Des Moines, Iowa
January 3, 2008
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business, announces the release of
59 new Pioneer® brand corn hybrids, available to growers across
North America for the 2008 planting season. This includes 23 new
genetic families matched with technology from the Herculex®
family of insect protection traits and the Roundup Ready® Corn 2
This class consists of 15 Pioneer double-stack hybrids
containing the Herculex I gene and the Roundup Ready Corn 2
trait, offering more technology options for growers to meet
individual field needs. This class also contains 22 new
triple-stack hybrids offering Herculex XTRA insect protection
and the Roundup Ready Corn 2 trait, making 40 triple-stack
products in all available within the Pioneer line-up for growers
for 2008 planting. Herculex XTRA offers a combination of the
Herculex I trait and Herculex RW rootworm protection gene to
guard against a broader range of above- and below-ground insects
in corn than any other product on the market.
The Herculex I gene protects the corn plant against European and
southwestern corn borer, western bean cutworm, black cutworm,
fall armyworm, corn earworm, sugarcane borer, southern cornstalk
borer and lesser cornstalk borer, while the Herculex RW trait
protects against western, northern and Mexican corn rootworms.
Based on university and Pioneer Agronomy Sciences trials in
2007, Pioneer hybrids with Herculex traits had consistently
higher yields and were more effective against root damage than
hybrids with YieldGard® traits developed by Monsanto.
"The maturity for these new hybrids range from 75, or very
early, to 118 CRM," says Bob Heimbaugh, North American director
of corn product management for Pioneer. "We are excited about
the wide range of technology stacks in North America which
offers superior insect protection for our new elite genetic
To meet rising end-use market demands, Pioneer is leading with
technologies for white and waxy hybrids. White corn is used
primarily in products for human consumption and waxy is used for
syrups, ethanol and other specialty starch products.
Last year, Pioneer introduced a stack of the Herculex I and
Roundup Ready traits in waxy corn. Pioneer is the first to offer
three new white Herculex trait-protected hybrids to the
"Pioneer continues to lead end-use markets for white and waxy by
working with processors to utilize technology traits," says
Heimbaugh. "Processors want good test weight and kernel
integrity, and minimal disease and insect damage - with these
new technologies growers can produce high-quality grain that
meets processor expectations."
Pioneer continues to improve genetic gain and technology options
for growers.
"Pioneer is focusing on matching hybrids to a producer's
operation on a field-by-field basis," says Heimbaugh. "From an
industry perspective, we want to provide a package of platforms
with technology options so growers are getting the best genetics
for their operation and growing area."
For more information about these new hybrids and technologies,
contact your local Pioneer sales professional.
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business, is the world's leading
source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers
and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des
Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics
in nearly 70 countries.
DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded
in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont
offers a wide range of innovative products and services for
markets including agriculture and food; building and
construction; communications; and transportation.
® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred.
Herculex insect protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred. ® Herculex and the HX logo
are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
® Roundup Ready and YieldGard are registered trademarks used
under license from Monsanto Company |