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Pioneer Hi-Bred
August 09

Pioneer Hi-Bred hosts National Agriscience Integration Institute (NAII) program

Pioneer nutrition experts provide bunker management considerations - Adequate packing, good covering and use of inoculants improve silages in storage

July 09

Pioneer Hi-Bred and Burrus Hybrids enter into distribution agreement

Pioneer launches Plenish high oleic soybean oil in industry-leading soybeans - Lineup features Y Series varieties with key agronomic, defensive traits

Pioneer Hi-Bred's leadership in drought research provides new options for growers - Multifaceted program to launch Drought I corn hybrids developed with Accelerated Yield Technology as soon as 2010

Pioneer Hi-Bred and Terral Seed expand choices for Southern U.S. farmers through research and distribution agreement

Pioneer Hi-Bred announces new North Carolina research center

DuPont updates timelines for Optimum GAT corn

Process kernels to improve starch digestibility, maximize production from corn silage

June 09

From the pipeline: 250 new Pioneer Hi-Bred products for the 2009 planting season

Pioneer Hi-Bred experts suggest ways to manage nutritional value of corn silage

Beck’s Hybrids and Pioneer Hi-Bred enter into research and distribution agreements

DuPont North America agricultural seed sales volume up significantly

Foliar fungicides for soybeans increase yield potential - Pioneer experts share management tips for using foliar fungicides

Plenish high oleic soybean oil offers trans fat solution with superior performance - DuPont scientist outlines oil testing results, industry opportunities at major food conference

Applicants being sought for 2010 American Soybean Association/DuPont Young Leader Program

May 09

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA): Application (EFSA-GMO-RX-1507) for renewal of authorisation for the continued marketing of existing products produced from maize 1507 for feed use, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc./Mycogen Seeds

Deferred payment loan now available for Pioneer silage inoculants

Pioneer Forage Forum audio program available on - Current industry challenges, nutritional information highlighted

Pioneer Hi-Bred experts offer tips to manage for higher yields in soybeans

Early scouting can help manage corn pests; late planting, wet soils may lead to more corn pests

DuPont receives Canadian regulatory approval for high oleic soybean trait

Despite planting delays for some Corn Belt areas, still too early for hybrid maturity switching - Pioneer Hi-Bred, university studies show yield, profit advantage over switching hybrids

Monsanto challenges unauthorized use of Roundup Ready technology by DuPont

April 09

Pioneer Hi-Bred, University of Tennessee research shows foliar fungicides can boost corn yields - Timely applications help growers battle gray leaf spot

European Food Safety Authority: Application (Reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2005-21) for the placing on the market of the insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 59122 x 1507 x NK603 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.

Pioneer Hi-Bred receives Canada registration for first and only canola hybrid resistant to clubroot

Disease, pest knowledge, variety selection set stage for higher soybean yields - Pioneer Hi-Bred experts offer tips to help maximize seed performance

March 09

Pioneer experts provide silage management tips as temperatures rise - Proper management, inoculation aid in reducing spoilage, losses

Soil sampling, rotating soybean cyst nematode (SCN) sources of resistance help long-term SCN control

Pioneer Hi-Bred expands its insect rearing facility to support its insect control research efforts

February 09

Pioneer’s Y Series soybeans named ‘New Product of the Year’ by AgProfessional magazine readers

Pioneer Hi-Bred offers growers tools for determining economic seeding rate - Price volatility plays a vital role in growers' planting decisions

Management practices and advanced hybrids boost continuous corn yields - Pioneer agronomy experts share insights on impact of crop rotation on yield

Pioneer Hi-Bred announces Optimum brand innovations - Newly named family of traits, products, programs offers growers more flexibility, choices

DuPont unveils innovative mobile wind machines to help improve corn yield

University of Delaware signs commercialization agreement with DuPont on corn disease trait

DuPont's animal & nutrition pipeline, products and people are aligned to fuel growth

January 09

Check stress emergence, high suitability ratings for corn-after-corn success - Pioneer provides ratings to help growers choose right product for right acre

Expanded alfalfa seed options help growers match field conditions - Pioneer Hi-Bred provides growers improved protection through trait selection

DuPont and Athenix collaborate to advance insect control in corn, soybeans

Pioneer Hi-Bred releases 96 new hybrids for 2009 planting - New genetics, localized testing improve corn product lineup

DuPont insect protection product Optimum AcreMax 1 reaches regulatory milestone

December 08

World-record soybean producer extends 100-plus per bushel production to commercial fields - Pioneer brand 94B73 yields 117 bushels per acre in Cullers' contest plot

DuPont acquires ag data management business to enhance information solutions for growers

Growers planting Pioneer brand hybrids win 70 percent of national titles in 2008 U.S. National Corn Growers Association Corn Yield contest

U.S. Growers planting Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids win nearly all national categories in National Sorghum Producers' Yield and Management Contest

USDA/APHIS seeks public comment on deregulation of Pioneer Hi-Bred's corn line 98140, genetically engineered for tolerance to glyphosate herbicides and acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides

Pioneer Hi-Bred and Dow AgroSciences LLC receive regulatory approval for cultivation of the Herculex I insect protection trait in Brazil

DuPont unveils new strategy to expand its seed business - Pioneer Hi-Bred partners with seed companies to introduce new products, brands

U.S. Federal Register: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. - Availability of petition and environmental assessment for determination of nonregulated status for corn genetically engineered for tolerance to glyphosate and acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides

Strong hybrid emergence, stalk shredding improve yields in continuous, no-till corn - Pioneer Hi-Bred and University of Missouri share initial research results

'Right Product, Right Acre' is a winning seed strategy for farmers and DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred - High performance products and individualized service are netting strong early orders

Positive EFSA opinion on Pioneer's 59122xNK603 maize for import, food and feed use - EU proposal for approval to be forwarded to Member States for a vote

November 08

Across Canada, Pioneer Hi-Bred new data shows double stack corn hybrids significantly out-yielded triple stacks on rotated ground

Biotech Endorsement Insurance Discount expanded to Nebraska and Kansas growers planting corn with HERCULEX XTRA traits

Pioneer Hi-Bred and Farms Technology launch new instant hedging and cash grain commodity transaction service

Hybrid maturity switches based on long-term research

DuPont to build corn seed production capacity in Hermiston, Oregon to meet strong global demand

Pioneer Hi-Bred research brings new levels of protection against soybean diseases - Higher levels of resistance combat sudden death syndrome (SDS) and soybean cyst nematode (SCN)

Pioneer Hi-Bred names Bill Ramsey Livestock Information Manager in Western U.S.

Breakthrough genetic solution for clubroot coming soon - New canola hybrid from Pioneer Hi-Bred will be the first product available with resistance to the disease

September 08

Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited names Harry Bekkering Livestock End-Use Markets Specialist in Western Canada

Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited names Robert Larmer Dairy Key Accounts Specialist for Southwestern Ontario, Canada

Pioneer Hi-Bred takes legal action in Canada to protect Pioneer brand

Pioneer Hi-Bred introduces new Y Series Pioneer brand low linolenic soybeans for 2009, announces premiums for low linolenic soybean growers

DuPont opens facility for corn research in Bangalore, India

Pioneer Hi-Bred offers tips to maximize feedstock quality - Harvesting maturity and silage additives are key to nutritional value

New Pioneer corn numbering system provides growers more information, makes CRM and technology identification easier

August 08

Pioneer Hi-Bred FIT mapping service combines product-specific information with yield performance

New DuPont laser technology speeds development of higher yielding corn and soybeans

DuPont boosts seed research in Europe to extend leadership position - Two new state-of-the-art research centers to deliver higher yielding corn and sunflower hybrids

Pioneer and Kansas State University research recommends irrigating through grain-filling stage - Research provides at-season recommendations

DuPont obtains biotechnology endorsement for Pioneer brand products: U.S. growers planting Pioneer products with Herculex XTRA will qualify for lower crop insurance rates

Trait scores help growers make informative seed selections - Pioneer seed rating charts offer field-by-field management

DuPont and Hexima Ltd. partner to develop and commercialize fungal disease resistance technology

July 08

Pioneer Hi-Bred expands MarketPoint resource into Iowa and Nebraska - Web-based service tool links growers, end users to market quality grain

DuPont soybean leadership advances with U.S. approval of Optimum GAT trait - Regulatory milestone key step in bringing higher productivity to soybean growers

U.S. Federal Register:
- Determination of nonregulated status for Pioneer Hi-Bred soybean genetically engineered for tolerance to glyphosate and acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides designated as transformation event 356043

Pioneer brand soybeans from DuPont deliver step-change in soybean yields - New generation of soybean varieties is largest product launch in Pioneer Hi-Bred's history

Pioneer Hi-Bred researcher cites scouting yips for monitoring Asian soybean rust

June 08

New DuPont molecular markers increase soybean productivity

DuPont opens new maize research center in northern Mexico

Early signs indicate potentially fewer soybean aphids in the US in 2008 - Monitoring fields is still key to managing problem areas, say Pioneer experts

May 08

Curry Seed Company reaches an agreement with Pioneer Hi-Bred

Black cutworms moving further north into U.S. Midwestern cornfields - Pioneer recommends early scouting to monitor potential outbreaks

Pioneer Hi-Bred recommends early scouting for potential insect problems - Wet conditions, delayed corn planting may lead to more pest challenges

DuPont reaffirms expectations for North America seed corn market share

Alfalfa management practices aid in curing process

April 08

DuPont partners with China to increase farm productivity

Pioneer Forage Forum features nutrition, feeding information for dairy industry - Blogs, podcasts engage dairy industry on Pioneer, university research

DuPont purchases equity stake in Farms Technology

Long-term research shows that full-season corn hybrids are the best choice, even if delayed planting - Pioneer Hi-Bred, university studies indicate yield, profit advantage over switch to early hybrids

Pioneer Hi-Bred and Asoyia enter into ultra low lin soybean IP agreement - Program offers attractive premiums for soybean growers

Pioneer Hi-Bred to build permanent research site in Eastern South Dakota, reinforces long-term commitment to product development in the region

Pioneer to treat its new soybean varieties with CruiserMaxx Beans brand seed treatment from Syngenta Seed Care

March 08

DuPont donates sequences from corn disease agent to advance research

DuPont opens new seed production plant to meet increasing demand for Pioneer brand canola

Research confirms better oil from new DuPont high oleic soybean trait - Bunge, DuPont alliance on track to deliver first biotech product with direct consumer benefits

DuPont sees large growth opportunities for seed business in Eastern Europe

DuPont launches next generation technology to accelerate corn research and increase productivity

Pioneer Hi-Bred innovation to increase corn yields, simplify compliance - Optimum AcreMax new insect protection system introduced to U.S. farmers

February 08

DuPont innovation to increase corn yields, simplify compliance - Optimum AcreMax new insect protection system introduced to U.S. farmers

Pioneer Hi-Bred President highlights technologies at USDA's Agricultural Outlook Forum

Crop management challenges increase with early corn planting - Pioneer provides tips for managing early-season stress

DuPont significantly increases seed production acres for second consecutive year

DuPont launches Online MarketPoint resource for agriculture industry - Web-based service links growers with end users to market quality grain

Planting corn after corn demands top-of-game management - Pioneer agronomists offer best management practices to help maintain yields

DuPont unveils strategies to increase ag productivity

DuPont and Precision BioSciences collaborate to accelerate crop product development - Genome engineering technology to bring new choices, more options to global agriculture

DuPont pledges $1 million to World Food Prize - Contribution helps establish Norman E. Borlaug Hall of Laureates

DuPont hosts meeting of leading plant scientists to improve world agricultural productivity - Three-day symposium focuses on improving drought tolerance

January 08

Perdue AgriBusiness announces low linolenic soybean contracting opportunities with Pioneer Hi-Bred

Pioneer Hi-Bred announces expansion in the greater Des Moines, Iowa area - Regulatory group will relocate to Ankeny to support growth, increase capacity

DuPont announces expansion at Pioneer Hi-Bred production facility in York, Nebraska, part of ongoing effort to meet high demand for Pioneer brand seed corn

Pioneer provides growers information for crop rotation decisions, planting tips

U.S. National Corn Growers Association recognizes seed companies for corn yield contest success

Pioneer releases 59 new corn hybrids for 2008 planting - Twenty-three new genetic platforms introduced

December 07

DuPont congratulates U.S. growers planting Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids on winning majority of national categories in yield contest

DuPont congratulates David Hula for highest overall yield in U.S. National Corn Yield Contest - Growers planting Pioneer brand hybrids win 20 of 27 national titles in 2007 contest

Project to develop more nutritious sorghum announces scientific breakthrough

Crop Insight: High oleic soybean

November 07

U.S. Midwestern elevators offer premiums for Pioneer brand low linolenic soybeans

DuPont introduces technology to help increase ethanol production - QualiTrak allows ethanol plants to track and communicate detailed production information to corn growers

DuPont congratulates Kip Cullers on breaking world record soybean yield with Pioneer brand variety - New record set with Pioneer brand 94M80, yielding 154 bushels per acre

DuPont supports Indonesia's rice and corn industry

Post-harvest research summaries confirm Pioneer brand hybrids with Herculex XTRA more effective against corn rootworm

DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred announces leadership changes

Iowa State University agronomist awarded Pioneer Hi-Bred Agronomy Professorship

October 07

Pioneer enhances commitment to forage program - Expansions made in field staff, forage testing capacity

European Union approves Herculex RW corn for food, feed, import and processing - Imports into the European Union also authorized for corn stacked with Herculex I and RoundupReady Corn 2 traits
- L’Union Européenne autorise le maïs Herculex RW pour l’alimentation humaine, l’alimentation pour animaux, l’importation et la transformation
- L’UE approva il Mais Herculex RW per l’alimentazione umana, animale, per l’importazione e per la trasformazione
- EU keurt Herculex® RW mais goed voor voedsel, veevoer, import en verwerking
- EU lässt Herculex® RW Mais als Lebens- und Futtermittel und für Import und Verarbeitung zu
- UE aprova milho Herculex® RW para alimentação humana, animal, importação e processamento
- La UE aprueba el maíz Herculex® RW para su uso como alimento, pienso, importación y procesado

Syngenta and Pioneer announce Touchdown, Quilt promotion: Pioneer TruChoice financing to include Touchdown Total and Touchdown HiTech herbicides plus Quilt fungicide

Pioneer offers 23 new soybean varieties for 2008

U.S. Federal Register: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. - Availability of petition and environmental assessment for determination of nonregulated status for soybean genetically engineered for tolerance to glyphosate and acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides

September 07

Pioneer Hi-Bred launches breakthrough technology that significantly increases soybean yields - Proprietary innovation increases yields up to 12 percent

DuPont launches breakthrough technology that significantly increases soybean yields

Pioneer introduces 21 new HTF ethanol hybrids for 2008 planting

Pioneer Hi-Bred Research Center in York, Nebraska celebrates 50th anniversary

August 07

Pioneer Hi-Bred announces premiums for low linolenic soybean growers

Pioneer Hi-Bred announces expansion and upgrade of its seed production, packaging and distribution facilities in Dysart, Iowa

Pioneer Hi-Bred now offers integrated FIT, online recordkeeping systems

Herculex XTRA trait in Pioneer genetics outperforms YieldGard VT Triple in University of Illinois study

Enhance corn silage production this year with the right timing

Distiller’s grains make ideal protein and fat source for livestock rations

July 07

DuPont and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory join forces to boost crop yields, meet global demand

Pioneer entomologists encourage monitoring for Western bean cutworms in the U.S.

DuPont to open new soybean research center in Lawrence, Kansas

Pioneer researchers accelerate development of new and improved seed products

DuPont meets regulatory milestones for Optimum GAT trait in corn - Company stays on track for 2010 commercial introduction of next-generation herbicide tolerance trait in corn

June 07

DuPont and FOSS North America announce joint agreement to enhance ethanol production

Pioneer expands seed quality facility in Tipton, Indiana - Facility enhances Pioneer commitment to seed quality

Pioneer Hi-Bred's growing degree unit calculator helps estimate corn maturity

Pioneer supports National Pork Board research to maximize feed value - The Pork Checkoff introduces Nutritional Efficiency Research Consortium

May 07

Prepare for the return of soybean aphids in the U.S. Midwest - History and overwintering counts indicate that 2007 could be a banner year for aphids

Pioneer introduces new sunflower hybrid with DuPont ExpressSun trait - New system opens up weed control options for sunflower crops

“Growing Perspectives” launched on Pioneer GrowingPoint website - Forum offers ideas, information exchange between growers

Pioneer Hi-Bred International teams with outdoor television personality Babe Winkelman to plant forage refuge - Corn, soybeans, alfalfa included on approximately 60 acres of Winkelman’s ranch

April 07

Herculex RW Rootworm and Herculex XTRA trait have overseas approvals

DuPont submits Optimum GAT trait in soybeans for EU approval - Next-generation herbicide tolerant trait awaiting EFSA safety evaluation

Pioneer joins with Ethanol Promotion and Information Council to promote ethanol as part of biofuels strategy

European Union to vote on 1507xNK603 maize: an opportunity for Europe to demonstrate commitment to competitiveness

Herculex RW advances toward EU approval with positive scientific safety opinion

Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority on an application (Reference EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-12) for the placing on the market of insect-resistant genetically modified maize 59122, for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003, from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. and Mycogen Seeds, c/o Dow Agrosciences LLC

March 07

Pioneer awards growers “FlexFuel” trucks

DuPont plans plant biotech research center in India

Court confirms DuPont ownership of soybean marker technology: judgment upholds patent for development of soybean cyst nematode resistance

Pioneer and Iowa State University partner to help solve bio-based products challenges - Proposed center to focus on economic, business and policy aspects of the emerging bio-economy

Pioneer revamps based on grower needs and wants - Relaunched site features new content, streamlined design, updated search engine

February 07

New online recordkeeping system available on the Pioneer GrowingPoint website - Web-based system allows Pioneer customers to better manage their farms, fields

DuPont executes investments to accelerate new seed product development - Plan expands R&D to meet demand for better genetics, biotech traits

Prepare your fields for corn after corn: consider field selection, compaction, residue management and soil fertility

January 07

DuPont technologies to help farmers and others meet President Bush's biofuels challenge

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market: new postings

American Vanguard Corporation and DuPont Crop Protection to offer corn growers Impact herbicice in the Truchoice Opportunity Programm through Pioneer Hi-Bred International

Pioneer research investment benefits U.S. Northern Corn Belt growers

Increased demand for food, feed, fiber and fuel revolutionizes the farming industry

Controlling corn insects and diseases is critical in corn-after-corn fields

Corn-after-corn information featured on the Pioneer GrowingPoint website - Resources available to help farm operators with corn-after-corn issues

December 06

DuPont achieves regulatory milestone for high oleic soybean oil trait - Bunge DuPont Alliance on track for U.S. commercialization of next-generation healthy soybean oil trait in 2009

Pioneer releases 86 new hybrids for 2007 planting - Seventeen new genetic platforms introduced

U.S. growers planting Pioneer brand hybrids win 23 of 27 national categories in 2006 NCGA Corn Yield Contest

Create new checklist for hybrids on corn-after-corn fields

DuPont further strengthens its seed business with second Chinese joint venture

DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition increases investment in plant biotechnology; streamlines butrition and crop protection businesses

U.S. growers planting Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids win majority of national categories in 2006 National Sorghum Producers’ Yield and Management Contest

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
Application for a multiyear program for the deliberate release of genetically modified maize DAS-Ø15Ø7-1; DAS-59122-7; MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 ; DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6 ; DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xDAS-59122-7; DAS-59122-7xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6; MON-ØØ6Ø3-6xMON-ØØ81Ø-6

- Application for a multiyear program for the deliberate release of genetically modified maize DAS-Ø15Ø7-1, DAS-59122-7, DP-Ø9814Ø-6, DP-Ø9814Ø-6xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1, DP-Ø9814Ø-6xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1xDAS-59122-7
Application for the deliberate release of genetically modified MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (NK603) maize
Application for the deliberate release of genetically modified DAS-59122-7xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (59122x1507xNK603) maize
Application for the deliberate release of genetically modified DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (1507xNK603) maize

November 06

Pioneer research confirms that corn kernel size has minimal impact on yield

DuPont achieves regulatory milestone for Optimum GAT trait in soybeans - Next-generation herbicide tolerant trait on track for 2009 U.S. commercialization

Pioneer named 2006 “Friend of Extension” - Company recognized for contributions to local 4-H chapters, communities

DuPont soybean genetic marker technology speeds yield enhancement - Proprietary genetic markers deliver yield gains three times industry average

Pioneer applauds Kip Cullers on world record soybean yield set with Pioneer variety 94M80, yielding 139 bushels per acre

Retired Pioneer researcher Dr. William (Bill) Kuhn named Fellow of the Crop Science Society of America

DuPont updates analysts on Pioneer North America harvest and Brazil performance

October 06

University research finds Herculex RW twice as effective as YieldGard RW against corn rootworm

Pioneer focuses on developing drought-tolerant corn

Pioneer offers 20 new soybean varieties for 2007

Drought tolerance in Pioneer brand corn hybrids

DuPont leader outlines company's biofuels growth plans

September 06

Consolidated Grain and Barge Company announces low linolenic soybean contracting opportunities with the Bunge DuPont Biotech Alliance

Western bean cutworm bigger bite of cornfields in the U.S. Midwest - Entomologist predicts some farmers could lose 3 percent or more in yield per ear

DuPont and Bayer CropScience to expand corn market offerings: DuPont to access Bayer chemistry; Bayer to participate in Pioneer TruChoice program

Destruction des essais de Menville 2004 - Pioneer reverse les dommages à la Fondation Nationale pour une Agriculture de Conservation des Sols (FNACS)
Destruction of Menville, France trials in 2004: Pioneer donates GMO field trial damages to the National Foundation for Soil Conservation Agriculture

August 06

Late summer provides opportunity to evaluate soybean fields for agronomic issues - Field-by-field evaluation of disease and pest issues improves product selection

DuPont to increase speed to market for new seed technology

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. celebrates open house at its LaSalle, Colorado research center - Center specializes in drought tolerance, forage product research

Time to focus on creating quality silage is now - Pioneer brand inoculants with Lactobacillus buchneri preserve silage quality

New data confirms that Herculex RW and Herculex XTRA protect corn roots better than other technologies

DuPont helps growers maximize soybean market opportunities - Characterization of high oil, protein levels beneficial for emerging biodiesel market

July 06

Pioneer introduces new varieties with Peking source of soybean cyst nematode resistance in U.S. Midwest

Pioneer Forage Forum offers nutrition expertise to dairy industry

Pioneer Hi-Bred International offers enhanced yield mapping service

Pioneer Hi-Bred statement on DuPont agreement with Delta and Pine Land Company - Agreement extends Optimum™ GAT™ to global cotton farmers

Delta and Pine Land Company acquires technology licences from DuPont

June 06

Pioneer collaborates with universities to track western bean cutworm, secures cooperators to place more than 200 pheromone traps

Stressful late-season environment may cause anthracnose stalk rot - Pioneer encourages U.S. corn growers to plan for prevention, scout and evaluate harvest timing

New inoculant from Pioneer designed to maintain high-moisture corn quality in hot weather
Nouvel inoculant de Pioneer conçu pour conserver la qualité du maïs humide par temps chaud

Agronomy reports available on Pioneer GrowingPoint website - Pioneer agronomists discuss timely agronomic topics of value to growers

May 06

DuPont helps increase sunflower production for biofuels, healthy oils

DuPont and Devgen extend research collaboration on pest resistance solutions

Agricore United accesses exclusive Pioneer brand canola products

April 06

DuPont statement on Japanese approval of Herculex RW and Herculex XTRA

DuPont and Syngenta form joint venture to facilitate the outlicensing of seed genetics and biotech traits
DuPont und Syngenta bilden Joint-Venture zur Lizenzierung von Saatgut-Genen und biotechnologischen Traits
DuPont et Syngenta créent une co-entreprise pour la concession sous licence de matériel génétique et de caractères biotechnologiques dans le domaine des semences

March 06

New 11B91 inoculant from Pioneer developed for use on high-moisture corn

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market (Pioneer Hi-Bred Sementes de Portugal):
- Field trials program for the testing of genetically modified MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (NK603) maize varieties
- Field trials program for the testing of genetically modified DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (1507xNK603) maize
- Field trials program for the testing of genetically modified DAS-59122-7xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (59122xNK603) maize
- Field trials program for the testing of genetically modified DAS-59122-7xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (59122x1507xNK603) maize
Testing of maize tolerant to glyphosate herbicide

European Commission decision paves way for import of Herculex I grain corn into the European Union

DuPont names new proprietary glyphosate, ALS-tolerant trait Optimum GAT

Pioneer announces new South Dakota research center

February 06

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
- Testing of genetically modified 59122 (DAS-59122-7)maize
- Testing of genetically modified 1507x59122 (DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xDAS-59122-7) maize
- Testing of genetically modified 59122x1507xNK603 (DAS-59122-7xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
- Testing of 1507xNK603 (DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize varieties in view of registration.
- Testing of NK603xMON810 (MON-ØØ6Ø3-6xMON-ØØ81Ø-6) maize varieties in view of registration.
- Testing of genetically modified 59122xNK603 (DAS-59122-7xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize varieties in view of registration.
- Testing of NK603 (MON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize varieties in view of registration.
- Testing of 1507 (DAS-Ø15Ø7-1) maize varieties in view of registration.

Pioneer Hi-Bred's U.S. customers have access to alfalfa with Roundup Ready trait

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
- Testing of genetically modified 1507 (DAS-Ø15Ø7-1) maize
- Testing of genetically modified NK603 (MON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize varieties
- Testing of genetically modified 59122 (DAS-59122-7) maize
- Testing of 1507xNK603 (DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize
- Testing of genetically modified 1507x59122 (DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xDAS-59122-7) maize
- Testing of genetically modified 59122xNK603 (DAS-59122-7xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize
- Testing of genetically modified 59122x1507xNK603 (DAS-59122-7xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6) maize

Pioneer reminds growers of refuge guidelines when planting Bt hybrids

New Herculex RW trait gives solid performance against corn rootworm in university trials throughout the U.S. Corn Belt

January 06

Pioneer soybean varieties offer new soybean aphid ratings

Entomological Foundation announces the winner of first Pioneer Hi-Bred International Graduate Student Fellowship

ASA/DuPont Young Leaders complete training at Pioneer Hi-Bred International

Pioneer breaks new ground in trait optimization with 'gene shuffling' technology

December 05

Migrating east, the Western bean cutworm proves a serious threat as it expands into the heart of the U.S. Corn Belt

U.S. growers planting Pioneer brand hybrids win 23 of 27 national categories in 2005 NCGA Corn Yield Contest

Yield enhancement and stability are targets of new crop research agreement between The Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics and Pioneer Hi-Bred International

November 05

Pioneer Hi-Bred International expands ISO registration to international research locations

Internet offers Pioneer Hi-Bred customers access to personal account information

Pioneer releases 62 new corn hybrids for 2006 planting - Eleven hybrids contain newly approved Herculex XTRA or Herculex RW insect protection technology

DuPont updates investors on agriculture and nutrition segment

Pioneer and Bunge offer low linolenic soybean premiums - Select Midwest elevators will participate in premium-based program for growers

DuPont statement on EU decision to approve 1507 Maize for import and feed use

October 05

Herculex® XTRA receives U.S. regulatory approval

Pioneer Hi-Bred and DFS, Inc. announce joint grain testing pilot on animal nutrition

DuPont announces actions to increase shareholder value

Stress increases likelihood of molds and mycotoxins in corn - Pioneer advises growers to manage for grain mold and mycotoxin contamination at harvest and storage

U.S. Federal Register: Mycogen Seeds/Dow AgroSciences LLC and Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.; Availability of determination of nonregulated status for genetically engineered corn

Herculex RW rootworm insect protection trait receives U.S. regulatory approvals

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market: Testing of maize varieties tolerant to glyphosate herbicide and resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L.

September 05

Pioneer Hi-Bred International's technology pipelines

Pioneer Hi-Bred International and American Dairy Science Association announce forage award recipient

Pioneer adds Dynasty® fungicide to seed treatment lineup

Pioneer Hi-Bred offers competitive pricing and financing choices in 2006

August 05

Harvest provides opportunity to prepare for 2006: Pioneer agronomists recommend visual inspection from combine and management of crop residue during harvest

American Vanguard and Pioneer Hi-Bred Seeds join forces for SmartBox marketing offer

Pioneer Hi-Bred International and Kansas State University collaborate to identify resistance to Chinese soybean aphid - Research to result in expanded Pioneer soybean aphid resistant varieties

Pioneer celebrates West Memphis Research Center in Proctor, Arkansas

Pioneer-sponsored research confirms no advantage to delayed harvest

Pioneer Hi-Bred International applauds new Energy Policy Act of the United States

Pioneer customers now can access AgronomyLink resource for crop management information

July 05

Georgia biotech start-up InsectiGen announces licensing agreement with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market: Eleven final reports published

U.S. Federal Register: Mycogen Seeds/Dow AgroScience LLC and Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. - Availability of petition and environmental assessment for determination of nonregulated status for genetically engineered corn

June 05

DuPont donates technology valued at US$4.8 million to Africa Nutritionally Enhanced Sorghum Project

DuPont collaborates with Japan Tobacco Inc. for development of corn and soybean yield traits

USDA, Pioneer Hi-Bred to automate screening for crops' viral resistance
Científicos desarrollan un instrumento para evaluar resistencia viral en cosechas

Key agricultural productivity technology arrives at 10-year milestone: marker-assisted selection has revolutionized how scientists increase crop performance with native crop genes

Pioneer arms sales reps and dealers with knowledge to battle Asian soybean rust

Sorghum management guide now available at Pioneer GrowingPoint website

May 05

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
Hungary - Pioneer Hi-Bred Hungary Ltd.
- Field trial program of genetically modified maize resistant to certain Lepidopteran and Coleopteran insects and tolerant to two herbicides (59122x1507xNK603 maize)
- Field trials program of genetically modified maize resistant to certain Coleopteran insects and tolerant to two herbicides (59122xNK603 maize)
- Field trials program of genetically modified maize varieties resistant to certain Lepidopteran and Coleopteran insects and tolerant to glufosinate-ammonium herbicide (1507x59122 maize)
- Field trial program of genetically modified maize varieties resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to two herbicides (1507xNK603 maize)
- Field trials program of maize varieties resistant to certain Coleopteran insects and tolerant to a herbicide (59122 maize)
- Field trial program for the testing of genetically modified maize tolerant to glyphosate herbicide

Pioneer Hi-Bred statement on the planting of the one billionth acre of biotech seed

Pioneer helps U.S. farmers track the spread of costly disease, posts key information on USDA and GrowingPoint websites

April 05

European Commission continues to accept Herculex I in processed feed products

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
- Testing of maize tolerant to glyphosate herbicide - Pioneer Hi-Bred Sementes de Portugal
- Testing of genetically modified maize resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to two herbicides - Pioneer Hi-Bred Sementes de Portugal
- Testing of genetically modified maize resistant to certain Coleopteran insects and tolerant to herbicides - Pioneer Hi-Bred Sementes de Portugal
- Testing of maize resistant to certain Coleopteran and Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to herbicides - Pioneer Hi-Bred Sementes de Portugal

Pioneer introduces new super low volume inoculant application system

Growers can gain useful information using Pioneer split-planter method

March 05

Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited announces plans for new canola plant near Lethbridge, Alberta
Pioneer Hi-Bred implante une exploitation de semence de canola hybride à Lethbridge en Alberta

February 05

Herculex I Insect Protection and Roundup Ready Corn 2 earns Japanese approval

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
- Testing of 1507 maize varieties resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to glufosinate-ammonium herbicide - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L. - Spain
- Testing of NK603 maize varieties tolerant to glyphosate herbicide - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L. - Spain
- Testing of genetically modified maize resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to two herbicides - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L. - Spain
- Testing of maize varieties tolerant to glyphosate herbicide and resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L. - Spain
- Testing of 1507 maize varieties resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to glufosinate-ammonium herbicide - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L. - Spain
- Testing of NK603 maize varieties tolerant to glyphosate herbicide - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L. - Spain
- Testing of genetically modified maize resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to two herbicides - Pioneer Hi-Bred Spain S.L. - Spain

Pioneer brings higher level of dairy/forage expertise to producers - New training tools help bring greater resource to dairy producers

Pioneer, Bunge announce expanded low linolenic soybean opportunities for 2006, 2007 crop production seasons

Pioneer agronomy team travels to Brazil to study soybean rust

2004 research from Pioneer reconfirms efficacy of Herculex I - Bt trait provides broad-spectrum protection against primary corn insects

New Bt stacks require review of insect-resistance management guidelines - More complex set of regulations accompany new technologies

January 05

Deliberate release into the environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the European market:
- Testing of 1507 maize varieties - Pioneer Génétique Sarl
- Testing of NK603 maize varieties - Pioneer Génétique Sarl
- Testing of genetically modified maize resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects and tolerant to two herbicides (1507xNK603 maize)  - Pioneer Génétique Sarl
- Testing of genetically modified maize tolerant to an herbicide and resistant to certain Lepidopteran insects (NK603xMON810 maize) - Pioneer Génétique Sarl

New base genetics lead Pioneer Hi-Bred corn lineup

Pioneer brand corn hybrid varieties obtained the highest yield marks in both the Philippines and in the United States for 2004

December 04

Corn borer levels for 2005 across the U.S. Corn Belt remain a mystery - Pest-resistant hybrids are a tool against second-generation populations

Growers planting Pioneer brand corn hybrids win 24 of 27 national categories in 2004 NCGA Corn Yield Contest

New 2005 Pioneer soybean varieties offer unparalleled combination of yield advantage and defensive traits

November 04

Syngenta and DuPont reach agreement on lawsuits
Syngenta et DuPont trouvent un accord mettant fin à leurs litiges
Syngenta und DuPont legen Rechtsstreit bei

National Corn Growers Association unites with industry to improve ethanol production efficiencies

October 04

Iowa State University agronomist receives Pioneer Hi-Bred International professorship

DuPont, Bunge introduce new soybean oil that eliminates trans fats in food; low linolenic soybean oil to be marketed under the NUTRIUM brand

Internet offers Pioneer customers access to personal account information

September 04

American Soybean Association and Pioneer seeking applicants for the 2005 Young Leader Program

Pioneer and Devgen to collaborate on pest resistance research

August 04

Pioneer to offer two insecticide seed treatment choices in 2005

Soybean cyst nematode is a costly pest for growers - Field sampling is the best way to detect SCN before it becomes an economic problem

July 04

Dow AgroSciences, Pioneer announce next Herculex™ traits

U.S. National Corn Growers Association announces valuable maize genome data now available to scientists: Ceres, DuPont, Monsanto transfer genetic information to improve public research

June 04

National Corn Growers Association and Pioneer Hi-Bred sign letter of intent to provide ethanol rapid assay to industry

DuPont to acquire Maxygen subsidiary Verdia

Pioneer's Scanning Your Fields® e-newsletter boosts growers’ chances of a winning season

May 04

New website offers fun, interactive lesson plans on biotechnology: Pioneer Hi-Bred offers on-line, global food production curriculum for educators

Web site features crop production info, next door and around the globe

Herculex I insect protection trait receives Chinese regulatory approval

March 04

Pioneer’s commitment to rural residents includes continued promotion of NOAA weather radios

Pioneer Hi-Bred International gift supports Iowa State University projects on issues surrounding research discoveries

Conduct your own soybean yield contest

February 04

Pioneer Hi-Bred characterizes soybeans for oil and protein

January 04

DuPont discovery could improve availability of key food ingredient: Pioneer scientists transfer "gum" gene to soybeans

Research shows autotoxicity affects alfalfa yields in new seedings and over the long term - Pioneer Hi-Bred International and University of Missouri joint research yields better options for managing autotoxicity

Dean Oestreich named President - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. and Vice President and General Manager - DuPont

DuPont announces organizational alignment to drive growth - Dean C. Oestreich succeeds Richard L. McConnell at Pioneer

Monsanto, Pioneer defend seed pricing discussions

Questions seen on seed prices set in the 90's

Pioneer introduces lodging-resistant alfalfa

December 03

Pioneer introduces hybrids with in-plant corn rootworm resistance for 2004 planting

Paradigm Genetics signs three-year, multi-million dollar crop trait collaboration agreement with Pioneer Hi-Bred

Pork and poultry get energy boost from high available energy hybrids from Pioneer 

Growers planting Pioneer hybrids win 22 of 27 categories in 2003 NCGA Corn Yield Contest

November 03

Pioneer expands crop protection financing choices

Pioneer introduces 40 new corn hybrids offering the Roundup Ready trait

Lynx Therapeutics signs multi-year agreement with DuPont

October 03

Pioneer Hi-Bred gives $150,000 for graduate fellowship in seed science

Pioneer IndustrySelectSM program delivers seed products growers want to plant, end users want to buy

Pioneer Hi-Bred offers competitive program choices for quality products in 2004

September 03

Personal account information now available to Pioneer customers via Internet

Pioneer showcases advanced soybean conditioning plant at Wahpeton, North Dakota

August 03

Pioneer develops first-ever ethanol-focused rapid assay, identifying hybrids for above-average ethanol production

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency accepts western bean cutworm addition to registration for Herculex I

Early-season corn insect management easier than ever with insecticide seed treatment choices from Pioneer

June 03

First soybeans grown in space similar to earth-grown crops; DuPont research unveils future benefits in crop production, space exploration

May 03

Pioneer Hi-Bred establishes hybrid canola seed production operation at Lethbridge, Alberta

Herculex I hybrids offer tolerance to Liberty herbicide

April 03

China's first corn seed joint venture begins operations

Dupont and Monsanto sign licensing agreement for rootworm-protected corn technology

Pioneer uses FieldWorker handheld computer software, GPS to help growers "see what's coming"

Living History Farms announces new interactive displays for 2003 - Pioneer gift highlights 20th and 21st century agriculture events, advances

March 03

Pioneer to assess Cellectis technology for use in trait development

February 03

Pioneer commits to biodiesel in support of agriculture and environment

Pioneer promotes use of NOAA weather radios to enhance safety of residents in rural America

January 03

Four Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids introduced for 2003 offer improved standability, disease resistance and exceptional yield potential

Herculex™ I insect protection trait receives South Korean and South African regulatory approval

Newest Pioneer® brand corn hybrids for 2003 feature latest insect- and herbicide resistance technologies

Pioneer utilizes Agilent Technologies' gene expression to gain better understanding of plant growth stages

Growers planting Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids win 60 percent of NGSP awards

December 02

Pioneer expands crop protection financing choices - New product additions to the TruChoice® Opportunity Program include corn rootworm insecticides

Growers planting Pioneer hybrids win 23 of 27 categories in 2002 NCGA Corn Yield Contest

DuPont establishes commercial seed business in China

New generation Bt corn hybrid evaluated in Iowa State University dairy study

October 02

First soybeans grown in space return to earth; DuPont research demonstrates future benefits in crop production

Pioneer is first to receive landmark accreditation of seed health procedures - Accreditation accelerates international shipping of seed and product development

Pioneer names Syngenta in germplasm protection lawsuit

August 02

Pioneer continues support of Public Television program 'Market to Market'

Pioneer's focus on safety includes contractors

Pioneer presents cutting-edge corn and soybean research at new Champaign, IL research center Open House

July 02

Pioneer GrowingPoint' website features soybeans in space update, photos

Pioneer promotes sun sense during the detasseling season and beyond

May 02

DuPont to launch soybeans into space; first soybeans grown in space will focus on discovering future benefits

Pioneer funds research focused on corn ear and tassel development

Availability of healthy soybean oil traits expands under new Iowa State University, Pioneer agreements

Post-emergent herbicides may be key to weed control this season - Weather-related challenges may require a change of plan

Pioneer GrowingPoint(SM) website features four-time NCGA Corn Yield Contest winner Francis Childs

April 02

Proven Seed announces registration of six new Pioneer canola hybrids for sale in Western Canada

Myriad Genetics and DuPont form $24 million research collaboration

DuPont and Monsanto reach agreement that brings new technologies to farmers worldwide

March 02

Pioneer Hi-Bred introduces its first canola hybrids to market

February 02

DuPont aligns its businesses in five market- and technology-focused growth platforms

New Pioneer canola hybrids with the Roundup Ready(R) trait recommended for registration in Canada

Consider soil conditions and other agronomic factors when selecting soybean seeding rates

Pioneer Hi-Bred International to endow maize breeding chair at Iowa State University

January 02

Pioneer Hi-Bred honors 2001 Employee Volunteer of the Year

2001 European corn borer levels may indicate upward trend in pest population

New class of Pioneer brand hybrids available now for 2002 planting

Growers planting Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids win 60 percent of all awards in 2001 National Grain Sorghum Producers' Yield and Management Contest

December 01

Growers planting Pioneer brand hybrids win 26 of 27 categories in 2001 NCGA corn yield contest (4053)

US Supreme Court decision in the case of J.E.M. Ag Supply, Inc., dba Farm Advantage, Inc., etal. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. (4043)

Pioneer Hi-Bred technology converts corn to energy alternative (4018)

October 01

Pioneer, DuPont Crop Protection offer expanded selections to growers In TruChoice(R) Opportunity Program -- Credit options include crop protection choices, weed control performance program (3886)

Monsanto and DuPont resolve issues relating to YieldGard(R) insect-protected corn (3860)

August 01

Pioneer Hi-Bred officially opens Quebec research center (3761)
Pioneer fait l'ouverture officielle son centre de recherche au Québec

Fight sudden death syndrome with tolerant soybeans, good management practices (3760)

Pioneer opens state of the art seed production facility in Hamilton County, Illinois (3701)

June 01

Newly registered Bt corn trait named Herculex™ I Insect Protection (3566a)

April 01

Agreement announced in two more 'brown-bag canola' suits: Pioneer Hi-Bred obtains two  contractual undertakings regarding Plant Breeders' Rights law (3442)

March 01

Proven Seed: second 'brown-bagged canola' case reaches settlement (3425)

DuPont reaffirms Pioneer Hi-Bred ability to market Roundup Ready(R) soybeans and Roundup Ready(R) canola (3421)

US federal court terminates Pioneer's license to produce Roundup Ready soybeans and Roundup Ready canola (3398)

February 01

"Long Look" philosophy endures as Pioneer prepares to mark 75th anniversary (3352)

Pioneer receives patent for SCN molecular marker technology process. Genetic tool helps bring soybean cyst nematode-resistant varieties to market faster (3351)

January 01

Bin-run seed offers pitfalls to growers seeking to cut corners, say university experts (3353)

Pioneer unveils new corn hybrids for 2001. New products offer growers greater choices for their operations (3354)

December 00

Pioneer postpones sales of six hybrids to reduce market confusion for its customers (3203)

Growers planting Pioneer hybrids win 25 of 27 categories in 2000 NCGA corn yield contest - Pioneer growers win first place in nine contest categories (3196)

Pioneer Hi-Bred dismisses claims against American Ag-Tec International, Ltd. (3169)

November 00

Pioneer Hi-Bred offers expanded credit options for 2001 seed purchases; Program includes financing for broad choices of crop protection products (3096)

October 00

Maxygen announces two-year extension of collaboration with Pioneer Hi-Bred (3032)

September 00

New research facility key to developing products more quickly; Pioneer Hi-Bred hosts open house at new sorghum research facility (2995)

August 00

DuPont's Pioneer Hi-Bred to appeal jury verdict in corn license case (2945)

June 00

Pioneer settles germplasm lawsuit against former employee (2741)

May 00

Cargill and Pioneer announce settlement of lawsuit (2682)

February 00

Farm Progress survey shows widespread acceptance of biotech grain by corn belt elevators (2536)

January 00

Federal Appeals Court affirms Pioneer's right to patent seeds and plants (2408)

December 99

Growers planting Pioneer hybrids win 23 of 27 categories in 1999 NCGA Corn Yield Contest - Pioneer growers win first place in seven of nine categories (2322)

November 99

New patent gives Pioneer broad claims to corn transformation (2260)

Pioneer announces special credit options programs; early pay savings program offered (2227)

October 99

DuPont business Pioneer names three new vice presidents (2209)

Monsanto and Pioneer announce resolution of international germplasm case (2183)

Pioneer opens new seed production facility in Hawaii; Oahu site produces up to three crops a year (2153)

Pioneer to stay true to customers, bring new opportunities as part of DuPont (2147)

Pioneer names Chicoine President and CEO (2146)

DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. merger completed (2145)

DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. announce preliminary proration factor (2144)

September 99

DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. announce stock conversion ratio for merger (2136)

Pioneer opens new seed production facility in Woodhull, Illinois (2115)

August 99

SEC declares effective registration statement relating to proposed merger by DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (2077)

Pioneer breaks ground on new soybean seed production facility in Hamilton County, Illinois (2062)

Pioneer sets record date for DuPont merger (2056)

Pioneer Hi-Bred Internet site brings forage buyers/sellers together during weather stress (2055)

In-Plant protection out-performs rootworm insecticides (2040)

Pioneer announces Litchfield seed production facility expansion at Open House (2036)

July 99

DuPont realigns senior leadership responsibilities; sets Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., post-merger executive roles (2020)

Kimeragen annnounces publication of successful results of chimeraplasty, a new gene-alteration technique, in plants (1999)

Pioneer gets favorable ruling in germplasm misappropriation lawsuits (1987)

Pioneer announces third quarter results (1943)

DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. file transaction statement outlining proposed merger (1909)

June 99

First scab-resistant wheat variety from Pioneer Hi-Bred available for fall planting in the U.S. (1919)

Sign-up deadline approaching for producers interested in growing TC Blend* high oil corn on contract (1920)

European Commission clears proposed merger by DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (N1878)

Long-term research shows full-season corn hybrids usually best choice, even when planted late (N1867)

May 99

Pioneer-Hi-Bred announces plans for new sorghum research center (N1832)

U.S. antitrust review completed of proposed merger by DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (N1820)

Long-term research shows full-season corn hybrids usually best choice, even when planted late (N1867)

April 99

Research shows Bt silage corn provides added value (N1791)

New service from Pioneer helps growers find market opportunities (N1769)

Pioneer's web site addresses GMO acceptance questions (N1756)

DuPont and Pioneer Hi-Bred International update review timeline related to proposed merger (N1755)

Companies, National Corn Growers Association finalize insect resistance management measures for Bt Corn; officially bsbmit plan to EPA for approval (N1742)

All but three of 200 Pioneer corn hybrids cleared for EU importation (N1712)

Pioneer and Forage Genetics announce formation of alfalfa research support organization (N1693)

March 99

New Pioneer patent shows early leadership with gene gun (1687)

Pioneer Hi-Bred advances corn rootworm resistant hybrids toward marketplace (N1670)

Pioneer announces results for first half of 1999 (N1669)

Pioneer Hi-Bred winter seed production ahead of schedule (N1662)

Pioneer acquires tropical soybean breeding program (N1646)

EPA Grants Section 18 Approval For Raptor Use on canola - Canola with IMI* gene available exclusively from Pioneer (N1667)

DuPont to acquire Pioneer (N1620)

Design for popular PROBOX(TM) bulk seed handling system available to seed industry (N1618)

February 99

Producers using precision farming technologies have new resource at Pioneer Hi-Bred (N1590)

Pioneer names Monsanto in germplasm misappropriation lawsuit (N1523)

Pioneer files germplasm misappropriation lawsuit against former employee (N1515)

Healthy oil market provides new domestic opportunities for sunflower producers - Pioneer introduces three seed products for the NuSun oil market (N1591)

Cargill and Pioneer are negotiating settlement of seed lawsuits (N1505)

January 99

Pioneer announces record research investment (N1479)

Pioneer Hi-Bred white corn hybrids top university trials - Performance demonstrates company commitment to growers/industry

Pioneer Hi-Bred International: DNA Shuffling technology to accelerate crop improvement

Maxygen and Pioneer Hi-Bred announce strategic ag-biotech collaboration

Pioneer to acquire land for soybean expansion

Pioneer announces first quarter results

December 98

Pioneer registers debt securities

High oil corn offers more value per acre without added fuss

Pioneer adds 59 news corn hybrids to 1999 lineup - Product traits focus on greater value per acre

Pioneer introduces 20 new soybean varieties for 1999

November 98

DEKALB lawsuits against Pioneer dismissed with prejudice

Pioneer agronomist recommends genetics, yield potential drive hybrid fecision - cites example of Roundup Ready corn yield results

Pioneer to support corn biotechnology training at Iowa State

October 98

Pioneer offers special finance options for 1999

Pioneer Names Asgrow, Cargill, and DeKalb in germplasm protection lawsuits

Pioneer publication gets a new name, fresh look

Pioneer names David J. Miller new Alfalfa Research Coordinator

Pioneer names Dr. Todd Peterson Emerging Technologies Manager

September 98

Oxford GlycoSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred Announce Plant-Proteomics Agreement

Pioneer announces 1998 year-end earnings

Leading Molecular Scientist Joins Pioneer

Pioneer Declares Dividend

Pioneer announces 1999 pricing for North America

Pioneer stengthens commitment to workforce amid genetic industry layoffs

Efficient new harvester-mounted inoculant applicator system improves forage quality, reduces waste

August 98

Soil Testing Bag Part of Campaign to Help Producers Beat Soybean Cyst Nematode

Contracting opportunities for Optimum high-oil grain

Check economic threshold before spraying leafhopper-resistant alfalfa

July 98

Pioneer Hi-Bred files suit against Wisconsin firm for theft of proprietary germplasm

Pioneer and CuraGen announce new discovery that helps eliminate fumonisin residues in corn

Pioneer Acquires Land In Hawaii For Seed Production: Oahu Site Will Produce Three Crops A Year

Pioneer announces third quarter results

Pioneer Web site offers customers unique service: Premier Service Connection Links Growers to Online Publications

June 98

Head scab-resistant soft red winter wheat available soon from Pioneer Hi-Bred

Pioneer, Monsanto Sign Agreement On Canola Hybrids with Roundup Ready® Gene

Pioneer Web site redesigned to better meet customer needs

Pioneer to build new soybean seed facility in Woodhull, Illinois

Pioneer increases quarterly dividend

April 98

Pioneer Hi-Bred to Establish Research Center in China

Pioneer's New, State-of-the-Art Seed Quality Facility Exemplifies Commitment to Technology

Pioneer and Optimum Quality Grains announce expansion of Johnston and Urbandale facilities

CuraGen and Pioneer Hi-Bred International announce expansion of gene discovery collaboration

Pioneer committed to rapid delivery of new products to crop producers

Pioneer announces results for first half of 1998

March 97

Pioneer Hi-Bred and Kimeragen sign research collaboration

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