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Agreement announced in two more 'brown-bag canola' suits: Pioneer Hi-Bred obtains two  contractual undertakings regarding Plant Breeders' Rights law

Winnipeg, Canada
April 10,  2001

Pioneer(R) Hi-Bred Production Ltd. recently obtained contractual undertakings from two businesses, one located in Manitoba, and one in Alberta, to not violate Plant Breeders' Rights law by 'brown-bagging' seed. These undertakings represent two of several enforcement activities Pioneer Hi-Bred says will help provide an even playing field for canola producers in Western Canada. 

Both settlements include a contractual undertaking to never sell any Pioneer(R) brand canola (of any variety) as planting seed, as well as a monetary settlement. 

Continued Plant Breeders' Rights enforcement protects future for breeders and growers 

The Plant Breeders' Rights Act prohibits the unauthorized sale, offering for sale or trading of any seed grown from a protected variety. In doing so, it protects the seed breeder's investment in time and financial resources required to develop new varieties. In this case, Pioneer Hi-Bred asserted that the two businesses unlawfully sold canola bred by Pioneer Hi-Bred. Proven Seed has exclusive selling rights in Western Canada. 

"We are very committed to supporting Plant Breeders' Rights law," says Neil Arbuckle, Manager, Proven Seed. "This legislation helps to ensure breeders like Pioneer Hi-Bred will continue to develop new varieties and technology that help farmers improve their productivity, and their ability to compete in the global marketplace." 

Significant undertaking 

Terms of the agreement with both an unnamed Crystal City, Manitoba grower, and Peter Wieler, of La Crete, Alberta, include an undertaking not to sell seed of any varieties belonging to Pioneer or to hold out other seed as a Pioneer variety, and to deliver all Pioneer seed in their possession or control at the time of the agreement to a grain elevator, to be disposed of as grain. Both agreements also include a financial settlement. 

Headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Proven Seed is the exclusive distributor of Pioneer(R) brand canola seed products in Western Canada. Proven Seed's primary areas of focus are canola, forages, and wheat. A business unit of United Grain Growers, Proven Seed also offers contracting opportunities with proprietary varieties in Linola(TM) and malting barley. Proven Seed conducts Western Canada's most extensive seed testing and evaluation through its Local Performance Check(R) program. For more information, visit

Pioneer Hi-Bred Production Ltd. is a subsidiary of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a DuPont business, which is the world's leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics to farmers worldwide. With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer develops, produces and markets a full line of top-quality seeds, forage and grain additives and provides services to customers in nearly 70 countries. DuPont is a science company, delivering science-based solutions that make a difference in people's lives in food and nutrition; health care; apparel; home and construction; electronics; and transportation. 

Proven(R) Seed, Linola(TM), and Local Performance Check(R) are trademarks of United Grain Growers Ltd. 

Pioneer(R) is a registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred Int'l Inc. 

Company news release


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