Madrid, Spain
July 15, 2005
Biotechnology developments in Spain
The Spanish inter-ministerial biotechnology
commission (composed of the Ministries of Environment,
Agriculture, Health, Education and Science, and Industry,
Tourism and Trade) took the following positive decisions at its
July 13, 2005 meeting:
Monsanto’s application to permit cultivation
in Spain of the NK603 Roundup Ready corn variety will be
transferred to the European Commission (EC) with a positive
risk evaluation.
The Director of the Spanish Food Safety
Agency will defend this decision before the European Food
Safety Agency.
The Ministry of Agriculture was given the
authority to approve new varieties derived from MON810.
The inter-ministerial commission reportedly
agreed to continue case-by-case decisions with respect to
future Spanish votes on EC biotechnology proposals.
We believe this is great news for Monsanto, for
biotechnology, for Spanish farmers, and for U.S. farmers.
Clearly, this is a move back to a science-based decision-making
process — something we have been encouraging the Government of
Spain to do at each opportunity during its first year of
governance. |