A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: Wed 29 July 2009
Source: eKantipur.com/The Kathmandu Post [edited]
Rice blast decimates paddy fields
Chhumchaur Jiulo used to hold the distinction of being the
highest place in the world where paddy was cultivated. Not
anymore. Farmers of this place in Jumla district [Mid Western
region] stopped growing paddy after their paddy fell prey to
rice blast, a fungal disease.
Until 2006, rice was the main crop in Chhumchaur Jiulo, 850
metres [2789 ft] above sea level. But, say farmers, the
officials did not take initiative to stamp out the disease.
A farmer said, "All of 440 families here used to cultivate
paddy. But over the last 2 years, the blast has completely
decimated our crops."
Even before the disease hit, the money the villagers made from
rice harvests was barely enough to cover their living expenses
for 6 months. "Agriculture experts had visited our fields. But
they neither returned, nor prescribed any pesticide," said
another farmer.
Deputy Director of the District Agriculture Development Office
(DADO), Dor Bahadur Rayamajhi said his office didn't brush off
the farmers. He said there are only 5 technical assistants who
have to oversee some 30 communities in the district, and perhaps
because of Chhumchaur Jiulo's remoteness they did not visit the
area. More importantly, he said, none of the farmers sought
counsel from DADO.
[Byline: Dev Kumar Sunuwar]
Communicated by:
[Rice blast is caused by the fungus _Magnaporthe grisea_
(synonyms _Pyricularia grisea_, _P. oryzae_) with potential
yield losses of more than 50 percent. The fungus can affect
leaves, neck, collar, and nodes. Spread occurs with infected
plant material, by mechanical means, water, and wind. Disease
management may include fungicides and cultural practices, but
relies mainly on resistant varieties.
However, the fungus is highly variable and this favours the
emergence of new strains with increased virulence. For more
information on rice blast see links and previous posts below.
Jumla district is part of the Karnali Zone in the northwestern
mountainous region, one of the most remote and poor regions in
The report above illustrates the difficulties in providing
extension support to these farmers, which would be vital for
improving their level of food security.
and <http://healthmap.org/r/00Dv>
Nepal districts and municipalities:
Jumla district:
Pictures of rice blast symptoms
Leaf, collar, node and neck:
Rice blast fact sheet (with pictures):
Information on rice blast:
and <http://ascus.plbr.cornell.edu/blastdb/about.html>
_M. grisea_ taxonomy and synonyms:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also
in the
Blast disease, rice - India (02): (HAR) 20081224.4051 Blast
disease, rice - India: (JK) 20080919.2935 Blast disease, rice -
Guyana 20080812.2491 Yellow mottle & blast diseases, rice -
Uganda 20080504.1527 Blast disease, rice - Kenya (02): (CP)
20080421.1413 Blast disease, rice - Kenya (CP) 20080402.1211
Virus & blast diseases, rice - Viet Nam (Mekong Delta)
Rice blast fungus, genome sequence - China 20050424.1147
Magnaporthe grisea, rice blast - Vietnam 20010214.0298 2000
Rice blast: new method of control (02) 20000928.1678 Rice blast:
new method of control 20000825.1419
Rice blast - USA (California) 19980224.0361] |