Washington, DC
June 30, 2008
Despite the recent flooding in the
Midwest, U.S. farmers expect to harvest nearly 79 million acres
of corn and more than 72 million acres of soybeans in 2008,
according to the
Acreage report released today by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
The report shows U.S. farmers planted 87.3 million acres of corn
in 2008, down 7 percent from last year’s 93.6 million acres but
still the second largest area since 1946. Of that area, growers
expect to harvest 78.9 million acres for grain, down 9 percent
from 2007 but still the second largest area since 1944. For
soybeans, 2008 planted area is estimated at 74.5 million acres,
the third largest on record and up 17 percent from last year. Of
the planted area, farmers expect to harvest 72.1 million acres,
up 15 percent from last year.
NASS collected the initial data for the annual Acreage report
during the first two weeks of June, before the majority of the
flooding occurred in the Midwest. In an effort to more
accurately determine how much of the planted area producers
still intend to harvest for grain, NASS re-interviewed 1,150
farmers last week in flood-affected areas of Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin.
“While many farmers are still assessing their damage and their
options, this re-interview process provided a first look at how
much of the planted corn and soybeans may remain standing for
harvest,” said Carol House, chair of NASS’s Agricultural
Statistics Board. “And what we are seeing is that the ratio of
acres intended for harvest, compared to acres originally
planted, is off about 2 percent from what we would have expected
prior the floods.”
NASS’s August 12 Crop Production report will contain the first
2008 estimates of corn and soybean yield and production. To help
ensure that these estimates are based on the best information
available, NASS will supplement its standard survey activities
by re-interviewing approximately 9,000 farmers in the
flood-affected areas. These re-interviews will be conducted in
the middle of July, allowing time for flooded fields to dry and
for farmers to fully asses their options. Additionally, NASS
will increase the number of corn and soybean fields selected for
objective field measurements.
Midwest Flood
Extensive rains and flooding during June caused
producers in several Midwestern States to change
their harvesting intentions for crops already
planted, modify planting decisions for the small
percentage of acres not yet planted, and consider
replanting options. NASS collected most of the data
for the annual Acreage report before the majority of
the flooding occurred. In an effort to more
accurately determine how many acres producers still
intend to harvest for grain, NASS re-interviewed
approximately 1,200 farmers June 23, 24, and 25 in
the flood-affected areas. As a result, it was
determined that U.S. farmers intend to harvest 90.4
percent of their planted acres of corn for grain.
This is a change from 92.4 percent as measured
during the first 2 weeks of June. U.S. farmers
intend to harvest 96.8 percent of their planted
acres of soybeans. Without this additional survey
data, historical averages would have indicated 98.7
percent of soybean acres to be harvested. NASS will
conduct a more extensive acreage update survey
during July. Findings from this study will be
incorporated in the August Crop Production report.
Corn planted area for all purposes is
estimated at 87.3 million acres, down 7 percent from
last year. Despite the decrease, corn planted
acreage is the second highest since 1946, behind
last year’s total of 93.6 million acres. Growers
expect to harvest 78.9 million acres for grain, down
9 percent from 2007. If realized, this would be the
second highest since 1944, behind last year. Farmers
increased corn plantings 1.31 million acres from
their March intentions. Planting got off to a slow
start across the Corn Belt, Ohio Valley, and the
northern half of the Great Plains as frequent
precipitation and cool temperatures during March and
April prevented spring planting preparations. Corn
planting was 27 percent complete on May 4, down 32
points from normal. Despite intermittent showers and
below normal temperatures, producers were able to
make rapid progress during May, particularly across
the upper Midwest and northern Great Plains. Farmers
reported that 97 percent of the intended corn
acreage had been planted at the time of the survey
interview compared with the average of 98 percent
for the past 10 years.
Soybean planted area for 2008 is estimated at
74.5 million acres, up 17 percent from last year but
1 percent below the record high acreage in 2006.
Area for harvest, at 72.1 million acres, is up 15
percent from 2007. Compared with last year, planted
acreage increases are expected in all States, and
the U.S. planted area for soybeans is the third
largest on record. The largest increase is expected
in Nebraska, up 950,000 acres from 2007, followed by
Illinois and South Dakota, both up 900,000 acres.
Increases of at least 800,000 acres are also
expected in Indiana, Iowa, and Minnesota. If
realized, the planted acreage in Kansas, New York,
and Pennsylvania will be the largest on record.
Nationally, farmers reported that 79 percent of the
intended soybean acreage had been planted at the
time of the survey interview, which is the lowest
since 1996.
All wheat planted area is estimated at 63.5
million acres, up 5 percent from 2007. The 2008
winter wheat planted area, at 46.6 million acres, is
4 percent above last year but down slightly from the
previous estimate. Of this total, about 31.9 million
acres are Hard Red Winter, 11.0 million acres are
Soft Red Winter, and 3.7 million acres are White
Winter. Area planted to other spring wheat for 2008
is estimated at 14.2 million acres, up 7 percent
from 2007. Of this total, about 13.4 million acres
are Hard Red Spring wheat. The Durum planted area
for 2008 is 2.66 million acres, up 24 percent from
the previous year.
All Cotton plantings for 2008 are estimated
at 9.25 million acres, 15 percent below last year
and the lowest since 1983. Upland planted area is
estimated at 9.04 million acres, down 14 percent
from 2007. Decreased planted acres are estimated for
all States except Oklahoma and Virginia. The largest
percentage declines are in California and
Mississippi where upland producers planted 44
percent fewer acres than last year at 110,000 acres
and 370,000 acres, respectively. American-Pima
cotton growers planted 202,000 acres, down 31
percent from 2007.
Full report:
Acreage report |
Corn Planted Acreage Down 7%
from 2007
Soybean Acreage Up 17%
All Wheat Acreage Up 5%nt
All Cotton Acreage Down 1%