Washington, DC
December 26, 2007
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing
Service (AMS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Dec.
19, 2007, with the
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) that allows training
and testing of U.S. Seed Graders for accreditation by CFIA upon
the recommendation of AMS.
Accreditation by CFIA will allow graders in the United States to
assign a Canadian seed grade to U.S. seed that is shipped for
sale in Canada. “The signing of the agreement signifies the
increasing ability of U.S. seed to be shipped directly to
Canadian seed users,” said Dr. Kenneth Clayton, Associate
Administrator of AMS. “It eliminates trade obstacles like
duplicate testing and simplifies market access, thereby
facilitating U.S. seed exports.”
To acquire the recognition of AMS, individuals must work in an
Accredited Seed Laboratory or its equivalent, be a Registered
Seed Technologist or Certified Seed Analyst in purity and
germination, and pass the U.S. Seed Grader examination.
More information on the U.S. Seed Grader Program is available:
- on-line at:
- by phone through Perry
Bohn, Seed Grading Program Manager, AMS Seed Regulatory and
Testing Branch, tel. 704-810-7262; or
- by letter to AMS Seed
Regulatory and Testing Branch, 801 Summit Crossing Place,
Suite C, Gastonia, NC 28054-2193.
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