Wageningen, The Netherlands
May 29, 2008
Keygene, Inc. and the
United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research
Service (USDA/ARS)
signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)
to collaborate on the
characterization of pepper germplasm with enhanced flavor.
The three year agreement is part of KeyGene's "Dare to Share"
initiative, an "open innovation" concept
that enhances molecular genetics research towards novel industry
applications. Building on the success
of its parent company in Europe, Keygene, Inc. intends to
collaborate with US industry and public
sector partners to share knowledge and enabling technologies.
The CRADA collaboration will be based on an existing culinary
pepper project developed by Dr. John
Stommel and his colleagues at the USDA-ARS Genetic Improvement
of Fruits and Vegetables
Laboratory in Beltsville. The ARS pepper program has
successfully utilized diverse Capsicum
germplasm resources to breed award winning pepper cultivars.
Applying KeyGene's advanced genetic
fingerprinting technology, the program will enable the
identification of the different accessions to
develop bell pepper cultivars with improved taste
characteristics. "Our new collaboration with KeyGene
brings together complimentary disciplines to address complex
research problems related to pepper fruit
quality" said Dr. John Stommel.
"In working together with the USDA, we expect that progress can
be achieved toward bell pepper
breeding with improved taste and flavor," according to Prof. Dr.
Arjen van Tunen, President of Keygene,
Inc. "We are extremely pleased to start this research project
and we believe that the CRADA agreement
allows us to further broaden our work on the application of
molecular genetics in vegetable breeding."
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S.
Department of Agriculture's chief scientific research agency.
Finding solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans
every day, they host 1,200 research projects within 22 National
Programs, about 2,100 scientists with an estimated $1.1 billion
fiscal year 2007 budget. The Genetic Improvement of Fruits and
Vegetables Laboratory is part of the USDA-ARS and focuses on the
development of germplasm for high value small fruits and
vegetables with improved disease resistance, tolerance to
abiotic stresses, quality, and nutritional value.
About Keygene, Inc.
Keygene, Inc., a Maryland based subsidiary of Keygene N.V., aims
to deliver molecular genetics innovations to plant breeding
companies across the United States. With commitment and a keen
proficiency in genetic marker development and experience in
providing bioinformatics support, KeyGene has earned an
excellent track-record in delivering reliable molecular breeding
and trait strategies.
Keygene N.V., located in Wageningen, the Netherlands, is a R&D
company with the mission to be the leading company in developing
and applying DNA expertise in the field of molecular genetics.
In recent years KeyGene invested in next generation sequencing
platforms such as the Roche GS-FLX system (454 technology) and
the Illumina Genome Analyzer (Solexa technology). KeyGene has
developed a strong proprietary technology platform based on
AFLP®, a DNA marker technology for genome analysis, transcript
profiling and genetic analysis. For diagnostic purposes,
SNPWave® a multiplexed SNP detection technology was developed.
KeyGene exploits its proprietary technologies, databases and
know-how through contract research and products for applications
in the Life Sciences industry and more specifically in
innovative breeding applications such as Breeding by Design™,
CRoPS® and KeyPoint™. KeyGene's five shareholder companies De
Ruiter Seeds, ENZA Zaden, Rijk Zwaan, Vilmorin & Cie and Takii &
Co. are major vegetable seed companies. KeyGene has around 120
researchers and staff.
The AFLP®, SNPWave®, CRoPS® and KeyPoint™ technologies are
covered by patents and/or patent applications of Keygene N.V.
SNPWave and CRoPS are registered trademarks of Keygene N.V.
Applications for trademark registration for Breeding by Design,
KeyPoint and KeyGene have been filed by Keygene N.V.
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