June 2003
Keygene Genetics
Newsletter VI
Over the
past 2 years important changes have occurred in the shareholder
composition of Keygene.
Keygene was
originally owned by a consortium of vegetable and field crop
breeding companies, but now that Cebeco Seeds has decided to
offer its shares, the ownership is exclusively in hands of
vegetable breeding companies: De Ruiter Seeds, Enza Seeds, Rijk
Zwaan, and Vilmorin Clause & Cie.
Furthermore, the shareholders acquired exclusive rights on all
Keygene technologies and applications in their field of
vegetable plant breeding. This was a.o. instigated because the
application of markers in breeding has become an essential
component for success, as is illustrated by a quote from a
director of a shareholder:
our applied genetics projects in Keygene, Marker Assisted
Breeding has become a key component in our breeding and
selection processes. It helps us to come up with better
varieties and bring them faster to the market place.”
Lefebvre, CEO of Vilmorin Clause & Cie and Chairman of the
Vegetable and Ornamental Section of the International Seed
Federation (ISF)).
Outside the
vegetable crops, Keygene has complete freedom to use all
available technologies in its services and contract research. In
return for the exclusivity, the shareholders are committed to
providing substantial investments in technology development and
advanced marker applications, thereby generating the critical
mass necessary for obtaining breakthroughs in this type of
research. |