Washington, DC
May 5, 2005
According to the
2002 Census of
Agriculture, U.S. farms and ranches with operators reporting
their race as Asian sold a total of $2.26 billion in
agricultural products. Released in June 2004, the Census
reported sales of $2 billion in crops and $254 million in
livestock and poultry for Asian farmers. The average value of
products sold per farm was $270,000. Conducted every five years
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural
Statistics Service (NASS), the Census of Agriculture is the only
source of consistent, comparable and detailed agricultural data
for every county in America.
“We recognize the importance of providing more detailed data on
minority farm operators and operations in the U.S., and are
pleased to provide information specifically on Asian farmers for
the first time,” announced Ron Bosecker, Administrator of NASS.
As reflected in the reported amount of agricultural sales, the
primary source of revenue for Asian farmers in the U.S. comes
from crop operations. Almost 75 percent of all Asian farms
produce crops in three commodity categories: fruit, tree and nut
farming (3,422 farms); greenhouse, nursery and floriculture
(1,589 farms); and vegetable and melon farming (1,203 farms).
While 10,300 Asian farms were reported nationwide, the Census
indicated that most Asian farms are located in the following
five states: California with 4,022 farms; Hawaii with 2,969
farms; Florida with 557 farms; Texas with 440 farms; and
Washington with 385 farms. In terms of acreage, the top five
states were: California with 529,162 acres; Hawaii with 157,235
acres; Texas with 130,153 acres; Montana with 83,107 acres; and
Oregon with 70,068 acres. The total acreage of farmland operated
by Asian farmers was 1,448,061 acres. On average, an Asian
farmer operated 118 acres of land.
In 2002, it was reported that 8,375 farms and ranches had an
Asian principal operator; of these farms 1,283 reported an Asian
woman as principal operator. The average age of an Asian
principal operator in the U.S. is 55.2 years-old, almost
identical to the U.S. average age of 55.3 years-old for all
operators. Of all Asian principal operators, 64 percent listed
farming as their primary occupation, compared to only 58 percent
of all U.S. principal operators who listed their primary
occupation as farming. Most Asian operated farms and ranches,
77.6 percent, were family or individually owned, rather than
partnership or corporation. This is less than the reported 89.7
percent of all farms in the U.S. that are family or individually
NASS collects and provides a vast array of production, economic,
demographic and environmental facts about U. S. agriculture
through regularly scheduled weekly, monthly, quarterly and
annual reports. For more census information, visit NASS online
and click on “Census of Agriculture” for aggregate facts and
figures. Or call the Agricultural Statistics Hotline at
1-800-727-9540. |