Biotechnology derived crops such as Bt corn
have become commonplace on dairies today. In fact, Bt hybrids
accounted for approximately 20-25% of corn acreage planted in
the US in 2002. Despite the relatively widespread usage of
biotechnology-derived crops, we continue to receive calls and
questions about the effects of these crops for cows and
Recently at
Iowa State University, we evaluated a new Bt corn variety
containing a unique Bt gene (Cry1F) that was developed jointly
by Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc. and Dow
AgroSciences LLC. Hybrids containing this new technology
(commercially known as Herculex™ I Insect Protection)
provide protection against corn pests such as European corn
borer and black cutworm, and we compared this new Bt corn to its
non-Bt genetic counterpart as corn silage and grain for high
producing dairy cows. In addition to European corn borer and
black cutworm, Herculex I is labeled to protect the corn
plant against southwestern corn borer and fall armyworm. Black
cutworm and fall armyworm protection differentiate the Herculex
I trait from the YieldGard® trait.
In our study, there were no appreciable
differences in the nutrient composition of Cry1F Bt and
non-biotechnology derived genetic counterpart hybrids. When
dairy cows consumed silage and grain from these hybrids, there
were no differences in their average milk, fat, and protein
yields. Daily milk yields for the groups exceeded 85 lb. per cow
during the two month-long feeding periods. Also, we detected no
differences in dry matter intakes, efficiency of milk
production, milk somatic cell counts, and physical and blood
indicators of health for cows in these feeding groups.
Results from this study conducted at Iowa
State University indicate that new corn hybrids containing the
Cry1F Bt gene are as wholesome and nutritious for high producing
dairy cows as are genetic counterpart hybrids that do not
contain the novel Bt gene.
Marjorie A. Faust's study will be presented at the American
Dairy Science Association conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in
June 2003.