David Elstein
October 9, 2003
Agricultural Research
Service scientist and cooperators are developing new
varieties of corn and other food crops that have higher levels
of vitamin E.
percent of Americans do not get enough vitamin E. It is
particularly important for pregnant women, and some researchers
have shown that it can decrease the risk of heart disease.
research was done by molecular biologist Edgar B. Cahoon of the
ARS Plant Genetics Research
Unit at the
Donald Danforth Plant
Science Center in St. Louis, along with his former
colleagues at DuPont Crop Genetics, Wilmington, Del. The
scientists used genes found in rice, barley and wheat, each of
which contains high levels of vitamin E.
Now that
their three years of research have led to a safe, healthful
variety of corn, Cahoon and his colleagues are working on
similar studies with soybeans. He believes many other crops
would benefit from the new approach.
Vitamin E
is a generic name for naturally occurring compounds called
tocotrienols and tocopherols. Cahoon looked at the pathway that
leads to tocotrienols, something that had not been studied much.
The scientists were able to isolate a gene for the enzyme
homogentisic acid geranylgeranyl transferase. This enzyme is
responsible for producing a tocotrienol form of vitamin E in
cereal grains. When the gene was added to corn plants, the
kernels' vitamin E content increased sixfold.
In addition
to making the crop more nutritious, boosting vitamin E levels is
likely to increase the crop's shelf life. Vitamin E occurs
naturally in vegetable oils, nuts and green leafy vegetables.
research was reported in the September issue of
Nature Biotechnology.
ARS is the
U.S. Department of
Agriculture's chief scientific research agency.
St. Louis, Missouri
October 7, 2003
Vitamin E
corn: biotechnology for the consumer
National Corn Growers Association
Recent advances in
biotechnology promise benefits for consumers, in addition to
farmers. Dr. Edgar Cahoon, a research molecular biologist with
the USDA-ARS Plant Genetics
Research Unit, and his colleagues from
DuPont Crop Genetics have
produced corn with six times the Vitamin E content of regular
“Most of the biotechnology we
hear about—Roundup-Ready soybeans, Bt corn—has been directed
toward reducing the farmer’s input costs,” Cahoon says. “Our
research, however, involves the development of a trait that
improves the dietary quality of food.”
Vitamin E positively affects
human health because it is a powerful antioxidant that protects
cells from oxidation damage caused by “free radicals.” These
radicals attack the cells’ membranes, proteins and DNA,
contributing to the development of health problems such as heart
disease, diabetes, cataracts and cancer.
Beyond human health benefits,
the antioxidant qualities of Vitamin E will help corn resist
spoilage caused by free radical-mediated oxidation, lengthening
the shelf life of vegetable oils, which contain Vitamin E, and
processed foods produced from those vegetable oils. Cahoon says
the increase of Vitamin E in leaves and other tissues may also
increase the productivity of corn plants in the field.
Although Vitamin E corn does
have many other benefits, it was originally produced for a
Pioneer Hi-Bred study aimed to improve the quality of corn for
livestock feed applications. After studying how Vitamin E is
made in cereal grains such as barley, wheat and rice,
researchers identified a key gene responsible for the production
of the vitamin in barley seeds and introduced that gene into
corn seeds.
“The combination of the gene
and where it is expressed gives the high level of this type of
Vitamin E,” William Hitz, a Research Fellow with Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc. who was also involved in the project,
says.—Not sure I understand this quote. What does high level
mean? The paper cites a 10-15 fold increase.
This discovery, which could
not have been accomplished by traditional plant breeding, shows
biotechnology can benefit the consumer directly, Cahoon says.
Vitamin E corn must be tested
extensively before it is available for consumers. First, it must
be evaluated on its agronomic performance and its value in
livestock feed applications. If these tests are successful,
Vitamin E corn will be tested for regulatory approval, which can
be time consuming.
“My best guess is five to
seven years before this product is available, if it is decided
that the trait will be commercially viable,” Cahoon says.
He says a new market for corn
could be created with the commercial availability of Vitamin E
corn since the antioxidant is isolated from vegetable oils for
use in dietary supplements.
“By increasing the Vitamin E
content six-fold, it is more likely that processors can use corn
oil for the production of Vitamin E for nutraceutical
applications,” Cahoon says. |