Pioneer GrowingPoint' website features soybeans in space update, photos

Johnston, Iowa
July 29 2002

Visitors to the Pioneer GrowingPoint(SM) website can now follow the growth and development of soybeans being grown in outer space this summer.

Soybeans from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a DuPont subsidiary, were launched into orbit on the space shuttle Endeavor in June, and eight seeds of Pioneer® brand variety 9306 were planted inside a growth chamber which was transferred to the International Space Station. The experiment was initiated on June 11. Throughout the summer, Pioneer will be posting updated photos of the soybeans in space, along with information about their development.

In the first space experiment of its kind, DuPont partnered with the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics (WCSAR) to conduct scientific research on one of the world's most consumed crops. Researchers will examine the effects of zero gravity on plant growth and development. Then, DuPont and WCSAR will study the harvested seed from the space-grown plants to find out if they have improved oil, protein, carbohydrates or other substances that could benefit farmers and consumers.

"The Pioneer GrowingPoint website is an outstanding information source in agriculture, and we wanted to provide the Soybeans in Space Update to our users as another way of keeping them directly informed of the work Pioneer's doing in the new frontiers of scientific research," said Bill Belzer, Pioneer e-business manager. "With this feature, users can observe this unique experiment through pictures taken at the international space station and follow the soybeans' progress along with the researchers."

To access the Soybeans in Space Update, log on to and click on "news" in the main menu. The Soybeans in Space Update is located in the "Pioneer news" box. A username and password are required to register for access to the Pioneer GrowingPoint website
and can be obtained by following the on-screen directions under "getting started," by contacting a Pioneer sales professional or by calling 1-800-233-7333 for help. Misplaced or forgotten login information can be obtained the same way.

The Pioneer GrowingPoint(SM) website:

The Pioneer GrowingPoint website offers weather and market information, business articles from The Wall Street Journal, growing-season customer alerts on pest management issues, the ability to request additional information on seed issues, agronomic advice and other production information. All the information is available 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week and allows customers to connect quickly with their local sales professional.

Each grower can customize his/her site with the information that best fits the needs of the individual's operation. Many of these features are exclusively available to Pioneer customers.

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the world's leading source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers, and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions and quality crop
systems to customers in nearly 70 countries. During 2002, DuPont is celebrating its 200th year of scientific achievement and innovation - providing products and services that improve the lives of people everywhere. Based in Wilmington, Del., DuPont delivers science-based solutions for markets that make a difference in people's lives in food and nutrition, health care, apparel, home and construction, electronics and transportation.

Company news release


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