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Pioneer Hi-Bred advances corn rootworm resistant hybrids toward marketplace
Des Moines, Iowa
March 30, 1999

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. researchers have made significant progress in developing hybrid corn seeds that offer in-plant protection against corn rootworm and could have products in the marketplace by 2002, said one of the company's lead researchers during a public presentation at the American Chemical Society's 217th National Meeting in Anaheim, Calif.

"We are excited about our progress," said Tom Czapla, Pioneer research manager. "Our hybrids will allow farmers to increase productivity because of our focus on delivering elite products with a complete package of traits, including corn rootworm resistance."

Corn rootworms cause $1 billion in damages each year to the U.S. corn crop. A 1998 survey of corn growers by Doane Marketing Research, Inc., found that U.S. farmers treat 14.4 million acres with a soil insecticide to control corn rootworm at a cost of $195 million annually.

"Our tests on corn plants with a non-Bt source of resistance showed that we are able to prevent rootworms from feeding on plants," said Czapla. Pioneer researchers are taking a number of approaches to achieve effective corn rootworm resistance. Aggressive testing on several different sources of resistance will continue at Pioneer in 1999 to determine which new genes will achieve the most effective corn rootworm resistance.

"If the products move through U.S. EPA and other regulatory reviews as planned, we believe we could bring corn rootworm resistant hybrids to the marketplace by 2002," said Czapla.

Pioneer has placed a high priority on corn rootworm resistance research and has been working for many years, using both traditional plant breeding and biotechnology, to achieve resistance to the insect.

"Not only are we making good progress in developing the resistance, Pioneer has the most extensive collection of elite germplasm to carry the trait and the best infrastructure to bring the best products to the market quickly."

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. is the world's leading supplier of agricultural genetics and the leading developer and integrator of agricultural technology. Headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer develops, produces and markets a full line of seeds, forage/grain additives and services to grain and livestock producers, grain processors and other customers worldwide.



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