Complete product portfolio
innovation, there can be no sustained success. Our
current portfolio of fungicides, herbicides
and insecticides is highly competitive – be it for
foliar, soil, or seed treatment applications.
We are
preparing for the future with a large range of new
high-performance products and focused solutions.
We now
offer a complete range of seed treatment products for
seed- and soil-borne diseases and
pests. Our research pipeline bears witness to the
continuous development of new compounds, for
serving the markets of the future.
continuous growth through innovative products.
As the market leader in the
insecticides’ segment of seed
treatment in Brazil, BASF guarantees
better growth and healthiness of the
plant, no yield losses and reduced seed
costs – in a nutshell: higher
productivity, lower costs. |
Our main seed treatment R&D facilities
in Limburgerhof, Germany. |