A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: Thu April 2008
Source: European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting
4/2008/072 [edited]
_Ralstonia solanacearum_ race 3 biovar 2 found in Mauritius
In Mauritius, 2 outbreaks of bacterial wilt (caused by
_Ralstonia solanacearum_ -- EPPO A2 List) were recently observed
in seed potato fields on different cultivars, at altitudes of
about 90 m (295 ft) (one in October 2005 in the south, and the
other in September 2006 in the north). In Mauritius, although
_R. solanacearum_ has been regularly found, all isolates
belonged to race 1 biovar 3. But in October 2005 and September
2006, _R. solanacearum_ race 3 biovar 2 was identified for the
1st time in potato crops, as well as in weed species (_Solanum
americanum_, _Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium_, _Oxalis
latifolia_). It is considered that _R. solanacearum_ race 3
biovar 2 has recently been introduced onto the island, most
probably with latently infected seed potato tubers.
communicated by:
[Brown rot, also called bacterial wilt, of potato caused by
_Ralstonia solanacearum_ is widely distributed in warm temperate
areas. Symptoms include wilting of plants and brown internal
staining of tubers, and plants
may die. Symptom expression is favoured by temperatures above 15
deg C (59 deg F). The bacteria may also latently infect tubers
without causing symptoms and can survive in seed tubers during
storage to cause disease
when planted in the next season. The pathogen is spread by
mechanical means and insects, contaminated equipment, infected
plant material (including seed potatoes), and contaminated water
(for example in waterlogged fields or drainage channels).
Solanaceous and other weeds and unharvested potato plants may
serve as pathogen reservoirs. Yield losses are mostly caused by
tuber rotting and, in many warmer areas of the world, brown rot
is one of the main limiting factors in potato production. The
effect on food- and seed-potato industries can be substantial,
and tomato crops are also susceptible.
_R. solanacearum_ invades the roots of diverse plant hosts from
the soil and aggressively colonises the xylem vessels causing
lethal wilting diseases. It was first reported as the cause of
wilt diseases at the end of the 19th century and is a widely
distributed, economically important plant pathogen. It has been
classified into various races and biovars affecting more than
200 plant species including major crops such as banana, peanut,
potato, tomato, and other solanaceous vegetables. Races 1 and 2
occur worldwide in tropical climates, with race 2 causing the
devastating Moko disease of banana. Race 3 is present in a
number of locations in the Americas, Africa, and Australasia and
is spreading in Europe. There are a number of further races of
lower economical significance.
Worldwide distribution of _R. solanacearum_ race 3 (September
Pictures of brown rot symptoms:
Brown rot disease information:
Description and taxonomy of _R. solanacearum_:
History and description of races:
EPPO A2 quarantine list:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also in
Potato diseases - India: (West Bengal) 20080206.0477
Brown rot, potato - Ireland: 1st report 20071022.3438
Bacterial wilt, potato - Egypt 20050519.1378
Ralstonia solanacearum, potato - Slovakia: 1st report
Ralstonia solanacearum, survey - United Kingdom 20040110.0109
Clavibacter sp., Ralstonia sp., potato - Germany 20030814.2020
Clavibacter and Ralstonia spp., potato - Germany 20021016.5561
Phytophthora infestans, potato late blight - Russia
Ralstonia solanacearum, potatoes - Hungary 20001010.1733
Ralstonia solanacearum, potatoes - Syria? (02) 19991210.2143
Ralstonia potato wilt, prevention - France 19990820.1441
Ralstonia solanacearum, potatoes - Syria? 19990703.1117
Potato & tomato diseases - Europe 19990524.0863]