Des Moines, Iowa
February 20, 2009
Corn rotated after soybeans
generally out yields corn following corn, but there's help for
growers choosing corn-after-corn rotations through modern crop
technologies, say crop production experts from
Pioneer, a DuPont business.
The "rotation effect" is an unexplained benefit that results in
yield increases for corn following soybeans, compared to corn
following corn.
"The rotation effect varies depending on growing conditions,"
says Steve Butzen, agronomy information manager at Pioneer.
"When yield potential is low due to tough soils or lack of rain,
the benefit of rotation is highest."
Another benefit with rotating corn and soybeans is the potential
to lower the amount of nitrogen needed," says Paul Gaspar,
agronomy research scientist for Pioneer. "In years with excess
rainfall that leads to nitrogen losses, this advantage may be
even more important."
"The less nitrogen growers have to apply the better for time and
input costs," Butzen says. "Rotation also helps control diseases
and insects. Continuous corn is a host to many of the corn pests
growers have to face."
Also in corn after corn, the plant's root system may be limited
due to corn rootworm feeding or soil compaction. This leads to
increased plant stress and yield loss in years when demand for
soil moisture is high.
"Despite potential yield reductions with a corn-after-corn
system, the economic advantages of growing continuous corn have
outweighed the benefits of rotation for some growers," says
Butzen. "The most successful corn-after-corn producers start
with highly productive fields with high water-holding capacity
and good drainage. They then manage these fields carefully to
minimize compaction, handle excessive residue and maintain soil
Hybrid selection is another key to corn-after-corn success.
Pioneer offers the latest high-performing hybrids that can
handle tough conditions.
"Although corn after corn is a more challenging production
environment, Pioneer has hybrids and traits that help mitigate
the risks," Gaspar says. "Select hybrids with a good disease
package, corn borer and corn rootworm resistant traits, and good
standability ratings. In addition, Pioneer provides stress
emergence ratings and high residue suitability ratings for all
corn hybrids. These ratings are assigned specifically to help
determine which hybrids work best in corn-after-corn fields."
Seed treatments also significantly improve seedling health and
should be considered, especially when planting early. Pioneer
uses a seed treatment that includes Dynasty® fungicide for all
corn hybrids. Dynasty has increased activity against several
soil fungi that cause corn seedling diseases, says Butzen.
"Pioneer sales professionals can help you choose the right
products, traits and seed treatments if you plant continuous
corn" Gaspar surmises. "There are many more options now than
there were just 10 to 15 years ago."
Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business, is the world's leading
source of customized solutions for farmers, livestock producers
and grain and oilseed processors. With headquarters in Des
Moines, Iowa, Pioneer provides access to advanced plant genetics
in nearly 70 countries.
DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded
in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable
solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for
people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont
offers a wide range of innovative products and services for
markets including agriculture and food; building and
construction; communications; and transportation.
® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred.
® Dynasty is a registered trademark of Syngenta. |