Des Moines, Iowa
November 3, 2005
An increasing number of growers
have more options this year to earn premiums for their soybeans.
Selected elevators throughout the Midwest will participate in a
premium-based program for growing low linolenic soybeans from
Pioneer Hi-Bred International,
Inc., during the 2005-06 season.
States with
participating elevators include Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio,
Michigan and Missouri.
participating elevators will offer up to a 40-cent premium per
bushel on low lin soybeans as part of the
Bunge DuPont Biotech
conjunction with the premium program, the Alliance is marketing
NUTRIUMTM Low Linolenic Soybean Oil to food companies to help
meet increasing consumer demand for nutritious foods. Pioneer
and Bunge are working with growers and local elevators to
contract special low lin varieties used to produce NUTRIUM oil.
Growers who
sign up to deliver Pioneer low lin soybeans to participating
elevators earn attractive premiums for this identity-preserved
crop. Upon soybean harvest, participating low lin growers will
earn a 40-cent per bushel "buyers call" premium (for on-farm
storage) or a 35-cent per bushel "harvest delivery" premium
(with delivery directly to participating elevators offering this
option at harvest).
Low linolenic
soybean products offered for 2006 planting are Pioneer® brand
varieties 93M01, 93M20 and 92M73. All varieties are available
for contracted acres only. 93M01 is the new, early Group III low
lin variety with the Roundup Ready1 gene and features multi-race
Phytophthora resistance; it also shows good tolerance to sudden
death syndrome. 93M20 is the early Group III low lin variety
that features the Roundup Ready® gene; it is noted for very good
field emergence and harvest standability. 92M73 is the new,
mid-late Group II variety, also with the Roundup Ready trait,
and is suitable for early planting, poorly draining soils and
reduced tillage situations.
growers who participate in our low linolenic program not only
are helping meet the increasing consumer demand for foods with
improved nutritional profiles, they also are positioning U.S.
growers as leaders and innovators in the global marketplace,"
says Troy Hobbs, Alliance business manager.
According to
Hobbs, the Alliance expects to contract more than 200,000 acres
of low lin soybeans for the 2006 planting season in parts of
Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Missouri - and
substantially more acres across additional Midwest states in the
coming years.
availability of NUTRIUM oil in the marketplace benefits growers
at the front, elevators and processors in the middle, and food
processors, foodservice providers and - ultimately - the
consumer at the end of the food chain.
"The low lin
product is appealing to many audiences," says Steve Schnebly,
Pioneer soybean research scientist. The premiums offer extra
income potential for growers, and the NUTRIUM oil helps reduce
trans fats in foods for consumers."
Pioneer low linolenic soybean varieties yield on par with other
Pioneer varieties.
"New low
linolenic soybean varieties contain the latest in Pioneer
soybean genetics," Schnebly confirms. "Combined with the special
low lin premiums offered at participating elevators, growers
have the opportunity to gain an edge on their bottom lines."
For more information on linolenic
soybean varieties and participating elevators in your area,
visit your local Pioneer sales professional. Or, visit one of
the regional low lin soybeans Web sites from Pioneer:
- Southwestern Iowa:
- Eastern Iowa/Western Illinois:
- Indiana/Michigan/Ohio:
Limited is an integrated, global agribusiness and food company
operating in the farm-to-consumer food chain. Founded in 1818
and headquartered in White Plains, N.Y., Bunge has 25,000
employees and locations in 32 countries. Bunge is the world's
leading oilseed processor, the largest producer and supplier of
fertilizers to farmers in South America and the world's leading
seller of bottled vegetable oils to consumers.
Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont, is the
world's leading source of customized solutions for farmers,
livestock producers and grain and oilseed processors. With
headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to
advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions and quality
crop systems to customers in nearly 70 countries. DuPont is a
science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by
creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer,
healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70
countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and
services for markets including agriculture, nutrition,
electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and
construction, transportation and apparel.
and NUTRIUMTM are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pioneer
Hi-Bred International, Inc. DuPontTM is a trademark of DuPont or
its affiliates. Bunge® is a registered trademark of Bunge
Limited or its affiliates.
Ready® is a registered trademark used under license from
Monsanto Company |