Des Moines, Iowa
March 17, 1999The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) this week granted temporary, state-by-state permits for the use of
imidazolinone herbicide on canola with the IMI* gene. This allows producers in Minnesota
and North Dakota to use the imidazolinone herbicide Raptor* for post-emergent control of
most broadleaf weeds and grasses in canola with the IMI gene. With this approval, growers
will now be able to purchase Pioneer® canola variety 45A71 with the IMI gene for use with
Raptor herbicide.
"The EPAs announcement brings U.S. canola producers another cost-effective weed
control method for use in canola," says Jim Atkinson, canola product manager at
Pioneer. "Canadian canola growers have used this combination successfully for several
years, and were excited about the opportunity to offer canola with the gene for IMI
tolerance to the U.S. market."
Pioneer® variety 45A71 is the only canola product with the IMI gene that will be
available to the U.S. market in 1999. According to Atkinson, it is a medium-early maturity
product best adapted to North Dakota and Minnesota. In addition to being tolerant to
imidazolinone herbicides, it provides excellent yield and standability, superior oil
content and strong tolerance to blackleg.
The product has been available in western Canada for several years, delivering proven
performance on millions of acres.
Although only one canola product with resistance to imidazolinone herbicide is
commercially available this spring from Pioneer, Atkinson says several more varieties and
hybrids are in various stages of development and evaluation. 45A71, as well as future
Pioneer varieties with the IMI gene, are products of conventional breeding, which means
they are welcome in certain world
markets currently sensitive to genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
"The U.S. canola market is rapidly growing," explains Atkinson. "About 1.2
million acres are expected to be planted this spring as compared to only 700,000 two years
ago. As a result, we plan to provide canola producers with even more value by developing
more canola varieties and hybrids with the IMI gene that will be available as early as
next year.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., (NYSE-PHB) is the worlds leading supplier of
agricultural genetics and is the leading developer and integrator of agricultural
technology. Headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer develops, produces, and markets a
full line of seeds, grain/forage additives and services to grain and livestock producers,
grain processors and other customers worldwide.
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