Dea Moines, Iowa
October 31, 2006
Universities evaluate nodes of
roots injured by corn rootworm
Research conducted by several Midwest universities confirms that
hybrids with the Herculex® RW Rootworm protection trait or
Herculex® XTRA gene were consistently superior to other corn
rootworm management options -- transgenic or soil insecticides.
In 14 university trials,
Pioneer hybrids with the Herculex® RW gene were twice as
effective in protecting against root damage, on average, as
hybrids with the YieldGard® Rootworm gene developed by Monsanto.
"For the past two years, where we've had moderate to heavy corn
rootworm feeding, Herculex® RW has been very consistent with
little to slight pruning of roots," said Jim Oleson, Iowa State
University entomology research associate. "This is great news
for growers. It gives them another option for corn rootworm
The university trials evaluated nodes of roots injured by corn
rootworm. Herculex® RW averaged 0.15 nodes destroyed, whereas
YieldGard® Rootworm averaged 0.32 and the untreated check
averaged 1.63. At five locations with very heavy pressure from
the eastern variant of western corn rootworm, the check averaged
2.5 nodes destroyed, YieldGard® Rootworm averaged 0.71 and
Herculex® RW averaged 0.31.
Evaluations are based on a 0-3 root node scale with 0 being no
damage and 3 a fully damaged root.
In addition, consistency ratings, an indicator of variability of
root protection, were noticeably higher for Herculex® RW and
Herculex® XTRA rootworm technologies compared to YieldGard® RW.
Hybrids with the Herculex® RW trait offer control of western,
northern and Mexican corn rootworms. Hybrids featuring Herculex®
XTRA insect protection contain both Herculex® I and Herculex® RW
to guard against a broader range of above- and below-ground
insects in corn than any other in-seed product on the market.
University of Illinois crop sciences professor and extension
coordinator Mike Gray and his colleagues compared transgenic
corn rootworm traits at three research locations.
"At two of our locations, DeKalb and Monmouth, corn rootworm
feeding on hybrids with Herculex® RW and YieldGard® Rootworm was
similar," said Gray. "Although under severe variant western corn
rootworm pressure at Urbana, there was significant root injury
to the YieldGard® RW corn plants. Hybrids with the Herculex® RW
technology had significantly lower node injury ratings and
performed more consistently than the YieldGard® Rootworm hybrid
at the Urbana location."
Bob Wright, University of Nebraska research and extension
entomologist said they planted Pioneer® hybrid 33B53 with
Herculex® XTRA in their 2006 replicated trials, with overhead
irrigation at Clay Center, Nebraska.
"Against high rootworm pressure -- two nodes of roots pruned in
the untreated check -- Herculex® XTRA plus Poncho® 250 provided
a high degree of protection from root injury by corn rootworms,"
noted Wright.
Corn Rootworm Continual Problem for Growers
"Corn rootworm (CRW) larvae are one of the most destructive
insects of corn in North America," said Paula Davis, Pioneer
entomologist. "Many growers don't realize how much they are
losing to the pest every year."
Yield losses from corn rootworms of 10 percent to more than 30
percent are common with moderate to high corn rootworm
populations in untreated fields. Corn rootworm feeding causes a
reduction in root mass, which can affect standability and reduce
water and nutrient transport in the plant, ultimately impacting
grain development.
"The variant western corn rootworm continues to expand its
territory, especially in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin," said
Wright added regarding Nebraska, "Historically growers in this
state have planted corn after corn more frequently than growers
in the eastern Corn Belt. Because of that, corn rootworm has
been an important pest. Recent relatively mild winters also have
encouraged survival of corn rootworms in many parts of
Iowa growers also need to scout fields, said Oleson.
"Year in and year out, corn rootworm can be an issue for Iowa
growers, although pressure may vary from year to year," said
Oleson. "Growers are concerned, and so are we. We encourage
growers to scout fields. We've also been doing some survey work
to monitor corn rootworm."
Gray agreed that scouting fields is critical so growers can go
into the next growing season with a plan.
"In reality, I see too many growers not taking time to scout
their fields," said Gray. "Growers should set up yellow sticky
traps, and if a soybean field reaches five beetles per trap per
day, that field has reached an economic threshold where a grower
should consider several rootworm management options for next
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont,
is the world's leading source of customized solutions for
farmers, livestock producers and grain and oilseed processors.
With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access
to advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions and
quality crop systems to customers in nearly 70 countries. DuPont
is a science-based products and services company. Founded in
1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont
offers a wide range of innovative products and services for
markets including agriculture and food; building and
construction; communications; and transportation.
® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International,
Herculex insect protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred.
® Herculex and the HX logo are registered trademarks of
Dow AgroSciences LLC.
® YieldGard Rootworm is a registered trademark used under
license from Monsanto Company.
® Poncho is a registered trademark of Bayer AG. |