Research Triangle Park, North
May 22, 2007
BASF Professional Vegetation
Management (ProVM) is excited to announce that Arsenal®
PowerLine™ has received full label approval from the
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
Arsenal PowerLine with Transport Technology™ – a new patented
formulation technology – increases the amount of absorption and
translocation of active ingredient throughout the plant. The
effect of the additional active ingredient in the plant results
in better performance and more consistent, long-term control of
“Extensive research and development with active ingredients has
proven that we can provide better, more consistent control with
this unique formulation,” said Tim Knight, business manager,
BASF ProVM. “By listening to what our customers are asking for,
we’re able to provide a higher quality of products and services
at a reasonable price.”
Arsenal PowerLine is ideal for controlling a broad spectrum of
weeds and brush in many situations where unwanted vegetation
threatens the efficiency or effectiveness of operations,
- Utility installations,
including transmission and distribution lines and
- Roadside sites, including
along paved shoulders, under guardrails, and around
signposts, delineators and bridge abutments.
- Industrial sites such as
tank farms, processing sites, fire walls, parking lots,
fireplugs, fence lines, building perimeters and electrical
- In the railroad industry
for line-of-track treatments and brush control.
- Other noncrop sites where
vegetation control is desired.
“With Arsenal PowerLine,
vegetation managers will see more consistent, longer-term
control than with any other product they’ve been using,
including Arsenal® herbicide. We’ve used our new patented
formulation technology to improve the effectiveness of the
active ingredient,” said Tim Knight, Business Manager, BASF
Arsenal PowerLine illustrates BASF’s ongoing commitment to
innovation and the vegetation management industry,” said Knight.
“Our goal is to bring our customers new solutions that improve
vegetation management practices and habitat management. And
Arsenal PowerLine does just that.”
Arsenal PowerLine performs very well as a low volume brush
treatment, but also shows excellent performance at higher
volumes. It is effective as a stand-alone solution and is also
well-suited for tank mixes. Arsenal PowerLine works well with
many application methods and equipment, including low-volume
foliar backpack, low-volume hydraulic, aerial applications, boom
and boomless equipment, and stump and cut-stem treatments.
The active ingredient in Arsenal PowerLine is absorbed through
the leaves, stems and roots of vegetation. It binds with an
enzyme found only in plants, so it is not harmful to humans,
mammals, birds, fish or insects.
Arsenal PowerLine can be used at a low use rate so it has a low
amount of active ingredient per acre, leaving less active
ingredient in the soil.
This makes it ideal for use in areas where vegetation managers
are looking to enhance wildlife habitat.
A sampling of weeds controlled by Arsenal PowerLine with
Transport Technology includes:
Sand dropseed
Tall fescue
Purple loosestrife
Field bindweed
Reed canarygrass
BASF: Helping Make Products
With sales of €3,298 million in 2005, BASF’s Agricultural
Products division is a leader in crop protection and a strong
partner to the farming industry providing well-established and
innovative fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Farmers use
these products and services to improve crop yields and crop
quality. Other uses include public health, structural/urban pest
control, turf and ornamental plants, vegetation management, and
BASF aims to turn knowledge rapidly into market success. The
vision of BASF’s Agricultural Products division is to be the
world’s leading innovator, optimizing agricultural production,
improving nutrition, and thus enhancing the quality of life for
a growing world population. Further information can be found on
the web at
BASF: The Chemical Company. We don't make a lot of the products
you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better.® BASF
Corporation, headquartered in New Jersey, is the North American
affiliate of BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF employs more
than 15,500 in North America and had sales of approximately
$14.3 billion in 2006. For more information about BASF’s North
American operations or to sign up to receive news releases by
e-mail, visit
BASF: The Chemical Company.
The BASF portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance
products, agricultural products and fine chemicals to crude oil
and natural gas. As a reliable partner to virtually all
industries, BASF’s high-value products and intelligent system
solutions help its customers to be more successful.
BASF develops new technologies and uses them to meet the
challenges of the future and open up additional market
opportunities. It combines economic success with environmental
protection and social responsibility, thus contributing to a
better future. BASF has over 95,000 employees and posted sales
of €52.6 billion (approximately $66.1 billion) in 2006. Further
information on BASF is available on the Internet at |