Des Moines, Iowa
April 16, 2008
Growers across the Corn Belt are
either anxiously waiting to get into their fields or are in the
early stages of planting their 2008 corn crop. If cool, wet
weather continues, planting will be delayed for many growers,
limiting the number of growing days for the crop and prompting
questions about switching to earlier hybrids.
But long-term research studies from
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont
business, and several universities show that adapted,
full-season corn hybrids usually offer the best yield and profit
advantage when planting delays are not extreme.
"When wet weather significantly delays fieldwork and planting,
hybrid maturity switches can become an issue," says Mark
Jeschke, agronomy research scientist for Pioneer. "However,
hybrid changes should be based on expected grower returns
including yield, drying costs and test weight discounts."
According to Jeschke early hybrids should be used under extreme
late-plant or replant situations. But switching to earlier
products too soon may result in serious yield and profit
Full-season hybrids typically make full use of a growing season.
Even when planted late, these hybrids often outperform early
maturing hybrids, adjusting their growth and development to
reach maturity in a shortened growing season.
Long-term studies by both Pioneer and universities which
included a range of hybrid maturities across planting dates
extending from April through June have shown a clear yield and
profit advantage for full-season hybrids.
"If growers have questions about switching, including
replacement hybrid availability, they should consult their
Pioneer sales professional," says Jeschke.
University research shows that full-season hybrids adjust to
late planting with a reduction in their growing degree unit
(GDU) requirement of up to six units per day of planting delay.
For example, hybrids planted May 20 may require 150 fewer heat
units to reach maturity than the same hybrids planted April 25.
This adjustment reduces the risk of fall frost damage to these
Pioneer studies reinforce the university findings. Pioneer
focused on hybrids planted across the central, north-central and
far-north regions of the Corn Belt from 1987 to 2004. Hybrids
were planted from early April to mid-June and grouped into full,
medium and early maturities at each location. The studies looked
at differences in corn grain yield response to planting date, as
well as moisture, test weight and gross income response. The
data give growers more relevant planting information for the
different regions in which they farm.
For example, in the central Corn Belt, results indicate that
early to mid-April planting is best for optimum corn yield
potential. Full-season hybrids - hybrids with a comparative
relative maturity (CRM) of 111 to 115 - yield better and produce
better grain at harvest than early maturity hybrids. Growers
should not consider switching to earlier CRM hybrids until the
last week of May.
Soil conditions permitting, April planting also is recommended
in the north-central Corn Belt. Growers are encouraged to plant
full-season hybrids (103 to 110 CRM) until the last week of May
in this region.
Maturity planning is most critical in northernmost states
because of the risk of cool weather or early frost. Pioneer
recommends producers in northern Corn Belt areas (central
Minnesota and north-central Wisconsin) stick with full-season
hybrids (98 to 105 CRM) until approximately May 27. This
recommendation also carries into far-northern areas (northern
Minnesota, North Dakota and Quebec, Canada) for hybrids that are
full-season there (97 to 100 CRM).
Growers with questions about specific hybrid characteristics and
environmental effects should talk to their seed sales
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business, is the world's leading
source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers
and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des
Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics
in nearly 70 countries.
DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded
in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont
offers a wide range of innovative products and services for
markets including agriculture and food; building and
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