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2004 research from Pioneer reconfirms efficacy of Herculex I - Bt trait provides broad-spectrum protection against primary corn insects
Des Moines, Iowa
February 14, 2005

New efficacy data from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., test plots in 2004 reconfirms that Herculex I provides excellent protection against western bean cutworm (WBC) and black cutworm (BCW). This complements earlier research showing Herculex I has strong efficacy against European corn borer (ECB), southwestern corn borer and fall armyworm.

The latest research from Pioneer measured the relative differences of pest management options available to growers. Pioneer® brand corn with Herculex I suffered only 5 percent damage from WBC compared to 33 percent damage in non-Bt corn. Pioneer corn with Herculex I also provided excellent protection against BCW with only 11 percent damage compared to 33 percent in unprotected corn. Herculex I is the only Bt gene offering growers in-plant resistance to WBC and BCW.

Pioneer research from 2000 to 2003 showed Herculex I to have a 95 plus percent protection rate against ECB and southwestern corn borer. Independent third-party research in 2003 also showed its strong protection against fall armyworm. In the fall armyworm study, infestation rates in corn with the Herculex I trait ranged from 0 to 2 percent, compared to 98 and 82 percent respectively in non-Bt corn.

"Herculex I is as close to bulletproof as it comes," says Murt McLeod, entomologist and agronomy research manager for Pioneer Hi-Bred. "It just absolutely does the job for growers. Herculex provides outstanding control of European corn borer while providing very good control of western bean cutworm."

Herculex I technology is the first in a new generation of Bt traits for corn. U.S. regulatory approval is expected late-2005 for Herculex1 RW and early-2006 for Herculex1 XTRA. Herculex RW offers built-in protection against corn rootworm. Herculex XTRA combines the insect protection of Herculex I with the corn rootworm protection of Herculex RW. All Pioneer brand hybrids with the Herculex I trait also contain the LibertyLink2 gene.

Threat of western bean cutworm grows in the Midwest

"One of the highlights of the 2004 research was the strong effectiveness of Herculex I against the western bean cutworm," says McLeod. "Populations of WBC were prevalent in 2004 and will be in the forefront of growers' minds for 2005,"

Prior to 2000, WBC hailed from Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska, western Kansas and the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma. Since 2000, the pest has gradually moved into Iowa and Minnesota, as it makes its way across the Midwest.

Pioneer research across Nebraska in 2004 also showed the protection offered by Herculex I against WBC. Keith O’Bryan, agronomy research manager for Pioneer in eastern Nebraska, reports growers saw only minor tip feeding on the ears, but no other evidence of larvae on hybrids with the Herculex I trait.

"Because of the sporadic flight pattern and the time of year the pest hits, it's very difficult to scout for western bean cutworm," says O’Bryan. "Once growers see damage in the corn ear, it's too late to prevent yield loss. WBC is difficult to control, but I've seen growers' confidence levels grow with Herculex I."

O'Bryan dealt with WBC in the late ’90s, primarily in western and central Nebraska. Since then, the pest has become more prevalent in eastern Nebraska.

"Herculex I may be the technology of choice for growers facing western bean cutworm challenges," he says.

For more information on insect management options available from Pioneer, visit with your local Pioneer sales professional.

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the world’s leading source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions and quality crop systems to customers in nearly 70 countries. DuPont is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel.

®, SM Registered trademarks and service marks of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
1 Herculex is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Herculex I, Herculex RW, Herculex XTRA insect protection by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred.
Trademark of Bayer AG.

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