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April 09
KeyGene and
Semillas Fitó sign long-term agreement - Semillas Fitó is first
member of new field crop consortium within the KeyGene
Wageningen UR and
KeyGene to develop a superior genome physical map of potato
January 09
Interview with KeyGene CEO Arjen van Tunen: "The Whole Genome
Profiling Method, a new technology platform for molecular
KeyGene and
Amplicon Express announce Whole Genome Profiling, a method that
enables fast and efficient Whole Genome Sequencing of plant and
animal genomes - 450 Mbp melon genome sequenced
BASF Plant
Science takes intellectual property licenses on disease
resistance genes from KeyGene
October 08
KeyGene responds
to market demands and expands its sequencing capacity with a GS
FLX Titanium system
June 08
Belgium Institute
for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) and KeyGene sign
AFLP license agreement
May 08
KeyGene and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture sign long-term collaboration on pepper
April 08
InnovatorsClub: a new strategic initiative for small and
medium-sized plant breeding enterprises
September 07
D1 Oils and
KeyGene to collaborate on molecular genetics for Jatropha
University and Keygene sign AFLP license agreement
July 07
KeyGene establishes
a Joint Lab for Plant Molecular Breeding with the Shanghai
Institutes for Biological Sciences
May 07
Keygene Products
releases KeyGene Quantar Suite, new fragment analysis scoring
software suite for genotyping technologies
April 07
Keygene expands
its Genome Analysis Platform with the Illumina Genome Analyzer
and the Roche Genome Sequencer FLX system
January 07
Keygene launches
KeyPoint technology for high throughput mutation scanning
October 06
KWS and Keygene sign
research agreement on high throughput genotyping
Chinese Academy of Sciences
institute seals long-term partnership with Keygene
January 06
Keygene launches CRoPSTM
technology platform for largescale polymorphism discovery and detection
Fast sequencing
technology Genome Sequencer 20 System now also used in genotyping
December 05
SenterNovem grant for an
innovative collaboration feasibility study
July 05
Keygene strengthens its innovative research strategy by entering into a
strategic collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen - Prof. Tom
Gerats joins Keygene's innovative research program
May 05
acquires a 20% share in Dutch biotech company Keygene and enters the Bio
Seeds strategic alliance
June 03
Breeding by Design™ aims
to control all allelic variation for all genes of agronomical importance
Changes in the
shareholder composition of Keygene Genetics
LD mapping using ultra
high density maps
Keygene Genetics
launches ‘Carte Blanche’, a superior genetic mapping software package
May 03
Keygene and Plant Research International sign framework agreement on the
application of molecular markers based on Keygene’s AFLP®
Vilmorin Clause &
Cie. becomes shareholder in the genomics company Keygene