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BASF and Monsanto form co-promotion agreement for Headline fungicide in corn and soybeans
BASF und Monsanto vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit bei der Vermarktung des Fungizids Headline für Mais und Sojabohnen


Limburgerhof, Germany and St. Louis, Missouri
June 29, 2007

- Major step forward for F 500®, BASF’s pioneering Plant Health™ technology
- Significantly greater number of growers to learn about yield benefits

BASF and Monsanto today signed an agreement for the co-promotion of BASF’s star fungicide, Headline® with F 500®. Under the terms of the agreement, Monsanto’s sales force will recommend Headline to its Roundup Ready® corn and soybean customers in the United States. In addition, Headline will be the only fungicide promoted in Monsanto’s popular Roundup Rewards® program. In 2006, this technology accounted for over 40% of corn and about 95% of soybeans planted in U.S.

Through Monsanto’s sales force, a significantly greater number of growers will learn about the yield benefits of Headline. “We’re seeing a lot of momentum for Headline fungicide, driven by outstanding results from growers who applied Headline last year. This agreement provides another platform for us to take that message and share those success stories with even more corn and soybean growers,” said Markus Heldt, head of BASF’s Agricultural Products business in North America. As the use of corn and soy for biofuel feedstocks expands, growers are looking for innovative technology to increase their yields.

F 500, the active ingredient in Headline, has brought a step-change technology to growers worldwide. F 500 positively influences the physiological pathways of plants and thus increases yields dramatically, particularly under stress conditions. Over 5,000 on-farm field trials in corn and soybean in the United States have demonstrated average yield increases of six to ten percent.

With sales of €3,079 million in 2006, BASF’s Agricultural Products division is a leader in crop protection and a strong partner to the farming industry providing well-established and innovative fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Farmers use these products and services to improve crop yields and crop quality. Other uses include public health, structural/urban pest control, turf and ornamental plants, vegetation management, and forestry. BASF aims to turn knowledge rapidly into market success. The vision of BASF’s Agricultural Products division is to be the world’s leading innovator, optimizing agricultural production, improving nutrition, and thus enhancing the quality of life for a growing world population. Further information can be found on the web at

BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products, agricultural products and fine chemicals to crude oil and natural gas. As a reliable partner to virtually all industries, BASF’s high-value products and intelligent system solutions help its customers to be more successful. BASF develops new technologies and uses them to meet the challenges of the future and open up additional market opportunities. It combines economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility, thus contributing to a better future.

BASF has over 95,000 employees and posted sales of €52.6 billion (approximately $66.1 billion) in 2006. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at

Headline is a registered trademark and Plant Health is a trademark of BASF.
Roundup Rewards is a trademark of Monsanto

BASF und Monsanto vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit bei der Vermarktung des Fungizids Headline für Mais und Sojabohnen

- Wichtiger Meilenstein für F 500®, die innovative Plant HealthTM-Technologie der BASF
- Deutlich mehr Landwirte als bisher werden zukünftig über die Ertragsvorteile informiert

Die BASF und Monsanto haben heute eine Vereinbarung zur ge-meinsamen Vermarktung des führenden BASF-Fungizids Headline® mit F 500® unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung sieht vor, dass die Ver-triebsmitarbeiter von Monsanto den Kunden ihrer Mais- und Soja-bohnenproduktlinie Roundup Ready® in den USA den Einsatz von Headline empfehlen werden. Darüber hinaus wird Headline als ein-ziges Fungizid Teil des populären Mehrwertprogramms Roundup Rewards® sein. Im Jahr 2006 hatte die Roundup-Ready-Technologie einen Anteil von über 40 Prozent im Mais und von rund 95 Prozent im Sojabohnenanbau in den USA.

Über den Monsanto-Vertrieb werden zukünftig deutlich mehr Land-wirte als bisher über die Ertragsvorteile von Headline informiert. "Wir sehen großes Potenzial für das Fungizid Headline. Landwirte, die Headline im letzten Jahr bereits angewandt haben, berichten von hervorragenden Ergebnissen. Mit dieser Vereinbarung können wir die Erfolgsgeschichte von Headline jetzt noch mehr Landwirten näherbringen als zuvor", erklärte Markus Heldt, Leiter des BASF-Pflanzenschutzgeschäfts in Nordamerika. Mit dem zunehmenden Ein-satz von Mais und Sojabohnen bei Biokraftstoffen stehen innovative Technologien zur Ertragssteigerung bei Landwirten hoch im Kurs.

F 500, der Wirkstoff des Fungizids Headline, ist für Landwirte in aller Welt ein technologischer Quantensprung. F 500 hat positive Auswir-kungen auf die physiologischen Abläufe in der Pflanze und führt so besonders unter Stressbedingungen zu deutlichen Ertragssteigerungen. In mehr als 5.000 Feldversuchen in Mais und Soja auf Farmen in den USA konnten Ertragszuwächse von sechs bis zehn Prozent nachge-wiesen werden.

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Co-promotion activities
will include

 Promotion of Headline in Roundup Rewards and other printed materials

Computer based training for employees

Joint promotion at opportunities to be determined

Monsanto has a strong focus on bringing farmers seed and trait technologies that increase yield in both corn and soybeans.
Monsanto and BASF are working together to help farmers minimize disease risk through co-promotion of Headline® Fungicide in seed trait systems.

Although the delivery methods are different, seed traits and Headline herbicide when used together offer farmers preventative risk management protection to enable optimum yield production.

Growers who use Headline in corn report more vigorous plant growth and stress tolerance advantages such as better standability, improved harvestability, bigger ears and increased yields.


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