Early-season corn insect management easier than ever with insecticide seed treatment choices from Pioneer

Des Moines, Iowa
August 18, 2003

Three seed-applied insecticide choices from Pioneer will meet grower needs for convenient, safe, effective control of early-season corn soil insects

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., will offer corn growers their choice of three seed-applied insecticides on selected Pioneer® brand hybrids for the 2004 planting season. The offering will include Cruiser1 5FS seed-applied insecticide for secondary insects, Poncho2 250 insecticide for mid-rate control and Poncho 1250 insecticide as the high-rate choice. This product offering is designed to meet the specific insect-control needs of growers across the country to help them get corn off to a healthy, vigorous start.

“Seed-applied insecticides have improved a lot in recent years and offer new levels of safety, convenience and efficacy,” says Bob Heimbaugh, director of corn marketing at Pioneer in Johnston, Iowa. “After carefully evaluating the efficacy of these new-generation products through Pioneer Agronomy Sciences Research trials, Pioneer has selected three products we feel best meet the varying insect-control needs of corn growers.”

Choices offer economical solutions for secondary insects and corn rootworm

For growers seeking economical early-season protection for corn seedlings from only secondary soil insects, Cruiser will be the appropriate seed-applied insecticide available from Pioneer. Cruiser offers protection against insects such as wireworm, white grub, seed corn maggot, flea beetle, southern corn leaf beetle and chinch bug and is labeled for suppression of cutworm.

Poncho 250, which contains a new compound, clothianidin, as the active ingredient, is the mid-rate option available from Pioneer. According to research from the manufacturer, Gustafson LLC, Poncho 250 controls seed and seedling damage from cutworm, wireworm, white grub, seed corn maggot, flea beetle, chinch bug and other pests.

Poncho 1250, the high-rate offering, will be available for growers who have a history of challenges from corn rootworm and billbug. According to Gustafson, the rate of clothianidin provided in Poncho 1250 offers control of corn rootworm and billbug similar to the control provided by traditional soil-applied insecticides. Poncho 1250 also offers early-season control of secondary insects including black cutworm, wireworm, white grub, seed corn maggot, flea beetle and chinch bug and is a convenient, economical solution for these pests.

“Pioneer has conducted field evaluations of these products since 2001,” explains Murt McLeod, Pioneer agronomy research manager in Windfall, Ind. “Our studies show these products can help growers control the soil insects for which they’re labeled, and we’re confident growers will benefit from protecting their seed investment with the product most appropriate for their situation. Convenience and user safety are added benefits of these non-restricted-use pesticides, compared to traditional soil-applied insecticides.”

The new seed-applied insecticides provide both contact and systemic activity in corn plants and do not rely exclusively on contact and plant-surface coverage. In addition, the treatments arrive at the farm, on the seed and in the bag, eliminating time previously spent loading and calibrating granular and liquid soil-applied insecticide equipment. There are no containers to handle and return, no extra requirements for disposal of seed bags and no special protective clothing in addition to what is normally recommended for handling seed corn.

For more information about the seed-applied insecticide most appropriate for their individual operation, corn growers should visit with their local provider of Pioneer brand products.

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the world's leading source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions and quality crop systems to customers in nearly 70 countries. DuPont is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by solving problems and creating solutions that make people’s lives better, safer and easier. Operating in more than 70 countries, the company offers a wide range of products and services to markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel.

® Registered trademarks of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
1 Cruiser is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.
2 Trademark, registered or applied for, of Bayer Crop Science.

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