Wageningen, The Netherlands
April 16, 2009
Keygene N.V. and
Semillas Fitó announce that they have signed an agreement
for a long term collaboration to develop and integrate molecular
tools into the breeding programs of Semillas Fitó. Semillas Fitó
will be part of the KeyGene InnovatorsClub that started in 2008
with an ornamentals consortium of four flower breeding
companies. With Semillas Fitó as the first member, a field crop
consortium has now started. Two additional field crop breeding
companies have already agreed to join this consortium.
The KeyGene InnovatorsClub is a collaboration platform for small
and medium sized plant breeding companies willing to invest in
molecular breeding. Members of the KeyGene InnovatorsClub have
access to the molecular breeding technologies, know-how and
software solutions built up by KeyGene over the past 20 years,
while working with vegetable and field crop breeding companies.
Recent technology advances make molecular breeding tools
available for all breeding programs, including the smaller ones.
Semillas Fitó will accelerate its breeding processes using these
modern tools to lower costs and develop new varieties.
“This is an excellent opportunity to enhance our molecular
biotech activities in Maize, says Eduard Fitó, CEO of Semillas
Fitó. Merging the current knowledge and expertise of both
companies can give a lot of synergy to our crops.”
Mark van Haaren (Vice President Business Development of KeyGene)
says: “The joining of Semillas Fitó in our KeyGene
InnovatorsClub as the first field crop company is an important
step towards building a field crop consortium next to the
already existing ornamental consortium. The enthusiasm of the
participating breeding companies to apply molecular tools in
their breeding programs makes it a pleasure to collaborate with
each other in the KeyGene InnovatorsClub. We expect further
growth of the number of both participating field crop and
ornamental companies in the coming months.”
Keygene N.V. is a R&D company with the mission to be the
leading company in developing and applying DNA expertise in the
field of molecular genetics with a focus on crop plants. In
recent years KeyGene invested in next generation sequencing
platforms to support its leading position in the field of plant
molecular breeding and developed new enabling technologies.
KeyGene exploits its proprietary technologies, databases and
know-how through strategic alliances, contract research and
products for applications in the plant breeding industry.
KeyGene has a subsidiary in Rockville Maryland, USA and a Joint
Lab at the Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences in
Shanghai, China. In total KeyGene employs 130 researchers and
Semillas Fitó is an independent company with the main focus on
research and development of new and leading varieties in
vegetables, field crops and grasses. The multinational company
aims to be a leading name in top quality and high technological
value seeds, meeting consumer needs and giving profitability to
professionals. To reach their goals, Semillas Fitó relies on
many years of experience, a professional human team and
commitment to a R&D focus.
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