--mientras están todavía dentro de la cáscara
Researchers build
case against insect as culprit of the "zebra chip" disorder of
Un insecto podría ser el culpable detrás de una enfermedad en
las papas
European Union
program for energy crops oversubscribed
USDA Agricultural
Research Service requests nominations for the Advisory Committee
on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture
New York firm pays
$1,400 to settle seed case
China updates plant
variety testing procedures
Norovirus proposal nets top
research funding
Una propuesta para
una investigacion de los norovirus recibe fondos y un premio
establishes export wheat commission
Mexico registers a
sorghum deficit: imports grow 17% in volume
U.S. Department of
Agriculture raises corn harvest estimates
U.S. Department of
Agriculture awards $950,000 to research against invasive pests
U.S. Department of
Agriculture awards $4.7 million for tomato and potato specialty
crops genetic research
U.S. Department of
Agriculture seeks public comment on deregulation of genetically
engineered soybean
Preserving genetic variety of
valuable specialty crops
Preservando la
variedad genética de los cultivos de especialidad valiosos
Spinach gets new
protection against pesky leafminers
La espinaca consigue nueva protección contra el minador de la
USDA/ARS releases
onion germplasm
USDA’s Fruit and
Vegetable Market News Service to begin reporting weekly
advertised retail prices
Bottlegourd gene
may curb cucurbit virus
Gen de porongo podría controlar un virus de cucúrbitas
Initiative takes
aim at the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which affects
sunflower, soybean, canola and dry edible bean crops
Combatiendo una enfermedad fungal
September 07
Mexico’s National
Autonomous University will supervise transgenic trade
U.S. Department of
Agriculture informs the public of international sanitary and
phytosanitary standard-setting activities
USDA Plant
Variety Protection Office grants protection to 42 new plant
Agriculture Minister releases new report 'GM Canola - an
information package'
Acting U.S.
Agriculture Secretary announces plan to improve quality
compliance of genetically engineered products
Exposing wheat's genetic secrets
Revelando los
secretos genéticos del trigo
Rebecca Bech
named USDA/APHIS deputy administrator for biotechnology
regulatory services
Traces of an EU
unapproved biotech event found in conventional rapeseed variety
in Germany
German genetech
law - Coalition compromise
New sorghum is
ideal for both fuel and feed
Nuevo sorgo es ideal para el combustible y el pienso
Explosive growth
of ethanol production brings adjustments to U.S. agriculture
that reach far beyond the corn sector
Potatoes chock
full of phytochemicals
Patatas llenas de fitoquímicos
Cindy J. Smith
appointed as administrator of the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service
U.S., Brazil and
Argentina form International Soybean Growers Alliance
August 07
Planting seeds in
Japan - Annual report
U.S. agricultural
exports expected to reach record levels
Large-scale trials
of domestic Bt cotton stalled in India
Dry pea, sunflower and spring
wheat excel in U.S. Northern Plains cropping systems
Buenas opciones en
las rotaciones de cultivos en los Llanos Norteños
USDA/ERS breefing:
Organic farming in the USA
Genetic GPS for
tracking boll weevils
Usando la genética para seguir la pista de los gorgojos del
USDA awards $5.5
million for risk and prevention research of E. coli O157:H7 in
fresh produce
Bioenergy experts from more than
40 countries meet at international conference
Expertos de
bioenergía de más de 40 países se reúnen en una conferencia
Indian government’s
hesitation to allow genetically modified cash crops other than
cotton hurts the seed industry
Friendly fungus helps keep
aflatoxin out of cotton
Un hongo amigable
ayuda a prevenir la invasión por la aflatoxina en el algodón
U.S. Department of
Agriculture forecasts record corn crop for 2007
Government panel to
review moratorium on commercial plantings of GM crops in New
South Wales
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 19 news plant varieties
New sunflower
germplasm lines resist fungal disease
Nuevas líneas de girasol resisten una enfermedad fungal
Breeding plants to produce
industrial oils
plantas para producir aceites industriales
July 07
Peanuts studied as
source of biodiesel fuel
Cacahuetes estudiados como una fuente de combustible
Greece: tomatoes and
products annual
U.S. House of
Representatives passes historic farm bill
Mexico, Plant seeds, annual report
Of watermelon and waistlines: new
low-sugar varieties from USDA/ARS
Nuevas variedades de
sandía con menos azúcar
New southernpeas developed by
USDA/ARS and cooperators
Nuevos guisantes
desarrollados por ARS y sus colaboradores
Gene helps explain spread of the
bacterial disease American foulbrood in U.S. honey bees
Un gen ayuda a
explicar la transmisión de la loque americana entre las abejas
de EE.UU.
Idaho firm pays $1,600
to settle seed case
Republic of South Africa, Annual Biotechnology Report
USDA/APHIS evaluates
potential revisions to existing regulations regarding the
importation, interstate movement and environmental release of
genetically engineered organisms
USDA announces colony
collapse disorder research action plan
USDA anuncia un plan de investigación sobre el desorden del
colapso de las colonias de abejas
Pennsylvania firm pays
$4,025 to settle seed case
Oregon firm pays
$8,100 to settle seed case
Idaho firm pays $2,325
to settle seed case
Listening to thirsty plants: new
irrigation system asks "Can you hear me now?"
Nuevo sistema de
riego usa tecnología avanzada para comunicar con las cosechas
Breeding corn for sustainability -
High-quality corn for low-input farming systems
El desarrollo de
maíz de alta calidad - Maíz de alta calidad para los sistemas de
granjería de baja inversión
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 29 new plant varieties
Adoption of
genetically engineered crops in the U.S.
USDA/ERS research,
analysis, and outlook on U.S. and global markets for soybean and
soybean products
USDA/ERS research,
analysis, and outlook on U.S. and global rice markets
USDA announces
additional funding for potato cyst nematode eradication
Oregon firm pays
$2,025 to settle seed case
Ohio firm pays $1,600
to settle seed case
New Habanero blasts taste buds -
and pepper pests
Nuevo habanero es
picante--y combate plagas de pimientos
June 07
New dry edible bean resists
bacterial disease
Nueva judía seca
comestible resiste la enfermedad bacteriana
U.S. farmers plant
largest corn crop in 63 years
Andhra Pradesh
government hints at GM Seed Act to control Bt cotton seed
Agricultural GMO
implementation measures in China (updated)
Pepper diversity on
Pimiento para cada ocasión
Madison, Georgia firm
pays $5,775 to settle seed case
USDA/ARS scientists
and cooperators identify pale potato cyst nematode in eastern
Científicos del ARS y colaboradores identifican una plaga de
la papa
USDA/ERS Data set:
Plant Breeding Research and Development
Letting plants talk to you
Escuchando a las
Can the right potting
mix replace fungicides?
¿Es posible reemplazar los fungicidas con las mezclas para
U.S. Departments of
Agriculture and Energy announce $18 million solicitation for
biomass R&D
Tomorrow's onions:
even more nutritious
Las cebollas del futuro: ¡Aún más nutritivas
Alturas potato soars
to Idaho's top five
Las patatas 'Alturas' están entre las más cultivadas en Idaho
U.S. Departments of Energy
and Agriculture provide $8.3 million in funding for biofuels
"Virtual grower"
software available - Building and heating a virtual greenhouse
Construyendo y calentando un "invernadero virtual"
100 years of research
at the Central Great Plains Research Station in Colorado
May 07
Impact of the country's
accession to the European Union on Bulgaria's grain and
oilseeds sector
Ethanol expansion in
the United States: how will the agricultural sector adjust?
Chile: Planting seeds,
annual report
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 18 new plant varieties
Craig Morris named
Deputy Administrator of USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
Livestock and Seed Program
Scientists pit fungus
against potato pest
Científicos usan un hongo contra una plaga de patata
Philippines Ag
Department extends seed subsidy to farmers planting hybrid rice
and certified seeds
Canada: Anticipated
elimination of barley single desk casts doubt on contracts
Possible new control
for whiteflies discovered
Un nuevo control posiblemente descubierto para las moscas
Options for protecting
plant varieties in the Peoples Republic of China
Planting wheat blends means higher
combinaciones de trigo resulta en rendimientos más altos
U.S. National
Agricultural Library publishes Spanish language Agricultural
Thesaurus and Glossary
La Biblioteca Agrícola Nacional del Departamento de
Agricultura de EE.UU. publica tesauro y glosario agrícola en
Ethanol reshapes the
U.S. corn market
New lettuces shrug off
verticillium wilt
Nuevas lechugas combaten la verticilosis
Biofuel Crop Insurance
Pilot Program provides expedited insurance for biofuel crops
through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management
April 07
U.S. Department of
Agriculture hosts specialty crop research workshop
Greece continues to
ban GM corn for planting
Fungus responsible
for Africa's deadly maize identified
Hongo que causa el maíz letal africano es identificado
Scientists turn
genetic keys to unlock bioenergy in switchgrass
Científicos usan claves genéticas para liberar la bioenergía
en un césped
U.S. Secretary of
Agriculture announces additional funding to eradicate potato
cyst nematode
Lithuanian government
rejects petitions for field trials of transgenic corn and
Mexico reopens its
market to Idaho potatoes
USDA seeks
nominations for the National Organic Standards Board
Prompt progress made against a new
threat to watermelon
Progreso rápido
contra una nueva amenaza a la sandía
Area sown to sugar
beet likely to decrease in Ukraine in the 2007/2008 season
Enzymes boost ethanol
production efficiency
Enzimas aumentan la eficacia de la producción de etanol
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 28 new plant varieties
Genes foil Hessian flies' feeding
on wheat
Larvas de la mosca
de Hess hacen "vitaminas antioxidantes" en la lucha para beber
la savia del trigo
New USDA cereal crops
laboratory dedicated
March 07
Positive 2006 results
and new regulatory framework improve 2007 prospects for biotech
corn in France
U.S. corn acres
expected to soar in 2007, says USDA - Ethanol, export demand
lead to largest planted area in 63 years
U.S. Department of
Agriculture clarifies policy on low-level presence of
genetically engineered material
USDA/APHIS provides
update on genetically engineered alfalfa
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 21 new plant varieties
Superb iceberg
lettuces resist corky root, mosaic virus
Lechugas superiores iceberg resisten el virus mosaico de la
lechuga y el acorchamiento de la raíz
U.S. Department of
Agriculture identifies safe protein in Clearfield 131 rice seed
USDA’s Agricultural
Marketing Service and industry work together to generate market
FAO and US Department
of Agriculture sign agreement to strengthen collaboration -
Sharing resources to promote sustainable global agriculture
New Bt cotton
cultivation approval unlikely this summer in India
U.S. Department of
Agriculture to re-establish agricultural trade advisory
Watermelon serves up
medically important amino acid
La sandia es una fuente rica del aminoácido citrulina
New durum wheat line
resists scab disease
Nueva línea del trigo durum resiste la fusariosis de la
espiga del trigo
germplasm targets Russian wheat aphid's grip on barley
Nuevas variedades para tratar el problema de los pulgones en
la cebada
U.S. Department of
Agriculture announces open meeting of the Plant Variety
Protection Board
Onions with a
nutritional - not pungent - punch
Cebollas nutritivas pero no fuertes
U.S. Department of
Agriculture issues update for rice industry regarding Clearfield
131 long-grain rice seed
Factors affecting
carrot consumption in the United States
Plant disease
detectives identify new sugar beet virus
Científicos identifican el cómplice de la rizomanía
Is it sustainable?
Free web tool allows farmers to evaluate farm management
New online guide for identifying
the world's seeds and fruits
Nueva guía en línea
para identificar las semillas y frutas del mundo
Purdue University and
USDA/ARS scientists find genes involved in the battle between
Hessian flies and wheat
U.S. Department of
Agriculture statement regarding APHIS hold on Clearfield
long-grain rice seed
Germany: winter
rapeseed area to hit records again
Hungary's biotech
corn ban remains in place
U.S. Department of
Agriculture raises agricultural exports forecast to record $78
billion for 2007
February 07
Sweden finds traces
of the unauthorized LL 601 rice in long-grain rice imported from
the US
Working towards a more complex
Desarrollando un
pepino más complejo
A cold approach to
nematode egg-hatch
Un enfoque frío al empollamiento de huevos de nematodo
U.S. Department of
Agriculture extends public comment on deregulation of Syngenta
Seeds' GM corn MIR604
USDA seeks
comments on the proposed voluntary standards for grades of
tomatoes on the vine
USDA revises U.S.
standards for grades of greenhouse tomatoes
Biotech conference
in the Polish Parliament: “GMO – A Chance for the Development of
Polish Agriculture? – Facts and Myths”
Natural enzyme
deters fall armyworms and other corn-feeding insects
Enzima natural impide los gusanos cogolleros y otros insectos
del maíz
Biotech corn
planting intentions in Germany for 2007
Impacts of the
biofuel boom on the French oilseed industry
Update of
biotechnology issues in Brazil
Philippine Bureau
of Plant Industry approves 3 additional stacked trait products
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 19 new plant varieties
Commission proposal to end intervention for corn
Great expectations for pectin
Grandes expectativas
para la pectina
Superior lettuces
fend off two destructive viruses
Lechugas superiores rechazan virus dañosos
public comment on deregulation of genetically engineered soybean
MON 89788
Putting the crunch
on lettuce’s worst enemies
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 20 new plant varieties
production surges in Ukraine
Rhizomania resistance helps keep
sugar beets safe
La resistencia a
rizomanía ayuda a mantener seguras las remolachas azucareras
U.S and Brazil sow seeds for
germplasm exchange
EE.UU. y el Brasil colaboran para realizar un intercambio de
Relaxing fruit and
vegetable planting restrictions in the United States
January 07
U.S. biotech
outreach programs to Germany
USDA announces
plant for $1.6 billion investment in renewable fuels
Virulent Hessian flies renew
attack on U.S. wheat
Las moscas
virulentas de Hess reanudan sus ataques en el trigo
Alturas potato soars to top five
in Idaho
A los
cultivadores les gusta la patata Alturas
Orange cauliflower gene eyed as
nutrition booster
Gen de una
coliflor anaranjada posiblemente podría ser un aumentador de
U.S. Department of
Agriculture seeks public comment on deregulation of genetically
engineered corn MIR604
Philippines approves 12th stacked
trait product:
Pioneer Hi-Bred's Corn DAS
59122 x Corn NK 603 for direct use as food and/or feed
GM corn plantings
in Spain
Improving crop
plants through genomics
Technology reduces gossypol in
reduce el gosipol en la semilla de algodón
2006 U.S. soybean
crop is a record-breaker, USDA reports
USDA announces $100
million to promote U.S. food and agricultural products overseas
New pinto bean resists viral
Nueva judía
pinta resiste enfermedades virales
Flavonoid database
Nuevas noticias sobre los flavonoides
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 29 new plant varieties
USDA seeks comments
on possible revisions to the U.S. standards for grades of
Scientists probe
saliva of the Hessian fly for clues to serious wheat pest
Científicos investigan la saliva de la mosca de Hess para
pistas sobre esta plaga
December 06
USDA publishes
notice on revising National Organic Program guidelines for
submitting petitions to amend the National List of Substances
Allowed and Prohibited
wheats: how do they bake?
¿Cómo se hornean? Evaluando el funcionamiento de los trigos
de bajo fitato
USAID provides
maize seed to Madagascar
Madison, Georgia
firm pays $11,425 to settle seed case
releases notice of intent to prepare environmental impact
statement on the use of genetically engineered insects
Magnesium boost
from low-phytate wheat - Could improved wheats reduce magnesium
Líneas de trigo de bajo fitato - ¿Podrían trigos mejorados
reducir las deficiencias de magnesio?
Hungary - Biotechnology
U.S. Agriculture Secretary
announces Plant Variety Protection Board appointments
USDA/APHIS surveys major
US alfalfa seed producers to determine interest level in export to
New malting barley
Una nueva cebada de malta
USDA/ARS seeks partner for
new environmentally friendly fertilizer
USDA/ARS busca un socio para un nuevo fertilizante amigable con el
medio ambiente
Weed implicated in potato blight
Una mala hierba es
identificada como un huésped del tizón tardío de la papa
USDA revises contacts
listing for Export Credit Guarantee Programs
DNA Screening Reveals Pink
Bollworm Resistance to Bt Cotton Remains Rare after a Decade of Exposure
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 11 new plant varieties
Indian seed bill should
not compromise farmers' interests, cautions parliamentary committee
Gene discovery may improve
wheat varieties - Newly cloned gene key to more adaptable wheat
New soybean pulls nitrogen
from soil, not air
Nueva soya saca el nitrógeno del suelo en vez del aire
November 06
Adjusting fertilizer to create
low-phytate crops
Ajustando el
fertilizante para crear cultivos con niveles bajos de fitato
deregulates genetically engineered
provides update for farmers on genetically engineered rice
Making wheat flour more nutritious
Una harina de
trigo más nutritiva
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 30 new plant varieties
Breeding soybeans for ethanol and
variedades de soya para hacer etanol y tablero de fibra
New research
on plant steroids improves plant development
Biofuels, an
alternative future for China's agriculture
Agriculture Secretary announces $200 million to promote U.S.
food and agricultural products overseas
USDA announces
$39 million to promote U.S. food and agricultural products
An overview of
the French crop insurance program
Iowa State
University and USDA/ARS researchers study soybean's family
announces requirements for renewal of GMO safety
Eliminating US
fruit and vegetable planting restrictions on acreage
historically used for program crops: how would markets be
Brazil -
Soybean planting update
Colorado firm
pays $875 to settle seed case
Iowa firm pays
$875 to settle seed case
New gene tool to diagnose plant disease
Diagnosticando las
enfermedades de plantas
Midwestern weed may inspire newfound
Maleza del medio-oeste
podría inspirar un nuevo respeto
October 06
"Living" mulch thwarts pests
Proveyendo un
hogar para insectos beneficiales
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary appoints new members to the advisory board of the
National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and
India, Planting
seeds, annual report
Republic of Korea -
Planting seeds, annual report
Deconstructing a deadly mold, gene
by gene
un mojo mortal, gen por gen
Researchers decipher eggplant
pest's chemical call
descifran la señal química del escarabajo de la berenjena
South Africa,
annual biotechnology report
U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s APHIS and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
establish protocol for potato cyst nematodes detection and
U.S. Department of
Agriculture revises the U.S. standards for grades of broccoli
U.S. Department of
Agriculture offers GSM-102 credit guarantees for export sales to Turkey
USDA awards $1.1 million
for researching the economic effects of strategies to combat invasive
Scientists pick apart
Fusarium verticillioides to find clues to its contamination of corn
Científicos buscan pistas genéticas en un hongo
September 06
Proceedings of the
Workshop on Confinement of Genetically Engineered Crops during
Field Testing
New York
State firm pays $975 to settle seed case
An online toolkit for soybean
Una "caja
de herramientas" está disponible en línea para estudios de
la soya
Friendly fungus could help
sugarbeet fields go "green"
podría mejorar los campos de la remolacha azucarera
Watermelon's power of red - in
powder form?
desarrollan un proceso más fácil para extraer el licopeno de
la sandía
USDA awards
more than $4.5 million for integrated organic research
Three scientists, including
plant geneticist Wayne W. Hanna, inducted into USDA/ARS Hall
of Fame
científicos escogidos para la Sala de Fama Científica del
To beat tropical spiderwort,
plant cotton early
controlar una maleza tropical, siembra el algodón más
U.S. Department of
Agriculture seeks public comment on deregulation of genetically
engineered rice
USDA/FAS GAIN report -
Japan: planting seeds annual report
USDA/FAS announces
improvements to its world production, supply and distribution database
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 23 new plant varieties
Better-bean information
available online from the U.S. National Agricultural Library
Información mejorada sobre judías disponible en línea
Zesty peppers are an
eyeful, too: versatile vegetables pack a double punch
Verduras versátiles
USDA verifies performance
of test kit to detect LibertyLink event LL601 rice pat protein in rice
August 06
Fuel from crop
residue: possible solution for the grass seed industry
Produciendo gas de los residuos de cosechas
Insect virus could
spell doom for potato pest
Un virus de insectos podría controlar una plaga de papas
United States
Department of Agriculture announces $13 million for potato cyst
nematode survey
Kentucky firm pays
$875 to settle seed case
Statement by U.S.
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns regarding genetically
engineered rice
- Statement by James
Link, Administrator of USDA's Grain Inspection, Packers and
Stockyards Administration regarding the validation of testing
for genetically engineered rice
addition dedicated at USDA grains, potato research laboratory
dedicada en laboratorio de investigación de granos y papas
USDA names members
to the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century
Soil is key to effective weed
estudian el suelo para promover el control de malezas
New form of Fusarium wilt could
pose threat to watermelon crop
Nueva forma de
la marchitez del melón podría amenazar la cosecha de sandía
High temperatures could leave some
seed crops sterile
altas podrían esterilizar las cosechas de semilla
U.S. Departments of
Agriculture and Energy fund genomics projects for bioenergy
fuels research
Irrigating when the leaves get hot
- Texas and Israeli irrigators give plants the last word
Las necesidades
de las plantas - Científicos en Tejas y Israel trabajan para
satisfacer las necesidades de las plantas
Premium potatoes just got
better: Blazer Russet potato wins top reviews
Una nueva papa superior: La papa 'Blazer Russet' recibe críticas
Canadian Wheat Board
proposes more independence
Missouri firm pays $1,100 to
settle seed case
Soybean rust confirmed on
soybeans in Tift County, south central Georgia, USA
Genetic detectives trace fungus' turn to
serious crop crime
Los detectives
genéticos descubrieron cambios significativos en un hongo
USDA/FAS GAIN - Annual biotechnology
- Austria
- France
- Netherlands
- Pakistan
USDA/ARS software tackles weeds
Software ayuda a
combatir contra malezas
July 06
Mexico, NAFTA and
agriculture, a snapshot
French judicial decisions favorable to biotech cultivation
Herald, new eco-friendly barley, benefits farm animals, growers and
Nueva cebada 'Herald' beneficia a los granjeros, los animales y el
medio ambiente
USDA grants protection to 21 new plant varieties
Growers can make more money by going organic
Cultivadores pueden ganar más dinero con las cosechas orgánicas
New pinto beans resist white mold
Nuevas judías pintas
resisten la podredumbre blanca
- Brazil: Tomatoes and
products annual
- Mexico: Planting seeds
annual report
Energy farming with switchgrass saves carbon
bioenergía--y ahorrando carbono--con el césped Panicum virgatum
Energy crops may transform British landscape
USDA patents microbes to fight wheat fungus
USDA recibió patentes
por microbios que combaten un hongo de trigo
Bangalore-based Metahelix Life Sciences expected to develop a Bt cotton
strain by 2007-08
Scientists discuss rapeseed prospects in Poland
Adoption of genetically engineered crops in the U.S.
State-of-the-art technology being applied to agricultural problems
Tecnología de último
modelo aplicada a los problemas agrícolas
In the battle against the devastating rice blast pathogen, USDA's Rice
Cor Collection proves a genetic treasure chest
estadounidense de arroz demuestra ser un tesoro genético
Oregon firm pays $2,025 to settle seed case
U.S. Department of Agriculture announces authorization program under the
OECD Seed Schemes
USDA/FAS GAIN report: Mexico modifies the phytosanitary standards for
imported grain and seeds
Heat boosts cuphea seed germination
Mejorando la
germinación de semillas
New USDA laboratory in Poplarville, Mississippi supports horticulture
High-tech packaging keeps cut produce fresh
Embalaje de alta
tecnología ayuda a preservar frutas y vegetales recién cortados
USDA/PVPO grants protection to 18 new plant varieties
Puerto Rico provides new ornamental options
Puerto Rico provee
nuevas opciones en plantas ornamentales
June 06
USDA/NASS acreage report
New crop-yield study casts doubt on a climate-change prediction
Nuevo estudio sobre
rendimientos de cosechas pone en duda una predicción acerca del cambio
Intellectual property rights on plant varieties in Vietnam
Chinese seed companies to be segregated from administration agencies by
the end of June 2007
University of California and USDA team up to provide California farmers
a full pest control toolbox
Soybean scraps: nature’s pollution solution?
Residuos de soya: ¿La
solución para la contaminación ambiental?
USDA's National Agricultural
Statistics Service now offers RSS feed for statistical reports
Update on the Bt cotton
situation in India
European Union - Annual
agricultural biotechnology report
Alabama firm pays $1,625 to
settle seed case
Georgia firm pays $1,250 to
settle seed case
Texas firm pays
$2,325 to settle seed case
USDA/APHIS confirms
presence of potato cyst nematode in a single eastern Idaho field
Dutch government
supports GM crop research
New pintos resist bean
Nuevas judías pintas resisten enfermedades
Guarding gorn and
soybeans against viral attack
Protegiendo maíz y soya contra un ataque viral
USDA publishes final
rule to revise National Organic Program regulations
China: Tomatoes and
products annual
A revolution in food retailing
underway in the Asia-Pacific region
Scientists help rust-proof America's soybeans
Científicos ayudan a
proteger la soya contra la roya
May 06
Selenium's role in
integrated pest-management studied
El selenio y la inmunidad del insecto
USDA opens new
horticultural lab focused on small fruits and ornamental plants
Laboratorio más nuevo de horticultura del USDA abrió hoy
Silencing wheat and barley scab
Nuevo ensayo
para la espiga de trigo y cebada
Turkey - Organic
production and organic products
Entomology pioneer's
notes, still relevant, now online
Apuntes de un entomólogo pionero, todavía relevantes y ahora
disponibles en línea
Review of permitted
seeds list for Australia
Government of Brazil
announces additional subsidy for emergency aid in the form of
soybean price supports
China: Tomatoes and products - annual report
Polish government
approves compensation for sugar beet farmers
Chile: planting seed
Mexico's organic products law
Seed-rotting microbes sought to battle weeds
Científicos buscan microbios
que pudren semillas de malezas
Improving conservation in
potato fields
Mejorando la conservación en los campos de patatas
Sowing clover mats to shelter
weed seed eaters
Sembrando matorrales de trébol para proteger los comedores de las
semillas de malezas
Poland bans the sale and
registration of biotech seeds
April 06
Commission report on coexistence
Court rules Italy’s January 2005 Framework Law on
Coexistence unconstitutional
US Department of
Agriculture publications in new online repository
New U.S.
arid-land agricultural research center in Maricopa, Arizona
The first decade
of genetically engineered crops in the United States
Massive floods in
Serbia threaten the agriculture season
Argentina, planting seeds
USDA lab committed to
sustainable farming gets new research wing
Laboratorio del USDA para la agricultura sostenible consigue nueva
ala para sus investigaciones
Oregon firm pays
$2,450 to settle seed case
Texas firm pays
$1,050 to settle seed case
Discussion paper
proposes radical changes to Australia's single desk wheat export
marketing system
Agricultural Statistics Service: Vegetables 2006 report
Ethanol reshapes the
U.S. corn market
Comeback for long
crop rotations? Grain-forage crop rotations seen boosting soil
Rotaciones de las cosechas de grano y forraje aumentan la
calidad del suelo
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 18 new plant varieties
USDA signs agreement
with China on food safety and plant and animal health
New initiative may lead to better
iniciativa podría llevar a mejores cacahuetes
The value of plant
disease early-warning systems: a case study of USDA's soybean
rust coordinated framework
USDA/ERS Soybean
Georgia firm pays $28,325 to
settle alleged violations of the U.S. Federal Seed Act
Alternate methods of whitefly control
Métodos alternativos
para el control de la mosca blanca
USDA releases report on
soybean rust detection efforts
March 06
Massachussets seed
pays $1,375 to settle alleged violations of Federal Seed Act
USDA/NASS Prospective
Plantings report
USDA awards $5
million to identify genes that produce higher yielding, higher
quality, disease-resistant barley
High fuel and
fertilizer prices to lead to fewer planted corn acres in the US
in 2006, says USDA
Genetic markers point
toward low linolenic acid soybeans
Marcadores genéticos podrían llevar a semillas de soya con
bajo ácido linolénico
How wheat kernels "sing" is a sign
of their quality
Cómo "cantan"
las semillas de trigo es una señal de su calidad
From peas to ethanol
Combustible hecho de guisantes
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 23 new plant varieties
A website ripe with
data from ARS tomato studies
Un sitio Web del ARS provee muchos datos sobre estudios del
Ohio seed company
pays $1,373 to settle seed case
USDA/ERS report:
Government Patenting and Technology Transfer
French rapeseed production
continues to increase
Planting seeds -
Administrative measures for grass seeds
Scientists study feasibility
of switchgrass for energy production
Científicos estudian la viabilidad de un césped para la producción de
European Union rapeseed crop
reaches record levels as biofuels market boost demand
February 05
U.S. Department of
Agriculture proposes to develop U.S. standards for grades of
Idaho firm pays
$3,325 to settle seed case
watermelon line may help breeders combat powdery mildew
Nueva línea de sandía podría ayudar a los cultivadores a
combatir el moho
Learning to grow better nursery
plants - better
Aprender cómo
cultivar mejores plantas de vivero
conditionally lifts ban on import of fresh U.S. potatoes
Federation - Planting seeds, annual
China’s rising
fruit and vegetable exports challenge U.S. industries
USDA awards $5
million for applied wheat genome research
Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) is seeking nominations
for the Plant Variety Protection Board
Seeded pastures
can sustain cattle and native rangelands
Pastos sembrados pueden sostener ganado y praderas nativas
Confirmed reports
of Asian soybean rust on kudzu in Alabama, Georgia and Florida
US Trade
Representative Rob Portman and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike
Johanns on agricultural biotechnology and the WTO
New heart-healthy oat now
Nueva avena con
niveles altos de fibra ahora disponible
EU and U.S. organic
markets face strong demand under different policies
Sources of sorghum anthracnose resistance discovered
descubrimiento de las fuentes de resistencia de sorgo contra
New cropland data
available from USDA-NASS: DVD depicts images from Mid-Atlantic
region of the US
cooperators fight new strain of wheat stem rust
USDA/ARS y sus
colaboradores combaten contra una nueva raza de la roya del
January 06
U.S. Department
of Agriculture seeking comments on options to improve the
Supplier Credit Guarantee Program
Agricultural biotechnology report
Despite obstacles,
French maize growers will plant biotech maize
Report on The
Second International Conference on Coexistence Between GM and
non-GM Based Agricultural Supply Chains
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to twenty-four new plant varieties
Soybean rust
found in ten Florida counties
Meeting showcases anti-sclerotinia
Reunión para
investigaciones sobre la enfermedad sclerotinia
U.S. Departments of
Agriculture and Energy to coordinate research of plant and microbial
genomics - Soybean DNA to be sequenced
FAO and Biotechnology - A
2005 U.S. cotton crop a
record breaker, USDA reports - Corn, soybean crops second largest on
Snowy pastures'
hidden treat: forage kochia
Los deleites escondidos en las praderas nevadas
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to sixteen plant varieties
for soy's secret, yet promising, compounds
La búsqueda para los
compuestos secretos y prometedores de soya
Colorful new tropical
evergreen for U.S. gardens
Una nueva planta tropical de hoja perenne para los jardineros
No-till and poultry litter can help cotton
crops weather drought
Cero labranza y
desperdicios avícolas podrían ayudar al algodón a tolerar la sequía
December 05
Lycoris to U.S. flower lovers
USDA-Office of Inspector General
APHIS controls over issuance of genetically engineered organism release
Tomato trek yields Chilean treasure
Caminata para encontrar
los tomates rinde un tesoro chileno
New chickpea variety available for legume
Nueva variedad de
garbanzo será disponible
New barley bred for candymakers,
brewmasters - and more
Nueva cebada cultivada
para los fabricantes de dulces y cerveza--y más
Going against the grain: a
new method for harvesting wheat
Nuevo método de cosechar trigo
Tomatoes and
products, semi-annual report 2005
Major Swedish meat
processor lifts GM feed ban
New software aids potato farmers in the
Northeastern US
Nuevo programa de
computadora ayuda a los granjeros de patatas
Cutting-edge studies focus
on broccoli, peas and watermelon
Planting seeds, annual
Planting seeds, annual
Polish reactions to EU
sugar reform
Austrian sugabeet farmers
and sugar industry fear EU sugar reform
Redesigned U.S. National
Agricultural Library website brings fresh look, swift access
Biobased plastic flexes
its muscle
Plásticos hechos de plantas
November 05
New method monitors insects ravaging
stored products
Método nuevo vigila los
insectos que destruyen productos almacenados
Website helps U.S. wheat
growers plan greenbug control
Sitio web ayuda a los cultivadores a controlar el áfido verde
- Netherlands - Planting seeds, annual
- Greece - Planting seeds, annual
USDA/APHIS announces plan
to publicize environmental assessments for biotechnology petitions
U.S. announces launch of
West Africa Cotton Improvement Program
Alabama reports two more
Asian soybean rust positive counties
Study probes spread of
U.S. corn pest in Europe
Estudio investiga la
diseminación del una plaga de maíz estadounidense en Europa
Soybean rust found in
Edgecombe county, North Carolina, farthest north in the U.S.
New varieties of big bluestem prairie
grass to fatten beef cattle
Nuevos pastos de pradera
para el ganado vacuno
USDA awards more than
US$4.5 million for integrated organic research
Soy set to withstand exotic aphid
La soya del futuro podría
poseer resistencia al áfido
Indian cotton yield gains
could limit imports
Software for peanuts:
"Irrigator Pro" software helps manage crops more effectively
October 05
Oklahoma firm pays
$3,850 to settle seed case
Oregon firm pays $1,125 to
settle seed case
US Department of
Agriculture expands national soybean rust risk management tool
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to twenty-one new plant varieties
Rice researchers fight
straighthead disease and improve grain quality
Investigadores de
arroz combaten la espiga erecta y mejoran la calidad del grano
European Union:
Imports of GM rapeseed and rapeseed oil for biodiesel
ARS awards scientist for wheat
gene proposal
Científico recibe
premio por su propuesta sobre investigación de los genes de
USDA revises U.S.
standards for grades of sweet peppers
Mexico announces
the white corn allocation rules for 2005
Republic of Korea:
Planting Seeds - Update of Trade and Production
India: Planting seeds
annual 2004/2005
USDA awards $1.1 million
for researching the economic effects of strategies to combat invasive
Hispanic farmers represent
a growing sector of U.S. agriculture
500 to 1,000 ha of GM corn
in France in 2005
A fly, new to North America, hunts down
greenhouse pests
Una mosca nuevamente
identificada en Norteamérica caza las plagas de invernaderos
Environmentally friendly
grass seed production
La producción de hierba y el medio ambiente
Investigation on dumping
and subsidy of U.S. corn exported into Canada divides Canadian
U.S. Department of
Agriculture offers GSM-102 credit guarantees for export sales to several
September 05
University of Tennessee release new soybean germplasm line
characterized by high seed yields and high levels of resistance
to multiple races of soybean cyst nematode
Nuevas líneas de
soya tienen resistencia a los nematodos y patógenos
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary announces new web portal to access USDA market news
Ahora en español: Hallazgos
agrícolas de los científicos del ARS en Idaho
Now in Spanish:
farm-ready findings from Idaho scientists
French corn
growers show strong support for biotech crops
New kidney bean germplasm line
resists common bacterial blight disease
Nueva línea del
germen plasma del frijol colorado resiste el tizón común del
USDA releases
estimates of farm production losses from hurricane Katrina
USDA announces
open meeting of the Plant Variety Protection Board
USDA finalizes
fee increase for plant variety protection certificates
releases U.S. crop production forecast
USDA/PVPO grants protection to
twenty-three new plant varieties
gamagrass loves the heat
Maicillo oriental le encanta el calor
Turning salty
evaporation ponds into arable land
Convirtiendo estanques de evaporación
en tierra cultivable
USDA offers emergency
relief programs for farmers and ranchers coping with hurricane Katrina
Mississippi River export grain industry recovering from hurricane
Hand-held sensor to gauge nutrients in livestock forage
Sensor de mano puede medir los nutrientes en el forraje del ganado
Defender is first commercial potato in the United States to resist late
August 05
Short-day onions saved for the long haul
Variedades de cebolla de día corto preservadas para el futuro
USDA announces new online
system for U.S. exporters
Unlocking secrets of Pseudomonad bacteria
Revelando los secretos de las bacterias Pseudomonads
Republic of South Africa:
planting seeds annual 2005
Czech Republic:
Agricultural biotechnology
report 2005
Agricultural biotechnology report 2005
Agricultural biotechnology report 2005
scientist aids revival of historic American rice
Científicos del ARS ayudan con el restablecimiento del arroz
USDA announces web soil
Cotton DNA database launched to help find plant resistance
Base de datos del ADN de algodón se lanza para ayudar a
descubrir resistencia a enfermedades
USDA - World agricultural
supply and demand estimates
fiber has new international standards
La fibra de lino ahora tiene nuevos estándares internacionales
Oregon firm pays $1,500 to settle seed case
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to sixteen new plant varieties
USDA/APHIS adopts final
recommendations on safeguarding American plant resources
peanuts pass the flavor test in Europe
Cacahuetes estadounidenses salen adelante en la prueba de sabor en
Increasing nutrients in melons may boost growers' income
Aumentar los nutrientes en melones podría aumentar los ingresos
del cultivador
The Philippines: updated
approval registry for the importation of regulated articles for direct
use for food, feed and for propagation
Mapping manure-hungry soybean and alfalfa fields
Mapeando los campos de soya y alfalfa que son hambrientos para el
USDA/FAS GAIN report on recent events around biotech test plots in
research helps preserve fresh-cut
fruits and vegetables
Frutas y verduras recién
cortadas mantenidas frescas por más tiempo
July 05
Japanese Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards
- Agricultural Biotechnology Report
Spain: Biotechnology
coexistence update
software for preventing pesticide drift
Programa único para prevenir la deriva de pesticida
USDA/PVPO grants protection to 25 new plant varieties
Biotechnology developments in Spain
U.S. Department of
Agriculture proposes fee increase for plant variety protection
Oregon firm pays
$1,000 to settle seed case
aumenta información en español sobre el ARS
Website axpands agricultural research info "En Español"
roots coaxed into producing promising compound
Engañando a las raíces del algodón a producir un compuesto
report: Mexico,
Planting seeds annual report
varieties and techniques make barley better for ethanol
Nuevas variedades y técnicas hacen la cebada mejor para el
Agriculture Secretary announces agreements for greater market
access for U.S. agriculture in China
USDA/ARS to be part of new team improving cassava
Científico del ARS es miembro de un grupo para el mejoramiento
de la mandioca
begins on new USDA cereal crops lab
proposes legislative changes to cotton and export credit programs to
comply with WTO findings
USDA announces changes to
export credit guarantee programs to comply with WTO findings
TILLING for heart-healthy soybean oil
Cultivando un aceite de soya que es bueno para el corazón
Grafting watermelon makes firmer, healthier fruit
Injertar la sandía produce una fruta más firme y saludable
June 05
pathogen monitoring made easier with paint can shakers
Vigilar los patógenos es más fácil con un agitador de latas de
Ministry of Agriculture revises list of plants eligible for new plant
variety protection
Pioneer Hi-Bred to automate screening for crops' viral resistance
Científicos desarrollan un instrumento para evaluar resistencia
viral en cosechas
USDA withdraws proposal to revise U.S. standards for grades of snap
tests screen weed for resistance to major herbicide
Nuevos ensayos evalúan una maleza para resistencia a un
herbicida importante
USDA/PVPO grants protection to nine new plant varieties
European Union 25 - Annual
Agricultural Biotechnology Report 2005
USDA announces
equivalency for accredited seed lab program
USDA/PVPO grants protection to 15 new plant varieties
USDA/ARS researchers find
resistance to soybean fungus
Investigadores descubren
resistencia al hongo de soya
Great Plains farmers are diversifying
Los granjeros de la Zona de las Praderas están diversificando sus
Knowledge of nitrogen transfer between plants and beneficial fungi
Conocimientos aumentan sobre la transferencia de nitrógeno entre
plantas y hongos beneficiosos
American Soybean Association delegation meets with French industry on EU
labeling and traceability regulation
USDA scientists share
technologies with Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service launches interactive
mapping application for 2002 census of agriculture highlights
A sugar
that's not so sweet for insect pests: newly introduced class of
insecticidal compounds
Un azúcar que no es tan dulce para las plagas
May 05
Organic farmgate and
wholesale price data
Price premiums hold on
as the U.S. organic produce market expands
Crop Genetic Resources:
An Economic Appraisal
USDA/ARS winter-hardy pea variety now available
Nueva variedad de guisante resistente al invierno ahora
Picking the perfect ear of corn -
for more than 6,000 years
Escogiendo la
mazorca perfecta de maíz - por más de 6.000 años
"waxy" wheat being tested for public release
Nuevo trigo ceroso ensayado para el lanzamiento al público
USDA/APHIS holds creeping bentgrass public forums in Oregon
USDA establishes
supplemental fees for plant variety protection certificates
potato makes fabulous fries, foils late blight
Nueva patata hace papas fritas fabulosas y es resistente al
tizón tardío
Report: Denmark -
Planting seeds annual
DNA test
developed to study, combat Fusarium head blight in wheat
Prueba de ADN desarrollada para estudiar y combatir la
fusariosis de la espiga en el trigo
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary approves funding for soybean rust surveillance and
monitoring network
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to five new plant varieties
USDA issues two
biotechnology reports
Exploring sorghum's knack for keeping weeds away
Explorando la capacidad del sorgo en combatir malezas
Strong growth anticipated for EU biodiesel
shows if fruit's beauty is only skin deep
El láser revela si la belleza de la fruta es solamente en la
2002 Census of U.S. Agriculture reveals facts on Asian-American farmers
quarantine facility to help control invasive pests
USDA/PVPO grants protection to nine new plant varieties
Long-standing Ohio team serves as front line for corn, soybean viruses
Grupo de Ohio sirve como el líder de defensa contra los virus de maíz
y soya
April 05
USDA/ERS releases U.S. lettuce statistics
Prairie towers watch carbon and water losses from cornfields
en las praderas miden las pérdidas de carbono y agua en maizales
USDA announces first soybean rust find of 2005 in
Seminole county,
Argentina -
Planting Seeds Annual 2005
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to eight new plant varieties
Conference tackles global problem of salinity
Conferencia aborda el problema global de salinidad
Is the European Union's
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) a bust for organic production?
USDA is accepting
applications until April 28 for the FAS’ TEACH Program to promote
awareness of agricultural and environmental sciences in U.S. schools
Researchers discover sex potion to ensnare mealybug pests
Investigadores descubren una poción sexual para atrapar las
USDA proposes to revise U.S.
standards for grades of Italian sprouting broccoli
Preserving wild rice and other crops
Preservando el arroz silvestre y otras cosechas
New test for detecting
pesticide-resistant bee mites
Nuevo ensayo para detectar ácaros que tienen resistencia a pesticidas
Predatory insects may help solve mealybug
Insectos depredadores
podrían ayudar a resolver el problema de la cochinilla
Biodiesel production gets simplified with
new method
Producción de combustible
biodiesel es simplificada con un método nuevo
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to eight new plant varieties
New USDA quarantine facility
opens for invasive plant research
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to eight new plant varieties
Preserving the grain crop finger millet
Preservando la cosecha de
grano llamada el mijo dedo
North American greenhouse
tomatoes emerge as a major market force
Stacked trait products
approved in the Philippines
March 05
USDA announces impact
of soybean rust on planting decisions for the 2005 season
Mycosphaerella graminicola, major
wheat pathogen chosen for genome sequencing
Patógeno principal
del trigo escogido para secuenciar el genoma
Groundbreaking for
high-tech expansion at USDA National Small Grains Germplasm
Research Facility in Aberdeen, Idaho
New agricultural
center created to guide Mexican Lower Chamber of Deputies
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to nine new plant varieties
Biodiesel fuel and
bioethanol production prospects in Italy
"Burton" barley fends
off aphids
Cebada 'Burton' repela los áfidos
USDA proposes U.S.
standards for grades of field grown leaf lettuce
Marginal improvement
on biotech regulations in Germany
Presenting two new
southernpea varieties
Presentando dos nuevas variedades del guisante sureño
Understanding rye and rice may help farmers improve wheat
Comprender el
centeno y el arroz podría ayudar a los granjeros a mejorar el
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to fourteen new plant varieties
USDA/APHIS finalizes
regulations on agricultural select agents and toxins
French parlamentarians debate
Remote sensing technique uses
agricultural aircrafts
Técnica del sensoramiento remoto usa aviones agrícolas
USDA launches informative
one-stop soybean rust web site
framework agreement in support of royalty collection system for GM
soybean seed
Cotton fiber could roll
faster, be longer
Algodón con fibras más largas
and Monsanto team up with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to map
soybean genome
USDA/FAS GAIN Report: Recent
biotech developments in the European Union
February 05
- GMO Situation in Germany - 2005
USDA agency hosts
biobased products conference
Hardy oats stand
the cold
Avenas resistentes aguantan el frío
NAFTA at 11: the
growing integration of North American agriculture
USDA raises FY
2005 agricultural export forecast by $3 billion to $59 billion
Beneficial fungal strains fight harmful
ones in corn
Cepas beneficiosas de hongos
combaten hongos dañosos en maíz
Strawberry latent ringspot
virus found in North America
Virus latente de la mancha anular de la frutilla encontrado en
USDA/APHIS amends wheat
import regulations
Historical publications of
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service now available on the web
Russian Federation:
planting seeds annual 2005
Twenty EU regions defend
right to ban biotech production
Hessian fly resistant wheat germplasm
Germen plasma de trigo
resistente a la mosca de Hess ahora está disponible
USDA/ARS announces
technology transfer winners
China changes its
agricultural policy, begins to subsidize rather than tax agriculture
Keeping New Mexican peppers hot in the
world market
Manteniendo los pimientos de
Nuevo México 'caliente' en el mercado mundial
Andrews Farm and Seed Inc.
and Pennington Seed Inc. settle alleged violations of the U.S. Federal
Seed Act
Italy's Coexistence Law -
Urgent provisions to ensure the coexistence of transgenic, conventional
and organic farming
Florida tomato crop
recovers from hurricane damage and shipments return to normal
Genomic "jigsaw puzzle" for wheat scab
fungus is put together
"Rompecabezas" de genoma del
hongo de la fusariosis de la espiga de trigo se ha resuelto
January 05
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to 11 new plant varieties
Web site offers a detailed look at legumes
Página cibernética ofrece
una mirada detallada de las legumbres
Technology complements methyl bromide
Tecnología complementa una
alternativa al bromuro de metilo
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to 10 new plant varieties
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to 11 new plant varieties
New incentives for biofuel
production in France
How will rising CO2 affect nitrogen use?
Las cosechas y el CO2
Rising CO2 could lower
forage quality
Concentraciones elevadas de CO2 podrían reducir la calidad del
U.S. agencies discuss
economic development issues with West African countries
Key USDA grain lab in Kansas to be
Laboratorio clave del grano
del USDA será modernizado
Lighting up gene expression in plants
Nueva información sobre la
expresión de los genes en plantas
U.S. Federal Register:
Plant Variety Protection Office, supplemental fees
USDA invites applications
for technical assistance for specialty crops
Protein profilers sleuth
wheat kernels
Los investigadores de proteínas estudian los granos de trigo
Herbicide resistant
sunflowers have roots in ARS research
Girasoles resistentes al herbicida tienen "raíces" en las
investigaciones del ARS
December 04
diversifies sunflower traits
USDA/ARS diversifica rasgos del girasol
USDA/ARS releases
new rust- and mosaic-resistant Great Northern dry bean lines
Líneas nuevas de habichuelas con resistencia a la roya y el
virus del mosaico común
computer program predicts mycotoxin levels in corn
Nuevo programa de
computadora predice niveles de micotoxina en maíz
Oils from
many Turkish medicinal herbs are lethal to aphid pests
Aceites de plantas turcas son letales a plagas
Seeds Croatia sued for non-approved biotech content
found in corn seeds
Hard white
wheat at a crossroads
sensors help farmers find high-quality wheat
Sensores ópticos ayudan a los granjeros a encontrar
el trigo de alta calidad
plants' thirst - below ground
Saciendo la sed de las plantas - debajo de la tierra
grants protection to 14 new plant varieties
Researchers analyze USDA's Rice Core Collection,
identify valuable traits
Científicos usaron colección de arroz para
identificar rasgos valiosos
amends user fee regulations for agricultural services
considers amending imported nursery stock regulations
scientists tap fungus to protect corn
Un hongo
benigno puede proteger el maíz contra los hongos dañosos
The EU
biotech regulatory process - A new Tower of Babel
yield low-sugar watermelons, probe nutrition of mini
Las investigaciones rinden sandías con menos azúcar y
buena nutrición
GAIN report: China - Food and agricultural import
regulations and standards - Bonded trade product import
ban on planting seeds and other commodities
November 04
Missouri, South
Carolina plant specialists find soybean rust
South Dakota firm
pays US$1,625 to settle seed case
A regional scheme for
foiling non-native plant escapes
Un plan regional para prevenir los escapes de plantas no nativas
Organic farming is a winner for
La cultivación orgánica
ofrece buena sostenibilidad
Soybean rust present in
A new forage laboratory
for America's Mid-South
Un laboratorio nuevo para el Medio-Sur de EE.UU.
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to nine new plant varieties
Cataloguing natural
pesticides' modes of action
Catalogando los modos de acción de los pesticidas naturales
New USDA/ARS poisonous
Plant Research Lab dedicated on the campus of Utah State University
Nueva instalación de
investigación de plantas venenosas dedicada por el ARS
New carrots from USDA/ARS
offer colorful surprises - and health benefits
Zanahorias nuevas ofrecen sorpresas vistosas - y beneficios
USDA/APHIS soybean rust
update, November 12, 2004
Research aims to improve fertigation for
Investigación tiene el
objetivo de mejorar la fertigación para los granjeros
USDA/APHIS confirms
soybean rust in the United States
Helping cotton thrive in
the heat
Ayudando el algodón a medrar en el calor
New lures to doom
crop-damaging caterpillars
Nuevos señuelos ayudan a destruir las orugas que dañan cosechas
Stressed out? Have some
cold vegetable soup
¿Tiene tensión? Coma un poco de sopa vegetal fría
October 04
China's soybean
imports expected to grow despite short-term disruptions
New pinto bean now
resists anthracnose disease
Judía pinta nueva ahora resiste la enfermedad antracnosis
Slowing the loss of ag chemicals
in the field
Reduciendo la
pérdida de productos químicos agrícolas
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 12 new plant varieties
USDA’s National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) invites you to participate in the
consultation process regarding the content of its annual statistics
program and the 2007 Census of Agriculture
USDA/PVPO grants protection
to 15 new plant varieties
Rice genome helps put other
cereals "on the map"
Using brassica species as
alternative to chemical fumigants to rid crop fields of nematodes, weed
seeds and other soilborne pests
A head start on mapping the
genomes of corn and sorghum
Un comienzo ventajoso en mapear los genomas de dos cosechas de cereal
New cotton
sampling system helps growers learn about their fields
Nuevo sistema de muestra
ayuda a los cultivadores a aprender sobre sus campos
September 04
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 14 new plant varieties
USDA awards $4.5
million in grants for organic agriculture projects
Kevin Shea named
new associate administrator of the USDA’s Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Bacteria take on late
blight, sprouting and dry rot in potatoes
Effective and Efficient
Use of Agricultural Science, Technology, and Research as Tools for
African Development
USDA grants protection to
nine new plant varieties
Agriculture Secretary announces
appointments to the Plant Variety Protection Board
USDA grants protection to
12 new plant varieties
2004 edition of “States
Noxious-Weed Seed Requirements Recognized in the U.S. Administration of
the Federal Seed Act” has been posted on the web
Three scientists inducted
into USDA/ARS Hall of Fame
Tres científicos se admiten en la Sala de Fama del Servicio de
Investigación Agrícola
USDA grants protection to
eleven new corn and soybean varieties
USDA grants protection to
seven new plant varieties
Glorious gardenias get
boost from USDA/ARS scientists
Gardenias gloriosas reciben un empuje por científicos del USDA/ARS
USDA/ARS launches new
plant nutrient database
Se lanza una nueva base de datos sobre los nutrientes de plantas
Cutting-edge tools help farmers seek out
Herramientas de filo
cortante ayudan a granjeros a buscar la sal en sus campos
Key clues to cause of Asian rice yield
Indicios claves sobre la
causa de reducciones en rendimientos del arroz
August 04
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to nine new plant varieties
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary announces appointments to the United Soybean Board
USDA Agricultural
Research Service lab promotes new technologies for corn,
soybeans, wheat and other crops
No-till farming can decrease
"global warming potential"
Labranza de
conservación puede reducir el potencial del calentamiento global
New method sorts out
signals in stressed-out plants
Método nuevo descifra señales de las plantas que sufren de
New version of the U.S. Agricultural Biotechnology
Intellectual Property database
Watering plants when their
temperature says, "I'm thirsty!"
Dándoles el agua a las plantas cuando su temperatura dice, "¡Tengo
Tropical spiderwort, a
little-known weed, causes big trouble in the Southeastern U.S.
Una mala hierba poco conocida está causando muchos problemas en el
Hot peppers pep up North Florida growers'
bottom lines
Chiles picantes mejoran las
ganancias de los cultivadores de la Florida norteña
Quick Stats on the U.S.
census of agriculture now available on the Web
Four sugar beet lines with
resistance to Rhizoctonia root rot found in the U.S. National Plant
Germplasm System collection
USDA/ARS workshops boost
public seed project
Talleres conducidos por el ARS ayudan una iniciativa pública sobre
las semillas
Newly explored rice gene could help
"blast" killer fungus
Un gen nuevamente explorado
en el arroz podría ayudar a combatir un hongo dañoso
Beautiful flowers - It's all
in their genes
Flores bellas - un resultado de los genes
A search
for nematodes' biological soft spots
Buscando el "talón de
Achilles" en la biología de los nematodos
Funds to defray costs of
organic certification are available to producers in 15 U.S. states
2002 census of agriculture
ranking of U.S. congressional districts and congressional profiles now
available on the web
Wild potato's gene may
protect vulnerable spuds
Un gen de una papa salvaje podría ayudar a proteger las papas
USDA announces year 2005
bioenergy programm that provides up to $150 million for bioenergy
Rust fungus unleashed to fight
the invasive weed
yellow starthistle
Utilizando la roya para
combatir abrepuño amarillo
The genetics of pollen:
probing the plants' pollen puzzles
Investigando los misterios del polen
Some flowers can stand the
salt - and save precious water
Algunas flores pueden tolerar la sal - y ahorrar el agua preciosa
July 04
New soybean line
offers strong resistance to nematodes
Línea nueva de soya tiene resistencia fuerte a los
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary meets with West African ministers at the
conclusion of U.S. cotton tour
USDA's National
Agricultural Statistics Service releases 2002 census
agriculture county profiles on the web
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 16 new plant varieties
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 15 new plant varieties
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 12 new plant varieties
U.S. Agriculture
administrator of the Agricultural Research Service
New soy germplasm
lines available for breeding
Líneas nuevas de germen plasma de soya están disponibles
para cultivar
Computer models help
guide ethanol production research
Modelos de computadora ayudan a guiar investigaciones sobre
la producción del etanol
Mexico: Planting
seeds - annual report 2004
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 13 new plant varieties
USDA grants protection
to 13 new plant varieties
New soy germplasm delivers high
yield, genetic diversity
Tomatoes get genetic
"boost" under sustainable ag system
Tomateras reciben un "aumento" genético bajo un sistema de
agricultura sostenible
Update on biotechnology issues in Brazil
June 04
GM crop acreage in the U.S. to
increase in 2004
U.S. Agriculture Secretary
applauds West African ministers for strong support of biotechnology
employees recognized at Agriculture Secretary's 2004 Honor Awards
Empleados del ARS reciben Premios de Honor de la Secretaria de
Agricultura para el 2004
USDA amends GSM-102
credit guarantees for export sales to South America region,
increases the allocation from $700 million to $900 million
The Charleston Belle
pepper developed by the Agricultural Research Service continues
to impress researchers with its ability to resist major
root-knot nematodes afflicting the southern United States
USDA and African
Agricultural Technology Foundation sign agreement to share
New website traces
"long, strange trip" of corn
Página cibernética nueva rastrea el "camino largo y extraño"
del maíz
USDA announces funds to
promote U.S. food and agriculture products overseas
Sorghum - the next New
Wave in grains?
Sorgo - ¿el próximo favorito entre los granos?
New test for wheat rust
Ensayo rápido para una amenaza fungal
Summary of Mexican
government study on the effects of NAFTA on Mexican agriculture
USDA grants protection
to 23 new
plant varieties
Global trade patterns
in fruits and vegetables - a USDA/ERS report
Transcript of remarks
by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman to The Advisory
Committee on Biotechnology
USDA releases 2002
census on agriculture
Transcript of remarks
by the U.S. Agriculture Secretary to the International
Federation of Agricultural Producers regarding 21st century
challenges for global agriculture
May 04
New rice stock adds good
trait to genetic collection
Línea nueva de arroz agrega un rasgo bueno a la colección
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 31 new plant varieties
U.S. agricultural
exports to reach record $61.5 billion in 2004
give US$2.1 million for Nigerian biotech
USDA/FAS updates country
listings in World Production, Supply and Distribution online
USDA scientists help
resolve cotton quality standard issue
Científicos del USDA ayudan a resolver asunto sobre normas de
la calidad del algodón
Monsanto, USDA-ARS and
University of Illinois join forces to map location of rust
resistance genes in soybean genome
New line of soybeans
developed for breeders has higher amount of oleic acid
Eggplants found to
contains high levels of antioxidants
Recent ag biotech events
in Germany
decides to establish separate Administration for Plant Health
Indonesia’s Ag Ministry
attempting to develop new variety of cotton
Bringing back the native
grasses of California
Devolviendo los pastos nativos a California
Who will gain from
India's Plant Protection Act?
Trait in honey bees keeps warroa
mites from multiplying
Un rasgo en la abeja de miel
previene la proliferación de los ácaros
April 04
Economic and policy
implications of wind-borne entry of Asian soybean rust into the
United States
USDA/APHIS: final rule
on common crop insurance regulations
USDA/APHIS: Proposed
rule for the importation of small lots of seed without
phytosanitary certificates
USDA and China agree
to further cooperation on food safety and animal and plant
certification program for imported articles of Pelargonium spp.
and Solanum spp. to prevent introduction of Potato Brown Rot
USDA seeks comments on
proposed changes to U.S. standards for grades of watermelon
USDA grants protection to 14
new plant varieties
Toward a better sugar
Una remolacha
azucarera mejorada
Dr. Ron DeHaven named
administrator of USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection
USDA now offers free
access to a database of over 3,800 U.S. exporters and their
Thwarting Russian wheat aphids --
Obstruyendo los
áfidos rusos del trigo -- otra vez
USDA grants protection
to 17 new
plant varieties
USDA signs agreement
with the American Seed Trade Association
USDA grants protection to
eight new plant varieties
New breed of beet geneticists
unraveling sugar beet genome
Un "grupo nuevo" de
científicos está descifrando el genoma de la remolacha azucarera
March 04
Listening for weevils in nursery
Escuchando los
gorgojos en las cosechas de viveros
USDA's National
Agricultural Statistics Service publishes 2004 Prospective
Plantings for the USA
Plant roots, too, know
how to "seize the moment"
Las raíces de planta también saben como "aprovechar el
Corn fungus tapped for
carotenoid production
Hongo de maíz se utiliza para la producción de carotenoides
Corn plants alert neighbors, seek help against pests
Cuando atacadas, las plantas de maíz solicitan ayuda contra
Wild potatoes may hold
genetic keys to a defense against the Columbia root-knot
Papas silvestres utilizadas para la defensa contra el nematodo
comments on deregulation of genetically engineered cotton
USDA/APHIS releases
draft document outlining risks associated with imported soybeans
Growers show continued
satisfaction with Monsanto's Roundup Ready and YieldGard
Pretty new ornamental pepper plants developed by
Plantas bonitas
de pimientos desarrolladas por el USDA/ARS
Machine vision system for
automating cotton gins
Utilizando la visión mecánica en la automatización de las
desmotadoras de algodón
Grain market data of
the European Commission now available on line
Secret to
"winterizing" wheat plants revealed
USDA grants protection
to 10 new plant varieties
Chile - Tomatoes and
products annual 2003
- Russian Federation -
Planting seeds annual 2003
USDA requests nominations to
fill upcoming vacancies on National Organic Standards Board
Genetic fingerprinting technique points way to new strains of bacteria
with potential to biologically control soybean cyst nematodes
USDA/PVPO grants protection to
20 new plant varieties
USDA/APHIS proposes amendments to wheat import regulations
Scientists study benefits of pasture plant diversity on dairy production
Científicos estudian
beneficios de una diversidad de plantas de pasto en la producción
February 04
Spain approves nine
GM corn varieties for planting
USDA finalizes
amendments to domestic Karnal bunt regulations
With just a
sprinkle, plants soak up more selenium
Con gotitas, plantas absorben más selenio
USDA researchers
test system to track U.S. cotton products
Investigadores del USDA ensayan sistema para rastrear
productos del algodón de EE.UU.
U.S. Invasive
Species Research Program: request for proposals
Allocating resources to manage invasive species and pests
Ground broken for
U.S. Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center
Construcción comienza para Centro de Investigación Agrícola de
Terreno Árido
Finding alternatives to burning straw that
remains after harvesting grass seed
El desarrollo de otras
opciones en vez de quemar la paja sobrante
USDA announces 2004 loan
rates for corn, grain sorghum and soybeans
European Hearing on Organic
Food and Farming – Towards an EU Organic Action Plan
New soybean promises
healthier soy oil
Soya nueva promete un aceite de soya más saludable
The seed industry in U.S.
agriculture: an exploration of data and information on crop seed
markets, regulation, industry structure, and research and development
Preliminary census results
give first look at changing face of US agriculture
Have seed industry changes
affected research effort?
January 04
found in New York greenhouse
Q&A's on Ralstonia solanacearum Race 3 Biovar 2
combo could boost dry edible pea growth
Combinación de bacteria y hongo podría aumentar el crecimiento
de guisantes
Rising vegetable
imports pressure US farmers
More soil benefits
from no-till planting
fertilizer can be effective for many years
Fertilizante de fósforo puede ser eficaz por muchos años
USDA/PVPO grants
protection to 18 new plant varieties
USDA/APHIS announces first
steps to update biotechnology regulations
USDA opens new trade offices
in China and The Philippines
USDA/ARS-adapted grain
sorter sees fungal poisons under "new light"
Clasificador de grano encuentra venenos fungales debajo de una nueva luz
Cleaning roots more
Eggplant found to have an
antioxidant kick
La berenjena contiene niveles altos de un compuesto antioxidante
USDA seeks comments on
deregulation of biotech bentgrass
December 03
USDA grants protection to 11
new plant varieties
New sugar beet line
combines disease resistance, smooth roots
Línea nueva de remolacha azucarera ofrece
raíces suaves y resistencia a enfermedades
A new defense against
insect pests
Una defensa nueva contra las plagas de insectos
U.S. Agriculture
Secretary names
members to Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee
New protocol offers early
diagnosis of sugar beet disease - and more
Método ofrece diagnóstico temprano de una enfermedad de la remolacha
"Ivory Crisp" potato makes
tasty chips
La patata 'Ivory Crisp' hace hojuelas sabrosas
USDA amends soybean rules
and regulations
New sensing system counts
corn in a field
Sistema nuevo de sensoramiento cuenta el maíz en un campo
sollicists applications for its Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants
(BRAG) Program
National Agricultural
Library upgrades AGRICOLA online public catalog
Helping stored alfalfa
keep its protein
Ayudando a mantener la proteína de la alfalfa almacenada
USDA establishes
biotechnology environmental unit
Boosting potatoes' natural ability to protect themselves
Aumentando la capacidad natural de las papas de protegerse
USDA grants
protection to 17 new plant varieties
USDA proposes to exempt 100
percent organic entities from marketing order promotion assessments
November 03
comeback for soy-based bread?
¿Un retorno para el pan a base de soya?
USDA's Biotechnology
Advisory Committee to hold its third public meeting
Open forum planned for
USDA Plant
Protection and Quarantine stakeholders
Expansion begins on USDA
forage research facility
Expansión comienza en instalación del USDA para investigaciones sobre
ARS scientist leads
national effort to decipher beetle's genes
Científico del ARS es líder en proyecto nacional de descifrar los
genes del escarabajo
USDA's Sustainable
Agriculture Network announces new bulletin: "Transitioning to Organic
European Commission to
allow US to access larger wheat import quotas for 2003
Size and Distribution of
Market Benefits From Adopting Biotech Crops
USDA launches website
featuring state marketing profiles
October 03
USDA to promote organic
products at food show in Germany
Handling-system changes can
reduce grain mixing
Reduciendo la mezcla de granos
Proposal to
identify key corn genes wins top award
Propuesta para identificar genes claves de maíz gana el premio más alto
New pinto bean offers high
yields, disease resistance
Frijol moteado nuevo ofrece rendimientos más altos y resistencia a
USDA grants
protection to 20 new plant varieties
USDA grants protection to 22
new plant varieties
USDA/APHIS establishes new
biotechnology compliance and enforcement unit
New defense against Hessian
fly may lie in insect's saliva
La defensa sobre la mosca hessian podría ser en la saliva del insecto
USDA grants
protection to 18 new plant varieties
US Agriculture Secretary
announces hard white wheat incentive program payments
New software package for
peanut farmers
Un paquete nuevo de
software para ayudar a los productores de cacahuetes
Boosting vitamin E in corn and other crops
Flowering alfalfa yields
high-protein feed on Northern US Plains
Alfalfa floreciente provee forraje de alta proteína en los Llanos
European Commission proposes
to maintain levels of seed subsidies for 2004/05
ARS research facility cuts
pesticide use by 75 percent
Instalación del
ARS reduce el uso de pesticida por 75 por ciento
September 03
USDA grants protection to 18 new plant varieties
USDA awards $10 million for
agricultural innovation centers
USDA's National Organic
Standards Board to meet October 22-24
Chinese Ministry of
Agriculture releases additions to new plant variety protection list
Scientists identify wasp's chemical cue for marking whiteflies
Científicos identifican la señal química de una avispa que marca
las moscas blancas
Smooth roots mean smoother processing for U.S. sugar
Las raíces mas suaves significan
procesamiento más fácil de las remolachas azucareras
Adoption of genetically
engineered crops in the U.S. - a USDA/ERS report
Texas Oklahoma Production
Company settles alleged violation of the US Federal Seed Act
US Agriculture Secretary
names members to the National Watermelon Promotion Board
USDA/APHIS to hold public
meetings on plant protection and quarantine program
USDA announces second
meeting of the Biotechnology Advisory Committee
New "Moon Cake" soybean
makes a splendid vegetable and forage
Nueva semilla de soya 'Moon Cake' es un buen vegetal y forraje
Colored mulch can help cotton, carrots -
and basil, too
Cobertura plástica coloreada puede beneficiar el algodón, las zanahorias
y la albahaca
August 03
Plant guide is
helping reseed the American West
Guía de plantas ayuda a resembrar el oeste de EE.UU.
USDA/APHIS to hold public meeting on plant pest risks associated with
living modified organism
New USDA/ERS report focuses
on plant breeding research & development
New USDA vegetable laboratory
dedicated today
Making cents out of weed seed banks
Los bancos de semillas de malas hierbas
USDA's Agricultural Research Service has
key role in sequence project aimed at tomato menace
ARS tuvo un papel clave en el proyecto de secuenciar DNA de un microbio
New corn lines may be good for the heart
Líneas nuevas de maíz podrían beneficiar el corazón
USDA extends GSM-102 credit
guarantees for sales of US wheat to Pakistan
Using management zones to help in precision agriculture
Zonas de gerencia podrían mejorar la utilidad de agricultura de
Get your heart-friendly, blight-resistant peanuts
Líneas nuevas de cacahuetes ofrecen beneficios para los granjeros y la
Old Asian battle renewed in South Dakota soybean fields
Una batalla nueva contra los áfidos de soya
Pigment power may protect future crops
Pigmentos pueden proteger el maíz contra los insectos
EU Commission rejects all new
grains export licences
USDA to require permits for
all industrial biotech plants
Fungus on tap to fight whiteflies, other pests
Un hongo podría ser útil para combatir las moscas blancas y otras plagas
Preserving weed seeds for science
Preservando las semillas de la mala hierba para la ciencia
July 03
Newly approved fungus may
help "clean up" cotton
Un hongo nuevamente
aprobado podría ayudar a "limpiar" el algodón
Nation's first flower genebank celebrates 2nd birthday
Primer banco para genes de flores en el mundo cumple 2 años
Rice is the latest ally of
scientists battling the Colorado Potato Beetle
El arroz púrpura ayuda a
controlar el escarabajo de patata de Colorado
New wheatgrasses set to appear on pasture
Nuevos "wheatgrasses" aparecerán pronto en el pasto
USDA grants protection to 12
new new bean, sorghum and wheat varieties
USDA grants protection
to 28 new cotton, pea, soybean and wheat varieties
USDA/NASS releases special
analysis on adoption of corn biotechnology
System for counting and identifying insects hits the market
Sistema para contar e identificar insectos ahora está en el mercado
ARS scientists may bring relief to peanut allergy sufferers
Los científicos del ARS podrían traer alivio a aquellos que sufren de
USDA proposes amendments to
domestic Karnal bunt regulations
Vegetative mulches may help commercial tomato farmers
La cobertura vegetativa podría ayudar a los cultivadores de tomates
USDA/NASS releases 2001and 2002
satellite image crop maps on CD-ROM
USDA/APHIS expands list of
fruits and vegetables eligible for importation
June 03
USDA newsletter "Organic Perspectives" - Legislative Update: recent
news on legislation, international organic issues, and markets
(in PDF format)
Nobel Peace Laureate Dr.
Norman Borlaug urges adoption of agricultural technology to feed the
developing world
ARS, industry partnerships
yield innovations for consumers, farmers
floriculture and nursery
crops yearbook summary
United States and
Brazil establish Consultative Committee on Agriculture
Agricultural Statistics
book for 2003 is now available from the USDA's National
Agricultural Statistics Service
Again, no-till proves its worth
De nuevo, la labranza de conservación confirma su valor
USDA to begin
electronic reporting for export sales of wheat, feed grains and
oilseed products
USDA announces $110 million to
promote U.S. food and agricultural products overseas
US Agriculture Secretary Veneman to preside over Ministerial
Conference On Agricultural Science and Technology
Wireless networking system to deliver precision agriculture data
Sistema de realización de redes inalámbricas entregará datos de
agricultura de precisión
Fruit and vegetable bounty is well protected
La diversidad de las frutas y los vegetales está muy bien protegida
profile of Mexico's agricultural sector
USDA announces first meeting of Biotechnology Advisory Committee
Turfgrass may be carbon "sink"
El césped 'turfgrass' podría acumular el carbono
May 03
USDA/APHIS announces availability of environmental assessment for the
control of pigeonpea pod fly
USDA/APHIS requires
phytosanitary certificates for imported garden plants to prevent
potato brown rot
Possible natural cure for Sugar Beet Leaf Spot
Cura natural posible
para la mancha de la hoja de la remolacha azucarera
Organic Program confirms that price is prohibited from being used as a
determining factor by Accredited Certifying Agents
Conservation tillage: a grower's drought assistant
Labranza de conservación: un ayudante contra la sequía
Research agreement between
USDA/ARS and Barenbrug USA may lead to heartier, multipurpose bluegrass
Acuerdo podría resultar en variedades de césped 'bluegrass' más
saludables y útiles
Petal-power fene yields unique blossoms
Gene rinde las flores únicas
Agriculture Secretary Veneman announces bioenergy program changes and
USDA grants protection to 24 new plant varieties
Scientists study behavior of leading stored grain pest
Científicos estudian el comportamiento de los insectos que dañan los
granos almacenados
Saudi Arabia establishes Food & Drug Authority patterned on U.S. Food
and Drug Administration
Conservation tillage gives
record yields
Labranza de conservación rinde los más altos rendimientos
New method to speed breeders'
search for disease-resistant beans
Método nuevo ayudará a cultivar nuevas variedades de habichuelas
resistentes a enfermedades
Agriculture Secretary Veneman announces that USDA will purchase up to
39.1 million pounds of fruit and vegetables for feeding programs
US and Russia sign memorandum of understanding on cooperation in
April 03
USDA seeks comments on proposed regulation on trade adjustment
assistance for farmers
New, improved chickpea now
Garbanzo nuevo y mejorado ahora disponible
Seeking to "a-maize" Western
Africa with anemia-abatement strategy
Una estrategia para prevenir la anemia por deficiencia de hierro en
África occidental
USDA publishes amendments to list of substances used in organic
production and handling
U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems - A new
USDA-ERS publication
New romaine lettuces resist dieback disease
Nueva lechuga romana resiste la enfermedad 'dieback'
Cindy Smith named Deputy Administrator for Biotechnology Regulatory
Services at APHIS
US Secretary of Agriculture
announces appointments to the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and
21st Century Agriculture
Bakers at heart - The search for "soft wheat"
Panaderos en el fondo
Biological clocks "wake up"
Los relojes biológicos "despiertan" las plantas
March 03
Zapping insects with radio waves
La eliminación de insectos con ondas radioeléctricas
Boosting the calcium in potatoes
La aumentación del calcio en las patatas
USDA/FAS - Monthly Planting Seed Report - March 2003
Forage grass from
Japan gets new life in America's Southern Plains
Pasto de forraje producido en
Japón tiene nueva vida en los llanos del sur de EE.UU.
Invention streamlines cleaning of chaffy seed
Invención mejora la limpieza de las
semillas mezcladas con barcia
New US research initiative
wages war on white mold
Una iniciativa nueva de investigación combate el moho blanco
February 03
Northwest (Tri-State) Potato Variety
Development Program dishes out big returns
Programa del Noroeste (Tres Estados) para el Desarrollo de las
Variedades de Patata produce grandes rendimientos
Scientist develops eco-friendly and inexpensive hair gel from soybean
and safflower seeds
Científicos usan las semillas de soya y de
alazor para desarrollar un gel fijador para el pelo
Exploring important medicinal uses for watermelon rinds
Investigación sobre los usos medicinales importantes de la corteza de la
US Agriculture Secretary
outlines key priorities for agriculture in remarks to 79th Annual
Agricultural Outlook Forum
USDA/ARS scientists honored for bringing technology out of the lab and
into the marketplace
USDA/ARS científicos son honrados por la transferencia de tecnología al
mundo mercantil
Beating the boll weevil in the Southern US
Erradicar el gorgojo del algodón
Pearl millet: a new U.S. crop?
Una nueva cosecha de EE.UU.
USDA's Agricultural
Research Service is banking on germplasm
Agricultural Research Service develops new strain of pearl millet
January 03
Tomato spotted wilt virus attacks
other crops, too
Un virus de tomate ataca a otras cosechas también
New waxy spring wheats available
Variedades nuevas de trigo ahora se
hacen disponibles
New, salt-tolerant plants may prove a boon for wheat growers
Plantas nuevas con tolerancia a la
sal podrían ser un beneficio a los cultivadores del trigo
New disease-resistant soybean released
Una nueva semilla de soya con resistencia a enfermedades ahora se
hace disponible
Update on Japan’s
Biotechnology Safety Approval and Labeling Policies 2003
Lessons from a decade
of genetically engineered crops
High carbon dioxide levels cause stress in barley
Niveles altos de bióxido de carbono
causan yensiones en la cebada
Vitamin C protects stressed-out plants
La vitamina C protege las plantas
que sufren tensiones ambientales
Keeping an eye out for the corn farmer's best friend
La vigilancia del mejor amigo del
granjero de maíz
Beneficial fungi boost pepper growth
Los hongos beneficiosos aumentan el
crecimiento del pimiento
Superb new spuds from ARS potato breeders
Nuevas patatas excelentes
desarrolladas por ARS
2003 could be new year for GM corn mix
2003 podría ser un año importante para la mezcla del maíz "GM"
Vapor - not liquid water - spurs seeds' sprouting
Vapor - no agua líquida - estimula
la germinación de las semillas
FAS-GAIN report: More
pro-biotech voices in France
Ferritin in soybeans may be
a good iron source for women
Ferritina en la soya podría ser una buena
fuente de hierro para las mujeres
December 02
Doubling wildrye's chromosomes brightens
pasture grass' future
Más cromosomas para el ballico salvaje ruso
Hybrid bell pepper is latest bad news for nematodes
Híbrido nuevo de pimientos dulces resulta
en malas noticias para los nematodos
Scientists complete
advanced draft sequence of rice genome
New production system for cotton yields big results
Sistema de producción del algodón rinde
resultados mejores
Computers predict harvest readiness for major crops
Computadoras predicen el tiempo exacto
para cosechar los cultivos principales
USDA announces actions
regarding Plant Protection Act yiolations involving Prodigene, Inc.
Dark-orange carrots deliver more beta-carotene
Zanahorias anaranjadas oscuras proveen más beta-caroteno
November 02
Brighteners shine light on
control of diamondback moth
Químicos luminosos ayudan con el control de la polilla 'diamondback'
USDA publishes fall 2002
"Items of Interest in Seed Control"
How to keep produce kicking
after the clock starts ticking
El mantenimiento de la frescura de los productos agrícolas
"MelonMan" gets ripe melons
to market
‘MelonMan' asegura la llegada de melones maduros al mercado
New equipment allows easier
drip tape installation and removal
Herramienta nueva simplifica la instalación y el removimiento de la
cinta de irrigación
Wasp eyed as sunflower ally
Una avispa podría proteger el girasol contra los gorgojos de la semilla
Researchers identify
daylily threat
Investigadores identifican una amenaza a la azucena amarilla
Global warming puts the
freeze on seed yield (to a degree)
El calentamiento global puede cambiar los rendimientos de semillas
October 02
Defeating cotton's
pink bollworm
Eliminar el gusano rosado del algodón
USDA's Economic Research
Service releases latest data on organic production in the US
Planting aid helps no-till
Aparato para plantar ayuda a los granjeros que utilizan la labranza
Groundbreaking for new
biological control lab
Ceremonia para un nuevo laboratorio de control biológico
USDA proposes fee increase
for Plant Variety Protection Certificates
Greenbug-resistant wheat now
Un trigo con resistencia al insecto ‘Greenbug' ahora está disponible
September 02
USADA/ERS Agriculture
Information Bulletin: Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods
New rice line could
benefit malnourished populations
Nueva linea de arroz podría ayudar a las poblaciones desnutridas
On-farm testing for
pathogens on the horizon
Ensayos estarán disponibles para detectar agentes patógenos en la granja
USDA/ERS Floriculture and
Nursery Crops outlook report
Modified soybeans may be
less allergenic
Semilla de soya modificada puede causar menos reacciones alérgicas
August 02
USDA/ARS and Purdue
University biotechnologists bolster tomato lycopene levels
Need lycopene? Have some
Smart weed whacker takes
guesswork out of spraying
El aparato ‘inteligente' elimina la conjetura de rociar herbicidas
contra las malas hierbas
Colorado potato beetle
pheromone lures both sexes
La fragrancia de los escarabajos
Gene jockeys fight Fusarium
in wheat and barley
Los propios genes de un hongo pueden ser el secreto de su ruina
Pigeonpea may fill seasonal
forage gap
El guandú puede resolver un boquete estacional de forraje
July 02
A faster way to tell look-alike
leafminer flies apart
Un nuevo ensayo diferencia entre dos especies ee la peste 'leafminer'
Narrower row spacing boosts
corn yields
Filas más estrechas aumentan los rendimientos de maíz
How the beet armyworm goes on
La peste ‘beet armyworm'
Drought in the Northern Plains
makes US farmers mind their peas and sunflowers
La sequía, el granjero, los guisantes y los girasoles
New Cotton Production Model
available on the Web
Un modelo nuevo para la producción del algodón disponible en la Internet
Alfalfa as a Fuel--and a
¿La Alfalfa Como Un Combustible -- Y Un Plástico?
USDA/ARS scientists monitor Bt
protein in corn ethanol
Científicos estudian la proteína ‘Bt' en el etanol del maíz
June 02
Adoption of Bioengineered
Crops - New USDA/ERS Agricultural Economic Report
Scientists gear up to
counter soybean rust disease
Científicos se preparan para combatir una enfermedad de soya
Making tomatoes more
Producir un tomate más nutritivo
Sunflowers may be "latex
and rubber factories" of the future
Girasoles podrían ser las ‘fabricas de caucho' en el futuro
Friendly bacteria help
fight potato rot fungi
Una bacteria beneficiosa ayuda a combatir el hongo que causa
podredumbre seca
Watermelon shows its lycopene
La sandía y sus compuestos beneficiosos
May 02
New sorghums thrive under
typical U.S. day length
Los nuevos sorgos prosperan bajo la duración típica del día en Estados
Salt-tolerant forages for
irrigated areas
Forrajes tolerantes a la sal utilizados en las areas irrigadas
Protecting cotton seedlings from
fungal attack
La protección de las plantas de semillero de algodón del ataque de hongo
Spray weeds with vinegar?
¿Rociar la malas hierbas con vinagre?
Insect remains are better
‘suited' for fight against pests
Los cadáveres de insectos pueden ayudar a combatir las pestes
Caterpillar-repelling corn now
Un maíz repelente contra la oruga
ARS scientists close in on new
aphid threat to soybeans
La nueva amenaza del afido a la soya
Farmers adopt ARS-improved
soybean bacterium
April 02
Resistant broccoli's DNA used
in fight against Downy Mildew
La DNA del bróculi resistente utilizado para combatir el moho ‘Downy'
USDA amends Karnal bunt
USDA grants protection to 30
new plant varieties
USDA announces first round of
entities accredited to certify organic producers
Groundbreaking for new USDA
Invasive Plant Quarantine Facility
Con una ceremonia comenzó la construcción de una nueva instalación de
Corn protein could reduce
ethanol production costs
Una proteína de maíz podrá rebajar el costo de producción del etanol
USA Agricultural Research
Service research may lead to tastier tomatoes
Investigaciones del ARS ayudará a producir los tomates más gustosos
Researchers breed new bean for
export markets
Investigadores crían nueva habichuela para el mercado de exportación
Researchers join the fight
against peanut allergens
Investigadores se juntan a la pelea contra los alergenos del cacahuete
March 02
lubricants developed from high-oleic oilseed crops
Lubricantes biodegradables desarrollados de las cosechas
Test allows new
subclass of soft wheat for everything from crackers to
Un nuevo ensayo identifica una nueva subclase del trigo suave
para hornear
Corn helps check
soybean cyst nematodes in no-till fields
El maíz ayuda a reducir las poblaciones de los nematodos en los
Edible food wraps win
national award
Un premio nacional para las capas alimenticias comestibles
Hassle-free harvesting ahead
for baby greens
Nuevas maneras de cosechar en curso para las verduras miniaturas
Scientists study better ways
to sanitize fruit and vegetables
Científicos estudian maneras mejores para sanear las frutas y los
Nematode "cleansing" technique
may benefit potato crops
Una técnica de limpiar podría ayudar a las cosechas de patata
New wheat flour helps cut fat,
keeps bread fresh
Una nueva harina de trigo ayuda a rebajar la grasa en el pan
February 02
Corn rootworms pose first
challenge to decades-old pest control strategy
Gusanos de las raíces del maíz presentan un reto a la strategia del
control de pestes
New starch removal process
could change corn wet milling
Nueva técnica desarrollada para el procesamiento del maíz
Unraveling the genome of an
alfalfa relative
Desenredar el genoma del pariente del alfalfa
Bt corn poses "no
significant risk" to monarch butterflies
El maíz Bt no afecta la mariposa llamada en inglés monarch
Unstained soybeans for
perfect tofu
Soyas sin manchas para el tofu
Scientists collar mystery
sunflower pest
Científicos identifican la peste misteriosa del girasol
January 02
Some like their
peppers hot - others, not
A algunos les gustan el chile picante - a otros, no
Researchers continue
to improve red bean quality
Investigadores continúan a mejorar la calidad de la habichuela
Woody ornamentals
thriving in American Midwest
Plantas ornamentales de madera prosperan en El Medio Oeste
New alfalfa may be
ideal for poor soils
Una nueva alfalfa podría ser ideal para los suelos pobres
Controlling crop pests
with baculoviruses
El control de las pestes de cosechas con los virus
Faster way to improve
Una manera más rápida para mejorar el trigo
National Center for
Genetic Resources Preservation to be dedicated today
El Centro Nacional Para La Preservación de Los Recursos Genéticos
New plant can mine
nickel at a low cost
Una nueva planta que puede sacar el níquel del suelo
Biopesticide on tap
against aflatoxin
Un biopesticida para combatir el hongo que causa la toxina aflatoxin
December 01
Microwaves sense grain moisture
La microonda detecta la humedad del grano
Breeding aluminum tolerance
into wheat
La tolerancia al aluminio en el trigo
New computer program helps
growers protect poinsettias
Nuevo programa de computadora ayuda a proteger la flor de pascuas
USDA’s Advisory Committee on
Agricultural Biotechnology: The Future of Public Plant Breeding Programs
in the United States: Principles and Roles for the 21st Century
Tropical Agriculture Research
Station celebrates 100 years of scientific research
La Estación de Investigación de Agricultura Tropical celebra 100 años de
investigaciones científicas
ARS seeks partner to help stop
potato sprouting
Prevenir el retoño en la patata
Scientists engineer baker's
yeast to eat plant fats
Una levadura ingeniada genéticamente come la grasa de las plantas
U.S.-Brazil research
partnership paying off for both countries
La asociación de investigación de EE.UU. y Brasil
November 01
New southernpea released by ARS
Guisante nuevo del sur soltado por el ARS
ARS, Cepheid team to make plant
disease diagnosis faster, easier and more accurate
Un grupo podrá hacer más fácil la diagnosis de las enfermedades de
New research positions' goal is
increased value from soybeans
La búsqueda para más valor en la semilla de soya
New pilot plant could help
boost ethanol use
Una instalación nueva podría ayudar a aumentar el uso del etanol
New sprays, trap promise to
slash insecticide use in America's Corn Belt
Nuevos insecticidas y una trampa para combatir las pestes del maíz
New peanut planting system to
boost yields
Un nuevo sistema de sembrar cacahuetes ayudará a aumentar los réditos
Souped-up broccoli, broccoli
sprouts deter cancers in rats
El bróculi impide el cáncer en las ratas
Breeding better plants for
military bases
La cría de mejores plantas para las bases militares
Switchgrass hedges to curb soil
Setos vivos de césped ayudan a combatir el escurrimiento del suelo
October 01
Rose research targets mites,
powdery mildew
La investigación de las rosas y sus atacadores
With potatoes, more color may
mean better nutrition
Con las patatas, más color podría significar mejor nutrición
Publication outlines the best
cotton ginning practices worldwide
Las mejores practicas para despepitar el algodón en el mundo
Beet armyworms: what do they
really want?
¿Qué quieren los gusanos de la remolacha?
New golden-nematode-resistant
potato introduced
Una patata nueva resistente al nematodo
Disease-resistant cowpeas
now available
El caupí resistente a la enfermedad ahora disponible
Web page available on Bt corn
risk to Monarch butterflies
Página cibernética disponible sobre el maíz con Bt y las mariposas de
Risk assessment for biotech
Investigadores conducen una avaluación de riesgo para la alfalfa de alta
Researchers help growers fight
floral pests (3850)
Investigadores ayudan a los cultivadores a combatir pestes en las rosas
September 01
Scientists identify insect that
transmits killer bacterium to cucurbits (3815)
Científicos identifican el insecto que transmite una bacteria letal
Combine attachment offers
on-the-fly peanut cleaning
La limpieza de los cacahuetes
Mutant plants a high source of
Plantas mutantes son una fuente rica de calcio
Corn geneticists advance using biotech to speed classical plant
Genetistas del maíz mejoran la crianza clásica con la biotecnología
New insights may lead to better control of Gray Mold
Nuevas investigaciones podrían desarrollar mejores controles para el
Moho Gris
Researchers clone powdery
mildew resistance gene
Investigadores reproducen asexualmente un gene de resistencia al
Japanese mint could lead to
environmentally friendly fumigant
Menta japonésa podría producir un fumigante bueno para el medio ambiente
August 01
New oats and barleys for
breakfast, brewery or barn
Nuevas avenas y cebadas para el desayuno, la cervecería o el ganado
USDA/ERS launches electronic
Vegetables and Melons Outlook and Yearbook (3746)
Specialty bean tissues no treat
for nematodes (3743)
Tejidos de habichuelas especiales no son deleites para los nematodos
Researchers unlock the secrets of how herbicides interact with soil
and subsoil
Investigadores averiguan cómo el herbicida actúa con el suelo y el
Cricket-resistant turf in
the pipeline (3714)
Césped resistente al grillo cebollero
Cooking process reduces toxins
in corn
Un procesamiento de cocinar reduce las toxinas en el maíz
July 01
USDA Farm Computer Usage and Ownership study shows that over 43% of U.S.
farms have Internet access (3710)
USDA/ERS Vegetables and
Specialties Yearbook -- Summary
National Agricultural Library
database reaches 4-million-record milestone
Healthful soybean oil from the
Southeastern USA to be evaluated
La evaluación de un nuevo aceite saludable de la semilla de soya del
sureste de los Estados Unidos
Wild Australian soybean
relatives hold genes for nematode resistance
Razas de la semilla de soya
australiana tienen genes para resistir a los nematodos
New ornamental plant germplasm
center celebrated
Nuevo centro de germo plasma de plantas ornamentales
Sorting out wheat stem sawfly
Señuelos para la mosca "sawfly"
Weeds could meet their match in
a novel bioherbicide
Una nueva bioherbicida para combatir las malas hierbas
Red clover silage boasts
benefits over alfalfa silage
Los investigadores encuentran beneficios en el ensilaje de trébol rojo
June 01
Making prize-winning soybean
yields more routine
Produciendo los réditos premiados con más frecuencia
Pop goes the cotton!
La muerte del polen de algodón
May 01
Searching exotic corn types to improve yields and uses for U.S. corn
La búsqueda de tipos de maíz exóticos para mejorar réditos y usos
Building wheats with multiple resistance to leaf rust
La producción del trigo con resistencias múltiples
Plant growth facility named for famous scientific team
Una instalación nombrada por una pareja científica famosa
Researchers develop integrated controls for potato pests
Investigadores desarrollan controles integrados para las pestes de
Have you taken your plant's temperature lately?
¿Has tomado la temperatura de tus plantas recientemente?
Managing forage for best use of manure
La utilización del forraje para el mejor uso del abono
Satellites and planes scan corn fields for clues
Satélites y aviones buscan indicios a los problemas en los campos de
April 01
ARS scientists and BASF Corporation join forces
Los científicos de ARS y la corporación BASF trabajan juntos
USDA/ERS 2001 Vegetables and Specialties outlook report examines
U.S. production of vegetables and specialty crops including
consumption, supply, use, value, trade, prices, processing and more
Two new corn viruses discovered
Dos nuevas lineas de maíz descubiertas
High-tech research spells trouble for soybean nematodes
La investigación de alta tecnología ayuda a la soya
France-based lab plays key role in U.S. biocontrol research
Laboratorio en Francia tiene un papel clave en las investigaciones de
Natural fungicide may blast global rice disease
Un fungicida natural contra la enfermedad mayor de arroz
USDA/ERS 2001 Wheat Situation and Outlook Yearbook
Soybean hulls eyed for wastewater filtering
Las cascaras de la semilla de soya podrían ser un filtro para el agua
de desperdicio
Vegetative mulch reduces pesticide and soil losses in runoff
La cobertura de plantas en las cosechas reduce las pérdidas del
pesticida y suelo
March 01
ARS releases new insect-resistant corn germplasm line
ARS pone en circulación una nueva germo plasma de maíz
New study sheds light on plants' nighttime defense
Nuevo estudio revela la defensa nocturna de las plantas
Economic Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology - A new USDA/ERS
Concentration and Technology in Agricultural Input Industries. A new
USDA/ERS publication (3406)
Stunt nematodes - everything you need to know to identify
these pests (3399)
Todo lo que necesitas saber para identificar la peste "stunt nematode"
Mineral film foils cotton pests (3393)
Una capa mineral contra pestes del algodón
Peppers put the "heat" on pests (3389)
La pimienta puede ser usada para matar las pestes
Genetic study aims to protect snap beans against white mold
Estudio genético podría ayudar a proteger las habichuelas contra el
moho blanco
Mechanism of tobacco budworm resistance to Bt proposed (3372)
El secreto de la habilidad del insecto de resistir al Bt
USDA to purchase Cry9C affected corn
seed from small seed companies
Insecticides reduced in runoff from Bt cotton (3362)
Insecticidas son reducidas en el escurrimiento de los campos de
algodón de Bt
More and better online info on plant names, noxious weeds (3349)
Más y mejor información en el Internet sobre plantas y malas hierbas
New traps "bust" dust - and indoor
insect pests
Trampas nuevas para atraer insectos
From genes to jeans: moving king cotton ahead in the 21st century
Los genes de algodón mejorado
Securing cotton farmers' Bt investment
La protección de la inversión
de los granjeros de algodón
From corn-bred statistics to high-tech breeding (3304a)
La crianza de alta tecnología
Watermelons screened to find those that
resist two major diseases
Investigaciones para
encontrar sandías que resisten dos enfermedades mayores
Starch-water-oil mix fit for many uses
La mezcla de
almidón-agua-aceite podrá tener muchas aplicaciones
Quirky rice may speed breeding of new varieties
Un arroz extraño podrá acelerar la crianza de unas variedades nuevas
New cottons “pack a punch” against fungi
Algodones nuevos ayudan a combatir hongos
Lichens: an unexpected source of new herbicides
Liquen -- una fuente improbable de herbicidas nuevos
Manipulating plant hormone may help wheat crops
La manipulación de una hormona de planta podrá ayudar a las cosechas
What would Eli Whitney think? (3238)
¿Qué Pensaría Eli Whitney?
Eavesdropping on Insects in soil and plants
La escucha secreta de los insectos en el suelo y en las plantas
Alfalfa meets its Asian relatives
La alfalfa y su línea asiática
Broccoli varieties differ in potential anticarcinogenic activity
Variedades de bróculi tienen
diferencias en la actividad potencial anticarcinogénico
December 00
Rice breeders speed variety development
Los criadores de arroz
aumentan la velocidad del desarrollo de variedades nuevas
A space-age peek into floral and nursery plants
Una ojeada a las plantas florales y de semilleros
Tomatoes that age gracefully
Tomates que se envejecen con gracia
US Agriculture Secretary Glickman announces national standards for
organic food
Fruit and vegetable films keep food fresh and tasty
Capas comestibles de fruta y vegetal mantienen las comidas frescas y
New potato tubers offered to growers and gardeners
Variedades nuevas de patatas están ofrecidas para los cultivadores y
Makeover turns model plant genome into supermodel overnight
Un "super-modelo" de un genoma de planta
Genome coup opens door to new discoveries
El descifre de la genoma de Arabidopsis abre la puerta a nuevos
Melons treated for longer market life
pass taste test
Un buen sabor en los melones
tratados con calcio
Bad wheat virus put to good use in lab
Un uso bueno para un virus malo
November 00
Iowa census shows where milkweed grows
Un censo demuestra donde crece la mala hierba algodoncillo
Lure targets female cutworms, armyworms, fruitworms
Un señuelo atrae los gusanos femeninos
Accurate test for determining wheat color class
Una prueba exacta para determinar la clase de color del trigo
110 years of federal biological control research
110 años de investigaciones federales sobre el control biológico
New tool improves no-till seeding
Un instrumento nuevo mejora
la sembradora
USDA/ARS releases new pest-resistant sweetpotato
USDA/ARS hace disponible una nueva batata con resistencia a las pestes
ARS scientists are discovering why some short season cotton
varieties are susceptible to Bronze Wilt
El descubrimiento de la razón de una enfermedad del algodón
Wool and cotton can now dye together
El color de la mezcla de lana y algodón se mejora
Controlling corn rootworms with less insecticide
El control de los gusanos de
raíz del maíz con menos insecticida
Mineral coating could cut chemical use in agriculture
Una capa mineral podrá reducir el uso de químicos
October 00
Fragrant new lilac for warmer climates
Una lila nueva para los climas calurosos
Maysin corn on tap to sour pest's appetite?
Un maíz nuevo que rechaza el
apetito de los parásitos
New redbud to grace America's gardens
Una variedad nueva para los jardines de los Estados Unidos
Taking wheat away from take-all
Ayuda para el trigo contra la
enfermedad "Take-All"
Systems research looks for key yield actors
Las investigaciones de sistemas buscan los factores dominantes de la
Why do crop yields vary across a field?
¿Por Qué Varían los
Rendimientos a Través de un Campo?
Can crop temperature guide center-pivot irrigation?
La detección de la
temperatura de las plantas con un sistema especial de irrigación
September 00
Heart-healthy: red wine and beans
Saludable para el corazón:
¡Primero, Vino Rojo y Ahora, Habichuelas!
Planting wheat may help apple growers manage disease
Sembrando trigo puede ayudar
a los cultivadores de manzana a combatir enfermedades
Tomatoes with staying power
La potencia nueva de tomates
U.S. potatoes could get disease resistance from their Mexican
Las patatas de los Estados
Unidos podrían conseguir ayuda de las patatas de México
August 00
Fine-tuning pesticide applications on cotton
Afinando las aplicaciones
de pesticidas en el algodón
National scope of noxious weeds now on World Wide Web
Un alcance nacional sobre las
malas hierbas nocivas ahora en el World Wide Web
An underground ally for sugar beets?
¿Un aliado subterráneo para las remolachas?
New sugar beets fend off worm attackers
Remolachas nuevas rechasan los gusanos atacantes
A hot afternoon helps weeds resist herbicide
Las tardes calurosas ayudan a las malas hierbas a resistir el
Green Dixie - First green blackeye pea
La primera carita verde
Plant Protection Act imposes harsher fines on agricultural smugglers
Corn contains "eggs-citing" biopesticide (2891)
Una proteína del huevo ayuda
al maíz
July 00
New species bred by crossing cucumbers and melons (2880)
La nueva especie criado por
un crucde de pepinos y melones
Potato growers have new nematode-resistant germplasm (2868)
Un nuevo germoplasma de
patata tiene resistencia a cuatro nematodos
Tall fescue - the grass that inspires love and hate (2866)
La hierba que inspira el amor y el odio
Wax paper turns "Green" (2851)
Un reemplazo para el papel
Fusarium Wilt may be controlled by other Fusarium strains
Una forma de fusarium se
podrá controlar con otra raza del mismo hongo
Strong, comfy cottons result from Arizona research
Un algodón fuerte y comodo resulta de las Investigaciones en Arizona
June 00
Cottonseed oil helps Malathion fight boll weevils
El aceite de la semilla de
algodón ayuda al Malathion a combatir los picudos del algodón
Cropping systems influence biological weed control
Sistemas de cosechar influyen
el control biológico de la mala hierba
Canola -- a superb selenium slurper
Canola devora el selenio
Products control Mexican corn rootworms in Texas
Unos productos controlan unos gusanos de raíz del maíz en Texas
Exotic beans provide new opportunities
Habichuelas exóticas proveen nuevas oportunidades
High-selenium broccoli vs. colon cancer
Bróculi vontra el cáncer del
New bioherbicide whacks tomato weeds
Nuevo bioherbicida contra las
malas hierbas del tomate
Sunflowers to resist parasitic plant
Girasoles con la resistencia a la planta parásitica
Scientists find evidence of a common genetic key to aluminum
tolerance in plants
Científicos encuentran evidencia de una clave genética con un papel en
la tolerancia al aluminio en plantas
May 00
New corn on tap for Southeast US dairy farmers
Un nuevo tipo de maíz para los granjeros del sureste USA
New type of plant regulator discovered
Un nuevo tipo de regulador de
planta ha sido descubierto
Reducing methane emissions from rice
La reducción de emisiones de metano del arroz
An environmentally friendly pesticide curtails cotton pests
Un pesticida bueno para el medio ambiente reduce parásitos del algodón
April 00
Per capita vegetable use in the USA rose 2 percent in 1999
Bt corn: less insect damage, lower mycotoxin levels, healthier corn
El maíz que contiene "Bt" tiene menos daño causado por insectos y
State-of-the-art U.S. horticultural research lab opens
Un laboratorio de investigación hortícola se abre
Hairy vetch thwarts Colorado potato beetle
Una vicia frustra el escarabajo de la patata de Colorado
Native plants scrutinized for western US ranges
Estudios de plantas nativas para los campos del oeste
USDA Economic Research Service adds new Issues Center, U.S. Organic
Farming, on its web site
New trefoils ready for forage breeders
Nuevos tréboles están listos para criadores del forraje
An "ugly duckling" of corn repels borers
Un "patito feo" de maíz repela el barrenador
March 00
Adding microbes to transplant mix helps increase crop yields
La adición de microbios a la mezcla para plantillas ayuda aumentar
High-tech soybean from "back-to-basics" breeding
Soya de alta tecnología es producto de crianza básica
Deconstructing cotton fiber's biochemical building blocks
Los secretos de la construcción bioquímica de algodón
Forensic sleuths use biotechnology to study Irish potato blight
Biotecnología ayuda a estudiar la plaga de la patata irlandés
New corn may combat iron deficiency anemia
Maíz nuevo podrá combatir anemia
Peptide discovery in soybean pest could lead to controls
El descubrimiento de una sustancia en un gusano puede ayudar a
combatir las plagas
Collection is "411 Directory" for potato viruses
Colección es "Un Directorio 411" para los viruses de la patata
February 00
Research may spur new markets for onion seed producers
Investigación podrá estimular nuevos mercados para los productores
de la cebolla
Fungus' protein causes weed cells to self destruct
La proteína de los hongos causa la autodestrucción de las células de
la mala hierba
Moldy mayhem in store for sugar beet pest
Un hongo beneficioso para la remolacha azucarera
Soy soothes the circuits in body cells
La soya calma las células del cuerpo
USDA-ARS symposium addresses invasive species
Simposio sobre especies invasivas
January 00
Agriculture Secretary Glickman names advisory committee on
agricultural biotechnology (2476)
Mapping flood-prone soybean fields
Un mapa de los campos de la semilla de soya
Renamed laboratory helps California rice growers
Un laboratorio ayuda a los cultivadores del arroz de California
Processing alfalfa and soybeans - on the spot
El procesamiento de la alfalfa y semilla de soya -- en el terreno
Compacting cotton rows could be more economical
Las filas más estrechas en los campos de algodón podriá ser más
Research sheds light on degreening canola seeds
Investigación ayuda entender las semillas de canola
December 99
Tracking the spread of the Russian wheat aphid goes
Un estudio para descubrir la extensión del afido
ruso del trigo
Gene marker for flood-tolerant soybeans
El descumbrimiento del dene cual da
resistencia a la inundación
Genetic map for Bt resistance is top ARS
Postdoc Award (2324)
Una mapa genética para la resistencia a un
Redesigned barley has potential to thwart Scab disease
Una cebada cambiada tiene potencial contra la
enfermedad de "Scab"
Midwest corn and soybean farmers get a new crop for a new
millennium: cuphea (2285)
November 99
Cattle have a hankering for tropical corn
Ganados con el gusto para el maíz tropical
With green beans, less water means more calcium
Con habichuelas verdes, menos agua significa más
Potato gene engineering research should benefit Andes
Investigaciónes de ingeniería del gene de la
patata debe beneficiar a granjeros
Future wheat varieties may be tailor-made for foreign
markets (2217)
Variedades futuras de trigo pueden ser hechos
específicamente para mercados extranjeros
New device measures quality in single grain kernels
October 99
USDA launches new biotechnology web site
ARS, CGIAR sign research agreement
de investigación firmado
Organic growers join forces with ARS to retain crop
diversity (2188)
Cultivadores orgánicos se juntan con ARS
Rare breeding line to develop waxy wheat released
Línea de crianza rara soltada
New low-maintenance perennial turfgrass for roadside
grass now on sale (2176)
Semilla para una nueva hierba del borde de la
carretera ahora en venta
For vegetable growers, sun may rise as methyl bromide
sets (2174)
al sol en lugar del bromuro metílico
Researchers seek key to increased lycopene in tomato
Investigadores buscan la clave al aumento de
‘lycopene' en tomates
September 99
These genes might let you grow pesticide-free veggies
Vegetales sin pesticidas
Scientists sleuth forage secrets (2130)
Científicos investigan los secretos del forraje
Pollinating sunflowers: big job is a good fit for the
right bee (2129)
Polinizando girasoles: trabajo grande es buen
ajuste para cierto abeja
BARC-18 gives farmers many choices for vegetable soybeans
Opciones para granjeros sobre la semilla de soya
Fungi thwart two major insect pests
Hongos frustran dos cataplasmas importantes
Weather, research bring relief from new barley disease
Tiempo y investigación trae mitigación de una
ARS scientists adapt DNA test to sugarbeet fungal
pathogens (2083)
Científicos adaptan ensayo DNA a patógenos de
remolacha azucarera
Louisiana and Texas cooperate to prevent spread of
Mexican rice borer (2082)
Cooperación para evitar la extensión de un insecto
méxicano del arroz
August 99
Green Pixie - Not just another new green pea
Green Pixie - No solamente un nuevo guisante verde
ARS releases new soybean disease defenses
ARS suelta defensas de enfermedades de nuevas
semillas de soya
So far, this corn defies the drought
Hasta ahora, este maíz desafia la sequía
Technology spurs alfalfa genome mapping
Tecnología espolea el mapa de la composición de
July 99
Seed catalogs offer glimpse of yesterday
Catálogos de semillas ofrecen vistazos de ayer
New wheatgrass on menu for western cattle and wildlife
Nuevos pastos en el menu para el ganado y la vida
silvestre del oeste
Impacts of adopting genetically engineered crops in the
U.S. - Preliminary results (2007)
Biotech bouquet in the works (1964)
Un ramillete biotécnico en proceso
US Secretary of Agriculture on: New crops, new century,
new challenges: how will scientists, farmers, and consumers learn to
love biotechnology and what happens if they don't?
Orange cauliflower may help crop scientists boost
nutrition (1916)
Coliflor anaranjado podrá ayudar cientificos
aumentar nutrición
June 99
USDA-ERS Report: Genetically engineered crops for pest
management (1947)
USDA sets compensation for those affected by Karnal bunt
in 1997-98 (1936)
Corn farmers may enlist bacteria against fumosin toxin
Wheat seed to fight Scab epidemic keeps rolling in
Semilla para combatir enfermedad sigue produciendo
Chicory is a biological plow and sponge, all in one
Food irradiation and chlorine team up to kill E. coli
O157:H7 and salmonella in alfalfa seeds and sprouts
Irradiación de comida y el cloro se juntan para
combatir microbios
May 99
USDA research yields new wheat variety to help farmers
fight Scab (N1812)
nueva de trigo de USDA ayudará agricultores combatir una enfermedad de
A store-bought tomato with vine-ripened taste
Un tomate con sabor natural
ARS labs play key role in developing tomorrow's wheats
ARS laboratorios tienen parte importante en
desarrollando el trigo del futuro
Bats enlisted to gobble up earworm pests
Murciélagos ayudan eliminar las palomillas del
gusano cogollero del maíz
Mining health treasures from soybeans
Extrayendo tesoros saludables de la semilla de
April 99
New Tall Fescue may help thwart grass tetany
nuevo podrá ayudar impedir una enfermedad de pasto
Alfalfa research helps Midwest farmers expand into new
markets (N1770)
investigación ayuda agricultores en el Medio Oeste extender a mercados
New peanut types could mean trouble for nematodes (N1767)
Nuevos tipos de cacahuetes pueden indicar pena para
Genetic help is on the way for flood-prone corn
Ayuda genética en el camino para maíz inclinado a
Human genome project aids soybean genome mapping
Proyecto de genoma humana ayuda con la genoma de semilla
New technology helps detect toxin-producing fungus in
corn seed (N1719)
Alfalfa plants vacuum up fertilizer spill
Matas de
alfalfa limpia un eerramo de abono
March 99
Sunflower stalks trap more snow
Pedúnculos girasoles atrapan más nieve (N1663)
Growers' group to work with USDA seed
Grupo de cultivadores trabajaran con
bancos de semillas de USDA
Oilseed byproduct may yield new products
Desperdicios de las semillas pueden traer
nuevos productos
USDA researchers create highly
aflatoxin-resistant corn (N1635)
Investigadores de USDA crean nueva clase
de maiz con mayor resistencia a la aflatoxina
US Agriculture Secretary announces $3 million boost for
research to combat wheat scab (N1611)
February 99
Calcium bath keeps melons fresh longer
Melónes quedandose más fresco con
New insect-resistant transgenic tobacco and rice plants
may become an alternative to methyl bromid (N1562)
January 99
USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists win top
research awards (N1514)
Sleuthing of plant genes speeds ahead of
USDA: New Gene Data Center and gene-analyzing machines
will speed discoveries (N1453)
USDA, Universities to establish new corn genetics center (N1454)
December 98
Potato offers resistance to late blight disease
November 98
Wheat breeding line a “Perfect 10” against Powdery Mildew (N1456)
New flours from tomorrow's wheats
March 98
Delta and Pine Land Company and USDA
announce receipt of varietal crop protection system patent
(N1167) |