Washington, DC
May 19, 2004
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural
Service (USDA/FAS) announced today it is changing its
country groupings in its online Production, Supply and
Distribution database to reflect the expansion of the European
Union (EU) from 15 to 25 countries.
In addition
to the EU-15 designation in the commodity tables, a new
designation, EU-25, has been added to reflect EU expansion. The
EU-15 group shows data through 1998, and the new EU-25 group
includes data beginning in 1999. The groups Eastern Europe and
Other Western Europe are discontinued and the remaining non-EU
countries are rolled into Other Europe. The designation for the
Former Soviet Union (FSU) becomes FSU-12, consisting of Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova,
Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and
addition, the Other Asia category is split into East Asia and
Southeast Asia.
production, supply and distribution database covers 108
agricultural commodities in more than 190 countries. It is
updated monthly and has historical data to 1960. It provides
users with a global picture of crop production broken down by
commodity attributes, countries and years. Users can view all
facets of the database onscreen or download data to a
spreadsheet file. Pre-defined tables categorized by commodity
groups are readily available, or users can customize queries for
specific commodities.
The production, supply and distribution database
can be found on the FAS Web site at
In addition to this database, FAS also maintains
trade databases with import and export statistics for bulk,
intermediate and consumer-oriented products. Links to all of
these databases are located at
http://www.fas.usda.gov/data.html. |