ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
October 4, 2005 From: American
Phytopathological Society, Plant Disease Notes [edited] <http://www.apsnet.org/pd/searchnotes/2005/PD-89-1132B.asp>
Morphologic and pathometric characterization of the Asian
soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) on Kudzu (Pueraria
lobata) in Argentina
M. A. Carmona, Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad de Buenos
Aires, Av. San Martin 4453 (1417), Buenos Aires, Argentina; C.
Fortugno, INTA (retired) CC 25 (1712) Castelar, Buenos Aires,
Argentina; and P. L. Achaval, Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad
de Buenos Aires, Av. San Martin 4453 (1417), Buenos Aires,
Argentina Plant Dis. 89:1132, 2005; published on-line as DOI:
10.1094/PD-89-1132B. Accepted for publication 14 Jul 2005.
Asian soybean rust (ASR) is a very important disease caused by
_Phakopsora pachyrhizi_. The disease has emerged as a major
threat to soybean production in South America since 2001. During
the 2003-2004 growing season, _P. pachyrhizi_ spread rapidly
throughout most soybean-growing areas of northwestern and
northeastern Argentina (1).
One widespread naturalized host in the northeastern part of the
country is kudzu (_Pueraria lobata_). Plants of severely
infected kudzu were sampled during January 2005 in Cerro Azul
(29o 29' S Misiones Province) to quantify _P. pachyrhizi_
infection and morphologically characterize the fungus in leaves.
The number of lesions, uredinia per square cm, and uredinia per
lesion were recorded from the undersides of 50 leaflets that
were visually showing rust symptoms.
The average number of lesions and uredinia per square cm was 14
(4 to 22), and 24 (5 to 78), respectively. The number of
uredinia per lesion was 3 (one to 10). 20 leaflets from the
lower canopy averaged
55 (42 to 78) uredinia per square cm. The average size of
urediniospores was 18.4 micrometers wide (12.5 to 22.5) and 22.7
micrometers long (17.5 to 26.3). Although important epidemics of
ASR have not been registered on soybean crops in January (2)
because of adverse conditions, the fungus was observed on kudzu
To our knowledge, this is the 1st report of morphologic and
pathometric characterization of _P. pachyrhizi_ on kudzu in
References: (1) M. A. Carmona et al Plant Dis. 89:109, 2005. (2)
SINAVIMO, Sistema Nacional Argentino de Vigilancia y Monitoreo
de plagas. Roya de la soja: Resultados de la campana 2004-2005.
On-line publication. SENASA, 2005.
[This information on the morphologic and pathometric
characteristics of ASR will be useful in determining the
significance of lesion numbers and densities of ASR spores on
kudzu under various climatic conditions. For a comprehensive
review of kudzu and its management, see the following links:
- Mod.DH]
[For images of rampant kudzu, try googling "kudzu" under images,
- Mod.JW]
[see also in the
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (FL): 1st report 2005
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (GA) 20050429.1196
Soybean rust, Asian strain - Americas: alert 20050528.1476
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (GA) 20050505.1245
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (LA) 20050624.1769
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (FL) (02) 20050620.1731
Asian soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (multistate)
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (AL) 20050715.2029
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (multistate)(03) 20050714.2005
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (multistate)(02): Florida
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (multistate) 20050702.1868
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (multistate)(04) 20050829.2556
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (GA)(03) 20050827.2531
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (AL)(03) 20050826.2528
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (AL)(02) 20050824.2496
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (SC) 20050818.2414
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (FL)(03) 20050815.2386
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (Multistate)(06) 20050808.2318
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (multistate)(05): susp.
Soybean rust - USA (multistate)(04) 20050806.2289
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (multistate) (07) 20050909.2672
Soybean rust, Asian strain - USA (GA) (04) 20050905.2623]