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Research shows Bt silage corn provides added value
YieldGard* gene increases silage tonnage without affecting quality
Des Moines, Iowa
April 27, 1999

For silage growers planting in fields with a history of European corn borer (ECB), it may make economical sense to choose corn hybrids containing the YieldGard* gene for resistance to ECB.
That’s the message from researchers with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., who have compared Pioneer® brand hybrids with the YieldGard gene to conventional hybrids for silage tonnage and quality.

In 1998, 30 Bt and non-Bt hybrids with the same genetic base in the 95- to 118-CRM range were tested at research locations across North America. Researchers compared key silage quality traits including digestibility measurements and nutrient profiles and found no measurable quality
differences between Bt and non-Bt hybrids. They did, however, discover that the resistant hybrids had longer plant life, resulting in lower dry matter content and a 3 to 5 percent increase in tonnage compared to non-Bt counterparts.

"A 3 percent tonnage increase coupled with no change in digestibility results in $18 more silage per acre, which more than compensates for the $8 to $10 per acre seed cost premium," says Dave Whitaker, Pioneer product characterization and commercialization manager. This is calculated using a 20 ton base yield and $30 per ton corn silage value.

The study will be conducted again this year as part of regular Pioneer testing efforts.

"The more paired comparisons we have, the better our opportunity to determine the value of Bt hybrids for silage producers, and really, that’s what it’s all about."

Value and Safety Concern Growers

A recent Iowa State University study showed that Bt does not affect the amount or quality of milk produced by cows. In addition, no Bt protein was detected in standard samples of milk collected from cows that were fed Bt corn silage. Bt hybrids have met stringent regulatory scrutiny and have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as well.

"Safety has been proven. The key issue here is value," Whitaker says. "Growers are looking to get the most value possible from their seed. Through Pioneer’s side-by-side testing program, we’re beginning to see just how Bt resistance to corn borer affects the quality and performance value of silage hybrids. In ECB-risk areas, the payoff can make a real difference for price-conscious silage producers."

For more information about Pioneer brand corn silage hybrids with the YieldGard gene for resistance to ECB, contact your local Pioneer products provider.

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., (NYSE-PHB) is the world's leading supplier of agricultural genetics and is the leading developer and integrator of agricultural technology. Headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer develops, produces and markets a full line of seeds, forage and grain
additives and services to grain and livestock producers, grain processors and other customers worldwide.

® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
* Trademark of, and used under license from, Monsanto Company.

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