Wageningen, The Netherlands
January 5, 2009
Keygene N.V. today announced a license agreement with
BASF Plant Science,
the plant biotech company of BASF. The respective intellectual
property covers rights on genes that confer resistance to plant
pathogens such as insects, fungi and nematodes. Under the terms
of the agreement, BASF Plant Science will grant KeyGene
milestone payments during the development phase as well as
royalty payments on the commercialized crops. Financial details
were not disclosed.
"We are very pleased with this agreement. It shows that major
biotech companies recognize our intellectual property and
support our strategic decision to explore new business models in
order to maximize the value of our IP-portfolio,” KeyGene’s Vice
President of IP and IP commercialization, Wim-Jan Koot said.
“Equally important, the agreement also reflects our growing
position in the field of plant disease resistance. The agreement
with BASF Plant Science offers great potential for KeyGene to
collaborate with other plant breeding companies in the plant
resistance field”, he added.
Keygene N.V. is a R&D company with the mission to be the leading
company in developing and applying DNA expertise in the field of
molecular genetics with a focus on crop plants. In recent years
KeyGene invested in next generation sequencing platforms to
support its leading position in the field of plant molecular
breeding and developed several new enabling technologies.
KeyGene exploits its proprietary technologies, databases and
know-how through strategic alliances, contract research and
products for applications in the plant breeding industry.
KeyGene has a subsidiary in Rockville Maryland, USA and a Joint
Lab at the Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences in
Shanghai, China. In total KeyGene employs around 130 researchers
and staff.
Applications for trademark
registration for KeyGene have been filed by Keygene N.V.
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