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BASF Plant Science
(JV with Svalof Weibull)


BASF Plant Science platform

BASF Plant Science GmbH
BASF Plant Science Holding

BPS North Carolina
Raleigh, NC, USA

Sungene GmbH & Co. KGaA
Gatersleben, Germany

DNA Landmarks Inc.
Quebec, Canada

ExSeed Genetics LLC
Owensboro, KY, USA

Plant Science Sweden AB
Svalöv, Sweden

Metanomics GmbH

Svalöf Weibull AB
Svalöv, Sweden

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August 09

BASF Turf & Ornamentals to discontinue sales of Drive® 75 DF herbicide

Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira and BASF enter technical cooperation agreement in sugarcane
Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira und BASF unterzeichnen Kooperationsvereinbarung für Zuckerrohr

July 09

BASF announces partnership with American Soybean Association to alert soybean growers

BASF improves earnings after weak start to the year
BASF verbessert Ergebnis nach schwachem Jahresstart

BASF reports: Recently discovered race of rust now confirmed on dry beans in North Dakota - Proactive application of Headline fungicide effective in disease control

Raps bleibt gefragt

Fungizider Beizschutz - Saatgutbeizung von Seed Solutions, tailor-made innovations powered by BASF

BASF's Headline fungicide granted emergency use registration on sunflowers in Canada

BASF adds new Frequency herbicide to its family of bareground products to combat resistance issues - New mode of action receives full label approval from U.S. EPA

June 09

BASF hosts more than 100 Kixor herbicide plot tours this summer for U.S. retailers, distributors and consultants

Paul Rea to head U.S. crop business of BASF Crop Protection

BASF Canada receivesn amended registration for the use of Headline fungicide on flax - Market-leading fungicide protects flax crop against Pasmo (Septoria linicola)

European Food Safety Authority reconfirms the safety of Amflora, BASF’s genetically modified potato
EFSA bestätigt erneut die Sicherheit von Amflora, der gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffel von BASF

Monsanto and BASF scientists disclose discovery of gene conferring drought tolerance in corn plants
Monsanto und BASF legen Entdeckung eines Gens offen, das Mais vor Trockenheit schützt

June is the ideal time to spray corn for broadleaf weed control in North America

BASF sues DuPont for patent infringement

DuPont files lawsuit against BASF to protect intellectual property, claims BASF is infringing patents relating to herbicide tolerance technology

May 09

Der richtige Einsatz von Wachstumsreglern im Getreide gehört mit zu den wirtschaftlichsten Pflanzenschutzmassnahmen

Time to apply Caramba fungicide from BASF for excellent head scab suppression

BASF Experteninterview: Prof. Joseph-Alexander Verreet, Institut für Phytopathologie der Universität Kiel, zur Bedeutung des Klimawandels im Hinblick auf den Fungizideinsatz

BASF's Impact herbicide now approved in Canada as a tank-mix with glyphosate

BASF unveils new cereal seed treatment from its Seed Solutions pipeline
BASF führt neue Getreide-Saatgutbeize aus der SeedSolutions-Pipeline ein

Innovative Herbstkollektion: BASF stellt vier Produktneuheiten in Köln vor

Milestone for the cotton-pipeline: U.S. Department of Agriculture grants approval for Bayer CropScience’s GlyTol cotton technology
Wichtiger Schritt für das Baumwoll-Geschäft: US-Landwirtschaftsministerium genehmigt Baumwoll-Technologie GlyTol von Bayer CropScience

BASF podcast: Plant health - Fit with fungicides

BASF receives full California registration for Pageant fungicide - Broad-spectrum Pageant helps nursery and greenhouse growers control more ornamentals diseases than any other fungicide

BASF erhält Zulassung für Carax im Raps

April 09

Personnel changes at BASF Plant Science: Dr. Hans Kast to retire, Dr. Peter Eckes to become new President and CEO

First quarter 2009/Annual Meeting of BASF SE - BASF shows strength in global crisis

BASF receives Canadian regulatory approval for reformulated Frontier Max herbicide

Deutschland genehmigt Freisetzung der gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffelsorte „Amflora“

Headline fungicide cotton field trials show an average increase of 65 lbs. lint/acre - BASF data confirms that Headline consistently increases yield potential year after year

Impact herbicide from BASF registered for use in Canada on seed and sweet corn

BASF Turf & Ornamentals adds four to team

BASF has successfully completed its acquisition of Ciba Holding AG

Habitat herbicide from BASF receives supplemental U.S. EPA label approval for terrestrial use

March 09

BASF and AgraQuest announce agreement for the bio-fungicide Serenade
BASF und AgraQuest vereinbaren Kooperation bei Bio-Fungizid Serenade

BASF Corporation introduces April as Plant Health Month - Month-long campaign kicks off grower contest to win great prizes, including an ATV

BASF appoints Laurent Tainturier President of BASF Canada

BASF Canada introduces CONQUEST LQ, a new liquid formulation of CONQUEST herbicide, for eastern Canadian soybean growers

BASF´s crop protection pipeline in good shape
BASF mit Crop-Protection-Pipeline gut aufgestellt

Fascinating insights into BASF research
Faszinierende Einblicke in die BASF Forschung

BASF receives full California registration for two turf and ornamentals herbicides: FreeHand 1.75G and Drive XLR8

February 09

BASF and U.S. National Corn Growers Association honor 2008 National Corn Yield Contest winners at Commodity Classic awards banquet

BASF posts solid earnings in a difficult business environment
BASF mit solidem Ergebnis in schwierigerem Geschäftsumfeld

Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
Notice of submission for approval of novel food, novel feed and unconfined environmental release for herbicide tolerant Helianthus annuus (CLEARFIELD sunflower) from BASF Canada
Avis de demande d’approbation soumise par BASF Canada concernant la dissémination environnementale en milieu ouvert d’un tournesol (Helianthus annuus) tolérant à certains herbicides (Tournesol CLEARFIELD) et son utilisation comme aliment nouveau et aliment nouveaux du bétail

American Soybean Association and BASF Corporation invite U.S. soybean producers to sign up for the 2009 Secure Optimal Yield (SOY) Challenge

BASF appoints new leadership in crop protection: Nevin McDougall to lead North America, Markus Heldt named President

January 09

BASF and Embrapa’s biotech soybeans on track for Brazilian market launch from 2011 onward
Biotech-Sojabohnen von BASF und Embrapa bereit für Markteinführung in Brasilien ab 2011

Headline fungicide from BASF receives U.S. EPA approval for Plant Health label

BASF and Cibus achieve development milestone in CLEARFIELD production system

BASF and Monsanto formalize agreement to develop next-generation of dicamba-based weed control products
BASF und Monsanto vereinbaren gemeinsame Entwicklung von der nächsten Generation von Dicamba-Produkten zur Unkrautbekämpfung

More sustainability in fruit and vegetable retailing with BASF
Mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Obst- und Gemüsehandel mit Hilfe der BASF Ökoeffizienz-Analyse

BASF Canada announces new CLEARFIELD wheat variety for 2009: CDC Abound offers an additional opportunity for growers to produce the cleanest wheat possible

Results from over 200 Western Canadian grower trials show the beneficial effects of BASF's HEADLINE fungicide for field pea, lentil and wheat crops

VIPER, a new herbicide solution for Canadian field pea growers in 2009 - Latest herbicide from BASF delivers a new mode of action for weed control in field peas

Ray McVicar named BASF Pulse Promoter of the Year - Community leader praised for growing the Canadian pulse industry

Saskatchewan grower wins C$35,000 in BASF Yield Challenge

BASF Canada announces new CLEARFIELD lentil varieties for 2009 - Lentil growers will now have access to herbicide-tolerant lentil varieties across every lentil market class

BASF Plant Science signs up two American Seeds LLC brands to market corn hybrids with NutriDense

First-ever drought-tolerant corn now one step closer to farmers
Weltweit erster trockentoleranter Mais rückt der Markteinführung einen Schritt näher

BASF Plant Science takes intellectual property licenses on disease resistance genes from KeyGene

December 08

BASF Plant Science announces new NutriDense Sales Agronomist

BASF Canada receives registration for TENSILE herbicide, a new CLEARFIELD canola herbicide that delivers superior wild buckwheat control and rotational freedom

BASF: Further delay in Amflora approval process not acceptable
BASF: Weitere Verzögerung im Zulassungsprozess für Amflora nicht akzeptabel

BASF touts expanded wheat fungicide portfolio at U.S. National Agricultural Aviation Association - TwinLine fungicide and Caramba fungicide provide unsurpassed activity on major cereal diseases

European starch industry demands swift approval of genetically optimized potatoes
Europäische Stärkeindustrie fordert rasche Zulassung von gentechnisch opti-mierten Kartoffeln

BASF releases early study results of low-volume application technology for Headline fungicide at the national conference of the National Agricultural Aviation Association

Rich Lutz joins BASF Plant Science as a NutriDense Forage Specialist in the Upper Northeastern U.S. region

Michael Heinz assumes responsibility for global team to integrate Ciba - Markus Heldt to become new head of Crop Protection division
Michael Heinz übernimmt Verantwortung für das globale Team zur Integration von Ciba - Markus Heldt wird neuer Leiter des Unternehmensbereichs Crop Protection

Good news for specialty crops: BASF Crop Protection unveils Initium, first active ingredient in new class of chemistry
Gute Nachrichten für Sonderkulturen: BASF Crop Protection entwickelt Initium, erster Wirkstoff einer neuen Stoffklasse

November 08

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and BASF Plant Science collaborate on crop productivity - Collaboration aims to develop genetic traits that help improve plants’ health and yield

October 08

BASF prepares for a tough business environment

BASF's concept for the sustainable production of fruit and vegetables
Kompetenz für nachhaltige Produktion von Obst und Gemüse

Wayne Ducote and Dan Watts join BASF Turf & Ornamentals

BASF Plant Science and University of Manitoba announce licensing agreement on promising plant biotechnology discovery - Gene discovery linked to increase in yield for major crops

Canada: New high-yielding hybrids and a specialty canola help to increase CLEARFIELD canola growers’ return in 2009

BASF transfers Weedmaster herbicide to Nufarm

Calantia Biotech y BASF Plant Science firman acuerdo de explotación de patentes para el aumento del rendimiento de los cultivos
Calantia Biotech and BASF Plant Science enter into licensing agreement targeting improved crop yields
Calantia Biotech et BASF Plant Science signent un accord d'exploitation de brevets pour l'amélioration du rendement des cultures

September 08

Randy Lusher joins BASF Turf & Ornamentals as Sales Specialist

BASF Monsanto: Frontrunners in securing and increasing yield in crops
BASF Monsanto: Vorreiter für sichere und höhere Erträge bei Nutzpflanzen

BASF makes offer to acquire Ciba

BASF Plant Science licenses Genedata's Expressionist software

BASF Canada appoints Brian Denys as Business Director for its crop protection division

BASF Plant Science and VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) boost cooperation
BASF Plant Science und VIB (das Flämische Institut für Biotechnologie) intensivieren Zusammenarbeit

August 08

Minnesota farmers receive $17 million money judgment from BASF

Positive vote for four BASF crop protection compounds
Positives Votum für vier neue Pflanzenschutz-Wirkstoffe von BASF

BASF Turf & Ornamentals announces Onetime herbicide for broadleaf and grassy weed control

World soybean yield champion Kip Cullers showcases leading technology at largest field-day in Missouri history

July 08

BASF to invest more than €150 million in additional capacity for key crop protection products
BASF investiert mehr als 150 Millionen € in den Ausbau der Produktionsanlagen für Pflanzenschutzmittel

BASF remains in top form: Sales and earnings increase despite challenging business environment
BASF weiter in Top-Form: Umsatz- und Ergebnisanstieg trotz herausfordernden Geschäftsumfelds

BASF Plant Science takes Amflora case to EU court
BASF Plant Science bringt den Fall Amflora vor EU Gericht

June 08

Thavy Un joins BASF Turf & Ornamentals as Marketing Manager

Weather across U.S. Midwest increases disease pressure and risk to yields - BASF fungicide technology provides disease control and Plant Health benefits in year of record commodity prices

BASF and Monsanto enter into agreement for new fungicide seed treatment solution in soybeans
BASF und Monsanto schliessen Vertrag über neue Fungizid-Saatgutbeize für Sojabohnen

New Coronet fungicide seed treatment from BASF receives U.S. EPA approval - Coronet offers broad-spectrum protection of seed and seedlings in vegetables and cotton

BASF and Nidera unveil new CLEARFIELD sunflower trait – CLHA-Plus

BASF's Equinox herbicide registered in Canada for use on canola

BASF's Odyssey DLX herbicide now registered for use on CLEARFIELD canola in Canada

May 08

BASF Crop Protection outpaces market growth in Eastern Europe
BASF Crop Protection wächst in Osteuropa schneller als der Markt

BASF Plant Science and Academia Sinica (Taipei) to cooperate on gene discovery
BASF Plant Science und Academia Sinica (Taipei) vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Genentdeckung

BASF unveils coming seed treatments at 2008 World Seed Congress
BASF stellt neue Saatbeizen auf Kongress „World Seed 2008“ vor

Saskatchewan growers win BASF's CLEARFIELD Lentil Dream Acre Contest

BASF Canada introduces new formulation of Headline Duo fungicide for chickpea growers in Western Canada

BASF appoints vice president to U.S. crop protection division

Status herbicide from BASF now registered for use on popcorn in the United States

Headline fungicide receives U.S. government approval for use on oats - Registration of BASF fungicide important for Canadian oat exports

April 08

Two new fungicides from BASF registered for use on cereals in the United States

BASF enters a challenging 2008 with a record first quarter

The Science behind seed treatments - Proceedings 2008 BASF Seed Treatment Symposium

CDC Imagine CLEARFIELD wheat seed tops 2008 Northlands Pedigreed Seed Competition in Alberta, Canada

BASF calls on EU Commissioner Dimas to approve Amflora
BASF fordert EU-Kommissar Dimas zur Genehmigung von Amflora auf

Three leading potato starch producers see amylopectin starch from genetically enhanced potatoes as a commercial opportunity and see no reason to withhold Amflora approval
Die drei führenden Kartoffelstärkehersteller sehen für Amylopek-tinstärke aus gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffeln wirtschaftliches Potenzial und keinen Grund, die Genehmigung von Amflora weiter hinauszuzögern

March 08

Amflora potato: not this year

A novel path in Spanish fresh produce production: BASF and its partners to meet consumer demands
Neue Wege in der spanischen Obst- und Gemüseproduktion: BASF und seine Partner erfüllen Anforderungen der Verbraucher

BASF launches two crop protection active ingredients
BASF bringt zwei neue Pflanzenschutzwirkstoffe auf den Markt

February 08

New record year 2007 gives BASF confidence for 2008
Neue Bestmarken in 2007 geben BASF Zuversicht für 2008

New Stamina fungicide seed treatment from BASF registered in the U.S., offers control of key seedling diseases right out the ground

Potato Amflora: BASF expects green light from EU Commission
Amflora: BASF erwartet grünes Licht von EU-Kommission

BASF: „Europäische Landwirte brauchen Zugang zu modernen Technologien“
BASF: “Give Europe’s farmers access to advanced technology”

BASF Crop Protection introduces development pipeline herbicide to scientific community
BASF Crop Protection stellt Wissenschaftlern neues Entwicklungspipeline-Herbizid vor

January 08

New graminicide from BASF delivers superior grassy weed control in peas, flax and lentils to Canadian growers

BASF Plant Science and National Institute of Biological Sciences (China) enter cooperation and license agreement
BASF Plant Science und das National Institute of Biological Sciences (China) beschließen Zusammenarbeit und Lizenzvereinbarung

American Soybean Association and BASF Corporation invite U.S. soybean growers to sign up for the 2008 Secure Optimal Yield (SOY) Field Trials program

“Living Food Quality Together“ - BASF Crop Protection expands successful partnerships
BASF Crop Protection baut erfolgreiche Partnerschaften weiter aus

BASF Plant Science presents inaugural Marketing Excellence Award to GrowDirect

Germain Dauk named BASF Pulse Promoter of the Year

Registration of BASF's Solo herbicide in place for 2008 Clearfield production system for lentils in Canada

BASF Canada receives minor use registration for Solo herbicide on Clearfield sunflowers - Registration paves way for introduction of new herbicide-tolerant production system in 2008

December 07

BASF Plant Science names NutriDense forage specialist for the Upper Midwest region of the U.S.

BASF expects European Union approval of Amflora potato within weeks

BASF research helps aerial applicators ensure coverage and efficiency

November 07

CLEARFIELD lentils make an ‘Impact’ - Fast Seed Farm wins top honours at Agribition Pedigreed Seed Competition

Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. purchases Surround crop protection business from BASF Corporation

BASF Canada receives new crop registration for HEADLINE fungicide: control of Crown rust in oats added to label

U.S. National Corn Growers Association and BASF Corporation team up on agriculture scholarship program

October 07

BASF Agricultural Products division opens new laboratory for consumer and environmental safety in Brazil
BASF-Unternehmensbereich Pflanzenschutz eröffnet neues Verbraucher- und Umweltschutzlabor in Brasilien

BASF heading for record year again
BASF steuert erneut Rekordjahr an

BASF Agricultural Products steps up fight against product piracy
BASF Pflanzenschutz verstärkt Kampf gegen Produktpiraterie

American Soybean Association announces college scholarship opportunity for high school seniors, sponsored by BASF Corporation

BASF Plant Science and Crop Functional Genomics Center sign R&D agreement in South Korea
BASF Plant Science und südkoreanisches Forschungszentrum starten Pflanzenbiotechnologie-Kooperation

Headline fungicide from BASF now registered for cotton in the United States

September 07

New research shows NutriDense silage improves feed efficiency

Regent insecticide from BASF registered for wireworm control in potatoes

BASF Agricultural Products: Profitable growth with innovative products and business ideas
BASF Pflanzenschutz: Mit innovativen Produkten und Geschäftsideen profitabel wachsen

BASF Agricultural Products appoints Paul Rea director of Specialty Products Division

August 07

BASF Canada announces new developments for CLEARFIELD Production System in 2008

Embrapa e BASF firmam acordo inédito de cooperação na área de biotecnologia vegetal no Brasil
EMBRAPA and BASF announce first Brazilian-developed biotech crop
- Embrapa e BASF assinam acordo inédito
- BASF e Embrapa anunciam acordo de cooperação

BASF apresenta seu portfólio para Arroz durante Congresso em Pelotas (RS)

BASF posts very strong results in second quarter of 2007

July 07

BASF Aktiengesellschaft to file for voluntary delisting from the New York Stock Exchange

BASF and Cibus announce collaboration for herbicide tolerant crops

June 07

BASF Board of Executive Directors: new team as of 2008
Mit neuem BASF-Vorstandsteam ins Jahr 2008

BASF and Monsanto form co-promotion agreement for Headline fungicide in corn and soybeans
BASF und Monsanto vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit bei der Vermarktung des Fungizids Headline für Mais und Sojabohnen

European Union Council of Ministers postpones decision on commercial cultivation of the genetically optimized starch potato Amflora

EU Commission to decide on Amflora

BASF introduces AgCelence, the plant health brand identity, in Brazil
BASF führt Handelsmarke für Pflanzengesundheit in Brasilien ein

Evogene and SunGene, a BASF Plant Science company, to collaborate on next generation plant-biotechnology enabling technologies

New rate recommendation for Headline fungicide confirms effectiveness on all major corn diseases

BASF Canada receives amended registration for Headline fungicide - Aerial application now available for corn, alfalfa grown for seed production and grass grown for seed

May 07

BASF Agricultural Products expects continued high growth in Middle and South Eastern Europe
BASF Pflanzenschutz erwartet Fortsetzung des Wachstums in Mittel- und Südosteuropa

BASF Canada introduces Headline Duo, new fungicide for control of ascochyta in chickpeas

Gentechnisch veränderte “Amflora”-Kartoffeln von BASF Plant Science dürfen in Deutschland unter Sicherheitsauflagen freigesetzt werden

BASF collaboration with Nidera results in discovery of new, superior non-GMO CLEARFIELD gene for sunflower breeding

European Union greenlights BASF’s strategic fungicide dimethomorph
Europäische Union gibt grünes Licht für strategisches BASF-Fungizid Dimethomorph

BASF's Arsenal PowerLine with Transport Technology receives full label approval from U.S. EPA

Diversa achieves milestones under alliance with BASF to develop innovative new enzyme products

Karl J. Kisner appointed Marketing Manager for BASF Professional Turf & Ornamentals

Defra approves a second site for GM potato trials

BASF reinforces its commitment to Brazilian agriculture
BASF bekräftigt hohen Stellenwert der brasilianischen Landwirtschaft

April 07

BASF presents first-quarter results at 55th Annual Meeting

BASF Plant Science continues commitment to plant biotechnology and nutritionally enhanced crops - New breeding and testing operations opened in Iowa, Illinois and Hawaii

BASF Professional Turf & Ornamentals appoints Steve Larson national ornamentals account manager

Reduced re-entry period for BASF's Headline gives seed corn growers new tool

March 07

BASF welcomes Annex I listing of Fipronil insecticide
BASF begrüßt die Aufnahme des Insektizids Fipronil in den Annex I

BASF and Monsanto announce R&D and commercialization collaboration agreement in plant biotechnology
BASF und Monsanto starten Zusammenarbeit bei Forschung, Entwicklung und Vermarktung in der Pflanzenbiotechnologie
BASF e Monsanto anunciam acordo de colaboração em P&D e comercialização em biotecnologia vegetal
BASF y Monsanto anuncian acuerdo de colaboración en I&D y de comercialización en biotecnología vegetal

BASF Agricultural Products presents current pipeline outlook
BASF Pflanzenschutz informiert über aktuelle Forschungs- und Entwicklungspipeline

BASF publishes 2006 reports

U.S. Department of Agriculture issues update for rice industry regarding Clearfield 131 long-grain rice seed

American no-till farmers vote BASF's Headline fungicide of year

BASF Agricultural Products discusses technology transfer at the Salon International de l'Agriculture
BASF Pflanzenschutz bietet aktuelle und innovative Beiträge zum Technologietransfer

BASF Agricultural Products cooperates with U.S. Ag Department to remove all Clearfield CL131 rice from the marketplace

BASF Agricultural Products offers a soybean disease monitoring tool to Brazilian farmers

New BASF herbicide raises the bar for grassy weed control - Equinox gives Canadian growers post-emergent grass control in peas, flax and lentils

Sovran fungicide from BASF registered in the U.S. for use on cucurbits

February 07

BASF expands innovative agricultural products to Asian growth markets
BASF erschließt Wachstumsmärkte in Asien mit innovativen Pflanzenschutzprodukten

BASF on course for further success: Record earnings in 2006 – optimistic for 2007
BASF weiter auf Erfolgskurs: Rekord-Ergebnis 2006 – Optimismus für 2007

January 07

Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Determination of the safety of BASF's imidazolinone-tolerant CLEARFIELD durum wheat events DW2, DW6, and DW12

BASF auf der Fruit Logistica: Innovative Lösungen für die gesamten Obst- und Gemüse-Wertschöpfungsketten
BASF at Fruit Logistica 2007 in Berlin: Products for the entire value chain of fresh produce

Rick Holm named BASF Canada Pulse Promoter of the Year

BASF Canada launches Altitude FX for Clearfield wheat - Broad-spectrum herbicide delivers unprecedented weed control

Metconazole being added to the BASF fungicide portfolio in Canada, provides control of key diseases in cereals, soybeans and other crops

December 06

The results are in: BASF's Headline disease control yield advantage ranges from 12 to 15 bu/A in corn and 4 to 8 bu/A in soybeans in 2006

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
Release of genetically modified potatoes with an altered starch composition
Notification for the release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes with improved resistance to Phytophthora infestans (2007 – 2011)

BASF insecticide portfolio grows with addition of Respect insecticide

FMC and BASF announce agreement to exchange access to key active ingredients

New corn herbicide from BASF registered in the U.S. - Status raises the bar in postemergence broadleaf weed control

AgReliant Genetics to market corn hybrids with NutriDense

BASF and Monsanto announce agreement to develop and commercialize CLEARFIELD canola hybrids

Germany votes in favor of the genetically optimized starch potato Amflora
Deutschland stimmt für die Stärkekartoffel Amflora

Results of lower spray volume tests presented at the U.S. National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA)

BASF launches AgCelence, a new brand identity for products that boost crop yields and quality

November 06

BASF sells global terbufos insecticide business to AMVAC
BASF verkauft das globale Geschäft mit dem Insektizid Terbufos an AMVAC

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
Notification for the field testing of spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus) genetically modified for improved oil composition in the seed

BASF's Prowl H2O herbicide registered for use on alfalfa in the U.S.

BASF releases third quarter interim report 2006
- Acquisitions strengthen profitable growth
- Akquisitionen verstärken profitables Wachstum

October 06

BASF Canada expands its CLEARFIELD canola portfolio: four new seed cultivars added to 2007 line-up

Genetically enhanced flavonoid tomatoes could reduce cardiovascular disease
Tomaten mit gentechnisch erhöhtem Flavonoidgehalt könnten das Risiko von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen senken

BASF's Charter PB fungicide seed treatment ready to battle Fusarium for US wheat and barley growers

August 06

Chinese chemists synthesize compounds for BASF’s crop protection discovery research - BASF’s Agricultural Products division cooperates successfully in research with external partners
Chinesische Chemiker synthetisieren Verbindungen für die Suchforschung nach neuen Wirkstoffen - Der Unternehmensbereich Pflanzenschutz der BASF kooperiert in der Forschung erfolgreich mit externen Partnern

Dynamic BASF on course for profitable growth
BASF mit Dynamik auf profitablem Wachstumskurs

June 06

BASF Plant Science and Australian research centre Molecular Plant Breeding CRC strengthen cooperation to develop genetically optimized wheat
BASF Plant Science und der australische Forschungsverbund Molecular Plant Breeding CRC verstärken Zusammenarbeit in der Entwicklung von biotechnologisch verbessertem Weizen

BASF develops new high-performance Alverde insecticide

May 06

Forum fungicide receives California registration for use on potatoes and vegetables for Downy mildew and Phytophthora disease control

BASF Plant Science acquires Belgian biotechnology company CropDesign
BASF Plant Science übernimmt die belgische Biotechnologiefirma CropDesign

BASF Plant Science koopt het Belgische biotechnologiebedrijf CropDesign

U.S. EPA approves new uses for BASF's Prowl H2O herbicide

Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland authorizes GM potato field trials

BASF: First quarter 2006 results / Zwischenbericht 1. Quartal 2006

April 06

BASF Plant Science debuts at BIO 2006: BASF to dedicate more than $320 million over next three years to development of next generation biotechnological optimized crop plants

March 06

BASF forms public-private partnership with CIMMYT
BASF und CIMMYT vereinbaren Public Private Partnership

Innovation and portfolio optimization strengthen BASF’s agricultural products division
Innovationen und Portfolioverbesserungen stärken den Pflanzenschutz der BASF

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
- Application for the release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes with altered starch metabolism (I) (2006 – 2010)
- Application for the release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes with altered starch metabolism (II) (2006 – 2010)
- Application for the release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes with improved resistance to Phytophthora infestans (2006 – 2010)

February 06

CIMMYT develops herbicide resistant maize hybrids

BASF in top form: record earnings in 2005, confident outlook for 2006
BASF in Top-Form: Rekordergebnis in 2005, Zuversicht für 2006

BASF and Diversa form broad alliance to develop innovative new products

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
Notification for the release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes with improved resistance to Phytophthora infestans (2006–2010)

BASF's fungicide Cabrio receives California registration on leafy vegetables, cole crops and leafy greens

January 06

Potatoes with improved resistance to late blight - Submission of field trial notification of BASF Plant Science
- Notification for the release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes with improved resistance to Phytophthora infestans (2006 – 2010)

CLEARFIELD technology approved for confectionary sunflower production - First hybrid available in 2006

BASF continues stewardship of CLEARFIELD technology with Louisiana injunction

CLEARFIELD lentils available in Canada for 2006 growing season - BASF and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers sign distribution agreement for first herbicide-tolerant lentil varieties in Canada

SOLO, new broad-spectrum herbicide from BASF, delivers follow-crop flexibility and targeted weed control, gives Canadian growers balance

Cellectis and BASF Plant Science sign a license under the Meganuclease technology for marker genes excision in crops

December 05

Modified wheat takes root with little protest in Saskatchewan - Different method used

BASF and Nufarm Americas, Inc. sign supply agreement for the herbicide Imazapyr

BASF Plant Science and CropDesign sign broad license and research cooperation agreement to genetically improve crops
CropDesign en BASF Plant Science sluiten een belangrijke licentieovereenkomst en onderzoekssamenwerking.
BASF Plant Science und CropDesign unterzeichnen umfassende Vereinbarung über Lizenzrechte und Forschungszusammenarbeit, um Nutzpflanzen biotechnologisch zu verbessern

November 05

BASF sells global phorate insecticide product line to American Vanguard

October 05

New Head of Global Strategic Marketing in BASF’s Agricultural Products division
Neuer Leiter Global Strategic Marketing für BASF Unternehmensbereich Pflanzenschutz

New Director of BASF Agricultural Products Europe: Klaus Welsch succeeds Claus Illing as Director of Regional Business Unit Europe
Neuer Leiter für BASF Pflanzenschutz Europa: Klaus Welsch übernimmt von Claus Illing die Leitung der Regionalen Geschäftseinheit Europa

BASF to divest imazamethabenz herbicides - Sale of herbicide line to Nufarm allows BASF to focus on strategic products

BASF's Regent TS insecticide receives registration in the United States - New corn seed treatment targets key pests

September 05

Charter fungicide receives registration in the U.S. - Cereal seed treatment controls key seed and soil-borne diseases

BASF Canada granted two additional label registrations for the use of Distinct herbicide in field corn

BASF receives Canadian registration for CLEARFIELD sunflowers

BASF announces personnel changes
BASF gibt personelle Veränderungen bekannt

BASF-Forscher nominiert für den Deutschen Zukunftspreis

Grün, gesund und ertragreich: F 500® – Pflanzengesundheit durch Chemie nach dem Vorbild der Natur

August 05

Innovation continues to boost BASF’s Agricultural Products division
Innovationen bringen BASF Pflanzenschutz weiter voran

BASF raises outlook for 2005
BASF hebt Jahresausblick an

June 05

Change in leadership of BASF agricultural products businesses in North American and Latin American

Kenya launches Clearfield® technology for Striga weed control

BASF’s FreshSeal coatings give Prime Time peppers a new lease on shelf life

Diseases threaten South Dakota wheat crop

Hans Kast, President and CEO of BASF Plant Science, elected as new Chairman of EuropaBio

New CropLife International President, Hans W. Reiners, takes office
Hans W. Reiners wird neuer Präsident von CropLife International

May 05

BASF resolves case against Arkansas rice growers who violated CLEARFIELD rice stewardship agreement and technology

April 05

BASF makes a strong start to 2005

Kunden wissen die Strategie der BASF im Pflanzenschutz hoch zu schätzen
Customers highly appreciate BASF strategy in agricultural products

BASF and Oryzon Genomics announce an agreement of technological collaboration in the phytosanitary area

BASF appoints Robin C. Rotenberg as President of BASF Canada

March 05

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
- Release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes with an altered starch composition - BASF (Czech) spol. s r.o - Czech Republic

Gemini seed treatment fungicide receives Canadian registration, offers complete disease control in cereals at one rate

BASF obtains access to tebuconazole from Bayer for co-pack with Headline fungicide

BASF signs supply agreement with Kureha Chemical Industry Co. for metconazole, continues to build a sustainable soybean fungicide business

New at BASF Limburgerhof Agricultural Center: seed treatment technology center starts operations
Technisches Zentrum für Saatgutbehandlung nimmt seinen Betrieb auf

February 05

BASF signs CLEARFIELD wheat agreements with new partners in Kansas, Montana, Nebraska

BASF transfers Brazilian expert to address U.S. concerns on Asian soybean rust

BASF sells triforine business to Sumitomo Corporation
BASF verkauft das Triforine Fungizidgeschäft an Sumitomo Corporation

January 05

BASF granted Canadian patent which provides protection for CLEARFIELD technology

BASF makes major contribution to new pulse field lab research addition being built at the University of Saskatchewan

December 04

BASF's Headline fungicide registered for soybeans and corn in the United States

November 04

Herbicide tolerant wheat now available to Canadian prairie farmers

BASF grows faster than the market

October 04

BASF adds four hybrids to the CLEARFIELD canola family for the 2005 season

BASF threatens transfer of plant research abroad if German law continues to restrict R&D into plant biotechnology

September 04

German companies commit to investment in agricultural biotechnology

Innovation and customer focus promise BASF Agricultural Products rich harvest
Innovation und Kundennähe versprechen BASF Pflanzenschutz reiche Ernte

August 04

BASF's FreshSeal coatings give Dresick Farms' cantaloupes a new lease on shelf life

Norak Biosciences to collaborate with BASF on crop protection research

July 04

Amaethon Ltd. and BASF Plant Science sign agreement covering genes involved in biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids in plants

June 04

BASF launches - Interactive Web site provides continually updated information

BASF and Triumph Seed announce commercial agreement for CLEARFIELD sunflowers

May 04

BASF Plant Science licenses the BRENDA enzyme database of BIOBASE

May 04

Non-GM super crops

Aleurone Corporation announces licensing agreement with BASF Plant Science GmbH for crop/genetic engineering technology

BASF makes debut with new team
BASF erstmals in neuer Aufstellung präsent

BASF's FreshSeal post-harvest coatings can give produce growers and packers increased volume and profitability

March 04

European Union
Deliberate release into the environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market
- Application for the release into the environment of potato event AM99-2003 - BASF Plant Science GmbH
- Application for the release into the environment of potato events AM02-1003, AM02-1005, AM02-1012, AM02-1017 and AM99-1089 - BASF Plant Science GmbH
- Application for the release into the environment of potato event EH92-527-1 - BASF Plant Science GmbH

February 04

Cellectis SA extends its technology agreement with BASF Plant Science GmbH for marker genes excision in crops

BASF takes over crop protection production in St. Aubin les Elbeuf, France

January 04

CLEARFIELD brightens 2003 sunflower harvest

BASF acquires CPG Technologies food preservation business from Agway, Inc. - FreshSeal polymer coatings help extend shelf life and quality of fruits and vegetables

BASF sells phenoxy herbicide business to Nufarm Ltd.

December 03

BASF Plant Science takes world-wide license to Genomatix´ regulatory sequence analysis application

July 03

CLEARFIELD wheat formally launched in Pacific Northwest

BASF, Idaho Research Foundation sign CLEARFIELD agreement to partner on producing herbicide-tolerant wheat varieties

June 03

BASF and Nidera enter new global agreement for CLEARFIELD sunflowers - Agreement allows rapid development and introduction by Nidera of CLEARFIELD hybrids

May 03

BASF, Oregon State University to collaborate on production of CLEARFIELD wheat varieties

University of Arkansas will develop Clearfield rice seed

Cellectis SA and BASF Plant Science GmbH enter into technology agreement

March 03

Mycogen Seeds, BASF sign CLEARFIELD sunflower agreement

BASF, Proseed to produce CLEARFIELD sunflower hybrids

Seeds 2000, BASF to produce Clearfield sunflower hybrids

BASF strengthens its Agricultural Products business

BASF significantly increases earnings

January 03

DNA LandMarks to acquire plant genotyping business from Paradigm Genetics

December 02

Garst Seed Company and BASF announce IT corn and Lightning herbicide promotion

June 02

Seeds 2000, BASF to produce Clearfield® sunflower hybrids

March 02

Montana State University's winter wheat breeding aims at benefiting Montana producers

BASF: positioned for the upturn

December 01

Dow AgroSciences and BASF announce global technology agreement for CLEARFIELD canola

New tool approved for combating leafy spurge, cheatgrass and other noxious and invasive weeds -- Plateau(R) herbicide registered by EPA

New registration for Plateau(R) herbicide solves grass weed problems for Bermudagrass growers -- Only product to control grass weeds in Bermudagrass pastures

September 01

New BASF fungicide for specialty crops

University of Wyoming honors BASF for Outstanding Corporate Partnership

August 01

U.S. Congressional Representatives and staffers examine invasive weed research; looking for ways to reduce damage to Western Range

July 01

BASF expands its U.S. seed development platform

May 01

BASF to concentrate its agricultural research

April 01

ARS scientists and BASF Corporation join forces
Los científicos de ARS y la corporación BASF trabajan juntos

March 01

Adding value through growth and innovation: BASF's formula for success
Wertsteigerung durch Wachstum und Innovation: Erfolgsformel der BASF geht auf

December 00

BASF Plant Science to acquire US plant biotechnology and genetics company ExSeed Genetics, LLC, an enhanced crop company

November 00

BASF presents exciting new fungicide

September 00

Leading plant genome research company opens research center in Berlin
Spitzenunternehmen für pflanzliche Genomforschung eröffnet in Berlin

BASF and Dow AgroSciences announce global herbicide-tolerant corn licensing agreement

August 00

BASF and RiceTec announce global commercialization agreement for CLEARFIELD rice

July 00

BASF and The Louisiana State University Agricultural Center announce licensing agreement for CLEARFIELD rice

May 00

BASF crop protection division to reflect global business

March 00

BASF to acquire crop protection business from American Home Products

BASF banks on plant biotechnology - New BASF Plant Science holding company to control all activities
BASF setzt auf Pflanzenbiotechnologie - Neue BASF Plant Science Holding steuert alle Aktivitäten Forschungsmittel

November 99

Pflanzenbiotechnologie keine Option, sondern ein Muß

October 99

Plant biotechnology: for efficient and resource-conserving agriculture
Für eine leistungsfähige und Ressourcen schonende Landwirtschaft

July 99

BASF announces further capital expenditures in plant biotechnology: new research building for SunGene
Weitere Investition in die Pflanzenbiotechnologie: neues Forschungsgebäude der SunGene

June 99

BASF Plant Science to locate major biotech research center in U.S.
BASF baut weiteres Labor für Pflanzenbiotechnologie in den USA

March 99

BASF and Donlar announce licensing agreement for AmiSorb nutrient management technology

BASF Crop Protection announces 1998 results, plans rapid expansion in plant biotechnology

January 99

BASF to acquire holding in Svalöf Weibull and conduct joint plant biotechnology research
BASF beteiligt sich an Saatzuchtunternehmen - Forschung künftig gemeinsam mit Svalöf Weibull

December 98

BASF and Freiburg University to collaborate on plant biotechnology
Pflanzenbiotechnologie: BASF und Uni Freiburg arbeiten zusammen  |

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