Des Moines, Iowa
November 8, 2007
DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred
sees three bushel yield advantage with Herculex XTRA trait vs.
Post-harvest research summaries from multiple Midwestern
locations confirm early trial results that showed Pioneer® brand
hybrids with Herculex® XTRA are consistently superior to other
corn rootworm management options, including other transgenic and
soil insecticides.
In the seven university and 11 Pioneer agronomy sciences trials,
Pioneer® hybrids with the Herculex® traits were more effective
against root damage, compared to hybrids with the YieldGard®
traits developed by Monsanto.
The university and agronomy sciences research trials evaluated
nodes of roots injured by corn rootworm. In the trials,
Herculex® XTRA averaged 0.06 nodes destroyed, whereas YieldGard
VT™ averaged 0.11 and the untreated check averaged 0.70.
Specifically, in the University of Illinois rootworm product
efficacy trial at Urbana, Herculex® XTRA averaged 0.49 nodes
destroyed, whereas YieldGard VT™ averaged 0.84. Evaluations are
based on a 0-3 root node scale with 0 being no damage and 3 a
fully damaged root. In addition, consistency ratings, an
indicator of variability of root protection, were noticeably
higher for hybrids with Herculex® traits
compared to hybrids with YieldGard® traits.
The university research trials were conducted at the University
of Illinois (three trials), Iowa State University (one trial)
and Purdue University (three trials).
The benefit of Pioneer® hybrids with Herculex® XTRA is not only
protected roots, but higher yields. Recently published two-year
Pioneer agronomy sciences systems trials show that Pioneer
hybrids with Herculex® XTRA, on average, had a three-bushel
advantage over DeKalb hybrids with YieldGard® Plus.
Hybrids with Herculex® XTRA insect protection contain both
Herculex® I and Herculex® RW to guard against a broader range of
above- and below-ground insects in corn than any other in-seed
product on the market.
While offering good control of western bean cutworms, research
also showed that Herculex® XTRA provided the highest protection
against black cutworms, excellent control of European corn borer
and southwestern corn borer, and good protection against fall
"Corn rootworm (CRW) larvae are one of the most destructive
insects of corn in North America," Murt McLeod, Pioneer agronomy
research scientist, said. "Feeding on the root system, damage
from corn rootworms can affect
standability and limit water and nutrient uptake in the plant,
impacting overall plant health and grain development."
Yield losses from corn rootworms of 10 percent to more than 30
percent are common with moderate to high corn rootworm
populations in untreated fields. Damage from corn rootworm can
vary from year to year, but management of the pest is expected
to be an ongoing issue for growers, particularly in areas of
continuous corn planting. The variant western corn rootworm also
continued to expand in the Corn Belt, particularly in Illinois
and Indiana.
"Though corn rootworm pressure was less this past growing season
in several areas of the Corn Belt than the previous two years,
research trials were good indicators of yield performance during
lower pressure situations,"
McLeod said. "Higher yielding corn is still the overall goal for
growers, and hybrids need to perform in all levels of insect
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a
DuPont business, is the world's leading source of customized
solutions for farmers, livestock producers and grain and oilseed
processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer
provides access to
advanced plant genetics in nearly 70 countries.
DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a science-based products and services
company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by
creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer,
healthier life for people everywhere. Operating
in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of
innovative products and services for markets including
agriculture and food; building and construction; communications;
and transportation.
The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, and
Pioneer® are registered trademarks or trademarks of DuPont or
its affiliates.
Herculex® insect protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred. Herculex® and the HX logo are registered
trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
® YieldGard is a registered trademark used under license from
Monsanto Company. |