ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
July 10, 2003
Source: American Phytopathological Society, DISEASE NOTES
Buckeye Rot of Tomato Caused by
_Phytophthora capsici_ in Michoacan, Mexico
S. P. Fernandez-Pavia and G. Rodriguez-Alvarado, Instituto de
Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales, Universidad
Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacan 58240,
Mexico; and J. M. Sanchez-Yanez, Instituto de Investigaciones
Quimico-Biologicas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de
Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacan 58030, Mexico. Plant Dis. 87:872,
2003; published on-line as D-2003-0506-01N, 2003. Accepted for
publication 23 Apr 2003.
The state of Michoacan is one of the main fresh pepper
(_Capsicum annuum_ L.) and tomato (_Lycopersicon esculentum_
Mill.) producers in Mexico. During the last 5 years,
pepper-producing areas in the state have become unproductive due
to root-rotting pathogens, mainly _Phytophthora capsici_
Leonian. Growers trying to overcome losses have increased tomato
production in areas previously used for pepper production.
Field-grown tomato plants with diseased green tomato fruits were
observed in Tacambaro, Michoacan, during August 2002. Initially,
brown-to-black lesions developed on fruits in contact with soil,
followed by infection of the upper fruits in the raceme. Lesions
enlarged and dark zonate "buckeye" bands were formed in the
affected area. Disease fruit turned mushy. Symptoms observed
were similar to those for buckeye rot of tomato (1).
Disease fruit were surface disinfested with 70 percent ethanol,
cut into 0.5-cm slices, and incubated in a moist chamber to
induce mycelial colonization. Isolation from mycelial tufts
growing through the tomato
slice was performed 3 days later, and mycelia was transferred to
PARP selective medium (corn meal agar (CMA) plus ampicillin,
pimaricin, rifampcin, and pentachloronitrobenzene). _P.capsici_
was consistently
isolated from diseased tomato fruits.
Oomycete identification was based on sporangial and gametangial
characteristics of cultures grown on CMA (1). Sporangia
microscopically observed were spherical, broadly ellipsoid, or
obovoid with 1 papilla
(occasionally 2 papillae), and deciduous with a long pedicel.
Chlamydospores were not present (2). The isolates were
heterothallic, and oogonia with amphigynous antheridia were
observed in pairings with A1 and A2 isolates of _P. capsici_. 3
isolates were A1 and 2 isolates were A2.
To confirm pathogenicity, 2 experiments were performed using 20
healthy unwounded green tomatoes. 1 isolate of each mating type
was tested. Isolates were grown for 5 days on CMA, and fruits
were inoculated by placing _P. capsici_ in contact with the
fruit. Inoculated fruits were kept in a moist chamber at room
temperature (17 to 20 deg C). Initial symptoms in the form of
brown-to-black lesions appeared 24 h after inoculation.
1 week after inoculation, symptoms were similar to those
observed in field-grown plants, and _P. capsici_ was recovered
from the margins of the diseased tissue. All inoculated fruits
To our knowledge, this is the first report of _P. capsici_
causing buckeye rot on tomato in Michoacan and of the presence
of both mating types in the area.
(1) D.C. Erwin and O.O. Ribeiro. _Phytophthora_ Diseases
Worldwide. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, MN.
(2) M. Aragaki and J.Y. Uchida. Mycologia 93:137, 2001.
[In addition to _P. capsici_, 2 other _Phytophthora_ species
(_P. parisitica_ and _P. drechsleri_) have been implicated in
causing buckeye rot. Other crops affected by these species
include beans, corn, eggplant, melons, onions, pepper, potato,
pumpkin, rhubarb, squash, and turnip. Disease development is
favored by warm, wet weather. Management of the disease depends
on use of phytosanitary measures, preventing tomato fruits from
contacting soil, crop rotation, and application of chemical
fungicides. Apparently there are no tomato cultivars that are
resistant to _P. capsici_. - Mod.DH]