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Fight sudden death syndrome with tolerant soybeans, good management practices

Des Moines, Iowa
August 23,  2001

Soybean growers across the South and much of the Midwest may be seeing signs of sudden death syndrome (SDS), a soil-borne disease that infects soybean fields and cuts into yields. Checking for the disease now - in August and September - can help growers build a plan of defense against the disease next year.

According to Steve Butzen, agronomy information specialist with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., growers can minimize the potential for soybean yield reduction from SDS in high-risk fields by selecting tolerant varieties and following good management practices.

"By taking the time to manage SDS-prone areas, you can improve your chances of successfully growing soybeans in potential risk areas," Butzen says. "The key is understanding how the problem can occur and then doing your best to manage against it."

Sudden death syndrome is most common when soybeans are exposed to cool, moist soils early in the growing season. Early-planted soybeans are often at risk. Soil that is compacted and poorly drained also contributes to the problem.

SDS attacks soybean roots early in the growing season. The Fusarium solani fungus that causes SDS survives in crop debris in the soil. The organism enters roots through wounds caused by soybean cyst nematode (SCN), insect feeding or mechanical injury. A toxin produced by the fungus eventually moves through the plant, causing above-ground symptoms, including yellow or brown leaves with green veins, premature leaf drop, flower and pod abortion and lack of pod fill.

Leaf symptoms of SDS are similar to those of brown stem rot (BSR) and stem canker. To distinguish SDS from the other two diseases, first examine the outside of a stem. Brownish-black sunken lesions are signs of stem canker. If no lesions are present, split the bottom eight inches of the stalk. The pith or inner core of the stem will be white, and the surrounding cortex will be grayish brown if SDS has infected the plant. In contrast, BSR demonstrates dark-brown pith with a
green cortex.

Butzen recommends growers scout fields in August and September to determine the extent of the problem. Identify suspect plants based on leaf and whole-plant symptoms and then check stems and roots to distinguish SDS from other soybean diseases. While SDS is a difficult disease to manage, there are several varietal and cultural practices that can help minimize damage to soybeans in coming seasons:

  • Plant at-risk areas to tolerant soybeans. A number of new Pioneer® brand soybean varieties demonstrate improved SDS tolerance ratings.
  • Don't count on rotation as a management solution. Rotation has not proven particularly helpful because the causal organism can persist in the soil for many years.
  • Avoid planting soybeans early. Early planting can put soybeans at greatest risk of SDS infection, which occurs when temperatures are lower than 60 to 65°F.
    Improve field drainage and work through compacted areas to reduce infection by the SDS fungus.
  • Evaluate tillage systems. High crop residue levels result in colder, wetter seedbeds in the spring. Disking or ridge tilling may help reduce the risk of SDS.
  • Work to eliminate additional environmental stresses, including herbicide stress, nutrient deficiencies, high pH and the presence of soybean cyst nematode.

For more information about sudden death syndrome or SDS management practices, contact your local provider of Pioneer products.

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a DuPont company, is the world's leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics to farmers worldwide. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer develops, produces and markets a full line of top-quality seeds and forage and grain additives and provides services to customers in nearly 70 countries. DuPont is a science company, delivering science-based solutions that make a difference in people's lives in food and nutrition, health care, apparel, home and construction, electronics and transportation.

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