A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: January 2008
Source: British Society for Plant Pathology, New Disease Reports
16 [edited]
Yellow leaf curl disease of pumpkin in Thailand is associated
with Squash leaf curl China virus
Yellow leaf curl disease causes heavy losses to cucurbit crops
in Thailand. Previously, we have detected _Tomato leaf curl New
Delhi virus_ from infected cucumber (_Cucumis sativus_), wax
gourd (_Benincasa hispida_), cantaloupe (_Cucumis melo_) and
muskmelon (_Cucumis melo_) plants in Thailand. Pumpkin
(_Cucurbita pepo_) is also severely affected by this disease.
Three pumpkin plants exhibiting leaf curling and yellowing
symptoms (Fig.1) were collected from Kamphaensaen, Nakom Pathom
in Thailand during 2001.
PCR [Polymerase Chain Reaction] was conducted specific for
begomovirus DNA-A. A product of the full DNA A was sequenced
(2736 nucleotides). Efforts to detect DNA-B component associated
with the virus by PCR were unsuccessful. The DNA-A contained the
5 open reading frames [ORF] typical of begomoviruses, 2 in the
virion sense and 3 in the complementary sense. Comparison of the
complete nucleotide sequence of this begomovirus with those of
full-length begomoviral DNA-A's available showed the highest
nucleotide sequence identity (95 and 89 percent) with _Squash
leaf curl China virus_ (SLCCNV) and _Squash leaf curl
Philippines virus_ (SLCPHV), respectively. For ORF V1 (coat
protein), this begomovirus had the highest amino acid sequence
identity with its counterparts in SLCCNV (97 percent) and SLCPHV
(97 percent).
Therefore, the present virus is an isolate of SLCCNV, which we
designate SLCCNV-Thailand. This is a 1st report of SLCCNV
infecting pumpkin in Thailand.
Figure 1: Leaf curling and yellowing symptoms of infected
pumpkin originating from Thailand infected with _Squash leaf
curl China virus_ <http://www.bspp.org.uk/ndr/jan2008/2007-89-1.jpg>.
[Byline: T. Ito et al.]
Communicated by:
ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[The _Cucurbitaceae_ contain many crops of importance to human
nutrition worldwide. Plant viruses that infect edible cucurbits
pose major constraints to cucurbit production. Among the most
important are the circular single-stranded DNA
whitefly-transmitted viruses in the family _Geminiviridae_. This
family includes the genus _Begomovirus_ to which _Squash leaf
curl China virus_ (SLCCNV) and other members of the squash leaf
curl viral clade belong. SLCCNV has so far been reported from
China and Viet Nam, whereas other members of the clade have been
found in different regions. Other clades of begomoviruses are,
for example, the tomato leaf curl complex, which includes
_Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus_ mentioned above, and the
tomato yellow leaf curl complex. All these viruses generally
cause symptoms of leaf yellowing and distortion leading to
reduced plant vigor and yield losses, but they may vary in host
range and geographical distribution.
All cucurbit-infecting begomoviruses reported at present have a
bipartite genome (called DNA-A and DNA-B in the report above).
Begomoviruses are transmitted by whitefly vectors and can often
also be transmitted by mechanical means and grafting.
Whiteflies are widely distributed and have a very wide host
range of more than 600 plant species. Weed species can serve as
insect reservoirs making control difficult. Whiteflies have been
reported to transmit over 100 virus species, including many
begomoviruses, but also cause serious crop damage by direct
Disease management of begomoviruses relies on control of the
vector and possible pathogen and/or vector reservoir plants.
This has occasionally caused problems with chemical residues on
fruits. In some cases, crop cultivars with increased virus
resistance are available.
and <http://healthmap.org/promed?v=15.1,101,5>
Thailand provinces:
_Squash leaf curl virus_ symptoms:
(on squash), <http://www.forestryimages.org/images/192x128/2511041.jpg>
(on watermelon) Elecron micrograph of _Begomovirus_ particles:
Begomoviruses of cucurbits, including SLCCNV:
Genus _Begomovirus_ taxonomy and species list:
List of viruses in the squash leaf curl complex:
List of viruses in tomato yellow leaf curl and leaf curl
Whitefly information via:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also in
Yellow leaf curl begomoviruses - Netherlands, Taiwan: 1st
reports 20071128.3837
Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, chili - India 20050712.1984
Tomato leaf curl virus, New Delhi strain - India 20050603.1548
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, squash - Cuba 20040517.1323
Squash leaf curl virus, cucurbits - Israel 20031207.3006 Squash
leaf curl China virus - Philippines: new strain 20031104.2735
EPPO Alert List: New Listings (02) 20011201.2923]