Des Moines, Iowa
September 29, 2003
Customers can
access account balance and Deferred Payment loan information,
plus other special features.
Customers of Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc., now have an easy new way to check their
account balances and Deferred Payment loan information securely,
as well as sign important paperwork. It’s as easy as logging on
to the Pioneer GrowingPointsm website:
“Our customers often need to know quickly what their current
balance is and how they arrived at that balance,” says Bill
Belzer, e-business manager for Pioneer. “By using the Internet
as the platform, growers will have, at their fingertips, a
detailed summary of their transactions with Pioneer. This is a
progressive step for Pioneer in the area of customer
self-service, and we’re proud to be taking a leadership
Customer features
Once customers have activated their accounts, they will be able
to view current account information, retrieve Deferred Payment
loan details and access special account features.
According to Belzer, this service takes the complexity out of
understanding account statements. With little effort, customers
will be able to see the purchases they made in 2003 listed by
season, year and account balance. In addition, an account
activity page offers details of the number of units purchased
plus hybrid and variety numbers, along with any changes,
discounts or adjustments made to the order.
Deferred Payment and online contract signing
With the ability to view Deferred Payment accounts, customers
can check their current balance due, principal balance, last
payment made and current interest rate in addition to printing
payment coupons. Later this fall, Deferred Payment customers
also will be able to pay their Deferred Payment balances
In addition, paperwork will no longer be a hassle for Pioneer
customers. Technology Agreement (TA) and Grain Marketing
Communications Plans (GMCP) will be available online for
customers to sign electronically. Growers who purchase seed
with biotech traits are required to sign TAs. By signing, they
agree to adhere to stewardship guidelines and other
requirements. GMCPs must be signed by growers who purchase
grain not yet approved for import into all overseas markets, so
they understand the grain marketing options.
Gaining account access
A few simple steps allow Pioneer customers access to
their account information. First, the customer must be a
registered user of GrowingPoint website. Customers who have not
used GrowingPoint website in the past should call the
GrowingPoint website support line at
800-233-7333 to obtain a username and password.
Because Pioneer is committed to customer security, a one-time
Personal Identification Number (PIN) will be issued to allow
customers to activate their accounts.
“The PIN protects each customer’s personal data, beyond the
username and password given to gain access to GrowingPoint
website,” says Belzer. “This is just one extra step we are
taking to assure privacy of our customers’ information.”
Current GrowingPoint website users will receive a PIN by the end
of September. Those who have not accessed the GrowingPoint
website will be sent a PIN after their initial visit to the
GrowingPoint website. Customers who do not receive a PIN or
have questions can call
800-233-7333 or visit the “Accounts” section of the Pioneer
GrowingPoint website for
additional help.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont,
is the world's leading sour ce of customized solutions for
farmers, livestock producers and grain and oilseed processors.
With headquarters in
Des Moines,
Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics, crop
protection solutions and quality crop systems to customers in
nearly 70 countries. DuPont is a science company. Founded in
1802, DuPont puts science to work by solving problems and
creating solutions that make people’s lives better, safer and
easier. Operating in more than 70 countries, the company offers
a wide range of products and services to markets including
agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and
protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel.
®, SM, TM
Trademarks and service marks of Pioneer Hi-Bred International,
Inc. |