Brussels, Belgium
October 24, 2007
The European Union Commission
today announced that it has approved two biotech corn products
for food, feed, import and processing jointly developed by
DuPont and
Dow AgroSciences LLC, a
wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company. Corn
products containing the Herculex® RW Rootworm Protection trait
(also known as 59122 maize) and the Herculex® I insect
protection trait stacked with Roundup Ready® Corn 2 (also known
as 1507xNK603 maize) are now permitted for import into the
European Union (EU).
“Today’s approval is encouraging and we look forward to
continued progress in the EU biotech approval process,” said
Dean Oestreich, DuPont vice president and general manager and
president of Pioneer Hi-Bred,
a DuPont business. “We urge the Commission to ensure similar
treatment for cultivation applications so that Europe’s farmers
can enjoy the same benefits as millions of other farmers around
the world.”
These products have been deemed safe by the EU’s own independent
scientific authority, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA),
and have already been approved in numerous other countries
around the world. Both products are now authorized for import
into the EU in accordance with EU regulations, including the
appropriate labeling and traceability of the products and their
“These approvals tell us that the EU recognizes both the safety
and benefits of our biotech products,” said Dow AgroSciences
President and CEO Jerome Peribere, “and the importance of a
functioning approval process that ensures continued access to
these products as important ingredients for animal feed for
Europe’s livestock producers.”
Herculex® RW has been genetically modified with the Bt trait to
provide a means of protecting corn plants against destructive
insect attacks with a reduced environmental footprint. Herculex®
RW helps reduce pesticide applications and, because it produces
more grain on the same land area, it improves farm productivity
and profitability – sustainable agriculture in practice.
The Herculex® I, Roundup Ready® Corn 2 stack was developed from
traditional breeding methods of two genetically modified corn
lines (1507 maize and NK603 maize) and contains no new genetic
modifications. Herculex® I and Roundup Ready® Corn 2 were
approved by the EU for food, feed, import and processing in
March 2006 and March 2005, respectively.
The European Commission today announced it has
granted full food, feed, processing and import
approval of grain corn and derived products
containing the HERCULEX(R) RW Rootworm Protection
trait, as well as the stack of HERCULEX I Insect
Protection and Roundup Ready(R) Corn 2 (RR2), into
the European Union (EU).
These products had previously been deemed safe
by the EU's own independent scientific authority -
the European Food Safety Authority - and have been
approved in numerous other countries around the
world already. This decision means grain with these
traits is immediately approved for import as grain
and processed products into the 27-nation EU.
With this EU decision and the approval of
HERCULEX I last year, grain with the HERCULEX RW and
HERCULEX I/RR2 stack traits will no longer be sold
under the Market Choices(R) certification mark,
identifying products approved for food and feed use
in the United States and Japan but not the EU,
facilitating appropriate market-channeling.
HERCULEX(R) Insect Protection was developed
through a research collaboration between Dow
AgroSciences LLC and Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont
"This is timely news for North American corn
growers and the grain industry," says Ben Kaehler,
Traits & Germplasm Licensing business leader for Dow
AgroSciences. "This decision removes the last major
overseas market restriction for these traits and
frees exporters to market products with these traits
around the globe. It also shows the growing
acceptance of the safety and benefits of products
developed through biotechnology."
"Corn growers have quickly recognized the value
of HERCULEX and adopted it because it provides a
broader spectrum of insect protection for their
high-yielding hybrids," adds Dean Oestreich,
president of Pioneer. "This EU approval also clears
the way for corn growers to purchase seed protected
by HERCULEX I and HERCULEX RW, knowing they can
plant it in 2008 without any grain channeling
HERCULEX(R) I Insect Protection provides the
broadest above-ground, in-plant insect protection
available today against pests like European and
southwestern corn borer, western bean cutworm, black
cutworm and fall armyworm. Other above ground
in-plant traits primarily protect against European
and southwestern corn borer, making HERCULEX I the
broadest above-ground, in-plant corn protection on
the market.
HERCULEX RW is the first transgenic corn trait
to express binary proteins - Cry34 Ab1 and Cry35 Ab1
- from a unique, newly discovered strain of Bt. It
has proven through grower use and company and
Extension field trials to provide excellent
protection against three species of corn rootworm:
western, northern and Mexican corn rootworm.
Another product offered in the U.S. market is
HERCULEX XTRA Insect Protection. The EU decision
does not include HERCULEX XTRA, nor the stack of
HERCULEX(R) XTRA Insect Protection and RR2 traits.
EU approval of these traits is expected in the near
Pioneer and Dow AgroSciences independently
market and sell products with HERCULEX traits -
Pioneer within its own brand, and Dow AgroSciences
through Mycogen Seeds, the retail seed brand of Dow
AgroSciences. Dow AgroSciences also licenses
HERCULEX to nearly 160 seed companies throughout
North America. |
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is
a top-tier agricultural company providing innovative crop
protection, pest and vegetation management, seed, and
agricultural biotechnology solutions to serve the world’s
growing population. Global sales for Dow AgroSciences, a wholly
owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, are $3.4 billion.
Dow is a diversified chemical company that harnesses the power
of innovation, science and technology to constantly improve what
is essential to human progress. The company offers a broad range
of products and services to customers in more than 175
countries, helping them to provide everything from fresh water,
food and pharmaceuticals to paints, packaging and personal care
products. Built on a commitment to its principles of
sustainability, Dow has annual sales of $49 billion and employs
43,000 people worldwide.
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business, is the world's leading
source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers
and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des
Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics
in nearly 70 countries.
DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded
in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont
offers a wide range of innovative products and services for
markets including agriculture and food; building and
construction; communications; and transportation.
Herculex® Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred. ® Herculex and the HX logo are registered
trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
® Roundup Ready is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology
Background information on these applications:
59122 maize (Herculex® RW)
(Application Reference: EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-12)
• Application submitted under Reg. (EC) 1829/03 to EFSA via the
Competent Authority of the Netherlands on January 24, 2005
• EFSA acknowledged as a valid application on September 16, 2005
• EFSA adopted a positive safety opinion on March 23, 2007
• No decision in Standing Committee meeting on June 25, 2007
• No decision at EU Agricultural Council meeting on September
26, 2007
• Approved October 24, 2007
1507xNK603 maize (Herculex® I x Roundup Ready® Corn 2)
(Application Reference: EFSA-GMO-UK-2004-05)
• Application submitted under Reg. (EC) 1829/03 to EFSA via the
Competent Authority of the United Kingdom on September 27, 2004
• EFSA acknowledged as a valid application on April 1, 2005
• EFSA adopted a positive scientific opinion on March 28, 2006
• No decision in Standing Committee meeting on June 8, 2007
• No decision at EU Agricultural Council meeting on September
26, 2007
• Approved October 24, 2007
L’Union Européenne autorise le maïs Herculex(R) RW pour
l’alimentation humaine, l’alimentation pour animaux,
l’importation et la transformation
L’Union Européenne autorise aussi les importations de maïs
présentant un empilage des caractéristiques Herculex® I et
Roundup Ready® Corn 2
La commission de l’Union Européenne a annoncé aujourd’hui son
autorisation pour deux types de maïs biotechnologiques pour
l’alimentation humaine, l’alimentation animale, l’importation et
la transformation. Ces deux produits sont conjointement
développés par DuPont et Dow AgroSciences LLC, une filiale à
part entière de The Dow Chemical Company. Les maïs contenant
d’une part la caractéristique de protection contre les
chrysomèles des racines du maïs Herculex® RW (aussi appelé maïs
59122) et d’autre part la caractéristique de protection contre
les insectes Herculex® I, empilée avec la tolérance au
glyphosate Roundup Ready® Corn 2 (aussi appelé maïs 1507xNK603),
peuvent désormais être importés dans l’Union Européenne (UE).
« L’autorisation d’aujourd’hui est encourageante et nous
espérons une progression continue du processus d’autorisation
biotechnologique de l’Union Européenne », déclare Dean
Oestreich, DuPont viceprésident et directeur général de Pioneer
Hi-Bred, une filiale de DuPont. « Nous exhortons la commission à
accorder un traitement similaire aux demandes de mise en culture
afin que les cultivateurs européens jouissent d’avantages
similaires à ceux dont bénéficient des millions d’agriculteurs
dans le monde entier. »
L’autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA), organisme
scientifique indépendant de l’Union Européenne, a confirmé
l’innocuité de ces produits qui ont déjà été approuvés dans de
nombreux autres pays dans le monde. L’importation de ces deux
produits est désormais autorisée dans l’UE en conformité avec
ses règlementations, y compris l’étiquetage approprié et la
traçabilité des produits et de leurs dérivés.
Pour Jérôme Péribère, PDG de Dow AgroSciences : « Ces
autorisations nous confirment que l’UE reconnaît à la fois
l’innocuité et les avantages de nos produits biotechnologiques
et démontrent aussi l’importance d’un processus d’autorisation
qui fonctionne et qui garantit un accès continu de ces produits
qui, pour les éleveurs européens, sont des ingrédients
primordiaux dans l’alimentation de leurs cheptels. »
Herculex® RW a été génétiquement modifié avec la caractéristique
Bt afin de fournir un moyen de protection des plants de maïs
contre les attaques d’insectes avec un impact réduit sur
l’environnement. Herculex® RW permet de réduire le recours aux
pesticides et, il offre, à superficie égale, une meilleure
productivité et une meilleure rentabilité, favorisant ainsi la
pratique d’une agriculture durable.
Le maïs avec l’empilage de Herculex® I et de Roundup Ready® Corn
2 a été obtenu par des méthodes de sélection traditionnelle
entre descendances de deux maïs biotechnologiques (maïs 1507 et
maïs NK603) évitant ainsi de nouvelles modifications génétiques.
Le maïs Herculex® I et le maïs Roundup Ready® Corn 2 ont été
autorisés par l’UE pour l’alimentation humaine, l’alimentation
animale, l’importation et le traitement, au mois de mars 2006 et
au mois de mars 2005 respectivement.
L’UE approva il Mais Herculex® RW per l’alimentazione umana,
animale, per l’importazione e per la trasformazione
Importazione nell’UE autorizzata anche per gli eventi stack
con Herculex® I e RoundupReady® Corn 2
Oggi la Commissione Unione Europea
ha annunciato che sono stati approvati due prodotti di mais
biotech per l’alimentazione umana, animale, per l’importazione e
per la trasformazione, sviluppati congiuntamente da DuPont, e
Dow Agrosciences LLC, una società completamente controllata da
The Dow Chemical Company. I prodotti di mais contenenti l’evento
di protezione da diabrotica Herculex® RW (anche conosciuto come
mais 59122) e l’evento di protezione da insetti Herculex® I in
associazione con l’evento Roundup Ready® Corn 2 (anche
conosciuto come mais 1507xNK603) sono stati autorizzati
all’interno della Unione Europea (UE).
“L’approvazione odierna è incoraggiante e contiamo sulla
continua progressione nel processo di approvazione del Biotech
nella UE” ha detto Dean Oestreich, vice presidente DuPont e
direttore generale e presidente di Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont
business. “Noi stiamo sollecitando la Commissione nel garantire
un simile trattamento per le richieste di autorizzazioni alla
coltivazione in modo che gli agricoltori europei possano godere
degli stessi benefici di milioni di altri agricoltori nel
Questi prodotti sono stati giudicati sicuri dall’autorità
scientifica indipendente dell’UE, l’Autorità Europea per la
Sicurezza Alimentare (EFSA), e sono già stati approvati in
numerosi altri paesi nel mondo. Entrambi i prodotti sono ora
autorizzati per l’importazione nell’UE in accordo alle
regolamentazioni allinterno della UE, includendo l’appropriata
etichettatura e tracciabilità dei prodotti e dei loro derivati.
“Queste approvazioni ci dicono che l’UE riconosce per entrambi
la sicurezza ed i benefici dei nostri prodotti biotech”, dice il
Presidente e CEO di Dow Agrosciences, Jerome Peribere, “e
l’importanza di un processo di approvazione funzionante che
assicuri continuo accesso a questi prodotti quali importanti
ingredienti per l’alimentazione zootecnica per gli allevatori
L’Herculex® RW è stato geneticamente modificato con il tratto Bt
per proteggere le piante di mais dagli attacchi distruttivi
degli insetti e ridurre l’impatto ambientale. L’Herculex® RW
aiuta nel ridurre le distribuzioni di pesticidi e, dal momento
che fa produrre più raccolto nella stessa superficie di terra,
accresce la produttività e redditività dell’azienda agricola –
agricoltura sostenibile in opera.
L’Herculex® I e RoundupReady® Corn 2 sono stati sviluppati da
tradizionali metodi di crescita di due linee di mais parentali
(mais 1507 e mais NK603) geneticamente modificate e non
contengono nuove modificazioni genetiche. Herculex® I e Roundup
Ready® Corn 2 sono stati approvati dalla Unione Europea per
l’alimentazione umana, animale, per l’importazione e per la
trasformazione, rispettivamente a marzo 2006 ed a marzo 2005.
EU keurt Herculex® RW mais goed voor voedsel, veevoer, import en
Import in de Europese Unie ook goedgekeurd voor mais die
zowel de Herculex® I en Roundup Ready®
Corn 2 eigenschappen bevat
De Europese Unie commissie heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het
twee biotechnologische maisproducten voor voedsel, veevoer,
import en verwerking heeft goedgekeurd, die gezamenlijk zijn
ontwikkeld door DuPont, en Dow AgroSciences LLC, een
dochteronderneming van The Dow Chemical Company. Maisproducten
waaraan de Herculex® RW Rootworm Protection eigenschap (ook wel
bekend als 59122 mais) is toegevoegd, evenals maisproducten die
zowel de Herculex® I eigenschap die beschermt tegen
insectenvraat en de Roundup Ready® Corn 2 eigenschap bevatten
(ook bekend als 1507xNK603 mais), mogen nu in de Europese Unie
(EU) worden ingevoerd.
“De goedkeuring van vandaag is bemoedigend en we verheugen ons
op een aanhoudende vooruitgang in het biotechnologische
goedkeuringsproces binnen de EU,” zei Dean Oestreich,
vice-president van DuPont en algemeen directeur en president van
Pioneer Hi-Bred, een onderdeel van DuPont. “Wij dringen bij de
Commissie aan op een gelijke behandeling voor de
teelttoepassingen, zodat de boeren in Europa dezelfde voordelen
kunnen genieten als miljoenen andere boeren over de hele
Deze producten werden door de onafhankelijke wetenschappelijke
autoriteit van de EU, de Europese Autoriteit voor
Voedselveiligheid (EFSA) als veilig beschouwd, en zijn in
talloze andere landen over de hele wereld goedgekeurd. Allebei
de producten zijn nu goedgekeurd voor import in de Europese Unie
in overeenstemming met de EU voorschriften. Onder deze
voorschriften vallen o.a. de juiste etikettering en
traceerbaarheid van deze producten en ervan afgeleide producten.
“Deze goedkeuringen zijn een teken dat de EU zowel de veiligheid
als de voordelen van onze biotechnologische producten erkent,”
zei Jerome Peribere, president en algemeen directeur van Dow
AgroSciences, “en het belang van een functionerend
goedkeuringsproces dat voortdurende toegang garandeert tot deze
producten als belangrijke ingrediënten voor veevoer voor de
Europese veehouders.”
Herculex® RW is genetisch gemodificeerd met de Bt eigenschap wat
toelaat om maisplanten te beschermen tegen verwoestende
insectenvraat op een manier die gekenmerkt wordt door een
verminderde ecologische voetafdruk. Herculex® RW helpt de
toediening van pesticiden te verkleinen en, aangezien meer graan
op hetzelfde stuk land wordt geproduceerd, helpt het de
productiviteit en de winstmarge van het boerenbedrijf te
verbeteren -- duurzame landbouw in de praktijk.
Hybriden waaraan zowel Herculex® I en Roundup Ready® Corn 2 zijn
toegevoegd, werden ontwikkeld door twee mais ouderlijnen (1507
mais en NK603 mais) te kruisen, waarbij traditionele
kweekmethodes zijn gebruikt; daarom bevatten ze geen nieuwe
genetische modificaties. Herculex® I en Roundup Ready® Corn 2
zijn respectievelijk in maart 2006 en maart 2005 door de EU
goedgekeurd voor voedsel, veevoer, import en verwerking.
EU lässt Herculex® RW Mais als Lebens- und Futtermittel und für
Import und Verarbeitung zu
Auch Import in die EU von Mais mit der kombinbierten
Eigenschaft von Herculex® I und RoundupReady® Corn 2 zugelassen
Die Europäischen Union Kommission gab heute bekannt, dass sie
zwei Biotechnologie-Maisprodukte als Lebens- und Futtermittel
sowie für den Import und die Verarbeitung zugelassen hat, welche
gemeinsam von DuPont und der hundertprozentigen
Tochtergesellschaft von der Dow Chemical Company, Dow
AgroSciences LLC, entwickelt wurden. Maisprodukte, welche die
Herculex® RW Eigenschaft zum Schutz vor dem Wurzelbohrer
besitzen (auch als 59122-Mais bekannt) sowie mit der Herculex® I
Insektenresistenz ausgestattete RoundupReady® Corn 2 (auch als
1507xNK603-Mais bekannt), dürfen nun in die Europäischen Union
(EU) importiert werden.
„Die heutige Zulassung ist ermutigend und wir freuen uns auf
weiteren Fortschritt im biotechnischen Zulassungsprozess der
EU”, sagte Dean Oestreich, vice president und general manager
von DuPont und präsident von Pioneer Hi-Bred, eine
Geschäftseinheit der DuPont Firmengruppe. „Wir fordern die
Kommission dringend auf, Anträge für den Anbau ebenso zu
behandeln, so dass die europäischen Landwirte die gleichen
Vorteile nutzen können, wie Millionen Landwirte aus aller Welt.”
Diese Produkte sind bereits in zahlreichen Ländern aus aller
Welt zugelassen und wurden nun auch von der EU-eigenen
unabhängigen wissenschaftlichen Institution, der Europäischen
Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA), als unbedenklich
eingestuft. Beide Produkte sind nun für den Import in die EU
gemäß der EU-Richtlinien freigegeben, was deren sachgemäße
Kennzeichnung und Rückverfolgbarkeit der Produkte selbst und
ihrer Derivate einschließt.
„Diese Zulassungen signalisieren uns, dass die EU sowohl die
Sicherheit als auch die Vorteile unserer Biotechprodukte
anerkennt”, sagte Dow AgroSciences Präsident und
Vorstandsvorsitzender, Jerome Peribere, „und unterstreichen die
Bedeutung eines funktionierenden Zulassungssystems für die
stetige Verfügbarkeit dieser Produkte als wichtige
Futtermittelkomponente für die europäischen Viehzüchter.”
Herculex® RW wurde gentechnisch mit der Bt-Eigenschaft
modifiziert, um Maispflanzen auf umweltfreundliche Weise vor
zerstörerischem Insektenbefall zu schützen. Herculex® RW hilft,
die Anwendungen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln zu verringern und, da
es auf der gleichen Anbaufläche zu höheren Erträgen führt, die
landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Rentabilität zu verbessern
im Sinne einer nachhaltigen landwirtschaftlichen Praxis.
Hybriden mit der Kombination aus Herculex® I und RoundupReady®
Corn 2 wurden durch die Kreuzung zweier Elternmaislinien
(1507-Mais und NK603-Mais) mittels herkömmlicher
Pflanzenzuchtmethoden entwickelt und beinhalten daher keine
neuen Genveränderungen. Herculex® I und RoundupReady® Corn 2
wurden im März 2006 bzw. März 2005 von der EU für die
Verwendung, den Import und die Verarbeitung als Lebens- und
Futtermittel zugelassen.
UE aprova milho Herculex® RW para alimentação humana, animal,
importação e processamento
As importações para a União Europeia foram também autorizadas
para o milho com duas novas características juntas, Herculex® I
e RoundupReady® Corn 2
A Comissão da União Europeia anunciou hoje que aprovou dois
produtos de milho resultantes de biotecnologia para alimentação
humana, animal, importação e processamento desenvolvidos em
conjunto pela DuPont e a Dow AgroSciences LLC, uma subsidiária
integral da Dow Chemical Company. Os produtos de milho que
contêm a característica Herculex® RW conferem protecção contra
insectos do milho, Diabrótica (também conhecidos como milho
geneticamente modificado 59122) e a característica Herculex® I
protecção contra insectos ligados a uma segunda característica
do milho Roundup Ready® Corn 2 (também conhecido como milho
geneticamente modificado 1507xNK603) são actualmente autorizados
para importação na União Europeia (UE).
"A aprovação de hoje é animadora e esperamos com expectativa o
progresso contínuo no processo de aprovação de biotecnologia da
UE," disse Dean Oestreich, vice-presidente da DuPont e
directorgeral e presidente da Pioneer Hi-Bred, uma empresa
DuPont. "Apelamos à Comissão que garanta igual tratamento às
autorizações para cultivo para que os agricultores europeus
possam usufruir dos mesmos benefícios que milhões de outros
agricultores em todo o mundo."
Estes produtos foram considerados seguros pela própria
autoridade científica independente da UE, a Autoridade Europeia
para a Segurança dos Alimentos (EFSA), e já foram aprovados em
diversos outros países em todo o mundo. Ambos os produtos são
actualmente autorizados para importação para a UE de acordo com
os regulamentos da UE, incluindo a rotulagem apropriada e
rastreabilidade dos produtos e seus derivados.
"Estas aprovações mostram-nos que a UE reconhece tanto a
segurança como os benefícios dos nossos produtos de
biotecnologia," declarou o Presidente e CEO da Dow AgroSciences,
Jerome Peribere, "e a importância de um processo de aprovação em
vigor que garanta o acesso contínuo a estes produtos como
ingredientes importantes para a alimentaçãoanimal e para os
criadores de gado da Europa."
O Herculex® RW foi geneticamente modificado com a característica
Bt para fornecer um meio respeitador do ambiente de proteger as
plantas de milho contra ataques de insectos destrutivos. O
Herculex® RW ajuda a reduzir a aplicação de pesticidas e, uma
vez que produz mais grãos na mesma área de terreno, melhora a
produtividade e rentabilidade do cultura – na prática uma
agricultura sustentável.
Os híbridos obtidos com o evento Herculex® I, Roundup Ready®
Corn 2 no mesmo milho foram desenvolvidos a partir do cruzamento
de duas linhas progenitoras de milho (milho 1507 e milho NK603)
utilizando técnicas tradicionais de melhoramento de plantas e
não contendo, por isso quaisquer nova modificação genética. As
carateteríscas conjuntas dos eventos Herculex® I e o Roundup
Ready® Corn 2 foram aprovados pela UE para alimentação humana,
animal, importação e processamento em Março de 2006 e Março de
2005, respectivamente.
La UE aprueba el maíz Herculex® RW para su uso como alimento,
pienso, importación y procesado
Las importaciones en la Unión Europea también autorizadas para
el maíz “stack” con Herculex® I y RoundupReady® Corn 2
La Comisión de la Unión Europea ha anunciado hoy que ha aprobado
dos productos de maíz biotecnológico para su uso como alimento,
pienso, importación y procesado desarrollado conjuntamente por
DuPont, y Dow Agro Sciences LLC, una filial propiedad de The Dow
Chemical Company. Los productos de maíz que contienen la
característica Herculex® RW Rootworm Protection (también
conocida como maíz 59122) y la característica de protección
contra insectos Herculex® I conjunta con Roundup Ready® Corn 2
(también conocida como maíz 1507xNK603) están ahora permitidos
para su importación en la Unión Europea (UE).
“La aprobación de hoy es alentadora y esperamos un progreso
continuo en el proceso de aprobación biotecnológica en la UE,”
dijo Dean Oestreich, vicepresidente de DuPont y director general
y presidente de Pioneer Hi-Bred, un negocio de DuPont.
“Recomendamos a la Comisión que asegure un trato similar para
las solicitudes de cultivo de forma que los agricultores de
Europa puedan disfrutar de los mismos beneficios que otros
millones de agricultores de todo el mundo.”
Estos productos han sido considerados como seguros por las
autoridades científicas independientes de la UE, la Autoridad
Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA), y ya han sido aprobados
en muchos otros países de todo el mundo. Ambos productos están
ahora autorizados para su importación en la UE de acuerdo con la
normativa europea, incluyendo el etiquetado adecuado y
trazabilidad de los productos y sus derivados.
“Estas aprobaciones nos dicen que la UE reconoce la seguridad y
los beneficios de nuestros productos biotecnológicos,” dijo
Jerome Peribere, director general y consejero delegado de Dow
AgroSciences, “y la importancia de un proceso de aprobación en
funcionamiento que asegura a los ganaderos europeos el acceso
continuado a estos productos como ingredientes importantes en la
alimentación animal”.
Herculex® RW ha sido modificado genéticamente con la
característica Bt que protege el maíz frente los ataques de
insectos con un impacto reducido en el medioambiente. Herculex®
RW ayuda a reducir aplicaciones de productos fitosanitarios y,
debido a que produce más grano en la misma área de terreno,
mejora la productividad y rentabilidad para la práctica de una
agricultura más sostenible.
Los híbridos con el Herculex® I, y pílale “stack” de Roundup
Ready® Corn 2 han sido desarrollados mediante el cruce de dos
líneas de maíz parentales (maíz 1507 y maíz NK603) utilizando
técnicas tradicionales de cultivo de plantas y por lo tanto no
contienen ninguna modificación genética nueva. Herculex® I y
Roundup Ready® Corn 2 fueron aprobados por la UE para uso como
alimento, pienso, importación y procesado en marzo de 2006 y
marzo de 2005, respectivamente.
Other news
from Dow
AgroSciences |
From the Commission
of the European Union |
October 2007
Commission authorises GM maize
and GM sugar beet
The European Commission today
adopted Decisions authorising 3
GM maize (1507xNK603; NK603 x
MON810; and 59122 Herculex RW)
for feed and food use and for
import and processing. In
addition, a GM sugar beet (H7-1)
for use as food and feed
produced from it, was also
authorised. All of the GMOs
received positive safety
assessments from EFSA and
underwent the full authorisation
procedure set out under EU
legislation. As Member States
failed to return a qualified
majority decision for or against
these authorisations in the
Standing Committee on the Food
Chain and Animal Health, and
then in the Council, the
dossiers were sent back to the
Commission for decision. The
authorisations are valid for 10
years, and any products produced
from these GMOs will be subject
to the EU's strict labelling and
traceability rules.
More information |