Des Moines, Iowa
March 29, 2006
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., is set to release a new
inoculant designed specifically for farmers ensiling
high-moisture corn. Pioneer® inoculant 11B91 features two
proprietary strains of bacteria, Lactobacillus plantarum and
Lactobacillus buchneri, to enhance fermentation in high-moisture
“The biggest advantage of this product is that it is a
combination of two lactic acid-producing bacteria,” says Gene
Gengelbach, forage products marketing manager for Pioneer. “That
helps improve fermentation, increase bunk life and protect
silage from heat and spoilage by yeast and other organisms.”
Pioneer recommends 11B91 for farmers who face problems of
heating and aerobic instability in high-moisture corn. It is
formulated for corn ensiled at the proper maturity in upright,
bunker or bag silos at moistures ranging from 22 percent to 32
“This would be a good fit for someone who is feeding
high-moisture corn during hot weather and having trouble with it
overheating,” Gengelbach says. “They may have a storage
structure that is too large for the amount they feed, or they
may not be feeding it rapidly enough to keep it cool.”
11B91 has been demonstrated to reduce aerobic dry matter losses.
The inoculated corn retained over 2 percentage units more dry
matter than the untreated control in recent studies. 11B91 is
nontoxic and noncorrosive. The water-soluble formulation
contains a coloring agent for easy viewing in the applicator and
a dechlorinator for use in chlorinated water.
11B91 is the fourth inoculant developed specifically for
high-moisture corn by Pioneer, which has long been an industry
leader in inoculant technology.
“It’s always been our philosophy to deliver crop-specific
inoculants,” Gengelbach says. “By contrast, a lot of companies
offer just one or two inoculants for all crops. We have found
certain bacteria work better on different crops, and 11B91 is
the latest in our line for corn.”
Gengelbach reminds farmers that an inoculant is not a substitute
for poor silage practices. However, new 11B91 can be an
excellent tool to protect quality and help farmers get the most
feed value from their silage.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont,
is the world’s leading source of customized solutions for
farmers, livestock producers and grain and oilseed processors.
With headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access
to advanced plant genetics, crop protection solutions and
quality crop systems to customers in nearly 70 countries. DuPont
is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to
work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better,
safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more
than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative
products and services for markets including agriculture,
nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection,
home and construction, transportation and apparel.
® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International |