Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
May 27, 2009
BASF Canada has received
regulatory approval for IMPACT® herbicide to be applied as a
tank-mix with glyphosate for use on glyphosate-tolerant corn for
the 2009 growing season.
Note that this update follows the news release issued on April
15, 2009 announcing the registration of IMPACT herbicide for use
on seed and sweet corn. Visit
www.agsolutions.ca for
more details.
The IMPACT, atrazine and glyphosate tank-mix provides excellent
burndown and residual control of major broadleaf and grass
weeds. This tank-mix should be applied when the corn is at the
1- to 7-leaf stage, broadleaf weeds are at the 1- to 8-leaf
stage and grass weeds are at the 1- to 4-leaf stage. In addition
to the weeds controlled by glyphosate alone, the IMPACT,
atrazine and glyphosate tank-mix will provide control of common
lamb’s quarters, ragweed, Eastern black nightshade, green
pigweed, redroot pigweed, lady’s thumb and wild mustard.
As a Group 27 herbicide, IMPACT is also effective at controlling
triazine and Group 2 resistant weed biotypes.
Always read and follow label directions.
IMPACT is a registered trademark of AMVAC Chemical
Corporation, used under license by BASF. |