August 09
Stripe rust on
wheat in Australia
Ragged stunt on
rice in Viet Nam
July 09
Rice blast, a
fungal disease, on rice in Jumla district, Nepal
Tungro disease on
rice in The Philippines
Stripe rust alert
on wheat in Alberta, Canada
Fungal diseases on
maize in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska
New strain of stem
rust on wheat in India
Rust alert on sugar
beet in the United Kingdom
Bacterial diseases
on maize, sorghum in Nebraska, USA
First report of
black rot on peanut in China
Downy mildews on
cucurbits, basil in the USA
New, highly
contagious strains of potato virus Y in Switzerland
June 09
Late blight on
potato and tomato in the USA
Collar rot & leaf
blights on tomato, capsicum and strawberries in Himachal
Pradesh, India
Screening for
fusarium head blight on oats in Canada
Rhizoctonia alert
on cereal crops in Australia
Spread of ramularia
leaf spot on barley in the United Kingdom
Crown rust alert on
oats in Ontario, Canada
Bacterial leaf
blight on rice in Central Java, Indonesia
Rice virus alert in
Spot blotch on
wheat in Punjab and Sindh, Pakistan
Tomato yellow leaf
curl virus in Queensland, Australia
Fusarium head blight
on wheat in the USA
May 09
Fungal diseases on
cereal crops in China, Ireland
First report of
golden cyst nematode on potato in Iran
New strains of gummy
stem blight on watermelon in the USA
Late blight on
tomato in Alabama, USA
Liberibacter on
solanaceous crops in Guatemala, Mexico, New Zeland, USA
New strain of stripe
rust on wheat in the United Kingdom
New tomato virus
pathogens in India and USA
Fungal diseases on
cereal crops in France, Germany
April 09
New strains of leaf
rust on soybeans in Brazil
Tungro disease on
rice in the Philippines
Rice disease in
the USA (03): quarantine
Sources of late
blight on potato in the United Kingdom
Leaf rust on
soybean in the USA, update
Rust diseases on
wheat in the United Kingdom and Pakistan
Late blight on
potato in Algeria: update
Undiagnosed fungus
on maize in Guatemala (2): tar spot
Stripe rust on
wheat in the United Kingdom
Wheat viruses in
New Zealand, first reports
Leaf rust alert on
soybeans in New South Wales, Australia
Late blight on
potato in the UK and Bangladesh
Head smut on
Napier grass in Uganda
Black smut on rice
in Colombia
March 09
New strain of
stripe rust on wheat in India
Wheat stem rust,
strain Ug99: resistance breeding
New strains of
early blight on potatoes in Canada
of a new begomovirus associated with yellow leaf curl
diseases of tomato and pepper in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Frogeye leaf spot
on soybean in Argentina
Rice diseases in
the USA: quarantine
Wheat rusts in
Kenya, India, Australia
Late blight on
potato in India and Bangladesh: update
First reports of
tomato torrado virus in Panama and Australia
Rust diseases on
wheat and mustard in India
Begomoviruses on
pepper and tomato in Cuba - New pathogens
February 09
Light leaf spot
on oilseed rape in the United Kingdom
fungus on maize in Guatemala - Request for information
Viruses and
nematodes on potato in the United Kingdom
Stripe rust on
wheat in China
diseases, multicrop, in Bhutan and India
Late blight on
potato in West Bengal, India
January 09
associated with soybean, capsicum and potato in Costa Rica,
Fungal diseases
on barley in the United Kingdom
mould on barley in Western Australia
Leaf blight on
potato in Bangladesh
Black dot
infection on potato in the United Kingdom
New strain of
spinach downy mildew found in Salinas Valley, California
Late blight
on potato in Nepal
Late blight on
potato and tomato in Florida and Ireland
Colombian datura
virus, an emergent virus, may present a risk to solanaceous
Blackleg on
canola in Southern Australia
Bacterial leaf
spot on capsicum in New Mexico, USA
December 08
Fungal blight on
onion in Maharashtra, India
Late blight on
potato in Punjab, India
diseases in the United Kingdom
Blast rice
disease on rice in Haryana, India
pink mould on barley in Western Australia
diseases on pepper in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, India
Powdery mildew
on sunflower in Tanzania
Cyst nematodes
on potato in Kamchatka, Russia
identifies wheat stem rust Ug99 in a consignment of wheat seed
from Ethiopia
November 08
wilt on lettuce in California, USA
U.S. growers
can add yellow vine to the long list of pumpkin diseases
Urgent call for
global fight against wheat stem rust strain Ug99
Caution urged
for Queensland potato growers following Victoria outbreak of
potato cyst nematode
Origin of soft
rot on potato in the United Kingdom
Downey mildew
on maize in Tamil Nadu, India
Sclerotinia on
sunflower in Manitoba, Canada
October 08
Late blight on
potato in Papua New Guinea
Undiagnosed smut
on maize in Normandy, France, Ustilago maydis
Brown rot on
potato in Ireland
Potato cyst
nematode found in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia
Bacterial canker
on tomato is rediscovered in the United Kingdom
Melon thrips
threaten production of flowers, forages and vegetables in Costa
Ragged stunt and
yellow stunt threaten rice fields across Vietnam
Rice diseases in
Bangladesh and Pakistan
Soybean diseases
in Louisiana, USA
diseases in vegetable crops in Georgia, USA
Ascochyta blight
on highlands chickpeas in Queensland, Australia
multicrop, in the United Kingdom
September 08
Bacterial leaf
blight on rice in Bangladesh
diseases on wheat and oilseed rape in the United Kingdom
Foot rot and
false smut on rice in the Punjab, India
Asian soybean
rust update, USA and Mexico
Ringspot and
white blister on brassicas in England, UK
Bacterial leaf
blight on rice in the Punjab, India
Flag smut on
wheat in South Australia
smut in maize fields in France
Blast disease
on paddy in Kashmir
First report
of powdery mildew caused by Oidium neolycopersici on
tomato in China
Clubroot on
canola in Alberta, Canada
Outbreak of
stripe rust on grain crops in northeastern Victoria, Australia
First report
of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii on tomato
and cucumber in Switzerland
Stem rust on
wheat in Western Australia
Sudden death
syndrome on soybeans in Iowa and Minnesota, USA
Tungro virus
on rice in South Cotabato, The Philippines
August 08
Outbreak of
Ascochyta blight on chickpeas in Queensland, Australia
First report of
Iris yellow spot virus on onions in New Zealand and Serbia
Spread of Rice
stripe virus in Zhejiang Province, China
Goss's bacterial
wilt on maize in Indiana and Iowa
Novel pathogens
on tomato and potato in the USA
Brown rot on
potato in Irkutsk, Russia ex China
Late blight on
potato in Karnataka, Indian and several states in Canada (alert)
Rust diseases on
maize in Nebraska, USA
Blast disease
reported in some rice areas of Guyana
Late blight on
potato in Bhutan
July 08
Mystery bacteria
found in New Zealand linked to potato disease in the US
Bacterial diseases
and nematode on wheat in South Dakota and Oregon
Verticillium wilt
and sclerotinia on oilseed rape in the United Kingdom
First report of
Tomato torrado virus in Hungary
Stripe rust on
wheat in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia
Cyst nematodes on
potato in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia
Downy mildew
confirmed on cucumbers in Delaware, Maryland, Michigan
Fusarium head
blight on wheat in Missouri and Nebraska
Cereal diseases:
Net blotch on barley in South Australia; Septoria on wheat in
the UK; Anthracnose and holcus spot on maize in Iowa
June 08
First report of
Maize dwarf mosaic virus in Poland
Cereal rust in New
South Wales, Australia
Rains spawn head
scab outbreak in Kansas wheat
First report of the
A2 mating type of Phytophthora infestans on tomato crops
in Taiwan
First report of
Tomato apical stunt viroid in Finland
Tomato zonate spot
virus (TZSV; proposed): a significant new tospovirus of
vegetable crops in Yunnan, China
stripe on wheat in Illinois, USA
New Liberibacter
pathogen on hot-house tomato and capsicum in New Zealand
Tospoviruses on
lettuce in California, USA
May 08
First report of
Tomato chlorosis virus in Cuba
Undiagnosed virus on
muskmelon in Punjab, India
Leaf rust on wheat
in Kansas, Oklahoma
First report of
Brown rot on potato in Mauritius
Clubroot on canola
in Saskatchewan, Canada
Undiagnosed disease
on wheat in Uttar Pradesh, India - Request for information
Yellow mottle and
blast diseases on rice in Uganda
April 08
Warning over
virulent strain of late blight on potato in Scotland
First report of
Tobacco streak virus on faba bean in Sudan
Update on fungal
diseases on cereals in the UK and Ireland
Fungal diseases on
wheat in Canada, USA
Blast disease on
rice in Kenya
Cereal viruses in
Oregon and Kansas
Bacterial leaf
blight on rice in Bangladesh
Downy mildew
disease hits muskmelon crop in the Punjab, India
Wheat stripe rust,
oilseed rape sclerotinia in China
Fungal diseases on
oilseed rape in the United Kingdom and Canada
Light leaf spot on
oilseed rape in Ireland and the UK
Blast disease on
rice in the central province of Kenya
March 08
diseases on maize and bean in Benguela, Angola - Request for
Outbreak of sharp
eyespot disease in China threatens 4.83 million hectares of
Update on virus
diseases on rice in Vietnam
Report of Iris
yellow spot virus on onion in Germany
Fungal pathogens
on wheat in England, United Kingdom
Unspecified virus
potato disease reported in Kabale district of Uganda
First report of
Beet mosaic virus infecting lettuce (China)
First report of
Tomato golden mottle virus in Mexico
First report of
wheat stem rust, strain Ug99, in Iran
First report of
Yellow leaf curl disease of pumpkin in Thailand associated with
Squash leaf curl China virus
February 08
diseases on tomatoes in Holland, Italy
First reports
of new hosts of pospiviroids in Europe
First report of
Iris yellow spot virus on onion in Ontario, Canada and on
lisianthus in Suffolk, United Kingdom
Late blight on
tomato and potato plants in Florida
New strain of
white blister on brassicas in Queensland, Australia
Reports of
brassica diseases in Turkey and Nepal
disease in rice in Nepal
First report of
Pythium splendens associated with severe wilt of
muskmelon in Oman
New strain of
yellow rust (stripe rust) in Denmark
First report of
Rice yellow mottle virus in rice in The Gambia
Potato diseases
in West Bengal, India
Virus and blast
diseases on rice in the Mekong delta of Vietnam
January 07
Viruses on
potatoes in Scotland
First reports of
root-knot nematodes on vegetables in Montenegro
First report of
ear soft rot of corn (Zea mays) caused by Burkholderia
gladioli in the United States
Tomato spotted
wilt virus threatens pepper recovery in Almeria, Spain
Papua New
Guinea's potato industry expected to bounce back from potato
late blight disease
Virus diseases
on rice in Vietnam
Melon necrotic
spot virus newly reported in China
Leaf blight and
vascular wilt in maize and sorghum in Mexico
Fungal diseases
on potato in Bangladesh
and host relations of Turnip ringspot virus, a novel comovirus
from Ohio
December 07
Overview of
2007 ProMED plant disease reports
Asian soybean
rust in the USA - 2007 final report
Golden cyst
nematode on potato in Canada - USA, Mexico response
First record of
Tomato spotted wilt virus and of Tomato infectious chlorosis
virus in Jordan
Late blight on
patato in Punjab and West Bengal, India
New variant of
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 in Kenya
Report of
sorghum smut in Karamoja, Uganda
First reports
of Tomato chlorosis virus in southwestern Turkey and in Mayotte
Island, France
Chinese Academy
of Agricultural Sciences and CIMMYT team up to confront climate
change and new subspecies of wheat stem rust
New strains of
late blight on potato in the United Kingdom
First report of
phyllody disease on chickpea in Pakistan
New strain of
blackleg on canola in Saskatchewan, Canada
marchitez virus - New virus identified in Sinaloa, Mexico
November 07
Seedling blight
on cereals in the United Kingdom
First report of
of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in the Netherlands and of
Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus in Taiwan
Eyespot on
maize in Ireland
Golden cyst
nematode on potato in Alberta, Canada
Late blight on
potato in Punjab, India
First report of
Tomato torrado virus in Poland
re. New strain of
downy mildew in cucurbits - Charleston County, South Carolina,
Blossom blight
on eggplant - Fiji
Bacterial ring
rot on potato - Algeria ex Canada
Spread of
potato wart disease in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Barley yellow
dwarf virus - United Kingdom alert
October 07
Rice diseases in
Cavity spot
disease on root crops in the United Kingdom
New strain of
downy mildew in cucurbits - Charleston County, South Carolina,
First report of
Brown rot on potato in Ireland
Asian soybean
rust in the United States: spread and summary 2007
disease on rice in Pakistan
Bacterial leaf
blight on rice in Sindh and Punjab, Pakistan
First report of
Potato spindle tuber viroid in tomato in Belgium
September 07
Southern rust in
maize in central and southern Iowa, USA
disease in vegetables crops in the Volta Region of Ghana
First report of
verticillium wilt in oilseed rape, England, United Kingdom
Presence of
wheat streak mosaic virus confirmed in Tasmania, Australia
Outbreak of
clubroot in canola; Alberta, Canada
First report
of Asian soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on
kudzu in South Africa
First report of Asian soybean rust in Kansas, USA
Fusarium in
maize, Normandie, France
New strain of
stripe rust -- with virulence for the Yr17 resistance gene --
discovered in Victoria and New South Wales in 2006
Iris yellow
spot virus in onion seed crops in South Africa
Southern rust
and ear rots on maize in the United States
First report
of Asian soybean rust in the Democratic Republic of Congo
diseases in brassica crops, United Kingdom
New findings
of torrado disease on tomato in Spain
yellow mosaic virus in pulses - Punjab, India
August 07
Sudden death
syndrome in soybeans - Nebraska, USA
Stripe rust in
wheat and wheat streak mosaic in Southern and Western Australia
Top dieback in
soybeans in Iowa, USA
Bacterial leaf
blight on rice in Punjab, India
First reports of
Columnea latent viroid and tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid
in the United Kingdom
Fungal diseases
on wheat and pulses in South Australia
First report of
soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Ghana
Fungal head
blights on wheat in the United Kingdom
New species of
cyst nematode on maize in Tennessee, USA
Take-all in
cereal crops, United Kingdom
Northward spread
of Asian soybean rust in the USA
Illinois farmers
report cases of gray leaf spot infestation in some corn crops
July 07
Signs of
cercospora and powdery mildew in sugarbeet in the United Kingdom
Fungal diseases on
cucumber and potato in Ontario and Prince Edward Island, Canada
Rice grassy stunt
virus in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
Detection of Asian
soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in yam bean crops in
Papantla, Veracruz, Mexico
Sheath blight on
rice in Mississippi
Rhizoctonia root
rot discovered on the western side of South Australia's Eyre
First report of an
undescribed curtovirus, tentatively designated Iranian beet
curly top virus (IBCTV), in Southern Iran
Late blight, potato
and vegetable fungal diseases - Europe
Ergot & stripe rust
in cereal crops - Montana, USA
Barley yellow dwarf
virus & stem rust, cereals - Kenya
Downy mildew on
cucumber in the USA (Ohio, Michigan) and Canada (Ontario)
June 07
Pale cyst nematode
and wart disease on potato - USA
Fungal diseases on
sugar beet and barley in the UK: alert
Frogeye leaf spot
on soybean, USA, surveillance
Fungal blights on
wheat, corn and chickpea in Nebraska, Montana
First report of
Brown stalk rot on maize in South Africa
Soybean rust, Asian
strain, USA - Update 2007 (2)
Stripe rust on
wheat - USA, Australia
Virus disease on
rice - Vietnam
Looking for
solutions to the rice virus problem in the Mekong Delta
Tomato spotted wilt
virus on tomato in California, USA
Maize redness -
Serbia: stolbur phytoplasma
May 07
Barley yellow dwarf
virus, wheat - USA (Indiana, Nebraska)
Zebra chip disease,
potato - USA: research
Groundnut ringspot
tospovirus, peanut - Argentina
Fungal pathogens,
wheat - United Kingdom: new races
Wheat diseases,
Kansas, USA: crop loss
Beet and cucurbit
viruses, multiple hosts, China, first reports
ProMED Mail update:
Asian soybean rust, USA
Rust diseases on
bean and wheat - United Kingdom
Late blight on
potato - India, United Kingdom
Fungus responsible
for Africa's deadly maize identified
Biological control
of aflatoxin contamination in maize in Africa
April 07
common scab on potato, USA
Cucurbit yellow
stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) strikes melons in Yuma County,
Stem-rot disease
hits paddy crop in East Godavari, India
Recovery of 4
novel Potato spindle tuber viroid sequence variants from Russian
seed potatoes
First confirmed
occurrence of tobacco streak virus in mungbean crops in
publish map number 1000 of Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases
Wheat stripe rust
on wheat - China
Yellow Leaf Curl
virus on tomato - California, Texas
Asian soybean rust
confirmed on soybean plant tissue submitted
March 07
ProMED announces
Dr. Dagmar Hanold as new plant diseases moderator
Mosaic virus alert
for British barley growers
Big vein virus,
lettuce mosaic virus - USA
First report of
Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus - USA (Arizona), Mexico
Torrado disease,
tomato - New virus identified
Asian soybean rust
February 07
First report of
tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in Arizona
January 07
First report of
wheat stem rust, strain UG99, in Yemen
October 06
Soybean rust,
Asian strain - Kentucky, USA - First report
Soybean rust, Asian
strain - Illinois, USA - First report
September 06
Asian soybean rust
update, USA
The destructive wheat
streak mosaic virus is rapidly spreading across Western Australia
August 06
Work continues to
minimize the temporary actions by the United States on certain
agricultural products
Fungal disease on cereals in
Russia and Kazakhstan
First report of golden nematode on potato in Québec, Canada
Leaf rust on wheat in the
Irkutsk region, Russia
Soybean rust, Asian
strain - USA update
Cereal rust
update - USA: Wheat stem rust, wheat leaf rust, wheat stripe
Cereal rust update - USA
First report of
boil smut (common spot) on maize in New Zealand
Second report of
pale cyst nematode on potato in the USA
Asian soybean rust update
July 06
Breakthrough in
sunflower disease identification
Cereal rust update
ASR on soybean -
Georgia: First report 2006
First 2006 report of Asian
soybean rust on kudzu in Louisiana, on soybean in Alabama
June 06
Soybean rust, Asian
strain update, USA
confirm potato cyst nematode in an eastern Idaho field
Florida soybean
rust is back on kudzu, not traveling yet
Soybean rust, Asian
strain, in Brazil
Reports of
begomovirus in China, India, Indonesia and Mozambique
Wheat streak virus
First report of
Beet black scorch virus in the United States
Cereal rust update - USA
May 06
soybean rust update
- Asian
soybean rust update
- Cereal rust update
Evaluating the
threat posed by fungi on the APHIS List of Regulated Plant Pests
Strain Ug99 of wheat
stem rust suspected in Pakistan - First report
First report of
Wheat streak mosaic virus in Western Australia
Cereal rust update - USA
April 06
A new begomovirus
infecting pepper plants in Cuba
First report of
Verticillium wilt, race 2 on tomato in Tunisia
First report of
rice yellow mottle virus in rice in Uganda
First report of
northern stem canker of soybean caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum
var. caulivora in North Dakota
Late blight on
potato in Kashmir, India
First report of
pale cyst nematode in potato, USA
First report of
pathogenicity group-3 of Leptosphaeria maculans on winter
rape in Hungary
Cereal rust update
Soybean cyst
nematode - Illinois: new strains
First report of
seedling blight caused by Sclerotium rolfsii on wheat in
First report of
cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in Iran causing yellows on
four cucurbit crops
Stem rust in
wheat, multicountry: new strains
Wheat leaf rust,
wheat stripe rust and wheat stem rust update, USA
First report of
tomato apical stunt viroid in tomato in Tunisia
March 06
Occurrence of
charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on canola
in Argentina
First report of
Yellow leaf curl virus on tomato in Australia
Aster yellow
phytoplasma, chili, pigeon pea, India
Late blight of
potatoes - Alaska, Bangladesh
Cereal rust update
First report of
Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder crinivirus and Cucumber vein
yellowing ipomovirus in Cyprus
New data on
quarantine pests and pests of the European Plant Protection
Organization alert list
First report of
Tomato leaf curl Karnatka virus infecting soybean in India
Geminiviruses in
vegetable crops, Jamaica
First reports of
Yellow leaf curl begomovirus on tomato in Uganda, Indonesia and South
Carolina, USA
February 06
First report of
onion naturally infected with iris yellow spot virus in Peru
Asian soybean rust
update - USA
First report of
Penicillium allii as a field pathogen of garlic
occurrence of chilli veinal mottle virus on Capsicum chinense
in China
First report of
a defect of processing potatoes in Texas and Nebraska associated
with a new phytoplasma
Asian soybean rust
in the USA - February 2006 update
First official
report of Asian soybean rust in Mexico
Bacterial fruit
blotch found on melon and watermelon in Israel
First report of
eggplant mottled dwarf virus in potato and tomato in Slovenia
Crop disease
threatens southwest Florida tomatoes
Soybean rust
found in kudzu patch in southern Georgia
report for July - December 2005
January 06
ProMED-mail announces
new plant disease moderator
contamination, durum wheat, Italy ex Canada
December 05
First report of
Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) on tomato crops in Cyprus
researchers share Asian soybean rust trial results
Soybean rust
found in Kentucky for the first time
Soybean rust in
the United States - are we out of the woods?
First report of
the natural occurrence of tobacco streak virus on blackgram (Vigna
First report of
the stubby-root nematode Paratrichodorus teres from
potato in the Columbia Basin of Washington State
Bacterial wilt
of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) caused by Curtobacterium
flaccumfaciens in Southeastern Spain
Fusarium wilt
of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Race 3
in Baja California Sur, Mexico
November 05
Lr19 resistance
in wheat becomes susceptible to Puccinia triticina in
First report of
beet virus Q on sugarbeet in Iran
Iris yellow
spot virus in onion in Chile
First report of
Cylindrocladium black rot caused by Cylindrocladium
parasiticum on peanut in Texas
occurrence of viruses in Lycopersicon spp. in Ecuador
First report of
tomato chlorosis virus and tomato infectious chlorosis virus in
tomato crops in France
Iris yellow
spot virus: a new onion disease in Spain
First report of
Alternaria tenuissima causing leaf spot and fruit rot on
eggplant in India
First record of
Beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus in Morocco
canola - Canada
Recent studies
on Thecaphora solani
October 05
South Carolina
officials report 9 new counties infected with Asian soybean rust
Wheat stripe
rust in Australia
First report of
White Leaf Spot caused by Pseudocercosporella capsellae
on Brassica juncea in Australia
Leaf spot
disease of cabbage by Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae,
Odessa region, Ukraine
Morphologic and
pathometric characterization of the Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora
pachyrhizi) on Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) in Argentina
September 05
deforming mosaic disease is caused by an isolate of Tomato
yellow vein streak virus
First report
of tan spot caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis on
wheat, rye and triticale in Bulgaria
Wheat warning
- New rust could spread like wildfire
Flag smut,
bacterial leaf blight, rice - India
australis newly recorded from Brazil on the new host
Luffa cylindrica
Black rot in
lettuce: a new disease caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata
in hydroponic culture in Brazil
Soybean rust,
Asian strain - Alabama
Soybean cyst
nematodes - Michigan
A survey of
viruses affecting French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in
Iran includes a first report of southern bean mosaic virus and
bean pod mottle virus
discoveries of Asian soybean rust in Alabama, Georgia, Florida,
and South Carolina
New strain of
wheat rust appears in Africa
Second South
Carolina County, Barnwell, found to have Asian soybean rust
County becomes 15th Georgia county with Asian soybean rust
August 05
Outbreak of
potato late blight in the Matanuska-Susitna area of Alaska
Soybean rust, Asian
strain, USA, multistate
USDA revises
Georgia soybean rust info, North Georgia growers warned
6 new Alabama counties positive for Asian soybean rust
Asian soybean
rust now in central Alabama
Kazakhstan lands
treated against rust and Septoria diseases of cereal crops
First report of
wheat dwarf virus in winter wheat in Finland
First report of
Botrytis blight of peanut caused by Botrytis cinerea in the state
of Georgia
First report of
soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Uruguay
First Asian
soybean rust found in South Carolina commercial field - furthest north
demonstration of Koch's postulates for Lasiodiplodia theobromae
fruit spot on eggplant
Verticillium wilt
incited by Verticillium dahliae in eggplant grafted on Solanum
torvum in Italy
Morphologic and
pathometric characterization of the Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora
pachyrhizi) in Santa Fe Province, Argentina
Asian soybean rust in
another 3 Florida counties
First outbreak of
bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas campestris on canola in
Fusarium head
blight - wheat - USA
Kentucky soybean
update: Rust, no. Sudden death syndrome: yes
Potato cyst
nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis), Kurgan oblast, Russia
Soybean rust, Asian
strain - USA (multistate)
July 05
Heavy rain leads to
crop diseases in North Dakota
Tomato leaf curl
virus (ToLCV) threatens tomato industry in The Philippines
U.S. national
soybean rust update 22 Jul 2005
Rust found in
commercial soybean field in Baldwin County, Alabama
European Plant
Protection Organization (EPPO): details on quarantine pests in
Spain - 2004 situation
First report of
Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting chilli in India
Potato cyst
nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis), Altai region, Russia
Asian soybean rust
now in 3 U.S. states: Alabama, Georgia and Florida
June 05
First report of
bean pod mottle virus in soybean in Iran
Isolated potato
late blight outbreaks rising in England, Wales and Scotland
First report of
Powdery Mildew caused by Leveillula taurica on tomato and
pepper in Bolivia
First report of
cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in Tunisia causing yellows on
5 cucurbitacious species
First report of
pathogenicity groups 3 and 4 of Leptosphaeria maculans on
canola in North Dakota
Rust-like spores
found in Louisiana State University AgCenter's spore trap near
St Joseph, Louisiana
New Asian soybean
rust report in Jefferson County, Florida
Morphologic and
pathometric characterization of the Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora
pachyrhizi) in Santa Fe Province, Argentina
Is the wheat
revolution dying?
A severe outbreak
of melon yellow mosaic disease caused by zucchini yellow mosaic
virus in the Punjab province of Pakistan
A novel begomovirus
with distinct genomic and phenotypic features infects tomato in
Occurrence of
cauliflower mosaic virus in different cruciferous plants in Iran
Occurrence of
tomato chlorosis virus on tomato in Reunion Island
Natural occurrence
of a begomovirus on pigeonpea in India
A new yellowing
disease in Phaseolus vulgaris associated with a
whitefly-transmitted virus
Stripe rust, wheat
caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici on wheat in Florida
May 05
European Plant
Protection Organization (EPPO): regulated plant pests detection,
February 2005
Rapid spread of
soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in the Americas:
addition to the EPPO Alert List
Outbreak of brown
rot, caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, leads to ban on
potato imports from Egypt
Identification of
clubroot of crucifers on canola in Alberta
Characterisation of
tomato fruit yellow ring virus: a new Tospovirus species
infecting tomato in Iran
Iris Yellow Spot
Virus in onions: a new tospovirus record from India
Leaf blight of wheat
caused by Alternaria triticina in Argentina
First report of Iris
Yellow Spot Virus in onion bulb and seed production fields in Reunion
April 05
First report of
Bipolaris sacchari causing wheat stem-base disease in Iran
First report of
gray mold in tomato caused by Botrytis cinerea in Baja
California, Mexico
First report of
the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne floridensis on tomato
in Florida
First report of
charcoal rot epidemics caused by Macrophomina phaseolina
in soybean in Iowa
Occurrence of
Fusarium Wilt on Canola caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
conglutinans in Argentina
Detection of races
1 and 2 of Fusarium solani f. sp. cucurbitae and their
distribution in watermelon fields in Tunisia
First report of
potato wart disease caused by Synchitrium endobioticum in Turkey
March 05
First report in
Spain of a variant of tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) overcoming the
Tm-22 resistance gene in tomato
First report in
Italy of a resistance breaking strain of Tomato spotted wilt
virus infecting tomato cultivars carrying the Sw5 resistance
First outbreak of
blackleg caused by Phoma lingam in commercial canola
fields in Argentina
First report of
Plectosporium blight on pumpkin and squash caused by
Plectosporium tabacinum in New York State
First report of
barley as host of a phytoplasma belonging to group 16SrI,
subgroup B, and ribosomal protein subgroup rpI-B in Lithuania
Impatiens necrotic
spot virus in greenhouse-grown potatoes in New York State
First report of
Fusarium oxysporum causing yellows on sugar beet in the Red
River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota
First report of a
leaf spot and stem canker caused by Myrothecium roridum
on watermelon in the United States
Experts find
soybean rust in Florida field, first in 2005
First report of
canola blackleg caused by pathogenicity group 4 of Leptosphaeria
maculans in Manitoba
February 05
First report of
onion yellow dwarf virus, leek yellow stripe virus, and garlic common
latent virus in garlic in Washington State
First report of
Gray Leaf Spot caused by Alternaria brassicae on canola in
First report of
the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria race 2 from
several vegetable crops in Jordan
First report of
Soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on dry beans
in South Africa
First report of
Pepino mosaic potexvirus in Hungary
First report of
Bean common mosaic potyvirus in Western Australia
January 05
A new
begomovirus isolated from Gossypium barbadense in Southern India
Results of the
2003/2004 surveys on Pepino mosaic potexvirus done in the United
First report of
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Race 2 as causal agent
of fusarium wilt of watermelon in Indiana
Asian soybean
rust: incidence, severity, and morphological characterization of
Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Uredinia and Telia) in Argentina
First report of
leaf necrosis caused by Pseudomonas viridiflava on melon
seedlings in Italy
First report of
Erwinia persicina from Phaseolus vulgaris in Spain
First report of
Fusarium graminearum causing dry rot of potato in North
Outbreak of iris
yellow spot virus in onion seed crops in central Oregon
First report of
Barley yellow mosaic virus in barley in Spain
2004/136 Results
of 2003 surveys on quarantine pests in Latvia
The presence of
both recombinant and non-recombinant strains of Tomato yellow
leaf curl virus on tomato in Reunion Island
First report of
Papaya ringspot virus-W in bottlegourd (Lagenaria siceraria) from
December 04
First report of
an Rsv resistance-breaking isolate of Soybean mosaic virus in
identification of tobacco mild green mosaic virus on Capsicum
annuum in Taiwan
Asian soybean
rust rust shows up in 81 Brazil test farms - Embrapa
First report of
Pythium tracheiphilum causing wilt and leaf blight on
lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in Spain
Detection of
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis Race 1 in soil in Colima
State, Mexico
Soybean rust
blankets Alabama, agricultural expert says
Soybean rust,
Asian strain - Brazil (multistate)
First report of
cucumber leaf spot virus in Poland
First report of
Downy Mildew caused by Plasmopara helianthi Races 700 and
703 of sunflowers in Italy
Missouri, South
Carolina plant scientists find soybean rust
November 04
First report of
spot type of barley net blotch caused by Pyrenophora teres f.
sp. maculata in Uruguay
First isolation
of Asian fungus in Brazil soybean harvest
Occurrence of Podosphaera xanthii Race 2 on
Cucumis melo in Brazil
grandes (big bud) of potato: a new disease associated
with a 16SrI-B subgroup phytoplasma in Bolivia
Hoja de perejil
(parsley leaf) of tomato and Calotropis little leaf, 2 new
diseases associated with a phytoplasma in Bolivia
toxicity fears in South Australia
Soybean rust
confirmed in Florida
Severe leaf
curl disease of cowpea - a new disease of cowpea in northern
India caused by mungbean yellow mosaic India virus and a
satellite DNA b
USDA tests show
soybean rust spreading
Soybean rust,
Asian strain - USA (Louisiana)
2004/127 EPPO
report on notifications of non-compliance (detection of
regulated pests)
New report of
Alternaria alternata causing leaf blight of tomato in
data on quarantine pests and pests of the European Plant
Protection Organization alert list
report of lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce
virus in Chile
First report of
soybean dwarf virus on soybean in Wisconsin
First report of
canola powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe polygoni in Argentina
First report of
soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) on soybean in
North Dakota
First report of
Vidalia onion naturally infected with tomato spotted wilt virus and iris
yellow spot virus (Family Bunyaviridae, Genus Tospovirus)
in Georgia
October 04
New Brunswick
potato farmers face heavy losses due to weather, pink rot
First report of
Southern bean mosaic virus infecting French bean in Morocco
First report of
tomato chlorosis virus in Israel
September 04
Peanut disease
baffles scientists, frustrates West Texas farmers
Push to wipe
out stripe rust in New South Wales wheat
First report of
wheat streak mosaic virus infecting wheat in Argentina
First record of
Cowpea mild mottle virus in bean crops in Argentina
Survey of virus
diseases infecting cucurbit crops in Eastern, Central and
Western Sudan
Iris yellow
spot virus on onion in New Mexico
New data on
quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List
Plant Health
training offered by the U.K.'s Central Science Laboratory
August 04
New version of
PQR, a database on geographical distribution and host plants of
pests listed by EPPO and the European Union
Update on the
situation of potato bacteria in United Kingdom
New data on
quarantine pests and pests of the Alert List of the European
Plant Protection Organization
Situation of
several quarantine potato pests in Croatia in 2003
Bacterial canker
caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on
greenhouse-grown tomato in the western Mediterranean region of
occurrence of the perfect stage of powdery mildew caused by
Erysiphe polygoni on sugar beets in Nebraska
An outbreak of
bacterial speck caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato
on tomato transplants grown in commercial seedling companies
located in the western Mediterranean region of Turkey
Recent outbreak of
soybean sudden death syndrome caused by Fusarium virguliforme
and F. tucumaniae in Argentina
Occurrence of
radish mosaic virus on cauliflower and turnip crops in Iran
UK potato ring rot
First record of
potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis in Indonesia
Occurrence of pith
necrosis caused by Pseudomonas fluorescens on tomato
plants in Turkey
Fungus threatens
tomato crops in the north east of North America
First report of
cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in Spain
Early wheat stripe
rust alert for 2004 in New South Wales
DEFRA urges UK farmers to
fight to contain potato ring rot
Potato ring rot has been
found in England in potatoes of the variety Sante
July 04
First report of
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
in India
Second case of late
blight found in Bingham County, Idaho
Surveys on
quarantine pests done in Bulgaria from 2001 to 2003
EPPO report on
notifications of non-compliance (detection of regulated pests)
Situation of several
quarantine pests in Lithuania in 2003
First report of
Pepino mosaic potexvirus [PepMV] on tomato in Bulgaria
Potato ring rot
caused by clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus found in
First finding of Pepino
mosaic potexvirus on tomato in Slovakia
June 04
South west Florida
watermelon farmers battling mysterious disease
Occurrence of potato
spindle tuber pospiviroid (PSTVd) in tomato plants in Germany
First finding of
Stolbur phytoplasma on ware potatoes in Austria
First report of
Clavibacter michiganensis_ subsp. _sepedonicus on plants of Solanum
tuberosum in Slovakia
First report of
Ralstonia solanacearum on plants of Solanum
tuberosum in Slovakia
Tests validate
quality of Australian wheat: Britain's Central Science
Laboratory finds no sign of Karnal bunt disease in the
recent shipment of Australian wheat to Pakistan
First report of the
root-knot nematode Meloidogyne ethiopica on tomato in
Resistance breaking
strain of tomato spotted wilt virus (tospovirus; Bunyaviridae)
on resistant pepper cultivars in Almeria, Spain
Mysterious virus
appears in wheat fields throughout western Kansas
First outbreaks of
potato blight in Ireland in 2004
May 04
A new tomato leaf
curl virus from Mayotte, French Comoros Archipelago
Natural infection of
maize by Pennisetum mosaic virus in China
First report of
cucumber black root rot caused by Phomopsis sclerotioides in
Occurrence of soybean
stem canker (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis) in
Presence of tomato
yellow leaf curl virus infecting squash (Cucurbita pepo)
in Cuba
Sterility mosaic
disease - the "green plague" of pigeonpea: advances in
understanding the etiology, transmission and control of a major
virus disease
First report of
Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus affecting chilli pepper in
A new yellowing disease in
Phaseolus vulgaris associated with a whitefly-transmitted virus
April 04
China: emergency
prevention against wheat disease urged
proliferation group (16SrVI) subgroup A (16SrVI-A) phytoplasma
is a probable causal agent of dry bean phyllody disease in
Washington State
proliferation group (16SrVI) subgroup A (16SrVI-A) phytoplasma
is a probable causal agent of potato purple top disease in
Washington and Oregon
New wheat virus discovered
in southern Queensland
First report of zucchini
yellow mosaic virus in bottlegourd in India
First report of chickpea
chlorotic dwarf virus infecting spring chickpea in Syria
Bacterial stem rot in
greenhouse pepper in Sardinia, Italy: occurrence of Erwinia carotovora
subsp. carotovora
February 04
ringrot outbreak in potato contained in Wales
First Report of
Pythium irregulare on lentils in the United States
Iris yellow spot
virus in onion bulb and seed crops in Washington
First report of
pathogenic association between Fusarium graminearum and soybean
Pepper golden
mosaic virus affecting tomato crops in the Baja California
Peninsula, Mexico
Soybean rust -
Zimbabwe: first report in 2004
Details on the
situation of Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus in Reunion
Bacterial Spot
of tomato and pepper caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria in
the Western Mediterranean region of Turkey
January 04
First report of
Monosporascus cannonballus on melon in Brazil
(Cucurbita maxima and C. pepo), a new host of Beet pseudo
yellows virus in California
Root and foot rot
on tomato caused by Phytophthora infestans detected in Belgium
Occurrence of
Cucumber vein yellowing virus in cucurbitaceous species in
southern Portugal
First report of
potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) in commercial tomatoes in
the UK
First report of
powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera phaseoli on cowpea in
Survey on
Ralstonia solanacearum in United Kingdom: 2003 results
First report of
Watermelon chlorotic stunt begomovirus in Israel
Survey on potato
cyst nematodes in England and Wales
Details on the
situation of tomato chlorosis and tomato infectious chlorosis
criniviruses in Spain
December 03
First report of
tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomato in Guadeloupe
Situation of
Pepino mosaic potexvirus in EPPO countries
Squash leaf curl
begomovirus found in Israel
First report of
stem and root rot of tomato caused by Phytophthora capsici in
South Africa
November 03
First report of
White Leaf Spot of dry bean caused by Pseudocercosporella
albida in North America
report of pink seed of lentil and chickpea caused by Erwinia
rhapontici in Canada
UK widens
controls to keep out potato disease
Brazilian growers
arm to fight Asian soy rust
First report of
maize rough dwarf virus on maize in Greece
First finding of
potato ring rot in the United Kingdom
Deep sunken lesions: an
atypical symptom on potato tubers caused by Colletotrichum coccodes
during storage
characterization of a strain of squash leaf curl China virus from the
October 03
First report of
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in cucumber in Poland
report of a Geminivirus associated with Leaf Curl in Baja
California Peninsula tomato fields
First report of
Sida golden yellow vein virus infecting Sida species in Cuba
Tomato spotted
wilt virus targeted (USA: Florida and Georgia)
Disease vectoring
corn leafhopper again threatens corn crop in California
September 03
New Illinois survey
uncovers more disease problems in soybean fields
Potato leaf curl
- a new disease of potato in northern India caused by a strain of Tomato
leaf curl New Delhi virus
New strains of wheat
disease found in South Australia
First report of
Fusarium Wilt of lettuce caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae in
First report on the
presence of Leptosphaeria maculans pathogenicity group-3, the causal
agent of blackleg of canola, in Manitoba
Outbreak of tobacco
streak virus causing necrosis of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and gherkin
(Cucumis anguria) in India
August 03
New disease of tomato in Israel caused
by a strain of Tomato apical stunt pospiviroid
Potato spindle
tuber pospiviroid found in tomatoes in United Kingdom
European tomato
isolates belong to a distinct strain of pepino mosaic potexvirus
disease of melon in Sardinia (Italy) caused by beet
pseudoyellows virus
Outbreak of
Choanephora blight caused by Choanephora cucurbitarum on green
bean and pepper in Florida
Occurrence of the
root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita and M. hapla in
First report of
Powdery Mildew of greenhouse pepper caused by Leveillula
taurica in British Columbia, Canada
Absence of Potato
spindle tuber pospiviroid in Canada
Potato spindle
tuber pospiviroid is no longer found in Australia
July 03
Cucurbit yellow
vine disease - USA: etiology
Occurrence of Barley
mild mosaic virus on barley in Spain
A new Tomato yellow
leaf curl virus strain in Southern Spain
First report of beet
necrotic yellow vein benyvirus (rhizomania) in Egypt
First report of cotton leaf
curl disease affecting chili peppers
An outbreak of a Leaf Spot
Disease of cabbage in Southern Florida caused by Xanthomonas campestris
pv. armoraciae
Buckeye rot of tomato caused
by Phytophthora capsici in Michoacan, Mexico
Cyst nematodes attacking
Arkansas soybeans
First report of Tomato
infectious chlorosis virus in tomato in Indonesia
First report of Potato
mop-top virus (PMTV) on potato from the United States
Fusarium proliferatum
pathogenic on onion bulbs in Washington State
June 03
First report of a
Leaf Blight of onion caused by Xanthomonas spp. in Georgia
First Report of
Plectosporium Blight on Pumpkin Caused by Plectosporium
tabacinum in Alabama
First report of stem
rot and wilt of chickpea caused by Sclerotinia minor in
Queensland, Australia
First detection of
wheat stripe rust in Western Australia
First report of
Pseudomonas viridiflava on melon in Turkey
Potato spindle tuber viroid in tomatoes in commercial production
in New South Wales, Australia (updated
June 19)
First report of
tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in Italy
Mirafiori lettuce
virus in Sao Paulo state, Brazil
Cotton leaf curl in
Tomato leaf curl
geminivirus in Australia
First report of
Charcoal Rot on soybean caused by Macrophomina phaseolina
in North Dakota
First report of
Ascochyta Blight of chickpea caused by Ascochyta rabiei
in Chile
Wheat streak mosaic
virus in Australia (updated June 3)
May 03
First report of
cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus in France
Wheat stripe rust,
first report - USA (Florida)
Wheat streak mosaic
virus in Australia
Southern Brazil soybean
yield offsetting losses caused by Asian rust disease
Soybean rust - Brazil
(Matto Grosso & Bahia)
First report of Koch's
postulates completion of sudden death syndrome of soybean in Argentina
Soybean rust - Brazil (Sao
Paulo State)
Yield loss associated with
soya bean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.) in Uganda
December 02
First reports of soybean
rust caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhyzi in Argentina, South