A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: 7 October 2008
Source: Delta Farm Press [edited]
The outlook for soybeans across the state is mixed. LSU
[Louisiana State University] AgCenter's soybean specialist
Ronnie Levy says the rains that accompanied hurricanes Gustav
and Ike kept farmers from spraying for disease and insects in a
timely manner. Diseases have been a problem in fields across the
Cercospora has appeared in many fields. In other fields, farmers
are dealing with green bean syndrome, a problem that occurs when
soybean plants won't mature. Levy said Asian soybean rust has
been identified on soybeans across the state, including at the
LSU AgCenter's Dean Lee Research Station. "Once again, soybean
rust came in at the point where most soybeans won't be
affected," Levy said. "We've seen this for several years. We
haven't had a real problem from rust because people are using
fungicides to help control it."
Communicated by:
ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[Two species of the fungal genus _Cercospora_ are known to
affect soybean: Frogeye leaf spot, caused by _C. sojina_, which
can infect leaves, stems, and seeds causing significant yield
losses of 10 to 50 percent (more info on frogeye is available
via ProMED-mail post no. 20070627.2067); and leaf spot due to
_C. kukuchii_, which causes blight and purple seed stain. Both
diseases are favored by warm temperatures and high humidity, and
the report above does not state which one has been sighted.
The name green bean syndrome (GBS) is associated with plants
that never seem to reach maturity. It is not well understood
yet, but it is attributed to a combination of factors. Stinkbugs
(insects in the order _Hemiptera_) may be associated with it,
and it is suggested that they may transmit a phytoplasma
involved in GBS. Aerial blight caused by the fungus
_Thanatephorus cucumeris_ has also been reported associated with
GBS. _T. cucumeris_ is a ubiquitous soilborne fungus that causes
different root and fruit rots in a large number of crops (see
2007 ProMED-mail posts listed below).
Asian soybean rust (ASR) is caused by the fungus _Phakopsora
pachyrhizi_. It can cause premature defoliation with yield
losses of up to 70 percent and was introduced into the USA in
2004. It over-winters in southern regions, and spores are being
carried northwards every season. More information on ASR can be
accessed via ProMED-mail post no. 20080928.3070 and the links
US states:
Current distribution of soybean rust in the US via:
Frogeye symptoms, upper leaf surface:
Frogeye symptoms, leaf underside:
_C. kukuchii_ leaf spot:
ASR symptoms on soybean:
(leaf lesions),
(whole plant)
Frogeye information:
_C. kukuchii_ leaf spot information:
Overview of disease due to _Cercospora_ species:
Soybean green bean syndrome information:
Information on soybean rust:
Taxonomy of all fungal pathogens via:
LSU AgCenter:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also
in the
Asian soybean rust - USA, Mexico: update 20080928.3070
Asian soybean rust - USA: 2007 final report 20071230.4184
Ojo de gallo, coffee - Costa Rica 20071127.3836
Rice diseases - Bangladesh 20071030.3524
Fungal disease, cardamom - India (Kerala) 20071011.3339
Sheath blight, rice - USA (MS) 20070718.2300
Rhizoctonia root rot - Australia (SA) 20070717.2291
Frogeye leaf spot, soybean - USA: surveillance 20070627.2067
Frogeye leaf spot, soybean - USA (Wisconsin) 20021028.5655]