Des Moines, Iowa
November 6, 2008
Recent research from
Hi-Bred, a DuPont business, is improving levels of
resistance to sudden death syndrome (SDS) and soybean cyst
nematode (SCN), providing growers more effective protection to
help maximize yield for their soybean investment.
"Pioneer is aggressively advancing products and traits through
its research pipeline at an unprecedented rate to bring
higher-yielding and more agronomically stable soybean varieties
to growers," says Don Schafer, senior marketing manager for
Research efforts at Pioneer are providing new levels of
tolerance to SDS. Through Pioneer characterization ratings, a
grower can view levels of resistance to specific diseases for
each variety. The Pioneer rating system is based on a one to
nine scale, with nine being outstanding.
"Over time, our average SDS ratings for varieties in key
impacted geographies have moved significantly higher," says John
Soper, director of soybean research at Pioneer. "This level of
resistance is unparalleled in today's marketplace."
SDS is a complex trait, causing yield losses in soybeans of 20
percent or more a year. A single gene alone does not provide
high levels of resistance to SDS. Pioneer scientists stack
multiple genes for stronger and more effective resistance.
Molecular markers are being developed to aid the breeding in
making these complex genetic stacks.
"Pioneer is putting the right combination together to maximize
tolerance to the disease," says Soper. "Pioneer has a new Y
Series variety, 93Y11, that has a rating of eight. There are
several Y Series and M Series beans that have ratings of seven."
In recent years, SDS has had a more profound impact in the U.S.,
moving into high-producing soybean regions.
"The reality is, Pioneer has conducted a significant amount of
research toward characterization of products into the pipeline,"
says Schafer. "Researchers place intense selection pressure on
SDS to assure a great deal of tolerance. Varieties that don't
score well in testing are removed from the research pipeline and
never make it to customer fields."
Soybean cyst nematode, another key yield threat, creates losses
of more than $1 billion per year. While SCN cannot be eradicated
once it is present in a field, growers can select varieties with
higher levels of resistance.
"SCN continues to be the most devastating soybean pest in North
America," says Schafer. "We are bringing products to the
marketplace for Group 0 through Group VII planting regions, and
we continue to look for additional sources of resistance."
SCN is a difficult pest with several races adding to the
complexity of providing resistance for growers.
"The race shift is a huge challenge and one Pioneer is concerned
about," says Schafer. "Pioneer researchers are looking for
alternative sources beyond PI88788 and Peking."
"PI88788 is the most common source of SCN resistance today and
provides resistance to races 3 and 14," says Soper. "Peking
offers resistance to a different race spectrum and has been
effective in controlling emerging races 1 and 5, not covered by
the PI88788 source. The general mechanism of Peking resistance,
disrupting a 'feeding cell' established by nematodes in the
soybean root, is the same as PI88788, however Peking provides a
different spectrum of race resistance."
Even broader resistance is provided by a source known as
PI437654. Pioneer is one of a very few companies to have a
high-yielding variety with PI437654-type resistance with 95M60.
"We were able to develop 95M60 by using our proprietary
molecular markers for SCN resistance. Our proprietary molecular
marker technologies are key to developing multi-race SCN
resistant varieties across all maturities," says Jeff Thompson,
research scientist for Pioneer.
Growers looking for resistance to SCN can review Pioneer product
characterization charts in its product catalogues. The
characterization defines the source of resistance - PI88788,
Peking or PI437654 - then provides a one to nine rating for all
races of nematodes. Growers can compare varieties by scores or
sources - based on the races for which that variety will provide
"We will continue to identify and deploy new sources of SCN
resistance across all maturities," says Thompson. "Growers will
need soybean varieties that possess new sources of resistance to
stay ahead of SCN."
To learn more about SCN resistance and SDS tolerance, contact a
local Pioneer sales professional. For more information about
Pioneer products, visit
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business, is the world's leading
source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers
and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des
Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics
in nearly 70 countries.
DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded
in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont
offers a wide range of innovative products and services for
markets including agriculture and food; building and
construction; communications; and transportation.
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