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2007 U.S. corn crop is a record breaker, reports USDA - Cotton, rice yields hit all-time highs


Washington, DC
January 11, 2008

The 2007 U.S. corn crop was one for the record books, with 13.1 billion bushels of production eclipsing the previous high, set in 2004, of 11.8 billion bushels, according to the Crop Production 2007 Summary released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The 2007 production level was up 24 percent from 2006.

Driven by favorable prices, growing ethanol demand and strong export sales, farmers in nearly all states increased their corn acreage in 2007. Planted area, at 93.6 million acres, was up 19 percent from 2006 to the highest level since 1944, when farmers planted 95.5 million acres. The 86.5 million acres harvested for grain was the most since 1933, and up 22 percent from 2006. Those acres yielded an average of 151.1 bushels of corn, the second highest yield on record after 2004’s 160.4 bushels per acre, and up 2 bushels from last year.

The shift to corn led U.S. farmers to plant and harvest 16 percent fewer soybean acres in 2007 than in 2006. A total of 63.6 million acres were planted, and 62.8 million were harvested. Soybean production, at 2.6 billion bushels, was down 19 percent from the record high of 3.2 billion bushels in 2006, while the average yield per acre was at 41.2 bushels, 1.5 bushels below last year.

For 2007, all cotton yield reached a record-high 871 pounds per acre, up 57 pounds from last year and surpassing the previous record of 855 pounds set in 2004. Total production came in a 19 million 480-pound bales, down 12 percent from last year’s 21.6 million bales. Still this is the fourth-highest production on record, following 2005, 2004 and 2006, respectively. Harvested area, at 10.5 million acres, was down 18 percent from 2006.

Grain sorghum production, at 505 million bushels, was up 82 percent from 2006, thanks to favorable growing conditions throughout the major sorghum-producing region. Planted area totaled 7.72 million acres, up 18 percent from 2006. Harvested acreage, at 6.81 million acres, was up 38 percent. Nationwide, yields averaged 74.2 bushels per acre, with yield records set in Texas and Arkansas and tied in Kansas and Nebraska.

For rice, the 2007 U.S. yield of 7,185 pounds per acre is a record, topping the previous high of 6,988 pounds per acre set in 2004. Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Missouri all had record yields as well. Overall, 2007 rice production was 197 million hundredweight, up 2 percent from last year. Both planted and harvested acres were down 3 percent from 2006.

The full Crop Production 2007 Summary is available online at The report contains year-end acreage, yield and production estimates for grains and hay; oilseeds; cotton, tobacco and sugar; dry beans, peas and lentils; and potatoes and miscellaneous crops.


USDA/NASS reports

Crop Production
(crop production data for the U.S., including acreage, area harvested, yield, etc.)

Crop production annual summary
(annual U.S. data for acreage, yield, and production by crop)


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