Des Moines, Iowa
January 1999White corn hybrids from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., recently won the
1998 University of Missouri White Food Corn Performance Yield Trials with the highest
yields in both the early and late corn categories.
The performance trials tested for yield and other agronomic characteristics including
stalk- and root-lodging resistance and moisture content at harvest. Over 30 hybrids from
14 different seed corn companies were tested at nearly 30 locations across the Midwest and
other areas of the country. These data provide valuable and unbiased information to corn
growers, specialty grain
handlers, millers and food manufacturers. White corn is used in the production of grits,
corn chips, tortillas and other various food products.
Pioneer® brand 32K72 led the early season category with 204-bushel-per-acre yields. White
corn hybrids from Pioneer also topped the late corn performance tests, with yields of over
171.0 bushels per acre.
"Growers, food manufacturers and seed corn companies pay attention to the Missouri
white corn tests," says Chuck Cunnyngham, white corn development manager for Pioneer.
"The tests demonstrate that Pioneer produces high-yielding, agronomically sound white
corn hybrids for farmers, as well as characteristics that food processors need for dry
milling and alkaline cooking.
"Since 1986, Pioneer has increased its commitment to white corn research,"
Cunnyngham says. "Instead of breeding agronomically sound hybrids and hoping they
work for food processors, we sit down with processors first to discuss their needs. Then
we produce hybrids that meet those specific needs."
Cunnyngham says processors look for white corn with a hard texture (endosperm), pearly
white color and large uniform kernels on a white cob.
"We understand the importance of the white corn industry," says Cunnyngham.
"And its our goal to provide the best white corn products to the
For more information about white corn hybrids from Pioneer, contact your local Pioneer
products provider.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., (NYSE-PHB) is the world's leading supplier of
agricultural genetics and is the leading developer and integrator of agricultural
technology. Headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer develops, produces and markets a
full line of seeds, forage and grain
additives and services to grain and livestock producers, grain processors and other
customers worldwide.
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