Farmers growing Pioneer hybrids finished
in first-place in all nine national classes. Among
second-place winners, those growing Pioneer hybrids won
seven categories and, among third-place winners, growers
planting Pioneer hybrids won seven of nine categories.
The highest yield winner within the
contest was Steve Albracht, Hart, Texas, who planted
Pioneer brand 33B51 with a yield of 351.69 bushels per
acre. He won in the national Irrigated category.
The second highest yield in the NCGA
contest was won by Kip Cullers, Purdy, Mo., who planted
Pioneer hybrid 31N28 with a yield of 345.95 bushels per
acre in the national Irrigated class.
The third highest yield was posted by
David K. Hula, Charles City, Va., with Pioneer hybrid
33M54, yielding 334.84 bushels per acre in the national
A No Till/Strip Till Non-Irrigated class.
"Each year, we're excited to see the
continued success growers have with Pioneer products in
the NCGA Corn Yield Contest," says Bill Fleet, Pioneer
vice president for North American sales. "We're
especially impressed with the high yields our customers
have this year with Pioneer hybrids, many of which were
grown in challenging growing conditions. That says a
lot about the value Pioneer hybrids bring to the bottom
line of all growers.
"In 2006, growers can continue to see
improved crop technology through the introduction of
Pioneer hybrids with the Herculex(R) RW Rootworm and the
Herculex XTRA Insect Protection traits," adds Fleet,
"continuing the expanding line-up of crop traits from
Pioneer that help protect their seed investment."
The NCGA Corn Yield Contest is an annual
national competition among corn growers with the goal of
producing the highest yields. Growers compete in nine
corn production classes, including non-irrigated (A and
no-till/strip-till non-irrigated (A and AA),
no-till/strip-till irrigated, ridge-till non-irrigated
(A and AA), ridge-till irrigated and irrigated classes.
For a list of the national winners, yield
totals and hybrid numbers, go to