ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
December 2, 2003
American Phytopathological Society, Plant Disease Notes
First report of tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomato in
C. Urbino and K. Tassius, CIRAD FLHOR-INRA, Domaine Duclos,
Petit Bourg, Guadeloupe. Plant Dis. 87:1397, 2003; published
on-line as D-2003-0915-01N, 2003. Accepted for publication 29
Jul 2003.
In September 2001, symptoms of stunting and chlorotic curled
leaves of reduced size were observed on tomato plants in
Guadeloupe. These symptoms were different from those described
for Potato yellow mosaic virus, which has been present since
1993, but similar to those described for Tomato yellow leaf curl
virus (TYLCV).
Samples from symptomatic plants were collected and analyzed by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Primers PC1 (5' TGA CTA TGT CGA
were designed to amplify a 950-bp fragment within the coat
protein gene (CP) of TYLCV-IL species (2). Primer pair MP16/MP82
(3) amplified a 550-bp fragment from the conserved
nonanucleotide sequence (TAATATTAC) to the 5' end of the CP
Products of expected sizes were obtained with both pairs of
primers from all symptomatic samples but not from uninfected
samples. A 950-bp and a 550-bp PCR product were cloned into a
pGEM-T Easy Vector (Promega, Madison, WI) and sequenced with
plasmid specific primers (SP6 and T7). Sequences were compared
with those available in the NCBI database using BlastN.
15 of the sequences that gave the highest score with BlastN were
aligned with the Guadeloupe sequences using Clustal W. The
nucleotide sequence of the 950-bp fragment (GenBank Accession
No. AY319645) shared at least 97 percent sequence identity with
that of TYLCV from Israel (EMBL Accession No. X15656), Puerto
Rico (GenBank Accession No. AY134494), Cuba (EMBL Accession No.
AJ223505), and the Dominican Republic (GenBank Accession No.
AF024715). Similar percentages of identity were obtained with
the 550-bp sequence (GenBank Accession No. AY319646).
These results confirm that a begomovirus belonging to the
species TYLCV-Israel is infecting tomato in Guadeloupe.
To our knowledge, this is the first report of TYLCV in this
region of the Caribbean. Puerto Rico is the closest location
from which TYLCV was previously reported (1). In May 2002,
typical TYLCV symptoms were observed in all tomato production
areas at an incidence of 80-100 percent.
(1) J. Bird et al. Plant Dis. 85:1028, 2001.
(2) Y. Martinez et al. Rev. Prot. Veg. 18:168, 2003.
(3) P. Umaharan et al. Phytopathology 88:1262, 1998.
[TYLCV, an Old World virus first described in Israel in 1964,
was apparently unwittingly introduced into the Caribbean region
in the early 1990s and continues to cause severe damage to
tomato crops in the New World. Its introduction into the region
is an excellent example of the interaction between the whitefly
vectors (_Bemisia tabaci_and _B. argentifolii_) and tomato that
results in rapid spread of a geminivirus. It is present in most
Mediterranean countries and parts of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia,
Japan, Australia, Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean
Islands, and locally in the U.S. states of Florida, Georgia, and
Louisiana. Disease management involves use of virus-free
transplants, control of the whitefly vector with chemical
insecticides, application of strict phytosanitary measures, and
planting of virus-tolerant cultivars. - Mod.DH] |