Des Moines, Iowa
May 1, 2002
Four-time NCGA Corn Yield Contest
winner writes biweekly journal for
Visitors to the
Pioneer GrowingPoint(SM) website can now gain insight into
the corn-growing practices of Francis Childs, four-time
consecutive National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Yield
winner. Throughout the growing season, the Manchester, Iowa,
producer will be writing a biweekly journal detailing some of
the production and management practices he uses to achieve
record-breaking yields. Website visitors will also follow Childs
as he attempts to shatter the world record for the second year
in a row.
"It should be interesting and fun
to follow Francis as he continues to find ways to increase his
own yields," says Jeff Talmadge, E-business coordinator for
Pioneer Hi-Bred International,
Inc. "Francis will update the journal biweekly, and it will
be accessible to anyone that registers on the website, not just
Pioneer customers. We're excited to bring growers everywhere
this step-by-step account of what's involved in producing
record-breaking yields." In 2001, Childs' entry in the AA
Non-Irrigated Class broke the 400 bushels per acre mark 408.2.
Childs held the previous world yield record of 393 bushels per
acre set in 1999.
To read Francis Child's journal,
log on to and click on "agronomy."
A username and password are required to register for access to
GrowingPoint website and can be obtained by contacting a Pioneer
sales professional or calling 1-800-233-7333 for help. Misplaced
or forgotten login information can be obtained the same way.
The GrowingPoint website
The Pioneer GrowingPoint website
offers weather and market information, business articles from
"The Wall Street Journal," growing-season customer alerts on
pest management issues, the ability to request additional
information on seed issues, agronomic advice and other
production information. All the information is available
24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, and allows customers to
connect quickly with their local sales professional. Each grower
can customize his/her site with the information that best fits
the needs of the individual's operation. Many of these features
are exclusively available to Pioneer customers.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International,
Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the world's leading source of
customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers and grain
and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa,
Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics, crop
protection solutions and
quality crop systems to customers in nearly 70 countries. During
2002, DuPont is celebrating its 200th year of scientific
achievement and innovation - providing products and services
that improve the lives of people everywhere. Based in
Wilmington, Del., DuPont delivers science-based solutions for
that make a difference in people's lives in the areas of food
and nutrition, health care, apparel, home and construction,
electronics and transportation.
For additional information about our company or our products,
check the Pioneer worldwide Web site:
(SM) Servicemark, registered
or applied for, of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.