Des Moines, Iowa
January 10, 2007
With a significant number of
growers showing a trend toward increased corn-after-corn acres,
agronomists with Pioneer
Hi-Bred International, Inc., say managing corn insects and
diseases must be a priority for producers making those choices.
Corn residue and the insects
harbored within can create a real challenge for growers –
including corn rootworm (CRW), corn borer and western bean
cutworm. In addition, other common corn pests must be controlled
for successful stand establishment. These pests include black
cutworms, wireworm, white grub, grape colaspis and seedcorn
“In the absence of rotation to
soybeans, growers will need other management strategies for
insects and diseases that increase in corn-after-corn production
systems,” says Steve Butzen, Pioneer agronomy information
manager. “Pioneer offers several plant and seed technologies for
controlling these pests.”
Corn rootworm major challenge
Corn rootworm is the No. 1 corn
insect pest associated with corn-after-corn production.
Effective control measures are critical for this pest, as CRW
pressure tends to be highest in the second and third years of
continuous corn.
“On the majority of corn-after-corn acres, CRW management will
be necessary,” says Butzen. “For control, choose from hybrids
with a transgenic trait or an insecticide seed treatment or
apply a granular soil insecticide. The appropriate option
depends on the level of CRW damage expected in the field and
which other insects need to be managed.”
Butzen adds that in many areas
agronomists recommend monitoring adult CRW populations to
determine potential control options for the following year.
“A crop consultant or scout can
provide weekly beetle numbers to determine the level of risk for
the next season,” says Butzen. “A Pioneer sales professional can
help interpret those numbers and choose the right option based
on geography, field history, and the probable insect spectrum
and infestation levels.”
Pioneer offers plant and seed
technology options including Pioneer® brand hybrids with the
Herculex® RW rootworm protection trait, Herculex XTRA insect
protection or Poncho® 1250 insecticide seed treatment.
The Herculex RW trait protects against western, northern and
Mexican corn rootworms, whereas Herculex XTRA offers a
combination of the Herculex I trait and Herculex RW to guard
against a broader range of above- and below-ground insects in
corn than any other product on the market.
Controlling other
plant/ear-feeding insects and diseases
In addition to CRW, several other
notable insects should be monitored and managed in a
corn-after-corn rotation, including corn borer, black cutworm
and western bean cutworm. The Herculex I gene protects against
those insects, suppresses corn earworm, and controls fall
armyworm and several other pests.
Secondary soil insects such as
wireworms, seedcorn maggots and white grubs can be effectively
controlled by Poncho 250 and Poncho 1250 insecticide seed
“These insects tend to be active
early in the season and can cause significant stand reductions,
especially if emergence is slow due to cold stress,” notes
Butzen. “Reducing insect feeding with these insecticides also
protects against seedling diseases by depriving pathogens of
points of entry.”
Butzen notes that seedling disease
problems caused by Pythium, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and other
pathogens have increased throughout the United States. These
diseases reduce stands and yields in corn-after-corn fields.
“Pioneer has introduced a new seed treatment fungicide –
Dynasty® – for corn hybrids. Dynasty has increased activity
against soil fungi that cause corn seedling diseases,” says
For more information about
managing insects and diseases in corn-after-corn fields, contact
your local Pioneer sales professional. In addition to your local
sales professional, Pioneer offers a national network of
agronomists to answer agronomic questions associated with
corn-after-corn production.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International,
Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the world’s leading source of
customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers and grain
and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa,
Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics, crop
protection solutions and quality crop systems to customers in
nearly 70 countries. DuPont is a science-based products and
services company. Founded in
1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont
offers a wide range of innovative products and services for
markets including agriculture and food; building and
construction; communications; and transportation.
® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Herculex insect protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and
Pioneer Hi-Bred.
® Herculex and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow
AgroSciences LLC.
® Poncho is a registered trademark of Bayer AG.
® Dynasty is registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.